tv News RT November 7, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EST
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i want the revenge. on telling. me that. if you believe that it is you will be. a tremendous success. verdict on the republicans holding on to the senate and the. democrats rick reign the house of representatives they say it's a huge blow to the u.s. president. to america of course covering the early stages the u.s.
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made larry king sharing his insight. it's almost a boy there's never been anything like this in history ever we have a country in. trouble. a jewish organization in germany calls on the government to put on special integration classes for a newly arrived muslim migrants i met a spike in anti semitic incidents. and a photo of a palestinian protester mimicking a famous painting of the french revolution goes viral and we speak to him about his experiences protesting at the gaza border. u.s. midterm election coverage on the rest of your worldwide headlines welcome to the program when audience and. ballots in crucial midterm elections amid deep
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divisions in the country a preliminary results indicate the democrats are set for gains that will see them arresting back control of the house of representatives while the republicans retain control of the senate a record breaking thirty eight million people voted early now the excitement over the midterms resulted in huge queues with some not even getting to cast their votes other issues included a broken ballot scanners and voting machines locking their power cords in some places there was a shortage of machines and ballots and some stations opened late in chandler a phoenix suburb the polling station was closed due to a failure to pay rent but was later reopened by local officials now donald trump has dubbed the result a tremendous success democrats though say it's a huge blow to the president. caleb maupin takes a closer look at what it all means for america. this is the first time in eight
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years that the democrats have had control of the u.s. house of representatives now this is centrally means a split government and with control of the house of representatives the democrats will have the ability to launch more investigations into donald trump they'll have the ability to subpoena people and bring them before congress also they'll have the ability to get their hands on some key documents now people are asking could this mean impeachment now the way the u.s. constitution lays that out the democrats with control of the house will be able to bring impeachment charges against the president however it is the senate that would vote to remove the president in the event of an impeachment trial so the senate remains solidly republican however at this point a government shutdown is a real possibility because in order for legislation to pass the u.s. congress both houses have to sign on to it so with the democrats having the ability to shut down legislation they could essentially shut down the government as has
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happened under the obama administration and appears that while the senate remains republican the democrats seem to have maintained and won control of the u.s. house of representatives. king said his insights on the midterms with the america both going to have better holds a split government were to disappoint in this country might even be healthy. the last two years have been turbulent to say the least this is an important election night i've lived through a lot of them but i've never been through one like this. business about trump prompted rose's who's an election for again strong. prone probably he couldn't roll the media over the last two years it's almost at a point was never meant anything like this in history ever i know donald for forty years the one thing mistake you made stacy and you make very few in your life.
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donald trump does not have a bruised ego. go to mainz constant in other words what he will say is a couple of things democrats stole as in the house why are you notice that we kept the senate because most of my time was devoted to the said that he will take credit for whatever it doesn't matter what happens if he lost the senate he would have blamed the world we've never seen anything like this in politics ever now that i'm trying to picture. fifty years from today they put up till portraits of american presidents right now i'm trying to see washington jefferson. rose full reagan. do you think that i just never saw him as president and so what we have used accomplish some things but we have a we have
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a country in. a lot of trouble. or let's go live now to investigative journalist overextending joining us here on r.t. international a tremendous success according to the u.s. president rick is not what you would call it. well they lost thirty seats in the host so that could hardly be considered a victory they did hold the republicans of course have gained seats in the senate so they're going to they're going to you know take that for what it's worth but they have lost the majority that they held in the in in congress so that's going to be that's going to be very significant going forward well as well you know still getting numbers and now it looks like the democrats have retaken the house given the last couple of years of all this russia hysteria is it bad news for the u.s. russia ties do you think. i don't think there's going to be
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a huge change unfortunately the democrats as you have hinted at have been focused on on russia gate they've they've used that. they used it up until about a month or six weeks ago when it suddenly disappeared when they were campaigning and they were trying to talk to the get people to vote for them the sad thing is that the democrats the democratic party leadership selected candidates who are on the right wing of the foreign policy spectrum there's upwards of thirty candidates that they put forward in races around the country that come for straight from the cia or the national security establishment we've got a couple of was just checking out the results in at least two of the democratic party congressional winners who have who are taking seats in virginia and michigan are straight from the cia these are not peace advocates we've got another
