tv News RT November 7, 2018 12:00am-12:30am EST
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you. look. at it. a little you'll be going to. headlines for this hour here when oxy preliminary results for the hotly contested us see the republicans retaining their hold over the senate and the democrats resting back control of the house of representatives. america was covering the early stages of the u.s. with sharing his insight. it's almost never anything like this in history and we have a country in. trouble a jewish organization in germany called on the government to put on special
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integration classes for newly arrived muslim migrants amid a spike in incidents. photo of a palestinian protest mimicking a famous painting of the french revolution goes viral and we speak to him about his experiences protesting at the gaza border one point he was shot by an israeli sniper. it is wednesday november the seventh i'd already a quick and busy day for your worldwide headlines welcome to the program here. so americans have cost their ballots in crucial election zuma deep divisions in the country and the results suggest the republicans will retain control of the senate with fifty republican seats. is forty one democratic. now things
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differently with regards to the house of representatives projections suggest the democrats for gains that will see them resting back control of the chamber we can across live now to our charles old tell the political analyst joining us live here on the program to give us more insight into these crucial elections are charles good to see you the vote is seen as a basically a vote of confidence in trump as things stand what do the results say to you. well i think it's i would caution your viewers that it's very early now we're still counting votes in key in many key races and what we have here is an unprecedented situation where turnout rates are far higher in a midterm election than they have ever been in the recent history and so frankly we really don't know what's going to come filtering in from the rural districts and some of these east aides and so on the house side. particularly on the west coast
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races i would caution that it's going to take probably another three hours or longer before we really get to the bottom of some of these close races races out west in the senate what's really remarkable to me is the degree to which certain republican challengers example marsha blackburn of tennessee and josh holly in missouri have done so much better than the poll suggests that so rather than rushing to conclusions based on the early returns i think it's a good idea to you know let's see the real data let's give it a few hours here maybe even a day or so see what really happened i see the senate the republicans roll in the senate would seem as improved markedly in an autumn midterm election went typically the president's party loses seats in the senate and the house so that's a major when i think in the senate in the house if we slip back into the zone where
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nancy pelosi or some other democrat is the speaker yes that's going to create trouble for the the president but this is this certainly was not a blue way that we know by choice as you say it's early days yet we should wait a few more hours to really get to the official tally on this but if as looks likely the democrats win back the house if indeed this does happen for them how important a victory is it do you think. well i think it will be very unfortunate because what will happen in the next two year period here is that we will get far less accomplished than we might otherwise have gotten accomplished in addition to people like adam schiff if he becomes the chairman of the intelligence committee and general nadler if he becomes chairman of the judiciary committee they will not resist the temptation to him out investigations to pester the president and to put us back in a place where we're at loggerheads for twenty four months and. twenty four months
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is a long time for the largest nation in the world to be preoccupied with inflating and investigations instead of getting the economy back on a solid trajectory and restoring amicable relations with as many countries as we in the world just want to jump in you raise an interesting point when you talk about a bickering and infighting for example and we've agreed we're going to wait a few more hours for the official tally to come in but if indeed that the democrats are resting control of the house do you think they're going to try and do that moves to impeach truong trump we've seen people like maxine waters and several others in recent years all calling and calling for an impeachment of donald trump what could be that next stage. i think what they will do is mount numerous investigations impeachment all they can happen for high crimes and misdemeanors which is not parking tickets it's not marital infidelity it's not problems on your
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tax return it's things like treason and i think it's very difficult to argue with donald trump and even ken starr was studied this carefully and was very much involved going against bill clinton and the last time there was an impeachment trial he's flat out said that there's nothing that he sees so for that would force he's a republican but there's nothing that he's seen so far that will suggest that trump is essentially guilty of high crimes and misdemeanors so all the house could do would be to indict. the president then i would go over to the senate in the senate trial there is no way he would be convicted. and ultimately removed that said or once a president is impeached is bill clinton and out he was impeached but not convicted your leverage disappears your negotiating authority this is yours and bill was impeached in his second term donald trump if that happened would be impeached in his first term and that might complicate and what it could complicate his ability
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to get reelected on the other hand it could energize his base even more charge just briefly before i let you go i want to one last question here do you think americans have become have grown into politics a bit more do you think people more incited by a by the recent years of division and infighting taken the what is now being considered a pretty heavy turnout in these midterm elections. well be really interesting to see how the turnout stacks state by state and by category of voter i think that there's no question the american electorate is a lot more engaged in politics there's also no question the american electorate electorate is sick of the traditional politician the last piece of the american economy that is will be disrupted is big government in our country we spend six trillion dollars a year on government that's an enormous amount of money and get very little direct tangible benefit for it and i think there's a thirst and hunger on both sides of the political spectrum to to disrupt
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government for the betterment of all americans just that we disagree on how to do that political analyst charles alltel joining us live here on r.t. international for insight and opinion on these midterm elections charles thank you very much all right let's cross live now to our washington correspondent of course who's been following all the developments for us here just after midnight where you watch thanks for joining us on such a late but very important night can you break it down for us what do the early results me. well the projections show that we could be dealing with a split government on capitol hill essentially at this point we're seeing republicans maintaining control of the u.s. senate but the house of representatives by all the projections that are in seems to be captured by the democrats now it's not clear how strong of a majority they will get in the house of representatives there's a lot of results that are still trickling in but almost all the analysts that are looking at the results are saying that they most likely have won the u.s.
