tv News RT November 9, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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join me every. time i'm sure i'll be speaking to us from the world of politics. i'm sure i'll see you then. more divisions emerge in the u.s. media this time over a video of a c.n.n. reporter that was released by the white house. the material has been. women in texas face accusations of betraying feminist values after they cast their votes in favor of the state's republican candidate. i'm very tired of being castigated as. simply based on my skin color who are you who are you representing your only as a white woman representing the best interests of other white women then we absolutely have a problem absolutely. and the taliban makes
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a rare appearance in high level peace afghanistan in moscow is friday saying it was a success and that they're ready to meet again on tuesday only news channel to speak to the group following the meeting. we have. we have we want to be some of the what a lot of people. this is joining us this is international. press secretary has released a video she says justifies banning c.n.n. reporter jim acosta from the white house so called the video doctored and manipulated while others saw it is proof the journalist inappropriate behavior and debate has been raging in the media over whose side to take. it just is it crosses a line you don't put your hands i don't want him
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a cost to sort of wrestling this young white house intern jim acosta clearly never touched that white house intern that's just a lie and what i saw was a battery not by jim acosta but by the young white house aide if you can use a fake video use a fake video if you go all the way do something like this. so we have sarah huckabee sanders the white house press secretary pulling the credentials of jim acosta c.n.n. reporter and she then released a video clip of the incident which she called an inappropriate laying on of hands said that because he touched this this staffer of the white house who was holding the microphone this way that it was necessary to remove his credentials that it was unacceptable behavior while she posted the clip and now we have people saying that it's a doctored clip the clip is distorted in order to make the incident look far worse than it was it's also been pointed out that the clip that she shared on twitter to justify her decision came from the right wing website known as info wars however
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the individual who put the clip on info wars has defended their action it isn't doctored it isn't sped up it isn't slowed down all i did was zooming in look at it again is this an example of someone don't clip to change its meaning no it's virtually identical is it won't hundred percent identical no video compression is going to result in it looking marginally different let's recall the incident where this took place this was during trump's most recent press conference it was following the midterm elections trump came out and jim acosta confronted donald trump about the issue of the migrant caravan and his immigration policies and some of his advertising he actually asked for a follow up questions trump then cut him off and tried to move on to other reporters i think you should let me run the country you run c.n.n. or. if you did it well your ratings let me ask you if i mean one of the question is
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present right by me i don't know how are you worried i should know that sort of president that said i asked one of the other protested enough for me ma'am i protested enough for me ma'am and it comes to what took place during this press conference americans just don't see eye to eye there are two different versions of events that people are very very strongly fired up and believing they may be looking at the same video clip but they have very very different interpretations of it was the famous dress incident some people thought the dress was white and gold others thought the dress was black and blue were in a situation where the country is increasingly divided regarding what side of the political spectrum you're on. and joined in the now by american political cartoonist. ted i'm sure this is the sort of thing that you would have a great telling making making fun of seems like a feeding frenzy over there what are you making of it all. it is a feeding frenzy and there's probably never been a better example of. how the american public is divided in that we were all looking
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at the same exact video but we're seeing what we want to see democrats are looking at that video and seeing jim acosta absolutely not coming not touching this in turn republicans are looking at it and saying he he touched her he laid hands on her and i don't really think that's how we should be looking at it we should try to put our politics aside and just try to see what happened but that's not what's happening or what have you seen this before in terms of public battles between the different media outlets. oh well it's definitely there's a yeah i mean i think this sort of thing has happened before that there there was a during the bush years there was a tendency for fox news to become sort of the official white house press or get media or broadcast organ during the obama years that roll shifted more to m s n b c with a little bit of c.n.n. also and and there there has been for example during the reagan administration
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a.b.c. news correspondent sam donaldson famously was always at loggerheads with president reagan and people really approved of that dan rather also had a contentious relationship with various republican presidents and so it's not the first time and obviously those of us who are old enough to remember president nixon he was pretty much at war with all of the media although i have to say looking back he handled the media with a lot more grace than even not just trump but more recent presidents is that how things are normally conducted white house press gatherings that report is pretty much all of them were refusing to give up the mike after one question insisting on another they were ignoring what the president of the united states who say is not normal enough. well i think what's happening is that it used to be normal under previous presidents a question and followed by a follow up question was kind of the norm in the white house press briefings both
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with the press secretary and with the president himself and trump is trying to constrain that limit the questioning to just one question and no follow up unless he feels like granting a follow up so already this is a press the press corps that's very hungry they don't get very many face to face chances to meet with the president as they did in this particular time i mean let's not forget we live in a country where there used to be press briefings by the president himself at least once a week sometimes twice a week and the numbers have just constantly shrunk over the years and obama curtailed them every president wants to meet with them press less and less and this president is just really not giving them much time so they're all competing with each other the room is big you know all their bosses want them to get a question and so it's not surprising that there's a scrum here to get to speak to you know i guess political culture and as ted rule
