tv Politicking RT November 23, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EST
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restoring a trailer up in up in part one of those areas in california that has been struck in the campfire is just not the same paradise is a mist ascription of that area of california. in the new house we switch to other areas the democratic side will be younger more female more diverse g.o.p. side will be older white and more male. what does this mean for the prospects of getting anything done in the next two years well i think one thing is for certain mr trump will not have the incredible force that he had in the first two years of his administration you will now have nancy pelosi and the democrats in a position to keep him legislatively speaking for moving in the direction that he was trying to move this nation they no longer will need to pray for somebody like the late senator mccain of arizona who stepped in and stopped wiping out obamacare
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altogether everything that he mr trump is attempting to do well now be subject to somebody who's reviewing it with a degree of sanity and appreciation and an understanding of what the world really is and should be whether it be the trade proposals whether it be the environmental issues nancy pelosi and the democrats are going to be there to stop it they don't have enough action in the senate to pass anything on their own or they don't have a singer to on the white house to get get themselves signed into law as they did when obama was there but they are in a position to save us until help arrives in two thousand and twenty one we'll talk about that well nancy pelosi be speaker again i think so i think that the operation in washington different from almost any of the plates on the speakership it takes two hundred eighteen votes nancy pelosi in the democrats have won hands
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simply somewhere between two thirty one and two thirty six with five to six coming out of california as she had projected with the incredible organize an activity as it went on all over this nation people won seats that they had no business when and suddenly we've got a whole new collection on. women showing up probably twenty five percent now of the of the congressional operation will be women you also got more racial minorities than you've ever had before the black caucus itself is over fifty a combination of all those people all the beneficiaries of what nancy put together with all the funding she dead and all the democrats and other people she got to donate and be a part of the operation i suspect that that's going to translate into nancy pelosi being given the speakership that she lost as
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a result of what occurred with the tea party movement in two thousand and ten where we would you say were a move to impeach well let me tell you about the impeachment process first and foremost years ago larry i said two years ago i said before democrats talk about impeaching trump they got an opportunity to defeat him in two thousand and twenty they have less of an opportunity in my opinion to defeat pence and so i said put down impeach pince impeachment however comes only where there is a foundation and some rules that have been violated or some conduct that has been engaged in it's a nice conversation to have but it doesn't translate into action until there is something and so until mr mueller comes in with his report in my opinion there will not be a sufficient amount of rule violations conduct violations treaty violations or
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anything else in the trump operation that would lead one to say impeachment is in fact possible i hope the democrats won't get hung up on just focusing on impeachment. what happened in the midterm they have an opportunity literally to change this nation for the next fifteen to twenty years and believe me they should keep their eyes focused on that they should keep exactly what they intend to do in two thousand and twenty and elect in the democrat as the presidency of the united states and possibly take in the senate back we need that if for no other reason to stop the erosion of the judiciary by all these political appointees from president trump ok you don't see it do you see any parallels between nixon and trump. yes i do see some parallels yes i ate when mr nixon had to resign
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it was because there was a crime committed the watergate episode is what ultimately sank richard nixon he had a whole lot of other things similar to what mr trump is doing in manage and government in this country but it was a pure unadulterated actual crime and his fellow republicans couldn't stay with him he had the numbers but he couldn't keep in whole them and then we had and robust aggressive house when people lack of the that wonderful black woman from texas barbara jordan got up and did her number when she examined and i believe the role is time you interviewed me back in the seventies doing that or her process absolutely i don't think unless something like that dramatically happens or mr mr trump will be forced out and believe me that other than
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his conduct as nixon did his willingness to run the white house anyway which is without real it vice from people inside the white house with the turmoil and the turnover that has occurred in the administration in two years all that says his conduct is not substantially different from mr nixon but we will have to await the results of the independent investigation by mr merrill to see where there are not he has in fact broken the law really you are now a member of the press writing for the chronicle so since you are now member of the press are you offended by mr trump's attacks on your profession. let me tell you not just from the standpoint that i now write a column for the chronicle mr trump's attack upon the press is really tame korean with the foundation of this democracy if we don't have the ability as
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a people and we don't have the courage to force the truth to be tried and tested in the body politic if we don't have that coming from an independent collection of people who had no ax to grind other than to do the story and let the story speak for itself he's trying to silence that collection of people in this country he dislikes the press intensely except for fox news and it's kind of amazing that he gets away with it so to speak and he has not yet been totally and completely condemned i'm frankly looking forward to his war with the press when it up and he's been defeated much more severely and much more permanent than anything connected with the world of politics in gendered by democratic action how do you react to the progressive movement inside your own party. i have repeatedly said in my
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column that when somebody says social democrats that ought to be a separate party they ought to go out and do it i hope they would not i would hope they would jump the word social and stay in the democratic party after all many years ago you would have said willie brown was a social democrat when i and back in the sixty's said you know gay people have the right to be protected the same way we're trying to protect black people when i said for normal clearly we should not be punishing people for the use of cannabis i said all those things back in the sixty's literally and there was almost nobody else out there doing it i had a great district that trusted me and allowed me the freedom of being an honest and candid and frankly forward thinking clearly many people on the progressive side are in that category and believe me it's an important component of what democrats ought
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to be about the fact that there is somebody who is well and to set standards that represents something that's extraordinary something that's never been tried before and something that means better life for everybody in the process that's a part of the democratic party that we need what we don't need though is the litmus test that sometimes comes what those on the right. say you're not one of them well that's just not true democrats won't be successful unless we keep the big tent operational and we keep everybody under that tent. stay right there will be we'll be back right after this well i want politicking right after the break.
