tv Boom Bust RT November 8, 2018 8:30pm-9:00pm EST
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gain greater cooperation and coordination with australia from other nations in the region. and speaking of china they know a bargain when they see it with canadian oil more than fifty dollars below west texas intermediate futures last month the asian superpower has been looking beyond the u.s. and iran for its energy needs snapping up barrels and the great white north here with the details from canada is our team's alex mahela bitch hey alex what's the latest on this i was a little bit shocked to see it maybe i shouldn't be but give us the lowdown. well you know bart as well as i do our oil is tar. and it's not really the cleanest stuff on earth but it's at bargain prices right now and as you mentioned china always knows a good bargain when it sees it and if you compare numbers back in april they bought about one point five eight million barrels of canadian crude and actually i should say that's what they bought in september that's about fifty percent since april
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when it was just around one million barrels at the time so they're buying it up obviously that's a lot more just in a few months time and there's a few reasons for that now you know as you mentioned you mentioned iran there that's one of the things you know china doesn't really want to rock that boat too hard with the united states in the sanctions so it's looking where else can we buy oil but also the other boat we're talking about when it comes to the u.s. and china is the terror of so china's being a little bit punitive here too in its own little way around the back of a corner by not buying as much u.s. oil and turning to canada so that's a ding in that direction as well but there are secondary feel to this oil that's dirty oil that we have here that's a bit human and china needs the secondary level of that oil as well as the oil for fuel because they have a huge boom in building so that stuff it's basically tar so you can use that for roads you can use that for runways you can use that when you're putting roofs on buildings so they see that secondary stuff that
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a lot of people say is the bad stuff as a beneficial to them so when they ship it over to china they can use that oil on both ends. the we talk about the price differential alex i mean we'll be talking about a little bit later and see what the numbers are at the closing bell but is way down again today just north of sixty dollars for the west texas intermediate but i'm sure the chinese are going to could all of a sudden buy more u.s. oil now with this trade war tit for tat going on while they continue to buy canadian oil you think. well you know canada's in a good position especially because of the construction we're talking about usually in the fall china tends to start doing a little bit more construction and building in their country so canada's hoping that that could push forward but when you really look in the long run there's a couple reasons that it's probably not going to continue this direction unless it's a more of a political thing so for example in the states some analysts are saying the reason that canadian oil is actually more attractive now is just the fact the u.s. west coast refineries are under maintenance right now so there's less coming out so
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china has to look someplace else for oil also when it comes to canada you know the transparent pipeline you know that was supposed to be kicking in there's a lot of legal things happening right now might never happen it was supposed to be extended to be able to push up three times the amount of oil that would be going to china east to china over the pacific that is at a point where you know canada doesn't know are we going to be an environmental and mental nation and just shut down the whole oil operation that we're doing over the next couple of decades or is this the direction we want to head so there's that dispute here in the country any way you look at it ninety nine percent of our oil goes to the states and we're relying on the states so it would be good to diversify it would be good to find another market but as it stands right now a little bit more oil going to china while it's not bad for the pocketbook when it comes to canada. r.t. correspondent alex mahela dish thanks alex you know. we talk often about the u.s. china trade war but today we focus upon the collateral impact other nations here to
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help us out is our t. correspondent in china eggs work caleb caleb thank you for being with us you know we do talk about just to chime in when you've been on the program and on other r.t. programs a bunch but what are the impacts of the u.s. and china the two largest economies in the world how are they being how is the collateral impact related to other nations well just today in china they're convening the fifth international world internet conference we've got all kinds of cyber security heads that are there they're talking digital economy they're talking artificial intelligence there are some americans there from what i understand but our economy is missing out on it largely because of this trade barrier that's been erected now if you remember the t. p.p. the idea was to create a trade spear in asia that china would not be a part of right and bring all these countries in with a lot china out while the t.p. is gone right that was one of the deals that trump ripped up just like he promised to do on the campaign trail so now we're seeing as this this tariff war and this
