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tv   News  RT  November 14, 2018 4:00am-4:31am EST

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international and. u.s. president donald trump has been on the attack on twitter yet again emanuel. comes off with a rather awkward meeting in paris on the one hundredth anniversary of the world war one. joining us here on the program their relationship has been. apparently it seems to be flailing right now what's behind the fallout. well that's right i mean if we go back just less than a year and a half ago and they were all hugs. and seem to be very much. of this company and it was it was billed as this brew months
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well is the. end of that bromance over it seems so that's definitely the case with donald trump who has taken to twitter in the last twenty four hours or so absolutely thrashing it might go on talking about let's have a look at some of those tweets talking about his low ratings here in france down in the twenty percent and also suggesting that france needed to be made great again well why has he been treating those things well it's all to do with an interview that mark on gave last week where he suggested that the e.u. needed to create an army to counter threats which included the u.s. . can defend itself. depending only on the united states that exhibits great the sovereignty of the good of the security. well french media say the romance is all
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over some suggesting the friendship is also over as well others suggesting that trump violently attacked him on twitter in those tweets and some even describing it as divorce the divorce so where do other senior politicians stand when it comes to a divorce between trump and mark on well it seems that john kerry the former secretary of state for the united states and guy verhofstadt are firmly in team tweeting after those tweets from donald trump that america wouldn't be an independent country if it wasn't for the french so firmly those two in team might call and it seems that this idea of a european army while it may not be for the flavor of donald trump it certainly didn't lead gaining traction here in europe it's now being fully backed by the german chancellor angela merkel but in reality while it seems that this bromance has completely gone off the boil it has been edging towards that now for some time
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let's not forget that maccan was incredibly unhappy when trump pulled. the paris climate cooled agreements and then of course the iranian nuclear court. the united states will withdraw from the iran nuclear deal if you look at what's happening in the middle east with syria. with yemen with all of the places they're involved it's bedlam and and we can't allow that to happen you know you know how she does it trump has lost the battle no one followed his decision and now we have to make good on fulfilling our obligations. well many relations from the high east to the lows and when they fizzle out sometimes they get nasty it seems it's already getting nasty from trump's camp how nasty will it get well let's hold the front page on that one right artie's charlotte open city life in paris thank you. the president of the iranian academy of medical sciences has sent
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a powerful worded appeal to the u.n. secretary general and tony over the reimposition of u.s. sanctions he describes how the lives of many patients in iran both young and old are now in danger due to washington preventing vital medication and equipment from entering the country we visited one cancer treatment center in tehran to get firsthand accounts from the patients and their relatives. doesn't rush out of my husband is a cancer patient and we are worried about his medication and their costs medications used to be available before but after the sanctions they have become more expensive and rare and we are worried about the future and what will happen. on my head this is the second round of my chemotherapy off to sanctions before my chemotherapy used to cost two hundred eleven euro but now with each round i need to pay four hundred and twenty two year zero and drugs cannot be found easily like
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before we have to search them in different pharmacies with every single one of them don't having a specific kind of drug. that i know when they impose sanctions on our banks the money cannot be transferred easily to a foreign country in order to buy medication. that we're not allowed to bring in many devices and some of them like components it's obvious that without these parts the devices simply won't work. we're going to do everything we can describe is iran hard as the british say to make to squeeze them until the pips squeak i.
