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tv   News  RT  November 4, 2018 3:00am-3:31am EST

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please. please. help stories here china is getting its military battle ready amid trade disputes and worsening relations with washington. says the renewal of all the nuclear deal sanctions against iran a decision that does not sit well with washington's european allies who continue to evolve to protect business interests in the islamic republic. british m.p.'s are
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grilled the countries of middle east minister over london's continued. the air campaign in yemen as a new poll finds nearly half of all brits are unaware that even exists. it has been a busy week. so welcome to the weekly is a running down the top get us. the president of china has instructed the country's military to be war ready raising the specter of a potential conflict over trade and or territory but just how much of this is possible posturing. takes a closer look so here's the thing the chinese government almost never says anything you wouldn't expect. seeing their gimmick they're incredibly careful
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reserved at least with their tongues so when the chinese president orders his military to prepare for war serious indeed. the military to concentrate on the bouncing revenues for war the chinese are preparing for war out loud how over how did we get to this well trump for one aside from land blasting the chinese at every opportunity is tariffs is sanctions his trade war he's also being very heavy handed congress has just approved a second arms deal with taiwan in eighteen months. time untruthful the sales of weapons by the united states to taiwan damages china sovereignty and security interest there. beijing's sees china and taiwan as two parts of a whole two chinese entities same culture and this is the same languages with two
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separate governments communist capitalist the end goal is to reunite into one state there are differences of course currency preventing that and about one hundred kilometers of c. that separate the two and trump always a fan of sticking it to the chinese he's been floating his warships right between the two china's eyes in one thousand we have expressed our concerns to the us and the taiwan issue concerns china's sovereignty and territorial integrity and is the most important and sensitive issue in china u.s. relations. for starters how about you express your concerns about these important and sensitive issues to someone who cares a little more because that in trump we worry about. i don't worry about things. let's be great never worrying about anything
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unfortunately others are there are those in china who believe that america wants taiwan to declare independence and the chinese are preparing for that eventuality militarily. as your own you know we are resolute to defeat any scheme or act of taiwan independence in any form. thing is the taiwanese don't really see a point to defending themselves taiwan which recently switched from a conscription to a volunteer army is having huge trouble recruiting even reserve troops dodging the juicy after all that's the point the devil when. the government needs to think whether it's necessary to bring conscription back to the theme national security
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matters but taiwan is a minor player in these confrontation if war does break out it likely be the people's republic of china slugging it out with the united states rather than taiwan and that is a war that trump really really ought to be worried about the world is really at a cross rolled the united states has been pushing china around he really china and imposing unilateral tariffs on the chinese exports china does not want to have a trade war with the united states china does not want to have a conflict with the united states but if the united states really wants to impose these things onto china i think the chinese people will be fully mobilized behind the chinese government and the chinese military on friday the trumpet ministration announced that washington's reimposing old sanctions against iran that was lifted
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as part of a twenty fifty nuclear deal donald trump took to twitter to taunt tehran with the news in a post that resembled the tiger line from game of thrones now the sanctions which are slated to come into effect on monday follow america's unilateral withdrawal from the iran nuclear agreement in may of the new sanctions come on top of the ones already imposed by washington and focus heavily on iran's oil sector penalizing states that refuse to stop imports of crude oil from iran meantime the u.s. secretary of state says the main target is the iranian government. the sanctions hit at core areas of iran's economy it is aimed at depriving the regime of the revenues that it uses to spread death and destruction around the world people on the streets of tehran though told us it's the ordinary iranians who will end up bearing the brunt of these punitive measures. time about manson's hard to come by because of sanctions no doubt if you are caring for
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a patient your life is affected by these sanctions are saying to sanctions decrease the quality of life unspeakable cannot know how to tame things like that they used to tame easily the foreigners but i thought it was a i'm a merchant and i century cannot trade with businesses inside of iran any more it would take its toll and we have yet to see what extensions thank you never people and not just i mean tax him every year or every two to three years they say new sanctions will mean posts so people have gotten used to saying that but that doesn't mean we accept them and it doesn't hurt that it means we've had them so long they don't affect us anymore they harmed the nation they have always been there for the past four decades and they've been arming the ukrainian nation all along they're in position that's why i'm in there for war states that are on the sanctions like russia like any of theirs they are all against this move especially because this new round of sanctions by washington it doesn't have the
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u.n. support it doesn't have the support of even the united states close allies like the europeans that have stated their opposition to the clients china turkey or russia and many others have defied the u.s. sanctions against iran and many are warmer than washington that this could make these sharp tool or weapon blunts and make you know take it off the menu even for future u.s. administrations if it goes ineffective. despite the pressure coming from washington the european union has confirmed the blogs commitment to the iran nuclear deal brussels also vowed to protect european companies doing business with iran however despite all the tough talk washington may actually be more flexible than is letting on. we ask all nations to isolate iran's regime. as long as its aggression continues but we do not intend to allow our
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sanctions to be evaded by europe or any body else. you know we will work to maintain the framework of the twenty fifteen deal in spite of the american decision ensuring that our companies can stay in iran to get the latest this is so for the cha cha i want to see the same. with friends like that who needs enemies who want to be muscles that wouldn't be blind it's what americans do want us europeans to say economic interests and one time economic relations with iran. would never threaten anyone but we do not tolerate threats from anyone.