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this disagreement between the united states and china persists we're seeing a lot of countries that might have been with us against china getting friendlier for example we just saw abbay the head of state of japan meet with president xi the first time in seven years there was a meeting between the head of japan and head of china also we don't vietnam right there's some disputed islands there there's been some tension there well now vietnam is all excited to start supplying some of the electronic parts that they're not getting from us so it's shaking things up in asia to say the least and you know it's so funny when you mention transpacific partnership that we pulled out from and then after look like everybody was going on with the eleven countries despite us president trump says a baby oh get back involved in it will. sorry charlie i mean that boat had already left i did that headline earlier and we spoke about it about the australians trying to also get some coordination cooperation among some of these countries but will president she's popularity and the coordination he has through belt road be enough
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to avoid any sort of future economic storm well i'm quite confident that they're going to get through this if you watch the speech that she gave on monday the speech she gave at the import expo that was very important and i think a lot of the mainstream media here in the us they kind of overlooked it and didn't get it but you know when you reach the climax of his remarks and he says we've been through five thousand years of trials and tribulations and we're still here and china will always be here and the audience just burst into applause that was very very dramatic you know with all due respect to our commander in chief i feel like he doesn't exactly know who he's messing with here right these are the people that invented gunpowder these are the people that literally invented paper money right this is not some kind of fifth avenue real estate deal the tough guy stuff is not going to work right you know china and china is you know pretty well imbedded in the world economy and i can be able to just push them out we're going to leave it there for right now caleb that's just a fair perfect place to leave it in china expert r.t.
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correspondent we'll have you back thank you so much sir always a pleasure. and it's time now to squeeze in a quick break but hang here because when we return miles edwards joins us to discuss the latest moves on net neutrality and more plus trinity charges tell us about the basics of bit coy and as the u.s. federal reserve concludes there are two days of meetings which are the stocks to look toward at american of adam ash trading joins us if you will get a stock tip and as we go to break here are the numbers at the closing bell as i mentioned oil is down twenty one percent from its peak on october third we'll be back in a flash. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line they get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to be rich. actually going to be close to what the full story of the people. i'm interested in the why. shouldn't. ministry's police school says in the city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation that does my mike was hoping to avoid just one from the president. this is going to come to the. woods as that's good to see it's just a proprietary software you don't know this whole scope isn't that such a security risk when you have a black box operating the public eye to microsoft dependency puts governments on to sign both read a note on the. cell
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. no one. will fall in. with. the rules this is the. one who started on this deal of patience stopped when there was listing of all the fundies up on his cards on the fine. which you are not an institution when you are not a government. you'll force is your voice belongs to you and yours are discussed in your voice zen people accept to do seems they would not accept was a situation we used it would if this is a difference which deprive us to enjoy official people to see. and. i think it's important to do something that you're passionate about and even
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are here you may not think you can do that and i didn't think there was any chance of me becoming an astronaut but i realize that's what i was passionate about and i wanted to at least try sir least if you try whatever it is you're interested in it and in general for people if you have that passion if you have something you think is really interesting but you think it might not be possible that doesn't matter just discovered a try and you never know where you might end up. in twenty forty you know bloody revolution to correct the demonstrations going from being relatively peaceful political protests to be creasing the violent revolution is always spontaneous or is it still loyal to a pretty meaningless book video to do in the new bill is that i new school in need
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of the former ukrainian president recalls the events of twenty fourteen. to. get invested over time doing in dollars to assist ukraine in these another nation or a secure and prosperous and democratic. welcome back when most of us think about flip phones we think there are these old school obsolete devices but the giant south korean tech company samsung is reportedly now working on a new foldable phone the phone when unfolded can create a screen as large as a tablet company officials announced the development yesterday using what is called infinity flex display while samsung appears poised to launch first google is also