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want to hear we have nine bets which are full every day in this health clinics with a sanctions just not able to respond to half a million patients. i don't know we spoke with colin couple an associate professor of political science who told us washington's ultimate goal is to bring down their ronnie and government no matter the cost. if the united states is going to say we iraq until it's still it allows us of course the iranian people will be harmed with any type of economic blockade the whole by the members of the ministrations trump in this race is that this will cause the iranian people to rise up and overthrow the current government in iran so even though john bolton is regina cheney is not with us is seeking that is simply
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a euphemism because what he really wants to do is to bring down the current iranian government with economic pressure and economic sanctions. ukraine's far right freedom party has organized a stomach that looks a lot more like a boot camp journalists from the associated press a visit at the site where children live under strict rules on how to be soldiers. picks up the story now that's what i call a legit summer camp. oh you know early morning wakeup calls. oh yes roy. chance that kids will remember for the rest of their lives. for our
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catching march. welcome to the temper of will summer camp in western ukraine it's pretty much a boot camp hidden in the forest the people who set it up are from the national socialist svoboda up or freedom party so who can get enrolled officially it's for teens but a.p. journalists who went there. say they saw children as young as eight here they're being taught how to kill did just that to you know they can still live that sealants new color then that insists it but it used to know what i was doing he should post pickle fun things when one of them only see what is mostly. but not only do they get to learn how to take down those who adults are calling russian invaders the kids are also taught to stand up to what the instructors see
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as degrading trends in the west. but. what may seem as an ugly display of far right saw the brainwashing appears to get full support from the local administration well earlier this year kiev splashed some of its budget on youth projects the goal is to prop up what they call a national patriotic education some of these projects are run by the stream far right. even the nato backed atlantica council think tank tried to raise international awareness with this article and indeed we didn't write that amnesty
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international's pointing out the issues more than just critical ukraine is sinking into a kill sort of uncontrolled violence posed by radical groups and the total impunity principally new one in the country can feel safe under these conditions and if you're wondering if any of this could actually spill beyond ukraine well just lately an f.b.i. agent. it's criminal complaint said ukrainian neo nazis were believed to have trained white supremacists in america just wait till some of these youngsters grow up. meanwhile in january ukraine passed a law that recognizes russia as an aggressor state and last week the ukrainian vice prime minister said that the country is trying to build a strong democracy whereas the kremlin supports populist nationalist movements but independent journalist martin some of those things the western media is waking up
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to the growing nationalism in ukraine the people who set this up are connected to survive a so-called freedom party was actually bridging the. neo nazi organization they are quite radical and quite militant not just against to but also as in relation to things like gay rights in addition to things like. sentences and so. starts in many ways not really acceptable to the western public opinion there is beginning to be nor mainstream media in the west an understanding of some of the extremist ideology behind the ukrainian nationalist movements and investigation of this summer camp for some very young children is part of this investigation is gradually seeming to appear. awful lot of information about what's going on in ukraine in the western media blitz some more realistic assessments
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do seem to be beginning to appear. u.s. cities have been vying to host retail giant amazon's new second headquarters but not everyone thinks having the mega-corporation pitch would be best for their city as reports. the mega corporation an online retailer known as amazon is looking for a place for its second headquarters a competition of sorts began with cities across the country offering tax incentives and making cringing videos in the hopes of luring them in how the proud amazon customer. amazon. amazon your amazon your smart sexy city that thinks outside the box. please join us. where should amazon locate h q two in fiscal texas so who wins the big prize of having amazon set up shop in their backyard well in a plot twist that's worthy of a bad reality t.v.
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show there are now two big winners not just one the new offices will be in arlington virginia just across the river from washington d.c. and the new york city borough of queens now at this point jeff bezos the owner of amazon is presenting himself as your friendly neighborhood billionaire the team did a great job selecting the sunny sun we look forward to becoming in the even bigger opponents of these communities but not all new yorkers are exactly thrilled many are concerned the already high cost of living will increase and others worry that small businesses will suffer the newly elected democratic socialist congresswoman alexandria kazuo cortez is ready for battle amazon is a billion dollar company the idea that it will receive hundreds of millions of dollars in tax breaks at a time when i was subways crumbling and our communities need more investment not less is extremely concerning to residents here we decided to talk with some locals
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and see how they feel about amazon setting up shop i'm not happy about this i think i've read a lot of articles saying it's not great super excited about amazon coming here and i think there are other cities that can use the extra jobs more but they're moving to new work they do they're the ones that do the jobs i'm. not sure what effect it would have on small businesses but i'm sure they'll try to print up the extra burden everything's already closed without them so it will be a lot harder let's not forget that new york state governor andrew cuomo promised to legally change his name if it would convince amazon to move in i'll change my name to i'm as poor more and a time when talk of the low wages income inequality and money in politics is everywhere nothing is more reassuring to a frustrated public than seeing their elected officials grovel and beg before huge multinational corporations. r.t. new york so russia takes center stage of the afternoon summit in singapore today as
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ping and donald trump both noticeably absent though our correspondents are on location details in a moment. join me every thursday on the alec simon show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics sports business i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. when else shows seem wrong. but old rules just don't call. me. yet to stamp out disdain become agitated and in detroit equals betrayal.