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thank you. the reeling from its face the disputed midterm elections that the democrats win control of the house but fail to take the senate and some key states that they've been hoping for such as texas where republican candidate ted cruz won a very tight battle and now there are accusations that those women who voted for cruz betrayed feminism with the prominent sports journalist set off the debate. fifty nine percent of white women voted for task fifty three percent of white women voted for donald trump so given this numbers who is the real face of feminism this is just the latest criticism of republican voting women by liberals and progressives here are some examples of what is happening why are women even voting for him yeah i don't get you what it is i mean the country's fifty five percent what it i mean the country was pretty. well we have tons of black presidents when i see women doing that i think why are they publicly disrespecting themselves voted
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against hillary clinton voted against their own voice. and by vote for anybody nobody you are a woman and you are never going to have it and it will be closed so i guess. i don't get it. she scared me but the issue of a feminist i'm in politics up for debate with a women's rights advocate and the media commentator. the tradition of women just voting independently as they think and not based on their gender or their skin color or those kinds of things that is true independence i'm very tired of being castigated as some sort of racist simply based on my skin color and especially and especially because i happen to be the mother of a child with brown skin and so to decide that based on my skin color that i as i
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sounds are only what are you voting for betty interests of that. the person accusing makes the person accusing me the actual racist. no it says there's no such thing as reverse racism we'll start there but here's the issue if you're not voting in the best interest of that boy you get the rule around child that you have then here's the question what type of mother are you because here's the question at the end of the day we want children to be protected so we need gun laws that reflect that if you're voting against the interest of your own child in school then we have to raise the question what are you voting for the second red flag and i'm sorry i want to do you have other women and their reproductive rights when you know that ted cruz is not interested in protecting protecting reproductive rights when you know that ted cruz is not interested in equal pay for other women and you know that women who are brown skin and women of other ethnicities are paid what why women are paid then i have to ask you the
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question who are you who interest are you representing if you're only as a white woman workers in the best interest of other white women then we absolutely have a problem absolutely it is the republicans by the way it is the party of abraham lincoln that actually fought for civil rights and won over the democrats so if you want to vote in accordance with what is civil rights and you would want to vote republican now thirdly she brought up the issue and we don't know that those are how to if someone and we say when i was it was part of the seal there that's my stance and that's the feminine stand. on that now thirdly when she's talking about how do you say of course i want to get on this affair with i was right so i view all of that i'm all that has made me girls who were aborted what about their rights if you're going to talk about women's rights what about the baby girls rights who are killed ten thousand per day every day you know i know you're blowing my mind about republicans you talk about abortion but do you protect the children while they're here if it's ok for you to lead a school full of children be sure i do because you as
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a woman want to have the right to bear arms but you don't protect those children who can't carry guns inside those school i mean it's insane and so when you talk about oh well i support a man who you know ted cruz but he doesn't support by with when you're a conservative woman you celebrate the things that you've actually accomplished based on your own you know own drive and your own freedom and your own will and your motivation and those kinds of things that's what i would rather be judged for the rather than things like going backward to things like religion and skin color and gender to me those in the home when they go to the why should we say he's. going to stay away and we need to get really come over here and basing things on marriage and accomplishment because because no matter what skin color what gender you are you can be anything you want to be we're the freest best country one foot in the heraldry world race and this that you are something to celebrate for not i
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want you to whine about and to vote with their other white community and so we're going to forget about all of those things and just stand on my privileges so i don't really do you resent it where she is and she wants to stand there i'd like to just say thank you to jim l. hill for what she said i just support her as a michigan state alumni i want to say go girl. rebuilding wattle syria has taken center stage during talks between the u.s. secretary of state on the un's outgoing special envoy to syria the phone call highlighted the importance of humanitarian groups in the region comes as a report reveals that u.s. aid money is actually lining terrorists pockets because d.s. has the story. american taxpayer money cash that is almost wholly in the u.s. mindset inviolable money but has seen politicians jailed for the slightest misuse is ending up in the hands of al qaeda in syria now that's a sick twisted if anything
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a new report has found that medians medians of dollars in aid to syria has been funneled to terrorists since late twenty seventeen u.s. agency for international development office of the inspector general investigation have uncovered numerous instances of possible or confirmed diversions to armed groups in government in northwestern syria including hayat time of year a designated foreign terrorist organization the. h.t.s. nusra front they have many names in short al-qaeda is wing in syria facts of the matter that they were benefiting from u.s. taxpayer money is no surprise everyone. aid organizations civilians traveling through northern syria have to pay to pass checkpoints be that money in goods this is been a fact for years it's business one of the terrorists' main sources of funding.