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we want to we want to achieve maximum pressure but we don't want to harm friends and allies he. wants. aiming for zero zero. zero are now giving to countries themselves for you. they have done just that. and now they are changing that. pressure to enough pressure. that's also on the question because they cannot. be needed they think against iran because now there is an american. ministration on the connecting iran. system and they have the.
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messaging that can be a. top. that's the area inside the united states between. officials in the cabin. says the devastating war in yemen has claimed fifty six thousand lives over the past two years some five times higher than previously thought and some pretty losing patience with the u.k.'s role in the saudi coalition leading the incursion that won the parliamentary committee this week grilled britain's top middle east diplomat over relations with. do you have a problem with condemning murder and international violations of into international law or incomplete mistakes i made the only thing that we don't do is actually press the button to drop the bomb i'm surprised there for those who need to defend themselves the amount of raids targeting civilians is going up north if these are
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all there is. i do not agree that if the united kingdom was simply to. deny its support for a party which is under threat and so engaged in support of illegitimate government i mean if we did that. it would go. well a british charities file but almost half of people in the u.k. are simply unaware there's an even an ongoing war in yemen even though the country is the second biggest supplier of weapons to the saudi military boyko has more of those findings in a moment but first a quick look at just how much of a toll three years of war has taken on the yemeni people. i.
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i. hi do you know what's happening in yemen. but. i'm afraid i suppose. no no sorry what's happening in yemen. it is a wall. saudi arabia. or some middle east politics i have no idea do you know what's happening in yemen sorry do you know what's happening in yemen thank god it's taken the lives of thousands of civilians and caused an unprecedented humanitarian crisis and yet according to a new poll almost half of the people in the u.k.
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have no i did there is a war taking place in yemen a war in which a saudi led coalition is conducting a deadly campaign of airstrikes in an attempt to drive out who the rebels hope you carry don't know about most things happening in russia i can imagine china's terrible why do you think that is enough has been said about it depends what the media seem to sarsi at a particular point in time with your troops is public knowledge and opinion so you think it's under-reported the war in yemen isn't just another humanitarian crisis in a far flung part of the world the saudi led campaign is being waged partly thanks to a hefty supply of british made weapons the u.k. government happens to be the second biggest supplier of arms to the saudi kingdom after the us according to the latest figures u.k. military sales to riyadh increased by two thirds in twenty seventeen from the
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previous year the mother of jamal khashoggi has brought the u. case closed to strategic partnership with the riyadh into the spotlight now an increasing number of politicians here in the u.k. are calling on the government to explain its unceasing support for the saudi led war in yemen perhaps if more of the public knew about it the government would be under more pressure to act more plenty more stories coming your way here on the weekly on r.t. international including mass protests rocking pakistan after a christian woman is acquitted of blasphemy and much more after the break.
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join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. the united states under many press as a long growing. great game it's treaty and other promises that the united states says it's going to leave in the treaty.
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thanks for sharing your sunday with us here at r.t. after almost two decades in big politics. on monday she was stepping down as party leader of the christian democratic union i what's more michael also said she would not run for german chancellor in the next federal election that is slated for twenty twenty one and michael's decision comes hard on the heels of our party's latest disappointing regional election performance this time in the state of where the c.d.u. suffered a double digit loss. the figures that came in overnight from the house and. action that's a wholly disappointing i'm bitter and toys and when that's what he does it can no longer be business as usual process after this result has now after the result and after the conflicts between the c.d.u. c.s.u. in summer and after the difficulties in forming a government coalition as the previous attempts to feel one between the cd is the
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c.s.u. f.t.p. and the lethality that is a thousand. fold began her political career after the fall of the berlin wall joining the c.d.u. in one thousand nine hundred nine ten years later she became the party's secretary general and then as leader in two thousand and two thousand and five made history by becoming germany's first female chancellor and since then she has been reelected a further three times but over the last few years though her popularity has certainly taken a hit. those who feel misery more oppression political oppression we have a responsibility to help from the base to the john anderson for refugees based on our sign policy and article one of our constitutional whether we want to or not.