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reportedly working on a foldable phone google vice president of engineering david burke said quote you can think of the device as both a phone and a tablet as you all unfold the app seamlessly transfers to a bigger screen without missing a beat both devices are expected to be officially launched next year. and earlier this week we discussed the u.s. supreme court and denying an appeal to examine net neutrality rules from the obama administration the f.c.c. earlier this year overturned the twenty sixteen rule which required internet providers to have equal access to web content here discuss net neutrality and more as international regulatory attorney miles edwards it's so good to be with you and i love it when we're together here we could look at each other and really disco off script for all this stuff away first of all let's do some basics you're the guy to do it tell us what about what net neutrality is ok very simply with net neutrality says it is three things it says number one that internet broadband providers cannot
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block content they can not blow. the websites that you want to go to secondly they can charge for higher volume content they can charge for specialized content if you go to amazon or if you go to another type of website in your streaming a video the costs have to be the same regardless and the third thing and the third thing that people are not speaking about is net neutrality says that the internet is a utility like the phone company or a gas company and it's going to be considered a utility under title two of the u.s. communications act of nine hundred thirty six which is extraordinarily important because if you say it's not a utility you lose those protections which means that like in the utility of there's a rate hike you go to a herring if there is any sort of discussion about the utility itself it's done in
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public and if you fail to pay your bill they don't cut you off immediately so now we have a situation where none of those items are in place at all so the obama administration's it was the federal communications commission led by then a hand-picked. bamma allies which happens and whoever the party the president is you are just an obama thing that they tried to change that to make it not discriminatory to discriminate or and make it a utility or more like a utility rather right and the trumpet ministration try to roll that back right they what people went to court try to say no that's not right and then the supreme court they appealed to the lower court said no the ruling stands the change that it tried they tried to go to the appeal to the supreme court absolutely a court said no we're not going to touch it so where does that leave us now so if
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we step back a minute there is such a fundamental philosophical difference between the. way the obama administration viewed the internet and the way the trumpet ministration viewed the obama administration was fully behind net neutrality and it said it's a utility it is there for the public good it it's a right it is not a privilege trump administration says not a utility it is a privilege that you need to pay for so a really fundamental difference now what's interesting is the f.c.c. with their restoring internet freedom order and i just love that because it did nothing to restore any internet freedom but it's one of these sort of orwellian in the regulatory terms overturned. net neutrality and there was a lot of controversy about it because many of the larger iowa speed broadband providers and if you look at it bart it's eighteen t. verizon and comcast which has eighty seven eighty eight percent of the market they
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did a very vigorous and knew probably know this from your days on the hill very vigorous assertive lobbying effort to repeal mit neutrality and so this is where out right now the landscape now is entirely different it means that there is censorship which is both economic in the sense that these providers can charge you whatever they want to for the services or providing new they can also from a personal standpoint block content and we have seen that done with some political and also you've lost all your protections as you do with any other utility so informative i want to have you back if you're willing to come back and talk about this whole issue around the world because i know we were talking before the show about asia and europe we'll have you back international regulatory attorney miles edward thank you so much bank you barred. and when the
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markets were in a topsy turvy last week we spoke about how crypto currency is were relatively stable and how that was essentially messing with the minds of some established people on wall street well now there's actual data which supports the relative stability of bitcoin in fact according to the data volatility a bit coin is the lowest level in more than twenty four months despite the higher amounts of volatility in u.s. equity prices volatility is seen as one reason why such crypto currencies like bitcoin have not received greater acceptance from investors and the broader fight in the sector. and we talk all the time about bitcoin of course but sometimes we just have to take a step back because i wonder whether or not we've gone past people so now we take a look at the basics of bitcoin and to do so we turn to our to correspondent trinity charges. one of the biggest financial stories of the past year has been the incredible rise and pullback of big corn but although many refer to it as
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a new type of asset or currency it's actually been around for the last decade and we're going to break down this crypto currency is history crypto currency is like bitcoin our currency is that allow people to pay their without involving financial institutions they are sometimes called digital currencies or virtual currencies but we tend to call them crypto currencies and although bitcoin was the first established crypto currency there were previous attempts at creating other online currencies with ledgers and secured by encryption like the money and big gold but neither of the two were ever fully developed but it all started in two thousand and eight when this paper was posted to a mailing list discussion on crypto graffy by someone or some group who goes by the name known as soto she not comodo who's really done it is still a mystery meanwhile in two thousand and nine bitcoin begins this is the year the software became available to the public for the very first time and mining starts later that year the new liberty standard published the first exchange rate between