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the. worst of all it is assumed that these jihad ists have been able to infiltrate put their people in n.g.o.s humanitarian organizations from which they siphon money and aid to further their malign cause one investigation found that in n.g.o.s employees knowingly diverted thousands of u.s. aid funded food kits with millions of dollars to ineligible beneficiaries including a year i'll show them fighters. usaid also investigated diversions of assistance
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to higher tar you're all sharm in another n.g.o.s programs which suspected were perpetrated by n.g.o.s staff affiliated with the terrorist group the reported self is light on names and numbers perhaps for political reasons the fallout here could seriously damage and geo operations all we know is that millions of dollars in cash in aid have been funneled to al qaeda in syria and that's just what they've admitted found that funding has now been terminated regardless it's a sick and sad joke on the american taxpayer trillions of their hard earned money spent on the war on terror originally on defeating al qaeda and all the while they've been paying to feed and finance those very same jihad ists. police i'm joined in the number of innocent believes an independent research a journalist and photographer and she has worked in syria jure in this conflict
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we've heard the story sort of laid out the knesset how common a practice do you think this is to see government funds and you get in the hands of terrorist groups i mean i think it's a very common practice and we actually look at the role of what we call the n.p.r. complex smart power complex which is a major part of a hybrid war strategy being used by the parents nations against target nations such a theory or their role is effectively to provide a not only the financing of the terrorist groups that are also financed by those same state entity but also to provide also bolton i violently in other words they create a middle ground that can take the blame when it is discovered that state and these have been financing terrorism as in this example in syria so basically at. point the state commotion at times of all responsibility the n.g.i. will they implement can take responsibility and they will then be rebranded very
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much in the same way of course this is high risk groups have been rebranded inside syria but what is very interesting in this report is that the us aid watchdog does not name the n.g.'s now of course one of those primary n.g.o.s will be the white helmet probably one of the most primitive forces and i can i and sees are n.g.o.s he's working on the ground in serbia basically providing the propaganda or in the corporation of the regime change foreign policy of the entire u.s. coalition but what is very interesting here this seems to be a move all of the u.s. state department to distance itself not i mean obviously from the white home but from other n.g.o.s that are operating in the saying structure inside syria and what it is did you mentioned there in your report there are possibly political reasons that they send the white home and some say can there are not being named because
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the u.k. is increasingly isolated and its support and promotion of this group we've seen the dutch government very recently withdraw funding for the white home and for the u.k. foreign office implement a mighty rescue based in holland and run by the former m i six producer of the what helmets joins missouri a and now we're saying the u.s. state department let's fight following seat the u.s. also refused to take or appeared to refuse to take what helmets into the us off to the special evacuation by israel back in july of two thousand and ten canada who seem to be taking the brunt of the resettlement of those white helmet. to what extent do you think it is easy to infiltrate didn't geo in to carry out this kind of operation. well i think that depends on why the n.g.i. has been produced in the first place i would argue that there is very little
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differentiation between particularly n.g.i. like the white helmet and the terrorist and teeth themselves particularly al-qaeda the white helmets are embedded with al qaeda they move with al-qaeda they can collaborate with al-qaeda and this is not the first time that we've seen this construct in fact james lim is there any idea produced of the white helmets in two thousand and thirteen in one nine hundred ninety nine in kosovo at the end of the unlawful nighttime intervention that was responsible for transforming the k.l.a. which was the albanian warlords mixed with al qaida into the kosovo protection corps so that was actually the blueprint of the operation which i'm from missouri has headed up for british intelligence in syria from two thousand and thirteen until today. of course called just stop sending aid it's so many people need it how how do they get the money into the wrong hands. well surely they should be collaborating with the syrian government and the syrian government has taken but
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control from the terrorists and things financed by our government. are probably eighty five percent of inhabited syria and they are struggling on their economic sanctions to mn tying the humanitarian effort that is supported by people throughout the year was actually the u.s. should festival be lifting economic sanctions and it should then be if it's necessary be collaborating with the syrian government to provide aid to the areas where it's most needed of course i don't expect this to happen one other point that i would like to make on the back of time they suppose you could withdrawal of funding is what is very interesting is the u.s. is backing off on that connection again and i believe they see as to the white helmets we've seen that already with the previous announcement that they were freezing funding we've also seen a change in the u.s. . rhetoric regarding its lead for example they started to veer away from our knee saying that they would retaliate if there were
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a chemical attack to sighing they would retaliate if there were any sort of attack in ad lib so was this a precursor of them distancing themselves from the needs of the white helmets to useful so again the to facilitate their own the will some aggression if i were any sort of conflict escalation in as leavitt so. this is like so much for joining us this evening it's great to talk to you vanessa bailey my guest that independent journalist and researcher. will hutton to suppose the peace talks in afghanistan of being held today in moscow a dozen countries were invited to take part the taliban was also represented with the delegations leader saying the taliban will space with all of its neighbors. the whole nation is with us and they're going to get some americans indebtedness under the cover of the british we will not call it a single american soldier in afghanistan we have. across the world wars we have we want good relations specially whatever labels fridays russia hosted and
