tv Boom Bust RT November 2, 2018 9:30pm-10:01pm EDT
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or gold in the spring not seen in three years according to the world gold council global central banks that purchased nearly six billion dollars worth of the precious metals in the last quarter w g c officials say countries are snatching up gold in order to desert supply their reserves away from the u.s. dollar while gold has been down in the past year it's continued to tumble in q three it still remains a resilient buyer for many with an ounce price just over twelve hundred dollars we'll have that exact figures for you when we do the numbers leading the charge in gold were russia kazakhstan and turkey with other nations like india also getting in on the act. and following up with some more earnings reports apple has taken a tumble after their numbers were released while the company's earnings did match expectations their stock took a dive after apple announced its future not so rosy forecasts on the i phone shares fell by more than ten dollars at the opening of trading today it was trading midday in the two hundred eight dollar range. and continuing our q three earnings coverage
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global coffee giant starbucks boosted its earnings higher than analyst expectations the company reported revenues of six point three billion dollars starbucks stock shot up after the numbers were released with shares going as high as sixty five dollars soon after the markets opened today and i want to stop here for a moment and ask if we can bring that chart back on apple i mean take a look at these two different reactions to earnings report exact opposites right i mean if we ever wonder about the importance and impact of these reports that we cover here on boom bust all the time i'll tell you a traders on markets sure look and act upon them all right back to starbucks one seemingly big bonus to the company has been its expanded global reach including the move to more chinese locations which is boosted sales above the previous quarter.
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the bureau of labor statistics says two hundred fifty thousand jobs were created last month while the street expected one hundred eighty eight thousand bringing in the three month average to two hundred eighteen thousand jobs the unemployment rate as i said earlier we remains unchanged at three point seven percent that's the lowest number since one thousand nine hundred sixty nine in more good news wages increased by two tenths of one percent from september and they are now up three point one percent year over year so what does all of this mean for the economy. today's report with conservative commentator steve walz burr hey steve thank you for being with us again or appreciate you being a jack of all trades and you're so good to help us on this the first let's break it down a little bit tell us about the sectors that did well it did any lose ground and then talk about some of the demographics if there's anything significant amongst those.
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according to this report and i'm always glad to be here bart no sectors lost jobs at all in in the month of october leading the way some of the sectors that health care with thirty six thousand jobs gained under the that manufacturing thirty two thousand jobs gained durable goods leading the way and specifically ten thousand jobs in the transportation equipment now this is over four hundred thirty four thousand jobs in manufacturing created since donald trump became president i want to bring that up because we had been told previously that these manufacturing jobs were not coming back when you look at leisure and hospitality forty two thousand jobs created after a disappointing september due to hurricane florence hurricane michel apparently had no effect on this industry and no effect on the report whatsoever from what i could see when you talk about labor force participation up two tenths of a prince percent to sixty two point nine and you have a hundred and fifty. fifty six million people working that's the twelfth record
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since trump became president as far as demographics hispanic unemployment four point four percent a new all time low you know thank you for that all great information it made me think when you talk about no damage in the in the jobs numbers michael you know one of the big areas there steve that impacted lumber forestry eccentrics not as much citrus in that part of florida that was hit destin eccentric and you know this time of year in the forestry industry a lot of that picks up with employment because of christmas trees etc but that's something we should be looking at in the future forestry don't talk about wages just a little bit at three point one percent jump the year over year that's a largest increase since two thousand and nine i mean what is it right now i mean things seem to be going well but what is it sort of contributing to that and why are some people nervous about that number well you know back to the last time it
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happened was there in the financial crisis and that's because employers were laying off low level employees employees with less tenure so they were the low end of the wage scale and you were left with the higher end so that kind of translated to it to a higher wage is right now the opposite baard is happening there's not enough people to fill the jobs there's a shortage of the labor force so you have employers raising wages out of necessity to either grab employees from other companies or just to lure them in in the first place so that's what's happening right now as and it's true for low wage workers and look at target amazon amazon raising its minimum wage sort of wal-mart and starbucks as you were talking about earlier starbucks so these are warehouse workers cashiers etc so it's spreading out as far as people fearing it's the fed what is the fed going to do how are they give you this increase in weight. which