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when something find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. it is good to have you with us today for this wednesday program with the southeast asian countries caught between the u.s. and china vying for influence in the region russia is looking to us so it is our own interests that both commercial and diplomatic and wednesday's russia asean summit in singapore looks like a pretty good opportunity that's where our correspondent now reports from. wednesday's the day when russia goes on the charm offensive here in singapore and
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with latimer putin himself leading the delegation it really leaves no room for doubt as to how really important this summit for russia is now there's a number of things most you could be seeking from this gathering the first and the most straightforward one is pushing the market seeing its weapons in the region a number of regional countries have already invested couple of billion of dollars to russian arms like for example indonesia vietnam the philippines got their free tranche of weapons to help them combat i still on the territory another and a more subtle diplomatic pursuit russia could be in the here is revolves around the fact that china and the united states well the relations between the countries are quite hostile over a multitude of things and so are the nations who are present here they're confronted with the perspective of having to take a side between the united states and china and since many of these countries do
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have relations with both of them and they may not want to spoil those relations russia could be another way out of this catch twenty two situation now to discuss this further i'm joined by dr teaching jang this summit could be a great platform for the united states and for china too with least start resolving their differences donald trump and she decided to avoid they decided to abstain from coming here why i think the main reason is that they do not want to come from each other especially at the current situation where the two big powers are confronting each other on various issues like trade like security and ideological use but i think the all sense the. top aides to this region for further discussion and the dialogue. actually would not. have kind of a deal current to be on on those disputes. and i don't think this kind of confrontation between the two big powers and at this summit but of course the us
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now also has this kind of pacific strategy which will also complicate the situation in this region i think all the r.c.m. countries are still watching. the have not decided what kind of solution finally they would have. powers now i will be staying here in singapore for the rest of the day bringing you all the latest from the asean summit and from how russia's pitch. the u.s. democratic party is reportedly planning to hit president trump with eighty five investigations the party will take control of the house of representatives in january after last week's midterm elections. there is going to have to be investigations if the democrats do take the house president trump will wake up wednesday morning to a very different political scenario here on the hill they are going to investigate this president and his administration thoroughly they do intend to request
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president trump's tax returns former speaker pelosi insisting that her party will be strategic when democrats take control of the house in january they're going to begin immediately to investigations on impeachment the democrats are expected to demand trump's tax returns which he has refused to release since taking office a good rule so don't new probe into suppose it collusion with russia and they'll be looking into the president's alleged role in paying hush money to a porn star plus there are plenty of other items on the list ranging from the legality of a travel ban from several muslim countries to the administration's spending on funding. although with control of the lower house and congress the democrats will have subpoena power as meaning they can legally require any witness to testify in congressional hearings and produce documents just since september the republicans have blocked sixty four subpoena requests from the democrats and former illinois
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congressman michael patrick flanagan believes the democrats should use their new power was more wisely. congress is not investigate to body it's not what it does it has the power of oversight but oversight of the administration executing congressional will and spending and in the direction of the nation democrats who have no agenda and ran not know what john and i have no desire to actually manage the business of the nation have only this to run on and they want to distract this president from the work he's doing because they just disagree with him they just don't want him to be successful and this is a way to derail him and the policies that he's doing i think the nation would like everyone to just take a breath step back let's do some stuff if there's really some wrongdoing the democrats. i think are some are some genuine wrongdoing not just we need to see his tax returns because we need to know he's not worth as many billions as he says he is we want to publicly embarrass him which is all that tax return thing is about that that's ridiculous and nobody wants to see the time and energy spent on that
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last week's u.s. midterm elections underscored the divisions in american society but it seems there are still some things that everyone can actually agree on. i love the greens are no friend to twenty no bird no biden no kerry no clinton. if hillary clinton runs again in two thousand and twenty we're screwed. all the people think hillary clinton running into song and going to is a good thing. you
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may be surprised to hear a congressional candidate from texas and not in a porno movie i know it was. war or whatever all of it's disgusting it's over the top that's not even close to being funny or humorous at all and that is still disgusting and despicable to all of the workers in this country who have lost limbs their lives and for comedian a saudi who that for a joke one day the left and the right finally came together you agree on so. and that is your program for this hour right here on aleksey international though more of your wednesday well headlines in about twenty five minutes if you can join
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us then. you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to be. that are going to be for
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us this is like the full story in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the lawyers in the. sydney.