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alan. measured along political rationality this move by going to merkel is not surprising at all because . party was losing. confidence among the electorate and the reason and so to speak the burden of this party was under merkel herself so it was quite rational for her to leave office as party chairman but they were the less whenever something important happened you usually are surprised by it happening right now
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and this is why there was rain this uprising that anglo-american are so quickly yes drawn to consequences out of the disaster still a electoral defeat during the last eight elections in bavaria and in history and i believe michael's political fall from grace could prove to be an ominous bellwether for mainstream parties across europe as donald quarter explains europe's political establishment is set up for a beating in may during the e.u. parliamentary elections and with support to win doing for both the center right and the center left the big winners euro skeptic an anti migrant parties the feeding is that there's a kind of the extortion among voters because they feel that the traditional counties have nothing new to say they feel contempt from those filters that it's not exactly always making them the populist making making anybody who looks you french president emanuel macron took it upon himself to warn europe of a nationalistic menace comparing it to leprosy europe faces
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a risk that of being broken up by nationalist leprosy and of being pushed around by foreign powers and thereby losing its sovereignty but it seems like the french don't see eye to eye with micron right now a majority of people in france apparently would prefer an unelected technocratic government well over forty percent even say they would rather support and off for a terry and political power so this could be a wake up call for micron as his approval ratings hit record lows to move away from traditions and embrace public opinion so to remain un mccoll he did come from. those filters but he had created his. he was a change of face and a change of generation. now that he's become president he's got his lanky different style but in terms of what policies you doing it sounds more and more like the policies that everyone is using and they do not know how to express their
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discontent except by against expulsions again with mainstream parties and leaders who championed modern liberal values losing popularity we could have an electoral power vacuum but that won't stay empty for long. acquittal in a blast from a trial of a christian woman in pakistan has created protests a correspondent on the show saturday house the story. this is us here baby and she's just been taken off death row but instead of celebrating a second chance at life sparked outrage and mass protests across pakistan. things began to fall apart nine years ago while out picking fruit it was a hot day and she drank some mortar yes that was enough to sentence her to death and put her in solitary confinement for almost a decade but the real reason is that as
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a christian the other women who were with her that say said she had touched a cup which meant they could no longer drink from it or was beaten and accused of blasphemy with her sentence now over tens how the islamists are demanding what they call religious justice oh my god. yes this is a very sad moment for us we were shocked to hear this news regarding the release order of us your baby but we are calling for our government to change that decision oh over her. that was. pakistan is a religiously conservative country there are only around two point five million christians making them a minority of just one point six percent of the population to protect islamic authority thus formulas were introduced in the nineteenth century there are monks
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strictest in the muslim world it means insulting a religious belief can lead to imprisonment or even death and harsh punishments also stand for those who support the baby take the punjab governor some on to say if he was assassinated by his bodyguard in twenty eleven for wanting to reform these laws the federal minister for religion. was also killed off the simply calling for her release but from support for the assassinations the rights when pakistan's islamist party or the tail pay began to grow they have called for mass protests if the blasphemy law is touched they even say the country supreme court just as if to himself that they've attending s.e.'s sentence the patron in chief of t.l.p. mohammad off sol qadri has issued the verdict that says the chief justice and all those who ordered the release of deserve death mobs with the basij of losing
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trust in the overall governance and they feel that if there is a problem then. the system may not be. efficient to dig up the issues and come up with justice in fact. there are cases in matters also via the mob has. killed people but this is not confined to just go on because it is the trust of the system. people coming to the course and coming to the law enforcement agencies and this law has certainly put a why did their best which is the coolest the baby's conviction to be held gripe is expected that office of asylum i brought will take right now twenty five minutes past the hour here in moscow that's wrapping up the weekly for this sunday and this
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time as well we are back in the next hour with another weekly i hope you can join us. the relentless. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter us as a rich one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each
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dish. eighty five percent of the global wealth you longs to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin roasted forty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to crush the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be increasingly violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style lawyer up but if i mean your list put video at three in the new bill is that i mean you explain to the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen that those who took out quite
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invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine. nice enough to. secure and prosperous and democratic. and he proved all of. us that would lead to live will blow. up we do it because it's. been one hundred seventeen the bolsheviks led by vladimir lenin seized power and set out to build the most equitable society on earth before long the other countries followed russia's example so far the recipe for universal happiness
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remains of use if people are still searching to this day. you could be. fairly easy a lot of whoosh only by did it got up when we were shown to treat. can we even remember the events of a century ago and if so why is that we went out in search of people who view russia's nine hundred seventeen revolution as a global event. first of all we went to visit a leftwing ideologist and famous french philosopher.
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maybe it's not supposed to know that your books focused on the bus. and the. just difficult for me to address. the words you idiot but kiko pretty weak if it is a free to post ya go on. go on the net i'll moan the loquat but a little present in a pushy beat did you know you do do you know. it existed does it. eliot i am that met. yemeni kit. ok for fatty food on testamentary when you get it have him with it right or a phony display it is. less a d. .


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