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house of representatives now that means a number of things this is the first time in eight years that the democratic party will have control of the u.s. house of representatives and this could mean new investigations into donald trump they will have the ability to give subpoenas and to get their hands on some key documents related to trump and other people in his cabinet they my you may want to look into further more they'll have the ability to block trump's bills you know as u.s. law legislative procedure requires that both houses you know support a bill so if they control one house they could block legislation that the president was backing now talk of impeachment now the u.s. house of representatives does have the ability to bring charges against the president in the form of impeachment however it would be the senate that would then vote to remove in the senate remains solidly in the hands of republicans now it's
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important to know that this election had a massive turnout u.s. midterm elections are known for having a low turnout low interest among the u.s. public you know these are happening every two years it's only legislators and local and state offices that are running there's not a presidential race happening so usually voters tend to stay at home not this time there was a massive massive outpouring of support among people coming out and voting in big numbers and we actually saw some celebrities urging urging there many for. always on social media to go out and vote we saw thirty five million people voting ahead of time in states that allow early voting let's review what we heard from some of those celebrities. like life in their children's lives depend on it as face to face you say actually the future of our country will be decided this week elections don't just matter when voting for president this election might be
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the most consequential of our lifetimes for all of you. put it to. get in the face thank you. for all of you that i still have still yet to. see i believe. now a number of americans apparently were turning to google to determine how they were going to vote according to the trending page of google they released a section of it related to searches related to the midterm elections and apparently one of the top searches was who to vote for today number of americans were hoping that by searching google they could find out who it was that they wanted to vote for now it's also interesting to note that at this point u.s. president donald trump despite having his party lose control of one of the houses
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of the u.s. congress tweeted out that this evening was a quote tremendous success that was his latest tweet regarding the events of the c evening saying that it was a tremendous success so at this point we're seeing more division in the united states and we're going to have a divided government one house of congress controlled by one party another house of congress controlled by another party so people wonder about how things could get interesting in the next two years all right on. live from the u.s. capitol just what twelve minutes off to midnight now a good coverage from thanks very much. the america of course was covering the early stages of the midterms there were some highlights these are the midterm elections but certainly no usual midterm elections i'm joined by my colleague scott e. mail hughes who's going to be helping to take us through this night this very important night we're also going to be joined tonight by our colleague in los
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angeles larry king who's joining us to give us his perspective as well they're like the president take the house as i understand it is a ninety percent chance that they will take the house so we're going to have that holds a split government which at this point in this country might even be healthy. the last two years have been the turbulent to say the least this is an important election night live through a lot of them but i've never been through one like this from from that all business about trump prompted wallace's who's an election for or against strong. probably he couldn't roll the media over the last two years it's almost at a point there's never been anything like this in history ever i know donald for forty years the one thing the state you made stacey and you make very few in your life. donald trump does not have a bruised ego. remains constant in other words what he will say is
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a couple of things democrats stole as in the house i you notice that we kept the senate because and most of my time was devoted to this is that he will take credit for whatever doesn't matter what happens if we don't last the senate he would have blamed the world we've never seen anything like this in politics ever now that i'm trying to picture. fifty years from today they put up till portraits of american presidents right now i'm trying to see washington jefferson. rules. are you can. tell you just never saw this president and so what we have is accomplishing things but we have a we have a country in a lot of trouble a lot of familiar faces that you have seen here on our team erica we had to bring
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him back and tonight for this historical night i want to bring in rick ungar senior political contributor at forbes and also the host of in the pod a complex and that ryan c.e.o. of the american majority to give us a three sixty view tonight why are the republicans going to lose the house why does it come down to. i think part of first of all just a historic story i mean it's typical for a president to lose twenty four twenty eight seats on average in the first midterm so i mean part of his just history scottie where there's a reset and the party out of power in the white house takes back seats in the house so i think that's part of i think what's going to be really interesting a couple thoughts on this first of all it's not going to be a massive tsunami i think it'll be a very slim majority obviously fox and other stations are calling the democrats to a but i think will be a very slim majority and the big question i have scott is this when democrats if they do take the house come into power what are they going to do are they going to actually legislate or is this going to be two years of just investigation after