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another democratic winner of a congressional seat tall melon up ski he comes from the state department in the end he's a hawk he was very much campaigning for the no fly zone in in syria so these are people who are going to be pushing for the more aggressive u.s. foreign policy so we're not going to see any improvement on that score i'm afraid rick i was going to ask you about you know what do the midterm results mean for america's foreign policy in the lead up to this we had u.s. intelligence and western media saying that china is going to be meddling in this election and russia's going to be meddling in this election then they came out and said iran is going to be meddling in this in this election when it comes to what bolton coal the triangle of terror down in central south latin america when it comes to syria china iran all these other so-called foes of america how will the midterm elections now affect america's foreign policy. well sadly we are
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not going to get congress that is going to challenge the aggressive regime change foreign policy of the united states there needs to be a lot of heat put on nancy pelosi of course comes from a very liberal districts were where near where i live in the san francisco bay area of california we need to really put heat on them to stop their promotion of an aggressive foreign policy and start reducing the military budget and start using diplomacy instead of threats of war which is becoming more and more blatant from the from the white house there was one on the democratic side there's there's a couple of positive note you know in terms of foreign policy it's good to see that tolson gabbert is is prevailing very handily in early results coming out of hawaii she is the congresswoman who has brought forward some very good resolutions in
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congress and there's a new candidate and this is the exception to the new democratic. candidate who's winning in maine his name is jared golden and he's prevailing he is a former veteran rank and file better run soldier who's come back who is very much campaigning against us foreign policies of wars abroad and regime change so there are positive signs there but sadly the democratic party leadership has not you know keeps continuing to basically jack up the military budget to support increases in that and and an aggressive foreign policy they're not challenging we need to see them challenging john bolton when he makes these ridiculous claims about what was at the triangle of. terror and you certainly bring in some interesting i'm goes down on what the expectation should be now for continued foreign policy out of the u.s.
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capitol bring it back more on the home front on the domestic front how do you explain the huge turnout for what was off the roll just the midterm vote. well there i mean it it's it's certainly true that trump is is very provocative he's very sensational people love him or they hate him and he is he is a show man that's what he can't come from this is a this is a man who never held elected office in his life and now he's the president of the of the most powerful country on earth so it's a he's a he's a symptom of the. of the situation we've got in the united states where he could come in with so little. experience in terms of politics and diplomacy but that's that's where we're at obviously you know for the past couple of years a lot of people are talking about america being a divided country and it's just seen massive tension over there in the states even
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some analysts calling it a brewing civil war do you think americans are more into politics these days why did so many people get involved for the mid to the midterm vote and they looking for change or are they looking for a status quo. well i think some people i think trump is is connecting with some people and that's why he continues to do as well as see as he does in some sectors of the population and he's definitely he's alienated he has and. a lot of other sectors and so they are motivated to come out is the country more divided than ever i think that's really hyperbole if we think back to the civil rights movement to the. urban. uprisings that took place in the sixty's the the movement against the vietnam war and even going back into the eighty's when ronald reagan was very unpopular and there were huge
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protests against him people can forget about that now but i think it's hyperbole the sad thing is that a lot of the the division now it's it's over it's over synthetic thing said over superficial things. some of it's of course substantial but the sad thing is that there's too much there's a lot of a lot of conformity between the two parties on an aggressive foreign policy based on a belief in u.s. supremacy and u.s. exceptionalism so i think there needs to be a lot more not division but object of criticism and really examination of that because the country is fiscally unsound right now it's spending over two billion dollars a day more than it takes in the deficit is going through the roof and
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and there's a wars going on in you know whatever it is twelve or fifteen countries now where the u.s. is is actively engaged so there needs to be a lot more challenging and a lot more questioning and division on that score in my opinion rick stunning investigative journalist joining us live from buckley california here in ontario international thank you. some other stories for you here on the program germany's leading jewish organization is calling for a special anti semitism classes for muslim migrants it comes amid a spike in hate crimes targeting jews a preacher all of our investigations. jewish community leaders in germany say they want to see integration classes for migrants that focus on the senate is i'm saying that this could help stem a rise in anti semitic incidence in the country many of these people have been shaped by regimes in which anti semitism is essential and the jewish state is denied the right to live to prevent the worst scenario we need to tailor the