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people love but the market and the fed don't necessarily love because it fuels fears of inflation and we don't know how they're going to react but i'll tell you product seventy is up two and a half percent so this may just be a case of the workers reaping. what they're delivering an increased productivity hey steve i would love to have you back out sometime next week and talk about things that can spur and maybe cause problems in the economy because you mention the fed there and they're trying to relax their capital and liquidity requirements and i'm sure you think that's a good thing we can have a good discussion about that but we don't have time now a conservative t.v. and radio commentator steve malzberg thank you steve have a great weekend you too. before we get to our global market round up for the week we focus on more work that's the moscow's dark to do so we had to moscow in order to correspondent all your shop of
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all of the history of the moscow exchange formerly my sigs began with currency auctions that economic bank of the u.s. the son started back in the one nine hundred eighty nine that's when the market rate old the ruble against the dollar was established for the very first time the moscow exchange appeared as a result of a merger between russia's two biggest stock exchanges my six moscow into buying currency exchange and russian trading system in twenty eleven today the mo x. is the main exchange trading platform in russia it's a universal exchange which means it combines several markets a stock exchange for trading in stocks bonds units e.t.s. and depository receipts and futures markets a currency markets for deliverable transactions as well as a number of more specialized markets such as commodities and standardise derivatives there is a market for innovation and investment the growth sector and the over the counter markets called explored the exchange group also includes the national settlement
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depository and the national clearing center nowadays the total capitalization of the markets for shares traded on the moscow stock exchange is about thirty five trillion rubles that's over five hundred thirty billion dollars on this stock market two hundred and eighty seven shares altruria and preferred shares of two hundred and thirty one companies are traded also the moscow exchange calculates many indexes families the most famous or which are the most bitter and ati is index the moscow exchange is the issue of more than two billion shares. at the end of twenty seven thousand amounted to nearly three hundred billion rubles that's over four hundred billion dollars us apollo. and this is time for our global market weekly wrap up and in russia at the mo it was up today and all week by the way and shanghai also up shanghai up by a way two point seven percent on the good news on trade but markets closed before the administration stepped back from that we'll be talking about that after the
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break with caleb moppin and alex mileage and the nikkei did two twenty five up two hundred fifty four points that's one point seven percent and in hong kong the hang seng also up in australia the assets one hundred up on positive trade surplus data three billion dollars in increased exports as a resource exports primarily in australia and a weaker aussie dollar also up the india in bombay and mumbai rather the sensex also up the all shares in south africa off and in europe i mean boy oh boy e.u. has had the worst month in october so just part of this week since twenty fifteen the french cast off the forty and german dax and by the way v.w. is down for years and years but actually up for this past friday up two point three percent and up for the week and the london footsie also up and by the way standard chartered that is there in london the big global bank that focuses primarily on
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asia and africa in the middle east up with their third quarter profits of seven hundred fifty two million dollars but there is a fine out there for violating iranian sanctions dating back to between two hundred two thousand and twelve and two thousand and fourteen by us u.s. regulators will have to see what happens with that with standard chartered and down in south america at call cap in the colombia also up as is the. best buy now we've talked about this before that i believe best that remained and they were the only of all the global exchanges that were up for the entire month of october. and most of that based upon the candidacy and then the election on sunday of far right conservative candidate hardball so narrow and he's a free market guys all markets actually love him in toronto the ts x. also up and in new york at the nasdaq up on the week but again
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a horrible brutal month in october and at n.y.s.e. also up and by the way the s. and p. five hundred had the worst month since september of two thousand and twelve. now it's time for a break here but hang here because when we get back christi i have counterpart axis back to help us look at fresh financial cryptocurrency news as some of the largest players are taking a decidedly different course on crypto plus r.t. correspondent caleb eligible to join us as i was saying to discuss news today on not just u.s. exemptions from those sanctions we've been talking about on iran but also on trade relations between the u.s. and china and before we go i'll tell you about a tale of two economies as we continue on the boom bust beat of income inequality as we go to break here are those numbers at the closing bell for the day to be back in to play.
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small. fortune for the outnumbered a lot. more it's. given the way in which the last terrorist attacks with the program structured using european logistics these as you say there's a certain desire to change the way of life change to society and for us. it's. pretty clear in no one to know why says terrorists. bad memories. twenty four years ago this country's.