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investigation because i think that plays exactly right into trump's hands for twenty twenty and i think scottie when you have maxine waters has had a financial services jerry nadler as head of judiciary adam schiff as intelligence intel and then you've got a larger cummings i think is oversight these are not middle of the road members of the house these are left liberal members and i don't think are going to be able to help themselves i think they're going to be extremely aggressive and i think that then calls into question scott is a lot of these democrats will be potentially picking up seats have been running as more moderate or centrist candidates i think they're going to put them in trouble and i think getting a plane to trump sands in two thousand and twenty eight how aggressive are the democrats now and their victory that number one over the next twenty four hours but more importantly how are they going to govern for the next two years are we basically just facing the next two years of a stalemate and a hissy fit between the two parties it depends on how aggressive is going to depend on how the total ends up tonight i think is probably going to be somewhere between
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twenty eight and twenty nine seats picked not bad i agree it's not the giant tsunami but it's not bad how well that they can govern and whether they can legislate is going to have everything to do with whether or not president trump decides he wants to work with the democrats in congress or not he. he's made some noises that he might want to democrats support infrastructure that could be a heck of a good place to start if i had been the president i would have started with that in the first place so we'll see obviously there's an opportunity here for a lot of investigations i think it's going to be a subpoena congress let's not kid one another that's going to be there i actually agree with something ned said that happens every now and then the democrats the democrats could over do it you don't want to make the next two years all about investigating this president that will bite them in the unit what come twenty twentieth's that's all this is about. you know us with some election coverage
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continuing throughout the day for now some other stories that germany's leading jewish organization is calling for special semitism classes for muslim migrants it comes amid a spike in hate crimes targeting jews and peter all of a picks up the story. jewish community leaders in germany say they want to see integration classes for migrants that focus on them saying that this could help stem a rise in anti-semitic incidents in the country many of these people have been shaped by regimes in which anti semitism is essential and the jewish state is denied the right to live to prevent the worst scenario we need to tailor the integration courses to these people much more preferably by country of origin the official statistics back up a rise in crime in germany just over four hundred were reported in the first half of twenty eighteen knots up ten percent on the same period last year the vast
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majority of these were committed by neo nazi and far right groups but the leadership of germany's foremost jewish organization paints a bleak picture of the future saying he sees more problems coming from migrants one of the most shocking cases of twenty eighteen was caught on camera shows him it is just a media should do you think showing a nineteen year old syrian molly going to be using two men from berlin for wearing a kippah going as far as to attack the men with his belt jewish leaders have cautioned against wearing the traditional skull cap so as not to draw attention in berlin we've seen reports of jewish children becoming the target of anti semitic bullying in school and this summer ten people were arrested after a brawl in a berlin park which started after one group of people from syria snatched away a star of david necklace worn by a jewish man also from the same country over one million refugees and migrants
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event in the country since twenty fifteen and as chancellor merkel points out some have contributed to the problem of noir we have a new phenomenon as we have many refuges a man whom there are for example people of arab origin who bring in another form of anti-semitism into the country unfortunately and. semitism existed before that i met with burly rabbi yehuda take that and i asked him how bad the situation is and if he agrees with extra integration classes for migrants focusing on anti semitism the problem with anti-semitism in germany today is unfortunately growing there is much worry about the developments in germany especially due to the fact that many refugees have come from countries which they were breastfed with hate towards israel and towards jewish people of course we welcome everybody but at the same time being a refugee doesn't only have merits it also has obligations it's not something that
