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tv   News  RT  November 20, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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scold it's become a small. penis indescribable it's. really really bad chemical burn but it goes through your skin in your most always down to the bone. there's no really. sure this is just. still friends donald trump is willing to save america's polish it with saudi arabia despite accepting that riyadh may have known about plans to kill dissident journalist jamal khashoggi back in october. a suicide bomber targets
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a religious gathering on an islamic holiday in afghanistan even over fifty people dead in the country's capital. mass protests over the french president's tax reforms on fuel leave one person dead and five hundred others injured including dozens of police officers. and flying high for twenty years the international space station celebrates two decades of pioneering research we go behind the scenes and take a look at its achievements both you know a bit and on earth. it's one o'clock am in moscow and you're watching on t.v. international live with me in a day or two to welcome to the program. the white house appears to have given saudi
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arabia the benefit of the down to as washington looks to continue its partnership with the gulf state despite a statement saying riyadh could have been aware of a plan to brutally murdered journalist jamal khashoggi he went missing after entering the saudi consulate in past istanbul i cannot. our intelligence agencies continue to assess all information but you could very well be that the crown prince had no knowledge of this tragic event maybe he did and maybe he didn't that being said we may never know all of the facts surrounding the minute mr shoji in any case our relationship is with the kingdom of saudi arabia they have been a great town in a very important fight against iran well this statement was very long awaited people were anticipating to see what president would say now the statement that was released indicates that the united states will continue to cooperate with the kingdom of saudi arabia the title of the statement is actually standing with saudi arabia now in the lead up to today's statement donald trump has not been willing to
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admit that saudi arabia may have had a role in the actual killing of jamal khashoggi however donald trump has been emphasizing all throughout this process that he indeed intends to maintain the relationship between the two countries especially trade. they are ordering military equipment everybody in the world one of that order we got it and we got all of it every bit of it i don't like stopping massive amounts of money that's being poured into our country spending one hundred ten billion dollars on military equipment and or things that are created like of theirs for this country now it's important to note that a large portion of the document is dedicated to rhetoric regarding the islamic republic of iran now that's interesting because iraq had nothing to do with the killing of jamal khashoggi this took place in turkey and was carried out by forces
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from saudi arabia the document blames iran for the conflict in yemen despite the fact that it's saudi arabia that has attacked yemen and continues to bombard and be involved in yemen in the yemeni conflict and little evidence of iranian involvement has been presented now regardless of the documents. goes on to talk about how heavily invested saudi arabia is in the united states and the many contracts and deals that exist and argues that it would not be in the interest of the country for those contracts and deals mainly with defense contractors to be broken the document from there goes on to talk about how saudi arabia is actually the largest producer of oil second it only to the united states the second largest producer of oil in the world now in addition to that donald trump cites what he calls representatives of saudi arabia it's not clear who they are who argue that because shoji was a member of the muslim brotherhood and an enemy of this state now he does not confirm that that is true but simply cites these unnamed representatives of saudi
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arabia as accusing him of being such now the president of the united states essentially arguing that the maintaining of the relationship between saudi arabia and the united states is in quote consistent with the absolute security and safety of america it's important to note that the documents first opening line it says the world is a very dangerous place and essentially the document goes on to argue that the united states benefits from this relationship with saudi arabia and that despite the fact that this journalist was murdered despite the fact the united states will keep this relationship intact because it is in the national interest the document ends with the phrase america first with an exclamation point and essentially argues that this brutal murder does not change the nature of the important economic and military relationship between the two countries. and it's can't more analysis on this now with political commentator ann wright. thanks for coming on to the program
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now i he surprised that business interests appear to be taking precedence over moral considerations here. i must say i was surprised i'm not a student of presidential press releases but this impressed me as one of the stupidest documents ever to come out of the us government. it talks about this saudi arabia as a great opponent of islamic terrorism they can tell that to the people at nine one nine eleven i guess and it talks about who they were going to put four hundred fifty billion dollars in the u.s. and i think could likely these kinds of deals these foreign deals. there are big bribes involved maybe ten percent maybe twenty percent of that i'm that money going to people in this country and the u.s. government and and others brains that iran for blames hezbollah for all kinds of terrible things as blogs drove out the invaders of their country and have kept them out so that's that of course counts as terrorism to the