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higher oil prices we have more today with chevron which beat expectations the company turned a profit of war than four billion dollars in the quarter chevron stock jumped on the news and shares were as high as one hundred fifty. dollars per share this morning the company produced around three million barrels of oil each day in q three which is a record for chevron. and the other oil giant to report is exxon mobil with profits increasing to more than sixty two billion dollars also beating expectations their stock was also up on the news trading around eighty dollars per share for most of today some of the largest players in the financial world are taking just slightly divergent course on crypto here discuss that more cool crypto news in the world is christiane christie thank you for being here again road to on a friday we know you travel back and forth between d.c. and new york so it's nice of you to join us tell us a little bit about this sordid tale of two different paths we have one fidelity which we've spoken about before but they are not only sort of fully embracing into
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kryptos they're talking about a really great two thousand and nineteen tell us about that first yeah absolutely you know fidelity recently just launched a starter fidelity additional asset services launched by tom just up in order to provide training and structure and execute separate companies but it's still to tell me exactly to provide training execution in custody and services and data aggregation for institutional traders and so this is a huge bet for fidelity and they're really putting their money where their mouth is at so they're betting that for two thousand and nineteen this is going to be huge year for credit us as two thousand and eighteen was a year for building and lay out the groundwork there wasn't really a lot to show for and it wasn't really exciting but they're going to see in two thousand one hundred they set the stage and it's really going to accelerate we've seen fidelity with their f.d.a. as we have backed coming on soon with their with their futures coming up contracts coming up as well and we have a lot of reports from harvard and mit all building platforms which are going to shape the future of cryptocurrency next so that all of the all in all and then
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blackrock the large investment wealth management company larry fink c.e.o. and something to tell our viewers about that yes so last year in june july if you recall. blackrock actually said they were going to put some money and put working groups into investigating how blockade technology could be used for their internal services however they recently came out yesterday saying that they're actually going to be taking a step back and that he thinks that right now they don't think it's reasonable to launch an e.t.f. just yet reason being that he doesn't think the industry is mature and the chip image enough for this he says that before they launch a big point a.t.f. the us is he really needs to be confident in the industry and they actually need a government to support this and right now they can't do that because they don't understand the industry enough so i think they're taking opposite approaches but whereas fidelity is going all in and they want to shape the future of cryptocurrency to help mold it blackrock is still interested they're just taking a step back in the meantime and they're going to wait and see for the opportune
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moment and that's really kind of where their strength is at blackrock it's all about timing the markets and when it's best for them to go in you know i don't. i want to finish on this one talk about this topic because it's very interesting and you raised some questions for me i know a little bit about this with and with getting approval from the regulatory bodies and the bottom line is that it's really expensive to get something approved like an e.t.f. like dealing with counterpart acts or things that i'm involved in the crypto space you know it's going to take you a long time it could take a lot of money but it is sort of the gold standard u.s. regulation so it is something that people are going to have to watch i know you're watching this thing too so he may larry fink with black or may just be waiting for somebody else to spend all this money so that they get the systems in place at the c.f.d. sea in the sea then they go forward exactly the deadline is november fifth for nine other e.t.f. proposals to come for a vote. kristie i kind of part ex thank you so much christine sure appreciate it.
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and we now turn to look at new news today on the u.s. economic sanctions on iran and u.s. china trade relations to do so we are joined by some of our favorite folks in the world our to correspondent alex mahela bitch in toronto and caleb oppen in new york thanks for being with us guys sure appreciate it alex i'll start with you there's been all of this build up and we talk about it on the program all the time and they talk about it on our t.v. news all the time in a lot of other places about what's going to happen with the magic date comes then there are u.s. sanctions on our iran with regard to this nuclear deal that we the u.s. pulled out of but now all of a sudden right at the last minute they say wait a minute there's some exemptions what the heck's going on alex look markets have reacted already with knowing the full well that the oil supply is not going down oil stocks have gone down because of that some analysts expected a much more definite attack from the united states more of
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a higher level of sanctions and now we're seeing these waivers now let's face facts a lot of us are a lot of countries around the world including u.s. allies rely on a rainy and oil they are a major supplier and here's a list of some countries that might be getting a waiver of on monday nothing is for certain until monday but analysts tend to agree if these are six out of the eight we don't have the full eight but the six out of the countries are most likely will get waivers or india we know a lot of deals have been made between the u.s. and india and there was talk about the rand would be the last time these two countries met so india japan italy south korea turkey whose energy minister has a ready said that they're on this list and to china so these waivers are designed to make things a little bit easier for these countries especially the u.s. allies to be able to wean themselves off of iranian oil and. then according to my campaign two of these countries should completely be weaning themselves off their
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would probably think maybe india is one of those countries that made a promise to do so so going down if you actually look towards iran iran itself is going to benefit from this obviously because it's not going to have sanctions tossed at it as harshly as the everybody believed it was going to and the bottom line though you know we've got to look at there's still a lot of countries that are going to deal with iran were to including the e.u. russia and china and i just got to put this in there bart i've worked on projects we're dealing with sanctions what i was with the un office in europe saying should simply don't work it punishes people it doesn't punish governments black markets get bigger and black markets tend to be tied to government individuals who end up making millions if not billions of dollars thanks it's don't do what they're intended to do there's not going to be an uprising because of this and caleb you know alex mentioned that china not a done deal for them to get an exemption on the receiving of oil from iran but there's
