tv Keiser Report RT November 6, 2018 11:00pm-11:30pm EST
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bad news as a matter of fact what we're seeing for the democrats is that as expected they're going to keep or challenge and take the house of representatives but they're not going to do it with that expected blue wave scottie that we've heard so much about well and i agree i started both the same time with it with every movement it starts with just a little bit of report tonight i think the democrats did get this interesting thing i want to see is tomorrow morning who's going to be taking the biggest victory lap and is that a good thing because the republicans the democrats both are going to say they declared victory and that what happened was what exactly was expected and the win loss for both sides it well here we are once again it's the top of the hour it's eleven o'clock well let me just check around where i am right there it's about eleven o'clock on the east coast of the united states we welcome you all of you watching us all over the world here in america as we like to say democracy rules and has continued to work at least in terms of what we expect to get in the next year scotty and i were talking moments ago about how important it is to be able to
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have the proper checks and balances in any government and certainly in any system any electoral system and it looks like it looks at this point barring any last minute changes that that's exactly what we're going to get in this in the united states of america with the president of the united states being a republican the senate or the esteemed senators as they like to be called being republican as well and the the house of representatives being led by the democrats expect expect a lot of fireworks expect a lot of resistance over the next year or this and that's a word that was seemed to be birthed in two thousand and sixteen is the thing of a movement but that being said i think you're going to see this is going to play very hands because now you do have if anything goes wrong for republican perspective they can blame it on now the division that exists now within our political system but here's what's going to be fun but also watch going forward why . what are the pieces of legislation that become the priority you know
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a lot of people as we're saying like in the state of florida where they voted on one hand maybe for a republican governor republican senator but they went for a democrat a democrat congressman you know are it's showing these political parties that get your act together because people aren't just going to be party for there not to be party loyal there they have no problem crossing over they're saying that both sides the parties are the exact same that is where the house i also think the house is a direct representation of the people's voice and their voice getting to president trump because that's the first wave of federal government that most of them get the state so talking about that i want to get the latest from sarah montel who has been watching i think rick i think you're on your way over there so finding over there well here's what we got we got rachel we've got dan we've got ashley we've got cheryl all of them part of following different parts of the country sarah has been following the big picture of sort of speed growth this is where we try to look at
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the map of what's going on both from the sort of tauriel perspective and from the house perspective where would you like to start let's start with the house because it is slowly falling apart from the republicans if you can see in virginia congressman david brat just took that from republicans so this again slipping through republican fingers looks like the democrats are holding strong there but now but again and just to be clear even though the democrats appear to be in good shape to retake the house right they're not doing so in the in the form in the fashion that now many in the media have projected they would that's that's correct and this is a completely different picture that we're seeing in the senate like you said republicans are looking at very strong they took hold of north dakota and kramer took hold you know got a big win there they held on to texas as well senator ted cruz so it's been it's been back. fourth pretty pretty much for republicans stronghold of the fan and
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we're following some as well arizona the slim slim lead right now by and race yes the mix salaries in arizona very slim right now by republicans still too close to call though missouri as well arizona could be the biggest last for the g.o.p. if that does indeed flip so far it's looking good for mike fell you know what's interesting is you probably have a chance we all do we start looking at the polls for the most part tonight it does appear that the polls or at least you know pre-election polls have kind of held i mean if you look at that one little area there usually is about a two or three point differential most of these races of fall and with very few exceptions that for florida for a florida yes i would be right and you know you're taught you're referring to the nelson that's for and scott race right where it looked like nelson was going to pull away there was that you know i saw one i saw one poll had him winning by seven the polls i mean so far like you said they're sticking to the polls it looks like
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that's a result we're getting but florida is the big one i think that we're still waiting well when it comes to florida you know i think and actually let me go over to you because you've been watching the state of florida here's what here's what's difficult when you're taking on an incumbent and in this case it's not just an incumbent really we're talking about the governor of the state of florida a somewhat popular governor in rick scott who was there doing a vibrant economy in the state of florida and i know democrats will say yeah thank you barack obama republicans will say thank you you know trump but either way the fact that rick scott has been able to essentially kick go bill nelson who's had that seat for so long now it's got a sense of shock waves in the state of florida doesn't it. but i want to turn our attention to the gubernatorial race this is just a and and your gillum he is actually conceded. rhonda centers will be the next governor right now i guess by the way the polls there have him winning really close they had ron doesn't toast. in the lead forty nine point nine percent andrew was
