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tv   News  RT  November 8, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EST

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police in the u.s. identified the gunman who killed twelve people in a busy california bar on wednesday as a twenty four twenty eight year old excuse me former marine is believed to have committed suicide following the atrocity. hostility towards the media spikes in the u.s. with donald trump operating journalists at a news conference and a far left. activists protesting outside the home of a fox news host. and
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the u.k. government continues to face a backlash over its handling of the grand fella tower fire it is accused of placing gagging orders on experts investigating the tragedy which left seventy two people dead back in two thousand and seventeen. broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is r t international i'm sean thomas glad to have you with us. police in the u.s. say that they have identified the gunman who killed twelve people in a crowded bar in the small california city of thousand oaks on wednesday and named the suspect as a twenty eight year old local resident in david long he served in the marines and reportedly suffered from post-traumatic stress disorder police say he was known to them for minor offenses and had been referred to mental. health experts back in
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april long's motive for the shooting is not known here's how witnesses described events. i was on the dance floor dancing at its very worst year and then all my friends were at the table right by the door and then they turned your i heard the gunshot it turned around and i saw him shoot a couple more times and in a split second everyone yelled get down so i ran to the left of the dance floor where the back door is and everyone pretty much dug probably on top of each other they were very very loud gunshot they were very clear what they were the shots kept going and going and going we just heard people say right and we looked at as fast as we cut. calls police started coming in and around eleven fifteen in the evening terrified customers hid under tables and in bathrooms during the shooting the bar had been holding a country music night for local university students hundreds of people who were there at the time. president has ordered the national flag
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lowered to half staff at the white house to commemorate the victims of the mass shooting. in the wake of the u.s. midterm elections which saw the democrats take control of the house donald trump has launched a series of scathing attacks on journalists at a press conference the day after the pivotal vote of the president accuse the media of being divisive and hostile and again called c.n.n. an enemy of the people. it isn't good what the media is doing and that i do have the right to fight back on the campaign trail you called yourself a nationalist some people saw the as emboldening white nationalist racist question i would never do that and i don't use race and. it's people like this that cause division one of the statements that you made in the killing of the campaign there we go. i think you should let me run the country you run c.n.n. all right and if you did it well. let's ask one of the other folks. on this person
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that's enough the president the other folks that. you are a rude terrible person. mr president. in jim's defense the. record. either side or step would be. in while the left wing movement have targeted a fox news anchor activists from the group surrounded tucker carlson's home chanting insults. right. off the t.v. host wasn't home of the time however his wife was she managed to lock herself in and call the police the couple have four children activists rang his doorbell and broke his door. many viewed the emotionally charged and a turbulent midterms as
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a referendum on the trumpet ministration the president himself has claimed vindication after the republicans retained their senate majority weighing up on the outcome here. so which party won the epic midterm battle for control of the u.s. congress well if you listen to both sides they both won and last night the republican party defied history to expand our senate majority to found the story of the constitution's checks and balances do the job. fancy pelosi has got plenty of reason to be happy the first time the democrats have had a majority in the house of representatives in eight years they can now launch an investigation spree into donald trump and block all kinds of legislation but you would think they would have won a bigger blowout after all they are running against the new hitler who happens to also be a russian spy you can go for nationalism you can go for anger opposite of hitler
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the same type of propaganda that you would have seen in germany in one thousand and thirty eight these comparisons to trump it's like it bums me out trump will be outmatched by putin i have never seen an american president simply surrender to the leader of russia we call it soccer now the donald is far from a media darling lots of media criticism and pressure and his losses weren't so bad when compared to his recent predecessors he not only maintained control of the senate but the republicans actually picked up a few seats so do lots of americans just like hitler and russian spies well perhaps they were just watching a different channel twenty seventeen was a very successful first year for president trump unlike obama business confidence is now soaring under president trump in fact the news is so good so the vote was described as a referendum on the donald so what's the verdict well the voters seem to have
