tv Keiser Report RT November 3, 2018 11:30am-12:01pm EDT
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of a comment we made a while ago we're talking about the bailouts of two thousand and eight being like the reparations that were forced onto germany at the treaty of versailles what i mean by that is that after the huge loss of wall the war one of the treaty of versailles imposed these draconian reparations on germany which bankrupted the country and led to the horrors of world war two in two thousand and eight the bankers were given sixteen seventeen trillion dollars or so as reparations after they held the economy hostage and it created this huge schism in the economy this huge wealth and income gap now here we are in twenty eighteen and you have conditioned that are like free world war one are pretty world war two europe war one class of society is about to go completely under the bridge and into the river styx to a fiery end because they've been ignored they've been scapegoated they've been vilified and they've been castigated to the flames of hell due to nail liberalism
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in america expressed in san francisco they're literally flushing an entire population down the toilet in san francisco because they think that their technology makes them god. certainly and we've seen that with the rise of so-called far right wing leaders whether it's here in america or india certainly in brazil we've seen jerry also narrow when and he's definitely very far right but i want to look at another headline about this wealth and income gap and in particular the bailed out class the privileged class that got the bailouts and this is a remarkable report from u.b.s. u.b.s. b.w.c. billionaires report twenty eighteen total billionaire wealth grows nineteen percent to a record u.s. dollars eight point nine trillion billionaires wealth enjoyed its greatest ever increasing twenty seventeen rising nineteen percent to eight point nine trillion dollars shared among two thousand one hundred fifty individuals despite healthy
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growth in the americas and europe chinese billionaires expanded their wealth and nearly double the pace growing by thirty nine percent to one point one two trillion dollars right well with the help of the central bankers they were able to take the global economy and if you imagine the global economy like a giant pool table lots of balls on the pool table and people are playing pool and competing in the trying to make money some winners and losers but starting a couple of decades ago but really pronounced in two thousand and eight the central banks and the elite took out a big saw and they cut the legs off one end of the pool table so that it was tilted down and all the balls flowed into their pockets and they said oh jesus we stole the game so that makes us geniuses and we can castigate a whole population into eternal hell and make them die in the street def get on each other should have smacked all day because we're geniuses because we took bill just because we're going to bankers and of course they will rise up and probably turn into zombies and eat their children as their children are being eaten the rich will say well you know with them i never like that kid anyway. u.b.s.
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of course doesn't seem quite alarmed by this they think that this is a sign of. basically brilliance on the part of these billionaires and in fact but they however do mention for the first time i've ever seen they mentioned block gene as a cause for the rise of some of these billionaires globally self me billionaires drive innovation they've driven eighty percent of the forty main breakthrough innovations over the past forty years in twenty seventeen a total of one hundred ninety nine entrepreneurs became self-made billionaires including innovators in the fields of block chain peer to peer lending gin no mix and green energy oh that's true i mean blah chain and bitcoin is a ray of hope there are billionaires being created but on the back of a technology that is egalitarian in nature and bitcoin is hard money is the hardest money ever created and it will disenfranchise the central banks so there is a path toward
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a hopeful future but i mean that's quite interesting how disruptive that list of. of billionaire a self-made billionaire is that they're pointing out here is it's really disrupting the old billionaires because they mention big coin i block chain peer to peer lending and green energy of course green energy is you know the antithesis of all that is in america this is all about big oil and and coal and that's what trump is pushing but apparently green energy billionaires are being made i think that's mostly in china where the government is also coordinating with these corporations to devise policy well that's the difference between us a c. and b. c. and kaiser report when we recommend a big coin in twenty eleven at one dollar we started the pass of five hundred thousand or more toward millionaire billionaire status and they're now changing the world for the better c. and b. c. what have warren buffett on the show on their network at all he does is equity buyouts and mergers and gets free money from the fed and doesn't really create
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anything so that's the difference between our show and c a b c is that we're helping change the world for the better a c. and b. c. just helping to sell to the. and to put so in terms of how people how these new billionaire class member their wealth increased by nineteen percent in the past year or so where they're making it in europe and the u.s. a lot of it is being inherited up to forty percent i think that's mostly in europe but in china the chinese cohort is ninety seven percent self-made many of them in sectors such as technology and retail eighty nine chinese entrepreneurs became billionaires and twenty seven thousand roughly three times more than in the u.s. and europe well the catch of it all for the script a billionaire is a new billionaires is any money that they put into fear will get obliterated because read into a fear inflationary apocalypse and a bomb collapse so those crypto billionaires they need to store their wealth in crypto in bitcoin or they're going to lose it all as