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just one percent behind at forty eight point nine percent but he's conceded he's making a speech as we speak dan missouri we have you know mccaskill there legendary position she's almost as much. as missouri as part of missouri is the show me state emblem right and it looks tonight like what she's going to go down to defeat it looks that way right now it's a fifty three point two percent voting for josh howley the young star of the republican party and it looks like he'll take out claire mccaskill you know is projected to be one of the tightest races and they were neck and neck but you know republicans know that this is this is a really important race for them that's why trump was there on his last stop that's interesting you know most people who bet on this kind of stuff were thinking now she's done it before she's a fighter to the end she'll probably even though everybody says she's going to lose still end up winning well it looks like she's not going to play ok i think i think
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this is one of things that speaks to the point you made about about democrats not being as rich as principled as the republican of the resolute ok yes yes resolute ok fair enough i mean a campaign ad last week she said she's not one of those crazy democrats those are the words she use so she's really tried to distance herself from her own party and we don't see written about spent money or old t.v. that's what we need to let me go do you want to talk about taxes but o'rorke big surprise but in the end not good enough to beat a guy who texans love to hate right exactly it also mentally went to ted cruz it looks like but he did give him around for his money and so i think that says a lot about the future of texas and maybe other politicians and what you mean about the future of texas is the fact that we've not seen in a long time democrats even though they lost do so well in a very republican stronghold exactly i mean when bedo first announced that he was running a lot of people kind of locked out and thought will certainly ted cruz. this is
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going to have this one in the bag so for it to be so close i think really says a lot about the race and the candidate is fantastic to him rachel ashley several i think to all of you scottie back to you absolutely well now we're going to be joined by florida state party chair mitch cesar who knows for a very very well and obviously tonight has been watching very closely and we're going to join the chairman of the hispanic leadership council yvonne garcia had all go which i have and this obviously is playing a very important role both in texas as well as florida but californians are waiting for those results to come in but i want to start off with florida as we just had the governor's race and called i'm already seeing on twitter beat zero is actually already trending to possibly be a presidential candidate in twenty twenty there heart of you starting help me out here mitch how is that how is it like on the ground in florida. well florida has lived up to his reputation as a swing mega-state a purple state we lost the governorship and it looks like we'll probably lose the
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senate seat obviously by a point or less but of course we've won congressional seats we had multiple pick ups in south florida for democrats which will be part of taking back the house and i think we also have to remember that we passed something called amendment for and that's restoration of felons rights and that will put folks back and you have to pass by at least sixty percent as a constitutional amendment and that will put a million and a half people give or take on the voter rolls whose rights have not been granted one of only three states florida is with this repressive act so we call it over all over the place where we'll continue to be a swing and the great thing about midterms is they tell us something about what happened or what's on people's minds today but it gives us a little bit of a roadmap about what's to come in the future meaning two thousand and twenty you know you're a typical democrat even something which is so much on your side you you almost wishy washy away as if it's just some kind of administrate of decision what you
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just mentioned is huge the idea that in a state like the state of florida in this year twenty eighteen the government led by republicans can say to people who have served their time for something as stupid as smoking a joint a marijuana cigarette you are now not allowed to vote for the rest of your life is not only dumb but shameful and the fact that finally the people of florida have decided tonight that just doesn't seem fair people deserve a second chance i think that's huge don't you. i truly do and this is in the works for a long time they had a petition number they had to get to get on the ballot they far exceeded it i think because we are such a close state it is going to change the dynamics for twenty twenty the republican party obviously who is not in favor of this and it's really not only a civil rights issue it's a fairness issue which i said we were one of only three states that were so
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oppressive now there are two how many people now would be able to vote that weren't able to vote in the past if this thing ends up being passed as it looks like it will be tonight. about a million and a half people and when you look at the fact that we lose a statewide race maybe bill nelson by sixty seventy eighty thousand one hundred the dynamic is totally changed we're in and we are in a new ball game and frankly a fairness ball game and it's found that interesting you bring up fairness this is something actually and i have to talk more about this and this is something that has definitely been along party lines republicans are not to support about this mainly because they are for stronger laws for for their for stronger law something that might not know so they appeal to those that have prior records to it so this you know on one hand but i think this is where actually this is what the founding fathers wanted if it's not outlined in the constitution directly bring it to the people that the tenth amendment coming forth i mean how are republicans going to