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stayed within one of two echo chambers there is one echo chamber that loves the donald and the other that hates him the country is divided and now congress along with it i doubt it. can u.s. sports journalist jamila hill has caused controversy online by posting a tweet suggesting that most white women are not supporting the feminist cause the comment came following the midterm senate race in texas in which a majority of white women voted for the republican candidate fifty nine percent white women voted for ted cruz fifty three percent of white women voted for donald trump so given this numbers who is a real face of feminism in texas only thirty nine percent of white women voted for the democratic candidate and a supporter of feminist values beto roark that's while ninety five percent of black women voted for him and only four percent for republican ted cruz and just the latest criticism of republican voting women by liberals and progressives here are
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a few other examples. what is happening why are women even voting for him yeah i don't get you ladies i mean the country's fifty five percent. i mean the country was pretty. well we have tons of black presidents when i see women doing that i think why are they publicly disrespecting themselves voted against hillary clinton voted against their own voice. and i didn't vote for anybody nobody but you are a woman and you are never going to love it and it will be good so i. don't get it. she scared me. to talk more about this i'm joined by author and women's rights advocate and reese everson and media commentator jane a lot to you both thanks for being with us here in our two international of course
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here we have kind of just this perfect storm of events if you will we have a race brought into the mix we have feminism brought into the mix so i guess the question i throw to you both how would you assess hill's comments is being a republican and a feminist compatible if so why and if not why not. well i would say that in the tradition of true feminism and akin in the tradition of women just voting independently as they think and not based on their gender or their skin color or those kinds of things that is true independence if you look at the words of dr martin luther king jr he said he hoped that people would be judged not by their skin color or categorized by extemporaneous factors he wanted them judged by the content of their character and i think that's how women in america should and usually do vote all right every service and same thought yet event
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sounds good and we love to see use martin luther king and throw out those sound bites but see what was actually important to king was making sure that the little brown children as they were being bused from school from the lower economic sides of the of the community to the parts that were fully white so that those children could be interrelated educated at the same level of the other children unfortunately what we're seeing here is that just like back then in the sixty's when black children were being bused to other communities white women did something very interesting if you go back and you look at most of the pictures of the sixty's of the children being bus you see a lot of white women standing there angry faith yelling and spitting on children and holding up signs saying you can't go to school with my children we don't want you here and so what we learned back in the sixty's about white women is very similar to what we're seeing about white women right now is that all of them do not
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want what's best for children across the board they may want the best for their children they may want what's best for their families but they don't necessarily share that view of how they want the world to be in benefit for other women and so when we talk about bin ism we have to act the question is it just about the family of the woman voting or does she have this view that she wants others to do better as well and that's the question we have to ask white women in america. so what is the real face of women ism. journalists are with you well it's very clear. well for me there is a barrier to me in ism the whole term has been has been completely. just skewed to mean a politically correct mana lithic very small minded way of looking at things our world is very different than it used to be back in the one nine hundred
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sixty s. where my colleague here makes the comparison it's very different i mean i might you know she's probably including me as a conservative woman who absolutely would have voted for ted cruz overpaid or work for example who absolutely will support and have supported donald trump she's probably looking at me as one of those quote unquote white women but i can tell you i'm very tired of being cast you know some more to her is simply based on my skin color and especially and especially because i happen to be the mother of a child with brown skin and so to decide that based on my skin color that i as it sounds really what are you voting for the best interests of that have been around here the person accusing makes the person accusing me the actual racist. no it says there's no such thing as reverse racism we'll start there but here's the issue if you voting in the best interest of that but have
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a timeline the world around you child that you have then here's the question what type of mother are you because here's the question at the end of the day we want children to be protected so we need gun laws that reflect that if you're voting against the interest of your own child in school then we have to raise the question what are you voting for who are you supporting the n.r.a. doesn't support protecting the children in schools from people who come in and do shootings so then there's that the right leg there the second red flag and i go i want to know here is what you have other women and their reproductive rights when you know that ted cruz is not interested in protecting protecting reproductive rights when you know that ted cruz is not interested in equal pay for other women and you know that women who are brown skinned and and women of other ethnicities are paid what white women are paid then i have to ask you the question who are you whose interests are you representing if you're only as a white woman representing the best interest of other white women then we absolutely have a problem absolutely. so here's my question is it wrong i'm curious how many here