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a guy who told you to buy it at all or need to keep don't put it in fear only keep money in fear that you're willing to lose one of the things that we've been covering is kind of a lot of the headlines that you see on the macroeconomic front and the sort of craziness this you know the rise of right wing the rise of the far left the rise of far right all of the sort of. sort of you know cultural civil wars going on and all this there is a sort of anxiety in the air. i reckon if we were alive back and pre-war the war won there would have been a similar feeling because of the decline of the great power which was the united kingdom at that time and i think that the fact that we're kind of a declining power i think that disturbs you know the basically the hive that we all are as humans like where we're similar to any group of care of animals out in the serengeti you know we had we sense that you know power is about
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to shift so here's another article here's another point about these billionaires that suggests that. china is where you should really look for what is going to be the big conflict coming up billionaires from asia and especially in china city of shenzhen are now challenging the u.s. is traditional dominance in technology entrepreneurial and twenty seventeen they equaled america's level of venture capital funding for startups registered four times as many artificial intelligence related patents and three times as many blocked chain and crypto related patents as their us counterparts the shift in to china as new world power and the collapse of the us empire will be underwritten by the emergence of artificial intelligence that's being financed and funded in china and china will figure out a way to manipulate america using ai artificial intelligence and all these means
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that are said to be manipulating the election comes in the us their origin will be mostly coming from china as china really moves in leading up to twenty twenty attempts soft coup using means and information warfare and that's going to be the battle in two thousand and twenty it's going to be chinese memes versus trump u.b.s. itself points out that part of the reason why china is creating so many more billionaires than. europe or the us is essentially that the european the us already have their oligarchs and the oligarchs never allowed new entrepreneurial isn't to enter china is kind of new to the global economy and they're rising rapidly sure you have to kind of be connected to the chinese communist party but they're huge whole new industries to create and the fact that they don't have that legacy banking system that they can come up with things like you know all these allie allie pay and all that we chat and things like that that our legacy system here in the united states
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that doesn't allow obviously if you have to interact with the banking system here it's already so much backward compared to europe i can't even imagine how much more advanced it is in china right the financial innovation sector will leapfrog ahead of the legacy systems they have here in the us and china will be certainly ahead in that game as is many countries in africa are finding the same type of thing and the key for chinese dominance going forward but only is a technology and venture capital but they've been buying gold by hundreds and hundreds of tons is russia so they understand that only keep money and feel that you're willing to lose the chinese government's message to the people is only keep money and feel that you're willing to lose chinese people thought to the chinese government tells their people and the chinese elite are buying gold by the ton hundreds of tons hundreds and hundreds of tons because they know that the money inflationary death spiral is upon us and then fight to turn to this headline in old
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europe you know it really has been suffering kind of a debt crisis that it is worried that they're going to go bankrupt and what's going to happen because of course the germans don't want to bail out another economy well a buddhist bank economist has a radical plan to have italy's debt italy's populace government doesn't need to ask for money from european partners to have its debt it could tap the large private wealth of its citizens bank economist carson when dorf suggested that every european fund that buys italian government. bonds and that is ultimately backed by european taxpayers a national fund should be created this one would buy italian government bonds and such a fund would be financed by quote national solidarity bonds that italian households will be obliged to purchase for example to the tune of twenty percent of their net wealth at such a rate almost half of a talian government debt could be converted into solidarity bonds right this is wealth confiscation this is the same as
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a bail in where the government simply takes money out of people's checking account as we saw in cyprus it's different than a bailout where the government just awards the banks of the creditors trillions of dollars to then destroy the underlying economy in ways that make them super alter admit billionaire wealth and everyone else on the stream san francisco shooting up smack and eating their own feces but i suggest that they just monetize meatballs in italy they have a fantastic wealth there you can buy meatball collateralized obligation bones on a written by goldman sachs you can print all the meat balls you possibly could need to finance your ongoing debt situation don't steal money from the italian people ok i think that was tried in the forty's already and it didn't end well right the guy with the brown shirt in the funny and all that stuff don't do that again learn from history don't repeat history well before we go i mean this kind of reminds me of obamacare and that it's like a forced payment that you have to make but it's just painted in
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a sort of positive cheerful way it's like this is a solidarity bond it's not a tax it's your you know basically showing your solidarity with the nation the italian nation and he goes on to say that talian voters would be directly involved in solving an italian problem depending on their financial capacity he wrote this would strengthen confidence in a sound fiscal policy for the future ultimately a national problem will be solved by national solidarity. yeah they'll still your horse but give you our show thanks italian government hey we're going to take a break but much more coming your way don't go away.