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integration courses to these people much more preferably by country of origin the official statistics back up a rise in crime in germany just over four hundred were reported in the first half of twenty eighteen knots up ten percent on the same period last year the vast majority of these were committed by neo nazi and far right groups but the leadership of germany's foremost jewish organization paints a bleak picture of the future saying he sees more problems coming from migrants one of the most shocking cases of twenty eighteen was caught on camera shouldn't it says the media should. think showing a nineteen year old syrian molly going to be using two men from berlin for wearing a kippah going as far as to attack the men with his belt jewish leaders have cautioned against wearing the traditional skull cap so as not to draw attention in berlin we've seen reports of jewish children becoming the target of anti semitic
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bullying in school and this summer ten people were arrested after a brawl in a berlin park which started after one group of people from syria snatched away a star of david necklace worn by a jewish man also from the same country over one million refugees and migrants of a. into the country since twenty fifteen and as chancellor merkel points out some have contributed to the problem of noir we have a new phenomenon as we have many refuges among whom there are for example people of arab origin who bring in another form of anti-semitism into the country i fortunately and to simitis who existed before that i met with burly of rabbi yehuda title and i asked him how bad the situation is and if he agrees with extra integration classes for migrants focusing on anti semitism the problem with anti-semitism in germany today is unfortunately growing there is much worry about the developments in germany especially due to the fact that many
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refugees have come from countries which they were breastfed with hate towards israel and towards jewish people of course we welcome everybody but at the same time being a refugee doesn't only have merits it also has obligations it's not something that only affects the jewish people this affects all people that honor and respect democracy and want to live in a society which respects all people so we have to understand that this is a very serious top agenda issue also for the leaders of the german government and we strongly encourage them to take it in that manner this week sees the eightieth anniversary of kristallnacht all the nights of the broken glass when jewish homes and businesses and places of worship were set ablaze by nazis with the nation support about all of hitler's governments while the situation in today's germany is thankfully a long way from out of the one nine hundred thirty s.
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so when you want to express. something wanted. to be close it's like the full screen the more people. interested in the last. six. nearly twenty past there were a star midfielder one of england's top football clubs has received harsh criticism on social media after refusing to wear the traditional remembrance poppy ahead of almost a day which marks the end of world war one in saturday's match for manchester united so. decided not to wear the flower though he explained why on instagram.
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i recognize fully why people wear poppies i totally respect everyone's right to do so and i have told sympathy for anyone who has lost loved ones conflict however for me it is only a reminder of the bombing of serbia in one thousand nine hundred nine on reflection i now don't feel it is right for me to wear the poppy on my shirt the poppy was first introduced as a remembrance symbol for those who died in the first world war however now its meaning has been extended as a symbol of remembrance for all fallen soldiers it is also popular among some nato countries and often used to raise funding for veterans ati's election a chef ski picks up the story from the capital it's not every day you see a professional footballer take a hard political stance but that's exactly what manchester united and. did regarding wearing the poppy well you would think that this would pacify all the tension because it was heavily criticized for not wearing this poppy but yet some
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people took to social media to deliver a lot of abuse towards the serbian player now some were suggesting that he should be injured others were saying that he should leave the country and play elsewhere but in serbia his decision received some price appreciate it decision politics shouldn't be involved in the sports i would do the same from this country. has suffered more. twenty years from this. country where he is one of these aggressors english. we don't like not the not the soldiers but even in the england itself you mine you much is explanation left very mixed response some people actually defended him and said they respected his choice after all he was not even an english player but say that to stoke city's james maclean from republic of ireland who also refused to
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wear a puppy. got so much abuse coming towards him that it just you know the social media literally exploded with vile things said about the republic of ireland international player in the even had somewhat of a confrontation with the fans at one of the recent stock city's games so all this basically raises a big question what is wearing a poppy in england a symbol remembrance or something that you can use as a stick to hit a player if you refuse to wear it based on his nationality because reaction in london to the footballers decision not to wear a poppy. if he lives and works in britain. so he obviously has a great school. and i think you just have to respect his previous if you are doing it. then i think really sometimes you should swallow your own
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personal opinions just to show respect for the people around him and his family and his even his team to show respect. i wish we'd just stop making. and celebrating the fact that. that's not something that we were. a photo of a palestinian protester has gone viral for similarities to a famous painting of the french revolution a work by cold liberty leading the people the protester in the image has now become a symbol himself of resistance.