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one dollar to be worth more than one thousand three hundred nine. now with the exchange rate established it was only a matter of time before someone would try to make an actual purchase and that happened in two thousand and ten when someone swapped ten thousand of their for two pizzas but a few months later broke the penny threshold and that today's price is ten thousand be worth more than sixty five million dollars and in two thousand and eleven and two thousand and twelve the silk road was created by ross albright who was known under the pseudonym as dread pirate roberts the web site was designed to use for tor and big corn and allowed people to buy and sell whatever they wanted as long as they weren't hurting anyone else the widespread adoption of the coin and the invisibility of the dark web allowed silk road to quickly become the world's drug marketplace and dread pirate roberts to become one of the world's biggest drug kingpins in two thousand and thirty. he was arrested he is currently serving a double life sentence plus forty years without the possibility of parole meanwhile
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during that same time after steadily making gains in was worth one dollar for the first time in two thousand and eleven by june of that year big quinn was worth over thirty dollars but then it took a hit and drop back down to ten dollars and now want to be the last time that coin prices took a hit over the next few years because it increases in popularity and after hitting the thousand dollar price value for the first time in two thousand and thirteen it quickly begins to decline and it would be around two years before the currency reaches a thousand dollars again because we've been stalled for a while and in january two thousand and fourteen and once again fell below one thousand dollars and struggle to rise for a few years during this time the world's biggest equate exchange mt gox and japan announced that around eight hundred fifty thousand points valued at nearly five hundred million dollars belonging to customers and the company had been stolen the company suspended trading and shut down however bitcoin would have its comeback in two thousand and seventeen this was the biggest and busiest year for the currency
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after spending two thousand and sixteen trying to make a comeback big queen finally reached and passed its one thousand dollar mark and by june it was worth over three thousand dollars october six thousand dollars november nearly ten thousand dollars and by the end of december big quinn was worth nearly twenty thousand dollars but twenty eighteen has been a rough year for bitcoin the price has steadily dropped for much of the year and has been trading around the seven thousand dollar mark which is about a sixty five percent drop in value reporting in new york trade each of us r.t. . and ford motor company is branching out to the scooter and bike sharing sector with the purchase of san francisco based company spin for what is reportedly the fore. the million dollar deal scooter start ups like lyman bird are entering markets around the world and some transportation experts see the area of unconventional
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micro mobility as an opportune market for transportation companies like ford in which to diversify other such diverse patient areas include ride hailing services and driverless cars ford's interest in the area is a new and has been part of an incubator effort at the company called ford x. now ford has a full fledged division dedicated to and called smart mobility which focuses upon growing new businesses and targeting consumers looking for unconventional forms of transportation outside of traditional vehicle ownership spin which is expanding rapidly currently operates and thirteen cities but expects to expand to six more by the end of the year and to one hundred additional cations within eighteen months. as a u.s. federal reserve concludes two days of meetings we are now joined by adam ash of adam s. trading to discuss it and more adam welcome it's great to be with you first time
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we're together in person so thanks is great i love it it's cool you know so let's talk about first of all this the two day meeting what did this bed say what was their statement are we still on track for another quarter point increase in december percent chance that we get a quarter point rate increase in december the only two things that stood out to me a little bit were that business investments are down and the fed still says three rate hikes next year while the market's only factoring in two so that's what's that out to me so they could potentially at least use eighty percent but they could potentially wait until q one to do it if something happens i mean there is a square about whether or not you know growth is peaking investment is peaking and anything could happen and they said they said that job growth is still good everything still looks good at say that eighty percent i'm probably your word for it because i'm going to tell our viewers about a great stuff. you made on this air not long ago but first let's look at a couple of different stocks that we talked about earlier i thought might interest