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a whole bunch of stuff going on as you know and follow all the time with china u.s. trade relations last night there was a positive sign that the administration wanted to deal the markets that i spoke about a little bit earlier on the program in asia all were buoyed by it and then this morning there are discernible pullback from the administration official like the seems like they gang that can't shoot straight what do you what do you think is the latest going on here. well you know our g.d.p. in the usa is doing pretty well right now and china's g.d.p. has slowed somewhat in the last couple of years but it's still head and shoulders above ours almost three percentage points in terms of their rate of g.d.p. growth now the troubled ministration is very very good at kind of puffing the economy up in the short term and we did see kind of a surge here you know with you know the tax cuts as well as the tariffs and other moves that have been taken however trump is not really addressing some of the long term problems that we've been having in the us a decaying infrastructure for
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example the lack of spending power in a low wage economy meanwhile china they have slowed down slightly but they're continuing to chug forward at this point they're building bridges in the philippines trains are being built just next week we're going to have the shanghai import expo with over two thousand eight hundred different companies represented i also want to add that you know if china is actually persuaded by the trumpet ministration to decrease or cut off iranian oil imports which still remains to be seen that would be quite a dramatic move of terms actually able to get them to stop but if that were to happen who's going to pick up the slack it'll most likely be saudi arabia or other sources of oil that have ties with wall street so trump knows exactly who is taking care of with this deal i don't think it's about geopolitics as much as it is about helping out some friends and alec you know you look at trade to not just nafta i mean do you see an end to this or is this just going to continue all of the trade
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wars whether or not it's china or the e.u. or we're going to get nafta what's your general view on this the sort of good signal i mean if we're seeing this trade war that's going on with china so if china actually i wonder if we see there is a waiver for china that means that the u.s. is making some concessions and we already know just by what caleb said some concessions have been made by china what it comes to raney and oil they have chopped the amount of amir arabian oil. bringing into the country by half at least sinopec which is their biggest buyer of iranian oil they've cut their. purchases of iranian oil in half last month so they again side opec is now talking about maybe a new deal they need this oil the refineries are made to work with iranian oil so it's going to be interesting to see obviously it's a something that's ongoing but you know there might be a time when america has to pull back a bit and start playing ball because these other countries seem to be doing that we're at a time but my gosh great information we end with all that great information we only
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scratched the surface caleb off at alice mileage thank you both have a great weekend guys. and before we go over the past year or so we've reported on the booming economy not much busting although there are some longs out there that would beg to differ on those october markets we've been speaking about but overall with a few exceptions like venezuela italy and and some other global economies have been pretty positive in the u.s. as we told you about today the unemployment rate is at a record low yet despite all the claims of a booming economy most americans are not they are not sharing in the wealth according to a recent study abroad forty percent of americans would not be able to afford a four hundred dollar an emergency couldn't afford four hundred dollars emergency jeez louise but while the great majority of american public struggles to make ends meet a few people are doing phenomenally well according to
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a recent report from swiss bank u.b.s. billionaires the world over had the best year in recorded history ever last year bringing in an additional one point four trillion with a t dollars keep in mind there are only roughly twenty one hundred twenty one hundred billionaires in the world this is a fraction of a fraction of a percent so as you continue to hear about how economies are doing so great there bedfast just remember there many are many. many others around the world but left behind in the deep and dirty dust and when i started hosting this program in january this year i i think this is maybe the two hundred first show i pledge to talk frankly about things and that really should bother people and this income inequality by gosh it is one of them and we continue to talk about it we had a special on it but it troubles me terribly we're going to keep discussing this subject will changes be made it's hard to tell but talking about it. that's something that really could help and this wide discrepancy between people it's
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a key component of at least trying to make things better we have your back. and that's it for this time well it up again next week thanks for being with us fairly well for now. should this have to do is to. live the good feel confident. need to. be young. again. and we have many things in this rolls around this isn't
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enough for everyone and why some people's minds so take our things all the power just for themselves to see that humans. will. be for chinese dominance going forward not only is a technology and venture capital but they've been buying gold by hundreds and hundreds of tons as is russia so they understand that only keep money and fee at that you're willing to lose the chinese government's message to the people is only cheap money and fear that you're willing to lose chinese people that's the chinese government tells our people the chinese allayed are buying gold by the ton hundreds of tons hundreds of hundred tons because they know that the money inflationary
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spiral is upon us. in twenty four you know bloody revolution is here to clear the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it just the war here i mean your list. spilling into the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty four g. and. those who took. it invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. i
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. reload. a lot of hard work of art from the border by the work of the work here. young little bit little not a little. bit law. and top stories on our white house announces it's reinstating all the u.s. sanctions against iran which will if there's under the twenty fifteen nuclear deal . all say this how a flood of fakes make it on facebook as an independent test of the site's new codes
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