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you know world of big part of the new lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door. and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time. we're watching closely watching the hawks. and there's no a bowl around pray here in rwanda you know why says terrorists from. bad memories. twenty four years ago this country song a real end of the world. after the
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genocide there a moment women in rwanda that man. it fell to women to fix what the men had broken. welcome back to the report i'm asked guys are time to koori scurry one of the guys thank you max thank you for having me a fantastic so we want to talk to you because you are somebody who is trying to organize something that seems resistant of being organized a bit like herding cats you're trying to create a master crypto pod casting network and how's that going so far because this is something us desperately needed in this space there's so much noise very little
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signal as we say talk to us a little bit about that sure i run a company called private key publishing and i work with the currency thought leaders and influencers to transform the content that the early producing primarily on you tube or maybe some original audio stuff into a fully packaged marketed monetized audio podcast pushed out onto i tunes and over twenty other platforms so this would be equivalent to a label like you have much artists and you become the label supporting. that's correct that's the closest analogy to our business model the great thing about it is we can step in and we can help all of these content producers in the big crypto space who aren't really perhaps familiar with best practices or things like lighting sound quality video quality they just know how to start and stop on the you tube record button so basically we've been able to come in and help guide them on best practices and kind of develop them a little further in what they're already doing plus if you look to the future of
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media you're going to see that podcasting is following a very similar trajectory to bitcoin and we anticipate in the next two to three years that both the rise of podcasting and the rise of big one will kind of concur and will be the perfect place to take advantage of both. i use a term there ends. when and this is kind of an it's our match with us popped up in the last two years the influencer what is an influencer. well you'll get a different definition from various people however to me an influencer is an expert in their field who was then projecting correct and accurate information out to the space one of the biggest problems in the crypto media space thanks in part to you tube is that anybody with a camera and enough knowledge to be dangerous can start to make videos and therefore influence people in their decisions or to purchase or to not purchase
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into crypto. the problem is that many people are being steered the wrong direction and when you're working with influencers an influencer is somebody who is an expert who can definitely provide proper information for people make rational decisions right you know it's great to see the media space develop because kaiser party now we probably were the first covering crept up back in two thousand and eleven and for a few years i think we had really the markets ourselves and then now we have folks that are coming in starting in twenty four the user activated saw for it we talked to the vortex about that and there was a real need for good information told by knowledgeable people and then the user actually made a software crisis kind of passed into history and thank god it ended well but as you point out there are so many fragmentations in this space so many quote influencer so many people doing podcasts it seems like the space is kind of i guess not to be cruel but littered with just hundreds and hundreds of voices out there so
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. how can one know the difference between somebody that has a legitimate idea what's going on and so it doesn't or isn't impossible to know no it's not impossible to know because everyone has a history and especially the guys we're working with right now in media they've been around a long time trying to get their voice out there you can do your homework on guys like you've been around a long time tone vase. been around a long time ex wall street a wall street professional jimmy some core developer you have safe working with us on the big point standard podcast who just wrote the big point standard these are clear experts that everyone can go out and do their own research on and come to the same conclusions that we have right so as you point out the podcasting business as a seem to be going down the same path of rapid adoption i remember one pot casting first came out during our friend out of curries but on our show a couple of times i noticed the pot father kind of broke ground there. is it the
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where's your biggest market for this who do you market really listening to podcasts . well. that's a hard question to answer but i'll do my best so i can tell you this much people who are watching crypto youtube are not the same people who are listening to crypto podcasts those are typically unique because nobody is doubling up on the same content so what we're starting to see is that we are grabbing people who are interested in maybe stocks or or markets in general and we're pulling them from the traditional financial markets into the crypto space and that's kind of been our goal all along the you tube is kind of like this little niche community and comic be an echo chamber so we're trying to break out of that and if you look at the numbers podcasting has a much further reach across the board than you tube does so we feel that moving forward into this medium is just the next logical and rational step. uncensored uncensored economics uncensored speech in many ways. you know with five casting of
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course you have the risk majors coming in i remember during the dot com era you had a lot of independent media outlets like market watch and i started off as an independent that it was bought out by a major wall street kind of media conglomerate and will there be a point in time when these independent voices kind of get smothered by the mainstream media we've already seen it. broadcast like c m b c covering crypto they seem to approach it like wall street one nine hundred eighty five they don't really understand that they're really understand that point but they have a huge platform and a huge legacy platform but they tend to spread a lot of misinformation is that a huge problem in this space when the majors like c n b c bloomberg wall street journal they try to cover pick going they have their hatchet men for the corrupt economist beenie and krugman how how about the effect are you going to be effective in battling that that wall of flood as it's called here on sunday and out yes i