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u.s. but this is this is a very stupid document a dangerous document. people are being this genocidal war going on in yemen launched by saudi arabia has nothing to do with iran yet the president blames iran for the iran is responsible i guess for everything everything bad the room world's biggest formulator of terrorism according to the president just is just nonsense this is all just made up like kindergarten neoconservatism it's a but it's the course involves the most powerful government in the world and that never been any doubt that mohamed bin solomon was involved with was behind the show guess as a nation so if you're in a fascination and everybody's known that in the very beginning only he could have tacked put these all his top. aides into turkey and killed could show you
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so this is that we've all known this all along president thinks that this is fine because there are other things that are more important like money for. the military industrial complex and there is no in the question the morality of course are entirely absent as they usually are from u.s. government policy in fact if not in rhetoric so this is this is a must say a very disappointing document it's. again it's i really urge people to read it it's unbelievably idiotic and it's maybe it's written by bolton maybe it's written by bolton's assistant there but after she was before she was fired by mrs crump i don't know but it's. it's it's a very disappointing thing it's warmongering and it's really hateful it's just the . machine that's came out of my government well well. now the rabia understands that it won't be receiving
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a severe punishment for this and you know we still you know the details are still unclear have to point out. because nothing's been confirmed but what what kind of precedent does that set how fossick going to go you know what what what side you have to do to be punished. well first of all the us of course kills people of every day i'm sure around the world not only in its wars but it ferments assassination teams other governments do this as well the saudis do it too so this is this is actually nothing unusual the horrible thing that it is not unusual it's a horrific thing that it's not unusual but it is not unusual so i think that. as long as the saudis are willing to bribe enough americans as willing as long as they're willing to do what the u.s. government wants in terms of oil as long as it's willing to to give big contracts to trump refers to is all the great american companies that are that are causing so
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much havoc around the world none the nothing in the can and there's nothing they could do that would. that would. hurt them this is again this is something that. i'm sure they're going to continue to kill people maybe they won't be so stupid this was of course an unbelievably stupid and evil operation of a low i.q. operation and. so who knows what they're going to do but it's this is a release is a terrible thing president is doing and i'm sure that obama or whatever would have done it too but it's really sickening and it's horrible ok political commentator and right rockwell thanks very much for coming on to the proper thank you. have a fifty people have been killed and dozens injured in a blast in afghanistan it's been reported that a suicide bomber targeted an area near
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a wedding hall in the capital kabul it of course comes on the back of peace talks between the u.s. the afghan government and the taliban now group has claimed responsibility yet local journalist reports. this was a religious gathering by religious elders celebrating the birth of the prophet muhammad and the attackers somehow got inside the forest floor of the wedding hall and detonated a suicide vest we have confirmation from one senior afghan counterterrorism official that poured in explosives were used but the tragedy of this country i think lies in the fact now that the front line is everywhere the major cities including kabul is the target of such deadly attacks over the last four years almost twenty eight thousand five hundred twenty nine casualties are also there among afghan national security forces i mean look what you have to really see is
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that peace really remains elusive in this country for well over forty years now saw that statement by u.s. officials the gathering in moscow and other statements have really created some sense of optimism but at the end of the day everyone also knows that every side wants to really grab more territory we haven't really seen a ceasefire yet but there is expectation there could be a ceasefire and on any normal day you're actually talking about a lot of coffins soldiers getting killed in bigger numbers civilians and as well as the taliban at the end of the day there are so the impact of all of these coffins and deaths on the afghan society is simply catastrophic. protesters weighing in a vast have come out across france in response to president emanuel micron's tax hike on feel people have been blocking roads and burning tires as well as clashing with police the demonstrators also said tollbooths on fire on the highway in
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vicious cycle in france's southeast on tuesday night and this is well as kate sun life for has been tarnished with the highway coming we plopped challenge to penske has taken a closer look at. tester's and today. i'm here just on the outskirts of lutheran where as you can see behind me there are a group of around a hundred yellow vests wearers these are the they've come out to protest against the high tax on carbon and so on fuels hate in france which is increased by more than twenty percent in the last year if you just take a look you'll see that there's another group over here and what they're trying to do these are trying to blockade roads around abouts like this this is one of the main arteries that would go from blue on all the way to paris and as you can see they've brought some of the traffic to a relative cool some people have described it as operation a scald go the idea is bringing the traffic to as stancil or
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a cruel but nor actually completely blocking the roads one of the reasons that they've changed a tackle not when these protests started back on saturday four days ago they were actually trying to block the roads but that's caused them problems with the police so the idea here now is to bring the traffic to a snail cruel and to protest against not just the high price of fuel here in france but also the high cost of living in france let's have a look back now at the protests over the last four days. was. your. birth. the burning fires to keep themselves warm here you might be able to see there's a fire just in the background there and if we walk around this roundabout you're