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dancer we're going underground ahead of tomorrow's apec forum bringing together russian american and chinese leaders in papua new guinea prone to catastrophic impact from climate change according to the asian development bank coming over the show the end of tourism is that plans we investigate whether it is legal to precipitate food and medicine stockpiling with britain's former attorney general bill morris and we asked renowned journalist abdel bari atwan about what's next up to this week's serious military confrontations in israel by britain and others killed or wounded thirteen thousand in gaza in the twenty fourteen plus i've left by scruffy looking cold and rain back at home this week so it's just me and action going through all the top stories for you can you tell us a more coming up in today's going underground but first what is it with nato nations in journalism these days now it is up to saudi arabia to show the world that all these stories that we're reading about in the press they're causing such concern such huge implications for freedom of expression freedom of press for the
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direction saudi itself is taking as a country before get what direction the u.k. and saudi arabia is taking when it comes to a free press let alone another saudi journalist reportedly tortured and killed since because shoji turkey bin abdulaziz i'll just what about the u.s. saying and time warner c.n.n. suing trump over its white house correspondent i'm going to speak in defense of jim acosta this morning because i don't think there's anybody on this set who hasn't gotten too personal during this presidency and i don't think that's just our fault i think this has been one of the most disturbing moments in history except that none of the same outrage of nato nations accompanied monday night's bombing of a t.v. station in palestine in the latest error in its israel. planes targeted a t.v. station belonging to the palestinian resistance movement hamas at least three palestinians have so far been killed during the israeli airstrikes aerial bombardment of a t.v. channel al aqsa t.v. by an air force by the u.k.
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is not unprecedented you're looking at the radio television serbia headquarters in belgrade yugoslavia bombed today by nato forces the attack not the state run station off the air killing ten people and wounding nineteen with twenty believed to still be buried in the debris according to an associated press report the international call the bombing of the t.v. station a war crime all the terrorism bill clinton and tony blair arguably more guilty of crimes against journalism when donald trump will have more in the weeks atrocities in u.k. armed israeli and saudi military action later in the show first after the british government's de-facto defeat in the face of german corbin's onslaught of a brics it legal advice i'm joined by former u.k. attorney general lord morris is the prime minister approaches a so-called endgame morris how is the largest democratic exercise in u.k. history ended up with jeremy cool be in order to be next prime minister demanding the publication of bricks and legal advice because the.
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other new nneka matter. on their vote there of significance going to war is a very great significance for any country this is equally if not much greater on these very aware of occasions their office is advice how's it been published neither the contents nor the existence of an office as advice is evidently the only exception has been in the war it was refused in great. the existence of the device was conceded in february one thousand nine hundred three by both douglas heard the foreign secretary nicholas lisle. but not the contents maastricht being the precursor to a closer european integration the previous treaty which was of the utmost importance and indeed.


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