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does it look familiar especially to the french reminds me of liberty leading the people by huge and the like was a very powerful image. of the i'll go to the great module return demonstrations to live with dignity and to take back all the lands i will never leave open every day and god willing our dreams be achieved. that the flag down and started throwing stones with my sling shot so the short may only carry the sling shots in the flag and i will be hurting them a tool and they were facing us with weapons. and i used to do this in a great march of return demonstrations flag in one hand sling and the other when i saw my photo i was moved to go back there.
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has been a wide criticism of israel's use of excessive force against the gaza protest as israel insists though it is the palestinians who are inciting violence so called great march over time demonstration at the border has been ongoing now for over seven months at least two hundred and ten palestinians killed a teen thousand have been wounded. by just one in twenty five minutes past the hour here in the russian capital we are back in about twenty five minutes you can join us. when lawmakers manufactured to sentenced him to public wealth. when the
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ruling classes protect themselves. with the final merry go round of lives only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. i mean the real news is. in twenty four to you know bloody revolution two to correct the demonstrations one for being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it your style or here i mean your list put video through me in the new bill is that i new school in the middle of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. of those who took the courage invested over five billion dollars to assist ukraine in these and other
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goals that will ensure a secure and prosperous and democratic. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race is on all sides very dramatic development only closely and going to exist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time time to sit down and talk. greetings salutation. on a chilly truce. dave bing with the full moon high in the sky here at this house of big gambles in long shots the political world here in the united states was shaken
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to its very core because it was here at canterbury park in minnesota that the former wrestler a hollywood actor and the mayor of brooklyn park minnesota jesse ventura shocked the world and became the thirty eighth governor in the state of minnesota today and watching the hawks we will look back on that historic win and take a look at his time in office and the true changes that he implemented and the things he fought for in his battles with the political establishment and the mainstream media so take a journey with us as we celebrate the twentieth anniversary of governor jesse ventura. so what would you treat with a thing like real military this would be the last but the bottom would. be just like what they like you know that i got. was that we. would
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see this this is. what caused me to run for governor i kind of french myself to help us celebrate and remember the twentieth anniversary of the political campaign that shocked the world former governor jesse ventura was joined by several key figures in his campaign and administration campaign chairman dean barkley bill hillsman the campaign advertising guru and political strategist. running mate. school teacher made. and finally the communications director for the administration. really was the one that got me interested in the third party movement because i've always been anti democrat and republican and in my neighborhood up there all of a sudden i started to see nice barkley signs for congress or senate congress
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barkley barkley and i kind of thought who is this barkley what is this independence party at the time. and so on i got involved there and i realized that the majority of the independence party a great many of them were disgruntled democrats and republicans who feel the system's failing and they want something new and. i felt that way also. didn't when he ran. a long story shorter. fourth of july parade and he asked me to walk in it so we're walking. down the crowds going crazy but they're going crazy for me. and i'll never forget dede leaning over to me and whispering there didn't have to whisper it was pretty loud he said see the wrong guys running.
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