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going to see that there's another point here this is also where they're trying to stop the traffic and then again further in the distance they really have got this entirely covered and what they saying is that. don't call a said lots of things he said he's going to come into power he's going to make reforms he's going to change the french economy for the better but the people here say there is no magic formula and so for corn hasn't brought in a magic formula let's have a listen to what the protesters themselves are saying we don't want this president and his government to be useful anymore we don't want them anymore we want to change the system. responds with new laws every year every month laws that are worthless we have to say stop we are not sheep we have no choice. that's right and i spend the night here to show that grew in this together and that we're going to make it to the end we're going to make it we're going to
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make it we are going to make it we won't let go i'm here all night again. as long as micron keeps clowning around with his pal and powder as he likes to say well we'll do the same we'll stay here. the protesters here say that they are all going to stay this is now the fourth day of the protests and they have set up some sort of campaign that giving out food and drinks and they saying they determine that they will dialogue with the government the president might call his said that he is prepared for dialogue but he hasn't said with whom we've also heard from need to re in mr kristoff customer today who said that he believes that the demands of the protesters are incoherent these protests continuing across france fourth day now and we also know that there is a very big or at least that's how it is a big protest on saturday where the yellow vests will continue to call for a reduction in the price of fuel and
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a reduction in the price of living here in france. has a look set to take on travel accommodation giant after the company removed home listings located in the israeli occupied west bank from its web site says the move down to political disputed territory. we concluded that we should remove listings in israeli settlements in the occupied west bank that are at the core of the dispute between israelis and palestinians around two hundred listings will be affected with the decision set to take effect in the coming days the company says it decided to remove the listings after determining they were in israeli settlements which is disputed with palestinians. the move was welcomed by the palestinian and ministration which had previously asked the company to end its relationship with israeli settlements israel is condemning the decision calling it discriminatory. this decision is something completely unacceptable this is pure
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discrimination something that is taken only against jews that are living in jew day and sumeria this is actually a racist decision and more than that i do believe it is a double standard that is only taken against israel against jews that are living here in his room we heard from the general secretary of the palestinian national initiative and a former colonel in the israel army for their views on air b.n. b. his decision. international law united nations resolutions see that settlements are illegal and they are themselves discriminatory because they are built on stolen land from palestinians and that any relationship with these illegal settlements is a violation of international law b. and b. you just can just pick and decision because they also realize that they will lose a lot because of the boycott campaign against them due to the evolution of
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international law what is really racist and discriminatory is the system of apartheid that israel has created in the occupied palestinian territories which is favoring israelis to palestinians this should be a commercial company a commercial trading between. apartments and certain so their turn to be as a result of being cowards or pleasure being made by islamic jihad always i don't know what but if you look for it backward to the history of under semitism or the history of the glory the right of the jews to their homeland the biblical whole and of judea and samaria low home and we christians are now angry about this this step this is an awful step being made the story again three. european foreign and defense ministers have agreed on seventeen new projects for developing an e.u. army and despite the fact that the u.k. is getting ready to leave the european union it seems london still very interested
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in its affairs and creating defense polyploid the thing tells well he's definitely rubbish the idea in fact he appears to be following in the first steps of the us president donald trump the last week tweeted that provisions were learning german or preparing to learn german and till the americans came and saved them from occupation jaring world war two say he didn't take well to the idea of a european army. either gavin williamson similarly forceful in his words saying he said he's told a u.k. newspaper that an army certainly won't be happening on his watch take a listen it is an absolutely crazy idea nato has delivered european security for the last seventy years and we should feel very proud of it should we undermine not by forming a separate military force absolutely not you can absolutely rest assured that britain will never become part of the european army on my watch while some might
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question gavin williamson having an opinion or troll on any. endeavors given that the u.k. isn't planning to be part of them they are leaving the european union nevertheless the idea for an army has been floated in the past by several leaders but it's always kind of been a taboo subject but all that changed last week when angela merkel and emmanuel microland both expressed their support for the idea as part of the world war one centenary commemorations take a listen to what each of the leaders had to say that. we need to show that europe is moving forward on social economic issues reinforcing the euro zone tax system for the digital sector our investment policy in innovation in order to show intelligence the common defense and security of course through which we have laid the foundations for months our moves in food one has to say that either we manage