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only affects the jewish people this affects all people that honor and respect democracy and want to live in a society which respects all people so we have to understand that this is a very serious top agenda issue also for the leaders of the german government and we strongly encourage them to take it in that manner this week sees the eightieth anniversary of kristallnacht or the night of the broken glass when jewish homes and businesses and places of worship were set ablaze by nazis with the nascent support of out of hitler's government while the situation in today's germany is thankfully a long way from out of the one nine hundred thirty s. that period of history continues to cast a long shadow peter all of our r.t. berlin. a star midfielder at one of england's top football clubs has received harsh criticism on social media after refusing to wear the traditional remembrance poppy ahead of armistice day which marks the end of world war one in saturday's
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match for manchester united so. decided not to wear the flower he explained why in an instagram post. i recognize fully why people wear poppies i totally respect everyone's right to do so and i have told sympathy for anyone who has lost loved ones due to conflict however for meat is only a reminder of the bombing of serbia in one thousand nine hundred nine on reflection i now don't feel it is right for me to wear the poppy on my shirt the poppy was first introduced as a remembrance symbol for those who died in the first world war however now its meaning has been extended as a symbol of remembrance for all fall and fallen soldiers and it is also widely used to raise funds for veterans we got reaction in belgrade and london to the footballers decision not to wear a poppy. i appreciate it decision politics shouldn't be involved in a sports i i would do the same from this country. has suffered more.
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twenty years from these aggressors and. country where the play is one of these aggressors and i think he did the right thing english not the parties. we don't like not the part not the soldiers if he lives and works in britain. on the rationalizations and poppy days especially yes it should so he obviously has a great personal feeling as to why and i think you just have to respect his previous two if your team mates are doing it. especially in a change sport like that then i think really sometimes you should swallow your own personal. opinions just to show respect for the people around him and his family and his even his team to show respect he should i feel like he should wear poppy everybody's dilute is dealing with. is recovering from the war us but.
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if you just. move on we never speak to. a photo of a palestinian protester has gone viral. similarities to a famous painting by the french revolution i should say i walk by the cold liberty leading the people the protester in the image has now become a symbol of resistance. this is especially to the french reminds me of liberty league and the people by huge in the aquash a very powerful image. and
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a lot of i'll go to the great mulch return demonstrations to live with dignity and to take back all the land that i will never leave i will go every day and god willing our dreams be achieved. i put the flag down and started throwing stones with my sling shot so the short may only carry the sling shots on the flank and i was hurting them a tool and they were facing us with weapons. and i. do this in a great march of return demonstrations flag in one hand sling and the other when i saw my photo i was moved to go back. there has been criticism of israel's use of excessive force against the protestors israel insists though that it's the palestinians who are inciting violence the
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so-called great march overturn demonstration at the border has been taking place now for over seven months i understand it is too high. driven ten palestinians are being killed by israeli forces with more than eighteen thousand people who live there. twenty six minutes past the hour here in the russian capital our coverage of a u.s. mid summer elections will continue here on r.t. international but we'll also get to your other top stories as well hope you can join us at the top of the hour. what politicians do. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected . so when you want to be president. or some want to be.
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actually going to be for us this is what before three in the morning can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters of the how. to. question. it's hard to imagine the decades after the war a nazi don't tell was still active and rich in the nineteen seventies kryten tell had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz a german company growing until it developed thalidomide a drug that was promoted as completely safe even during pregnancy it turned out to have terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything paul you know she said is just cut short arms minix and i don't mind victims i have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that not only want the money i want the revenge. you know world of
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big partners through a lot of things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made. stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the troops the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the us is over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building
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through one thousand nine hundred ninety four. the country was torn apart by brutal ethnic conflict. nearly a million died in offer here and the streets of rwanda cities was steeped in blood and littered with bodies. the term genocide is often used to describe what happened here. but for the people who saw it all firsthand it was the end of the world. to witness it was to.
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