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handle this issue is obviously just like with the marijuana referendum this egg could possibly continue to travel to other states yeah no i agree and it is a huge issue because all of a sudden you get a million and have people that are going to vote in a state that you know like they said earlier gets gets a side of by one hundred thousand votes or less you know but by looking at the results tonight which is i think really the big picture you know being able to win the governorship being able to win the senate in florida is a great night for republicans is a great night for the president as well. he stumped for both of them he went head to head with former president obama we saw it in the rallies we saw it everywhere the energy on our side was definitely there even with all the anti trump republicans that there were there were pushing openly against the president the president was able to push the base out and get the win in those two super important seats you know and we see right now there were pregnant when in three or
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four seats and in the senate look the house we expected to lose is pryor going to be by a very slim margin and we'll see what happens you know but i there's no way anybody can say that is of the fee for the president or for the republican party we know that you know just in the last one hundred years only two presidents have been able to keep you know control the house or congress and three since the civil war so there's a big night for the president there's a big night for republicans we have a lot to celebrate you know we didn't get the shellacking that obama got in two thousand and ten losing sixty three seats so you know if you want to take a look at and really analysis and and step back and be objective i think it's a big night and it's a big night for senate you know one of the areas that i'm from scottie down in south florida i'm wondering if if you're surprised to see shalala do as well as she did in an area that's usually a stronghold for for conservatives by the way even though you know they always say miami you know has
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a lot of democrats but usually the ones who turn out on midterms are usually hispanic conservative republicans so here you have donna shalala a clinton winning in in that region gentleman your reaction well you know when you look at the district it's a d. plus eleven so it leon i held on to that seat forever because she was ileana she was very moderate she was you know very i guess socially liberal and a lot of different things and she was appealing to to that district and she had been there for a long time she has a strong reputation you know she was a fighter in congress for for both sides. and that you know that was a very difficult seat to hold on to the same the same for our friend you know carlos kerr bellow which was a disappointment you know he was voted one of the top bipartisan legislatures you know on the hill and you know a good solid guy good guy but that's also a democratic leaning district and it went from david rivera to joe to carlos and
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not to be and we'll see what two thousand and eighteen brings you know like you said south florida and florida as a whole is a very you know different animal and it's we see it we see it in every election and it most certainly is a gentleman thanks so much for your time lead stuff i really appreciate you sharing some of your information and wisdom with absolutely. well we do have some polls that are starting to close over in the west coast the toughest week is everything california natasha what is going on. i think we might have a problem out there but i'm sorry i was able to come back to natasha you know what we're also saying that i think they've just to clarify what we're going to board one we've got a hard holly republican out missouri for her they're going to that's going to be a pickup for them and claire mccaskill looks like she is on the track to lose missouri yeah and by the way if they could speak to us she would be telling us that
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there are some very close races that we're going to be following on the west coast still and that's that color rose and race you know nevada is an interesting is an interesting animal i mean most of the people live in las vegas so it's like ninety eight eighty five nine percent of people live in las vegas that is a heavily democratic concentration and yet they still do well and have always traditionally done well in the world parts of the state which tend to be stronghold republican areas the other area that i think would be talking to us about is arizona has anybody got the arizona numbers over there anybody got the result in numbers that's that make sally cinema race and you know what's interesting about that one and i would just take a peek real quick myself to see if we have that number scottie let me know if we do we're going to have it. so say that again i fell he is forty nine point two look sally is left by forty nine point two now this is what's interesting scottie that race when i looked at it when i got up this morning was too close to call and being
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right a tossup level and here we are now at this late hour looking at this rate at this race and it's looking like guess what it's too close to go well but that's true in fact all mccain with a different kind of senator i think this is another issue we are talking about the mccain in fact on these elections because once he was kind of taken out of picture i think that now new guy jeff flake these are not too conservative republicans who are arizona was not used to electing people that were so far right they would like more moderate candidates well just let jeff flake is very moderate not. moderate but better to be on the left him so he on the left he's an anti trump are well known and you know it interesting that you should mention trump because i was waiting for it i know everybody's hogarth we had our first donald j. try to official tweet of the post midterm and to him i know it's me shocking sort of like what larry king predicting in the night he says tremendous success tonight thank you to all which you would have said if he lost i think is already programmed