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together to find global solutions step by step sometimes too slowly we don't get it also concerns the question of the defense of europe and the question of long term and codifying to european army. well the message coming from the u.k. defense secretary today is that france and germany already belong to one military alliance along with the u.k. the u.s. and a swathe of other countries remember nato and. haven't williamson's point is that france and germany should be aiming to meet their two percent g.d.p. target of defense spending on nato before they start thinking about forming any alternative armies now france at the moment spends about one point eight percent g.d.p. on defense and germany spends about one point two and the e.u. is very much part of nato in fact just today the e.u.'s top diplomat. she met with the secretary general of nato in brussels and reaffirmed how important
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the military alliances take a listen corp with nato that is strengthening i would be pleased to welcome to the general stoltenberg again this morning with us in our cooperation with nato and strongest ever so disagreement over an e.u. army maybe but there is one thing that all these countries agree on the u.s. the e.u. the u.k. is part of it still all agree on the need to defend themselves against russia said it when making this e.u. army proposal and nato officials repeated like a mantra that there is growing russian military activity and they need to be able to counter it. respected political analyst chris bambery and he telephoned gavin willis doesn't want the u.k. to be left out in the cold by the u.s. britain wants to keep nato as the sole game in tone because of its links the united
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states that's why the united states wants to keep nato and you don't want european army britain does not want something else rivaling that but i don't think there's any really serious commitment crazy if you like it's a rival to needs or as i see it involve a huge amount of defense spending the reason why britain britain is backing america of course is that britain and actually friends with the two european countries which had a relative military way on my germany and intervened in afghanistan iraq and goodness knows where where else britain wants to keep and doesn't want to see itself be frozen frozen which we would be if this when this went ahead the strange thing here of course is one of the destabilizing factors in europe has been the expansion of nato itself into eastern europe in the former soviet union that has led to deep worries in more school about this process the feeling of americans in
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nato of renege on promises made at the time of the when the soviet union collapsed to gorbachev and it's strange that you know the needs of the need to experience or see has the stabilize the situation in europe and know we have this other idea that i did to this issue or another european army. twenty years ago russia launched the first module of the international space station into orbit the i.s.a.'s at the third privatise object in the night sky and the largest manned object in space first here's an anniversary message from the crew currently . we are proud to serve in such a ship. the international space station is a unique scientific platform. mirror
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heathenish of course because of the look silly as a mere if course most of. our mission are all playing just a stunt see. the i assess is arguably the most expensive and one of the most complex structures ever built you know nail explained. it's both a green hosts and an aquarium and witnesses more than a dozen sunsets every day the international space station is one of the greatest achievements in our modern world but how much do we really know about it let's take a closer look in three day the station is to fight it into two major parts one is effectively russian the other american wherever there's also japanese and european
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scientific modules you can see here let's move to the russian segment which currently has four docking ports marked in red that's twice as many as the americans each segment consists of several smaller modules which is how the whole station was initially put together a lot like building a giant lego model the russian segment for example has five of them however only four modules can host the cargo space ships coming on board the i assess efficiently allowing them to dock at any available port at any time currently three of those four docking ports are occupied one by this soyuz m.s.o. nine which recently docked at the module the ship experienced an early which was fixed by the crew another docking port is occupied by the cargo ship progress only nine which is stationed at the piers module and on sunday another ship the progress m s ten docked in the heart of the russian segment the module carrying two and
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a half tons of cargo ranging from science equipment to air and fuel will this area is probably the most important for those onboard it contains the life support and flight control systems also we can find the living quarters for three crewmembers a conditioner to maintain the correct humidity even a kitchen table in short it's the russians living room. other modules of course are equally import. but. most of them serve as storage rooms and also a life for space walks on the dock and there it is a short trips into the russian segment however the this isn't really about the russian or american sectors or even the space station itself the name of the game is global cooperation platform for countries to night as one which so far hasn't been possible to do but here on earth in space we are all allies.
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and at this hour then forget you can look us up on the social media and our website that's dot com sean thomas will take over at the top of the hour but first if the kaiser reports.
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oh my stars are this is the kaiser report the show that always gives you a happy ending. stacey max i want to show you something google says this is the good the bad and ugly says it in simplified chinese i'm sorry if they were wrong in the says something rude or something instead but we're going to talk about the good the bad and ugly in china when i care talk about the.


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