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herb yours let's first go to what you want to go to square to us about square that had the earnings report right first of all square if you think about jack dorsey it's pretty incredible i was looking at twitter first twenty five billion dollar company he started a twenty five billion dollars company and then they start a company that's now worth thirty billion dollars which is one guy very amazing so square had earnings it was down but we've seen this kind of volatility facebook had a big move back and forth after earnings apple traded down big on monday of this week apple was trading below two hundred today it hit two o nine so i'm looking for square to have a similar rebound it hit that seventy five area support trade around there for the second half of the day i'm looking for a move back to the in the short term square is exciting it's expanding and they remain the takeover to target for someone like a visa master card or even apple and they still remain this great attribute when people can't afford you know
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a full fledged credit card machine i mean they're in cherokee cabs all over here in new york and they're really convenient so it seemed like they got a lot of things right but speaking of which adam you got something right you told us when we ask you the day for a tip you said buy pay pal and it's up six bucks since you said that i mean bravo man i. tell us more about pay pal and why you are so right so when i'm doing short term trades as an individual trader it's all based on momentum what's standing out to me so when the market took that hit a couple weeks ago he passed a very strong and for me that's a big sign earnings were out of the way there was no news that could impact the movement of the stock so the trajectory meant higher and the kind of move up in the market has triggered a higher move in pay pal and i think we're going to test those fifty two week highs around ninety three and my dad my dad watched my interview i said. you know he's like great job and he's like and then today he texted me thanks for pay pal of course oh you know you always want to please your father but adam mesh traders also
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benefited in that let's get to another one let's get to international business machine i.b.m. tell us about where they are why you think that's a good one for people look at i want them to look at it i don't want them to buy a massive bear sun idea are you ok and here's what i've been best on i.b.m. for a while and in time you see someone trying to keep changing their business you know you're great at what you do evolves and you said you're going to become a d.j. that might mean there's an issue i b m is trying to essentially transition careers and they just bought redhat they went down to one fifteen they traded up to one twenty four i wanted to go a little bit higher and i'm going to look for a bears opportunity for them to retest the lows because i don't think this thread had deal is going to benefit them they've shown an inability to capitalize on these kind of transactions and i'm going to look for that to continue more of the same from them which is not a good thing yet we have you look at their start they are way down in the last last month so that's very very interesting in that red head deal you know made headlines
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front page news that everything so what an interesting take adam mesh adam s. trading thank you i was great to see you in person thank you very much. and that's it for this time you can catch boom bust on you took that com slash boom bust art will see again. there's now a building around break here and no one to know why says terrorist. bad memories. twenty four years ago this country song look at the end of the world. after the genocide
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there a moment women in rwanda that man. fell to women to fix what the man had broken. and. i think it's important to do something that you're passionate about and even if you know you may not think you can do that and i didn't think there was any chance of me becoming an astronaut but i realize that's what i was passionate about and i wanted to at least try to share this if you try whatever it is you're interested in it and in general for people if you have that passion if you have something you think is really interesting but you think it might not be possible that doesn't matter just just give it a try and you never know where you might end up. ministries police forces and city administrations of many countries depend on one corporation and that's why mike was hoping the boy got someone from the eyes of god
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to just dumb it down the guns not the woods as that's the that he got into this it's enough to. tried to research where you don't know the source code isn't that such a security risk when you have a black box operating the public good to microsoft dependency puts governments under a cyber threat and not only that team thinks this could put us in more than that so we close the office of the swiss for the easy sell the solstice is clearly one of the will still be true almost all these two will do all of the things with all that's the reason this is the i still call them strident on machines the old vision stopped and there was a steel mills in front is up and the scribes on the phone. both the republicans and democrats claim victory in the wake of the midterm elections
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but it seems the election settled little if anything now there is a dueling investigation warfare gridlock on steroids is this what the voters voted for. police or in let the u.s. identify the gunman who killed twelve people in a busy california bar on wednesday as a twenty eight year old former marine he is believed to have committed suicide following the atrocity. thousands rally in the u.s. against donald trump's decision to fire attorney general jeff sessions during the malar meddling investigation is now under threat. and the u.k. government continues to face a backlash over its handling of the grand felt tower fire it is accused of place.
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