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. already donald trump never lose this reporter to the next week before it comes out so i think we mentioned just a moment ago i don't know if that got kind of lost in translation but mike de wine looked like the wind has been as much a part of ohio as the buckeyes themselves mike de wine apparently has just been called the winner as the governor of ohio really no no surprise there so much as a matter of fact it was expected that mike de wine would win that race and we can confirm now according to the associated press in order to america but in fact he's scared or we want to trade chavez up in new york for some updates on other races that she's watching trinity. yeah so just a quick recap of some big races that have taken place here on the east coast there was a massive loss for democrats in the state of indiana republican mike brown is elected to the u.s. senate he defeated the incumbent joe donnelly in this really didn't surprise many people as the president campaigned for him very
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a lot and so we have to remember that the president won this state two years ago by about twenty percent so that definitely had an impact on the outcome so a lot of people weren't surprised now bronze went for the g.o.p. gives the party a wider cushion as it seeks to maintain its control of the senate and in new jersey democratic senator bob menendez defeated his opponent republican bob you get in and he will keep his seat despite his indictment on corruption charges related to a campaign donor now this case did end in a mistrial but it seems that menendez did find a successful message during his campaign saying that a vote for huguenot is the same as a vote for trump now according to the people that i spoke to today there are they weren't exactly huge supporters of menendez but they absolutely were not supporters of trump so that's a win for the democrats now here in new york democrat andrew cuomo is keeping his seat as new york governor as the polls reveal that he has beaten the republican
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component mark molinari making this his third term holding the position but in other news it wasn't an easy day here for voters many people experience several issues while they were out voting first of all there was pouring rain all day there was extremely long lines and then on top of that there was several issues of broken voting machines all across the city several people reported that the ballots scanners were malfunctioning and as of mid afternoon today the new york attorney general's office said that it received around two hundred twenty five complaints now that number has probably increased and the mayor bill de blasio is calling for an election reform demanding that the board of elections be changed before two thousand and twenty because he says. that election will be the biggest election in history and city council speaker cory johnson calling for the director of the city's independent board of elections to resign well lots of things going on thank you much so much for keeping on top of that trinity let's go to natasha now she's following the things for us on the western part of the united states intelligence
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week two things that we've been following tonight natasha i know you've got a handle on both of those that's a big sally cinema race in arizona and also the heller rosa race in nevada what can you share with us at this point. yeah just a quick update i mean as as you as i mentioned those seeds are very vulnerable right now and right now we're going to start with arizona only eleven percent of the votes have been counted in this state so it's still very early in the race here on the west coast still but you know we have a graphic and i've actually have an update for you it's mixed sally forty nine point two percent cinema at forty eight percent and again that's only eleven percent of the state voting right now so we are still tracking those numbers and nevada as well as us have mentioned that is also a very early. race i mean everybody is watching that right now the polls show a tie between incumbent dean heller and democrat jackie rowson showing up forty six
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point seven percent but again those are just early polls we're still waiting for those results to trickle in and as far as california goes i mean we have those five house seats up for grabs and again it may take days if not weeks for those to be finalized so again we have to see it on how it all plays out you know we've seen it before it's the old canvassing that they have to do sometimes it can take as long as several weeks to actually find that final vote before they can call some of these unattached sweet out west we thank you so much scotty due back to you absolutely ok so we're going to go back to our panel because i have to ask image being in florida and being in the democrat party do democrats. takeout you know you see president trump taking his victory lap are democrats going to wake up tomorrow and feel like they did a good job and very that they had a successful evening. i think so you know donald trump has been a great generator especially in republican primaries to get his folks indorse and
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get boat people out to vote but he's been a great generator for the democratic party don't forget we've picked up two congressional seats in south florida i do want to elaborate very slightly from a few moments ago and say yes not only do i think the democrats will take back the house but i don't think it will be close says it was intimated i think democratic pickups will be in the thirty's that's my pick up thirty thirty two i think democrats in for it can be happy we have a long road floor is a tough place i remember the recount of two thousand as as you both do as well and it's going to be a fight but you know when dade can and we also won those congressional seats because donald trump has said terrible things all the time about hispanics and another statistic we have to remember is that the youth vote in florida increased by fifty percent for this election so i think we can be proud of things amendment ten picking up and rational seats we lost