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go ahead ok my question is it wrong. for to be criticizing women for exercising their free choice and for voting their conscience and the other side if we want to go to the conservative side of things. republicans really they have scores of policies that are unfavorable to women if you look at it back in time is it safe to say that they're i mean surely there's a strong case to be made to republican women that voting for republicans that it's kind of against their best interest. absolutely and it's not right out and i don't like it's not my job solar and or. actually parenthood but secondly while i let you answer so if i could now that would be great thank you so much so secondly it is the republicans by the way it is the party of abraham lincoln that actually fought for civil rights and won over the democrats so if you want to vote
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in accordance with what is civil rights then you would want to vote republican now thirdly she brought up the issue and we don't know that those are how can slip someone and we say when i was it was part of the seal there that means i as a woman excuse me i didn't interrupt you and i need you to do the same respectful think thank you so as somebody who's trained to defend other women and i believe that the true feminist position on guns is to say that if i am sound minded and trained i should then be able to protect my family from the same violent crime that i incurred so that's my stance and that's the feminine stance on that now thirdly when she's talking about how do you that of course i want to get on this affair of the women's rights i mean all of that i'm all that has made me girls who were aborted what about their rights if you're going to talk about women's rights what about the baby girls rights who are killed ten thousand per day every day you know i know you're lonely my mind about republicans you talk about abortion but. do you
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protect the children while they're here if it's ok for you to lead a school full of children be shot i do because you as a woman want to have the right to bear arms but you don't protect those children who can't carry guns inside the school i mean it's insane and so when you talk about oh well i support a man who you know ted cruz but he doesn't support our what some of the people that you're voting for the republican party don't even support our so how do you stand with them and you say well i'm i'm a victim of sexual abuse these are the laws that we are pushing to help protect women who've been harmed i mean it's just not in alignment with your what you say is not what in alignment with what you do which is baffling to me is i'm flabbergasted flabbergasted so republican women have a lot to say as well. many believe that they shouldn't embrace the victim status that is pushed by liberals do you think that they feel more threatened because of the dominance of women democrats. i mean if you let's let's
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look at this i can't say why personally i think that they are going to say if you look at this past midterm election we saw a lot of democratic women being elected and brought into the house and in different positions around the country as well. oh it's absolutely true that there's a greater equality today than ever before and instead of celebrating that and embracing that and building up on that leftist progressive women seem to want to whine about it and cry and say they're the victim and separate us all out by skin color or race or religion or gender for crying out loud i think most women are proud of accomplishments that are other than things that again are physical and in most cases we don't actually choose them and so i think that when you're a conservative woman you celebrate the things that you've actually accomplished based on your own you know own drive and your own freedom and your own will and
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your motivation and those kinds of things that's what i would rather be judged for that's what i would rather my daughters be judged for and certainly that's what i would rather our society be judged for rather than things like going backward to things like religion and skin color and gender to me those eating whole grains are the ones that we say they. going to stay with and we need to get really come over here and basing things on merit and accomplishment because because no matter what skin color or what gender you are you can be anything you want to be we're the freest best country one foot in the race and this that you are some thing to celebrate that for not i wanted to whine about and to vote with their other white community and so we're going to forget about all of those things and just stand on my privileges i don't really do you isn't it where she is and she wants to stand there and so that's where she wants to say we have to allow that and so here's the thing it's not my job to check or help other women see that there are
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privileges there and that you know help them confront it it's not our job that's the job of the sisterhood they as white women need to start checking one another i'm not here to do it they are going to have to hold one another accountable and say listen we have privilege in this country we have access to things that other people have been systematically denied and that's not something that happened years and years ago that's a good day those are policies the laws that have been in effect today feeling them and so. sorry i you know what i want to sit here and i thank you notes and to mel hill for for what he said i guess the for her as a michigan state alum now i want to say go girl i appreciate that ladies we could talk about this and i would like to talk about this all hour long unfortunately we do have time constraints in a live news thank you both for being with us here in our two international. thank you. all right more news after a break you're watching our two international stay with us.