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russia led talks basically the forest open and public appearance of the car top aides taliban movement political office at an international conference nine countries have been participating in the dialogue aimed at finding peaceful solutions to the afghani conflict including the gani delegation after the talks i've had a chance to talk to the head of the delegation of the taliban movement that is considered to be a terror group here in russia and this is what he has told me about taliban's views on the situation in afghanistan and on potential solution oh tripped up on assad it's been invaded for the last seventeen years i want to him is that how do these foreign forces out of on this these. talking and negotiation which is going to go with the american this is in a very initial stage the delegation from afghanistan not the government from the diplomats but the members of the country's high peace council also participated in
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today's talks and i've seen you during coffee break shaking with them talking to each other did you agree on direct contacts with the government this conference which was a live this was a vote of the. negotiations with the club of egypt because first of all we do not look at my as the couple are going to station a set legal going to have on this one kabul has decided not to send its diplomats to moscow but the members of the country's high peace council government appointed body that is responsible for overseeing the peace process in afghanistan have agreed to participate. kate we've had a chance to talk to the head of the of ghana delegation and among other things i've asked him what do they think about american generals saying that there is no military solution to getting problems at the same time promising to go on with the offensive against taliban in afghanistan which is obviously a military action by the we official washington turned down the invitation to
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participate in moscow event but eventually they sent a representative from the u.s. embassy here in moscow who had a status of an observer at friday's talks this is what the head of the of going to geisha has told me about that when he's coming there's no need to go what is the. first piece should come of merced americans should be. ok this is a good thing in the world this is going to stand ready to talk directly to taliban with yes yes yes did they did not yes you're right thank you thank you obviously the situation in afghanistan is very complicated and the road towards a long awaited peace in this country could be a long and bumpy but many admit that friday's event was a very important multisided peaceful initiative that has all the potential to become a success. must trial in germany has been launched on friday as thirty people
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stand accused of brutally abusing refugees at an asylum center the shocking revelations first came to light four years ago some of the worst incidents filled. leadership but there are tons of moral leadership that i don't quite want to follow yet. incidents allegedly took place in the town of byrd back in the west of the country prosecutors claim the staff tormented asylum seekers physically and psychologically images of abuse were leaked to the media sparking an outcry social workers security guards and other stuff are among those now facing charges of assault and false imprisonment or of the accused however disputes the gravity of the claims. how do you feel about the fact that you're being accused of this. it's an exaggeration again and see more than that. the company operating migrant center has denied claims management turned a blind eye to the abuse saying instead a group of security guards had gone rogue
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a member of germany's left party was quick to point blame at the country's migrant policy this is. one word go. to follow the constitution and to. all of human rights you cannot will the. human rights abuses and actually. it is just now i want it and it will just say. we now know you're going to manage the was was that abnormal that she had all this and she had not actually finding your. refugee. this is a sign. i think it's in. russia says that the west has abandoned normal diplomatic protocol and adopted
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a pattern of publicly accusing moscow of wrongdoing that's after austere accused one of its own former high ranking army officers of spying for russia has more. i had a chance to. comment on the recent allegations coming from austria that former austrian colonel was accused of spying for russia for decades the ministry said that he has just found out about the news and that he was unpleasantly surprised he added russia's western partner recently started to publicly accuse russia and publicly nations his common practice within international law to directly ask for clarification but recently our western partners have started using traditional megaphone diplomacy if. they publicly demand an explanation we know nothing about we've officially some industry to the ministry so explain how his country should if they have any questions. broke the news this friday
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he said that this may be. between the two countries and he also added that he plans to discuss possible further steps with partners if these suspicions prove to be true if this is. where they take place will not improve relations between russia and the european union. and condemn the country's defense minister. friend. who was behind this now as for foreign affairs ministry the minister was quick to council her upcoming trip to russia and she also has some russian representatives to discuss the matter and meanwhile there is still very little information regarding the former colonel in question we only know that he was accused of spying
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for russia for over twenty years and here in moscow. someone to russia's foreign affairs ministry. was going to intellectual job with the latest news from. both the republicans and democrats claim victory in the wake of the midterm elections but it seems the election settled little if anything now there is a dueling investigation warfare gridlock on steroids is this what the.
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