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a very significant price in the statewide ballot but i got to tell you twenty twenty fortunately or unfortunately around the corner donald trump is going to change your we is it's we just came out them surprised it wasn't more aggressive he must have taken his phone away from him in the last day or so because he was behaving himself which is frankly one of the reasons he won in sixteen presumably kellyanne conway to phone the last time we can sneak through so florida it's always going to be about forty it's always afforded connection good or bad i expected to be the same one expect florida to be a dead heat and twenty twenty it's funny my wife does the same thing to me she's constantly checking in with my phone especially when we're trying to have dinner with the kids. when nobody. run the little sponsor going to sort of there are forty though and this has to do with hispanics ok so the old hispanic in south florida was always conservative with all the new immigrants coming into south florida expect a change to expect the hispanic electorate to be a little more blue or bluish actually you know what i can see this is really
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breaking in our direction if we can be effective if we can effectively articulate our message to them right because the hispanic community especially the non cubans i lived in miami as well for about twenty years right so. they're all fleeing socialism they're awfully in the left are all fleeing misery corruption chaos you know they're all fleeing that and then they come to united states and they jump in bed with the party that promotes that so it doesn't oh it doesn't go down and so no doesn't like a lot of fair democrats are communist and well i'm not the same guy i mean if they're openly embracing social again when it's not true not that i'm not sure they don't care what you say and done this sort of thing you have a. hold on all those guys just say that people who come from socialist communist countries come here and then get a bed with the same kind of people i think you're i think you reached a little bit there with all those other words if they get one hundred percent true
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because here's an arab democratic is now here's a narrative well not all of them but you know i guess so much about whether that is a guy's we're down to just two minutes an hour we're down just a two minutes now so at the end of the day what do you all think. what have you i think one of the you know we saw that this this election campaign had a lot to do with health care with the economy well i think we really didn't hear anything about it was about foreign policy yeah war i mean we're involved with so many countries overseas and we don't see any candidates really bringing this up and this and this is i think has to do a lot this bipartisan consensus actually surprised us i'm surprised when it comes to the governor and not. georgia i was a lot of people were hoping that stacy abrams would take the lead and unfortunately it looks like brian kemp is in the lead but i wonder if things would have been different there are a lot of incidences of voter suppression and a lot of issues with the voting machines and george
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a lot of people have been waiting line for about three to four hours and some people just left because they were hungry they were tired they had other things to do so i wonder if the turnout would have been different that's one of the great reason for people media early vote the time a huge advocate of getting your vote in early on because you never know what's going to happen is the people of tennessee five of them states even georgia had to deal with the bad weather of the last twenty four hours and i did vote on the paper texas talk to us what it what are you saying what are your observations today and you know exactly so i think it's been really interesting to watch democrats really come out and vote and i'm wondering if the fact that they made such a big turn out really made republicans come out as well and realize that they needed to get out and vote as well so i think it'll be really interesting to see how this impacts the two thousand and twenty a lecture and i have a friendship with the map the great map you know that's the one thing that's very simple in the end you have a lot of states that are covered and are red so i do want to mention the mississippi special election which will tend to end late because he places yes well let's show up with this and i think it's important on nights like this that our
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country comes together and i think the most important takeaway in the one that will always focus on here is despite what you hear not all conservative republicans are racists and not all democrats are marxist leninist and it's somewhere in the middle that we converse and we come together and that's where we build a better country good night everybody thanks so much for being with us. when i was told something seemed wrong but old rules just don't. mean the world
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is yet to shape out this day you can stick to it and in games from it it was betrayal. once and many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. business boom bust broadcasting around the world and covering the world of business and finance of the impact upon all of us thank you for being on board i'm bart chilton in washington d.c. coming up today it's election day in the u.s. and we'll take a look at what investors may do once the results come in with grace and danielle say they're standing by and we joined by an expert grant page of magnetic material
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systems to talk about a technology which could change some of the world's most troubled places plus artes fly a tab and your takes a look at oil resources in the u.s. gulf of mexico and wow is this amazing and later we talk about offshore oil production in the u.s. there's an unusual question on the voting ballot in the state of florida at first it may just seem puzzling and dumbfounding but molly barrows tells us not so fast all that directly ahead but first with some headlines let's go. we start our global report in the east where china and pakistan have agreed to trade using the chinese yuan and pakistani rupee as the currency rather then the u.s. dollar the move comes as others including russia and turkey have been making similar efforts to deal link from the u.s. dollar.
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