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have no doubts and one of the things i will comment is and you touched on it is that these guys don't understand big point in crypto and what's happening the reality is big point is the technology it is the secondary financial instrument after it is technology it falls technological curves with option and it will leave people trying to stick it into a financial mold kind of bewildered as to why it's not working so until these guys figure this out and they can do so by listening to one of fifteen podcasts that we're currently managing at private publishing but eventually truth like the light of day will always be seen by all oh let me dig into the little bit you know you mentioned the dichotomy between finance and and economics and how big point straddles both worlds to bit like. if is physics experiment schrodinger's cat you know being in two places at the same time or not being anywhere at any time uncertainty principle as it's known and yet you know the people that you would understand that point as a technology in the adoption rates are appearing to be those of
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a new technology at the same time they're trying to come to grips with the fact that we transition from big going to peer to peer cache and at a payment rail a big point as a settlement system and goal two point zero which is an economic consideration so that the people that can talk in both camps that have an understanding of you mentioned basi was a. wall street got a tip that i was on wall street we got into gold and then we got into but it's very few people actually can be articulate and other and elusive in both finance and technology so i mean how many people in the world are actually able to talk about this not a whole lot and fortunately i have found myself in a position to where i'm able to interact with the vast majority of the guys who can speak in both camps and so together we're working to build what we consider to be soon to be the largest crypto media company on the planet's breaking through all
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the barriers that things like you tube c n.b.c. and even your show could do i believe the pod casting will take these guys voice to the mainstream and it's the only path that there is for these guys now you're creating a bit of a monster here and that you're creating stars you know we know from the entertainment industry that the star system kicks in and suddenly their cost of talent goes out and they get pulled away by more well capitalized entertainment companies what if suddenly there's krypto show on a.b.c. a on thursday nights jon benet's along with a couple of other folks and they're being paid like rachel maddow thirty million dollars a year how do you protect yourself against this kind of migration of stars off the platform sure the natural method of maintaining and retaining talent is to transition with them and we already have plans for development of
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internal p.r. and external management for the script guys so basically as these guys grow we're going to grow with them and assume responsibility is on the back end to ensure that they're not taking advantage of to ensure that their proper information isn't being censored or edited when it's put out we're going to stand by these guys to make sure that the message gets through because it is that is what it's all about for us is the mess. it's promoting big corn and making sure that understanding of big point flourishes ok so it's really a hybrid model you have the platform or the label plus you want to also get into talent management kind of agency side of the business to help help their pool of talent navigate those waters of fame as they become increasingly more popular in the mainstream press i know that for example the telly you are in is is is a real media dolling he is traveling all over the world and speaking in the heads of state and would you put him in the camp of somebody who's
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a good representative for the industry unfortunately no bit taluk i think you know . it's been said for a long time that the road to hell was paved with good intentions and i think that battalion started off on a path to create something amazing but i think as people have a couple years to kind of look back and analyze what he's done what the final outcome of it the at theory and platform has turned into you'll see that really he created a system of printing money that really is kind of worthless and we're not going to see much development or any kind of scaling or actual product usage out of the centralized applications because no one is using them because no one needs to wow i feel like the spirit of jimmy song right here at this very moment anyway thanks for coming on the concert for thank you max already and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max and stacey everett i thank my guests corey he is joining us on twitter it's guys report until next time.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is on all sides very dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. in terms of blasphemy i mean possibly has never actually been used to nobody's been prosecuted but you are right it was only renewed ten years ago by a previous government and it really shows how out of step the political establishment has been there's been a huge movement of women and young people and dave been pushing the political
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establishment you know relentlessly on the issue of the abortion rights because ten women a day leave the country and five others were taking abortion pills online illegally . and twenty four you know bloody revolution through to the demonstrations going from be relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or here i mean your list put video through me in the new bill is that i mean you split needle the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. of those who chilcote have invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic.
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you please. please. the headlines this hour the rift widens between washington and tehran this donald trump announces he will reimposed all u.s. sanctions against iran which were lifted under the twenty fifteen new clean. also to come the u.s. national security adviser brands cuba and venezuela troika of tyranny and slap
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