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i think it's important to do something that you're passionate about and even if you know you may not think you can do that and i didn't think there was any chance of me becoming an astronaut but really that's what i was passionate about and i wanted to at least try service if you're trying whatever it is you're interested in in general for people if you have that passion if you have something you think is really interesting but you think it might not be possible that doesn't matter just just give it a try and you never know where you might end up. with you i'm not an institution when you are not the government. is your voice belongs to you and use it. in your voice people accept to seems they wouldn't
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accept was a situation. it would be this is a difference with diplomacy and still be sure to see. my welcome back this is our intention. on live from moscow now the british government is facing a wave of criticism for its handling of the aftermath of the grand felt tower fire seventy two people died a year ago in a blaze that engulfed a block of flats in london and westminster has been accused of placing gagging orders on experts investigating the tragedy artie's on to see if you're going to brings us more well love critics of the british government have dubbed it shameful in light of information that has emerged about a company that was hired just days following the ground fell fire tragedy to
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analyze and investigate u.k. government a state building c fifty and that company was reportedly told not to criticize theresa may and her government this was revealed as part of a comprehensive investigation carried out by the times newspaper which disclosed that among hundreds of other contracts the specific one hundred thousand pounds contract with an engineering company called w s p had instructed that particular company not to quote create. adverse publicity for the cabinet or other crown bodies when looking at the situation involving other buildings around the country following the grunfeld fire and of course reactions to such a gag order on clotting experts was was not met with open arms this shows. if you respect to do so. would. follow the truth wherever it led.
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rather than gagging experts and purred ties in reputed damage this conservative government should be doing everything in its power to ensure they never happens again coming just a few weeks after the prime minister promised to get tough on gagging causes these shocking revelations show the government to be deeply hyper critical as well as paranoid and this is how the government had to respond to all of this standard contracts in the public and the private sector contain provisions to protect the commercial interests of government and its suppliers in a reasonable way these contracts do not prevent individuals from campaigning on specific issues acting as whistleblowers or reason concerns about policy well or the grenfell tower of course took place on june fourteenth last year it was a fire that killed seventy two people it lasted many many hours and really brought lots and lots of criticism in terms of the initial reaction of theresa may and her
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government and as well as the days that followed. well the grandfather united campaign group reacted to these latest revelations with a statement saying quote the focus at every level of government must be to get to the truth about how and why grand fell happened no one should be deterred from speaking out and quote. a russian athlete who tragic. glee lost his arms in
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an accident decades ago has taken gold in his category at the european triathlon championships in spain the fifty five year old conquered the kilometers of running swimming and cycling with the help of his wife who's also his trainer real chance to speak to both of them about their motivation. the voters are slow to slit was out of the military presence that obama will derail to the. us as minor syria which is to lower the price to build still breathe of shells exported to. supply. more leads me to be in your. bottle of three outlaw. when you post but the reply. you are supplied need may be
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a push the global. solution. must now richest but good of people. in europe will risk the mission of supposed to do with that we see. just small. much of the most evil is bordered with fissures just nickel for the boer elite the small to within the she does she turns it was all in the will disappear. got off serious should be on can resume really not all the last years come or go stalled my really was mother's day. to go. usual my desire being as usual just like most little more vision steroids in those conditions so others will wash the. dishes. to see what.
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stories like yours are the world with their sister years her sick. list a good serve. still. have to share his physical. world. good to get what this at the surface at the surface. and it does that does it for me i'll be back with more news in about thirty two and a half minutes watch mark international stay with. her not.
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her. i am. i am not through there i am through. six guys are financial survival guide. when customers go by you reduce the price. then help well reduce and lower. that's undercutting but what's good for market is not good for the global economy. both the republicans and democrats claim victory in the wake of the midterm elections but it seems the election settled little if anything now there is a dueling investigation warfare gridlock on steroids is this what the voters voted for. it's hard to imagine the decades
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after the war a nazi don't was still active rich in the one hundred seventy s. cret intel had as the chair of its board a man convicted of mass murder and slavery at auschwitz a german company developed. a drug that was promoted as completely safe. during pregnancy if it turned out of terrible side effects what has happened to my baby is anything. you know she said is just. minutes a little mind victims i have to this day received no compensation they never apologized for the suffering that i did not only want the money i want the revenge .
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right. through one thousand nine hundred ninety four. the country is torn apart by brutal this new conflict. nearly a million died in offer here on the streets of rwanda cities was steeped in blood and littered with bodies. the term genocide is often used to describe what happened here. but for the people who saw it all firsthand it was the end of the world.


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