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aeroflot russian and lights. you know world of big partisan lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart or we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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of russian and lights. nobody could see coming that false confessions would be that prevalent in this population a problem for conviction if you look at any interrogation out there what you'll see is threat promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable makes them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said therefore would. say i stayed there i
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would be home by that time the next day there's a culture on accountability and police officers know that they can engage in misconduct that has nothing to do with all the crime. going to camp sundown camp for people that can't go out. and they're like so tired to have. safe housing as they don't have to talk about when they go here but that's because we understand her daughter g.d. was diagnosed with a very rare sun sensitive condition if i get sunburned i hear she does there's real patients and they have problems with the walk to talk to your son the brains that are actually shrinking inside the skull gets weaker in the brain still small. the pain is indescribable it's feels like a really really bad chemical burn but it goes through your skin in your muscles
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down to the bone and there's no relief. so we're just not sure this is just over. nobody could see coming that false confessions would be that prevalent in this population of prof look at birch if you look at any interrogation out there what you'll see is. threat promise threat promise threat lie a lie a lie the process of interrogation is designed to put people in just that frame of mind make the most comfortable make them want to get out and don't take no for an answer don't accept their denials she said if i would cooperate santa statement then i would be home by that time the next day there's a culture of an accountability and police officers know that they can engage in
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misconduct that has nothing to do with all the crime. the british government and the british astonishment and mrs bush and mrs mrs may have looks themselves up into his studio about so-called new deal which is self is incredibly misleading as i just said in say doing they've allowed the european union to impose completely draco union terms on the u.k. which we lost anyway. welcome back to politicking i'm talking. on the phone the formally served the speaker of the california state assembly was the forty first mayor of that city by the bay san francisco is there any republican party left in california well or.
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there certainly is a republican party left in california and frankly it's an important you wouldn't of our state and believe me what they need to do however laurie is they need to re address the issue they need to shed themselves of everything having to do with the tea party they need to shed themselves within difference as a relates to that caravan of people who come in from the southern part of this hemisphere in order to somehow enjoy the freedoms and the kind of opportunities exist in this state and in this country they need to reach out and be a part because to the extent that they do they will force democrats to keep raising the bar they'll force democrats to keep addressing the issue of the maldistribution of wealth in this state and in this nation they will force democrats to have to
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respect and advocate on behalf of therapy employment practices for everybody equal opportunity for everybody we need that and that comes when there are two political parties vying for my vote that's the way it should be if we get to the point where there's only one political party i fear a replication of what is happen whether us at the national level and trump what do you think of the appointment of mr whitaker as acting attorney general. that is a major mistake on mr trump's part mr trump the president of these united states isn't interested men he didn't intend to win in my opinion he had no plans of women he did not have a litany of people that had been a part of his national effort all through the primaries he had simply vent quest and knocked out twelve of fifteen also rans on the republican side and he had won
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by be in the most intertainment and the most unusual a charmin and acceptable person on the republican side of the ad and that's just just you know it's just awful to be a burden with just that i don't want to see us rip replicate that process at any stage in the development period does willie brown have a candidate he favors in twenty twenty walk in tell you state of california has potentially three really good candidates they have the newly elected governor be sworn in on january seventh. gavin newsome it's got to be a part of some consideration for the national ticket they have a fellow who is the mayor of los angeles that's where the population happens to be and that's you know he every guy said he represents equality in terms in every
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respect terms of bellotti is still judgment exception and then they've got a superstar in terms of the former attorney general of the state of california form of district attorney of san francisco and now the u.s. senator from california the junior u.s. senator from california who did the best job of cross-examination in the in the debacle involving cavanagh and his approval comma harris she is maybe now the most sought after person short of michelle and barack obama on the democratic side of the aisle and i think as things unfold over the next eighteen months one of the three of them will be a national ticket contender there are also several of the people who are it well qualified to form a governor of the say to my sisters has deval patrick is certainly in that category
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you've got people all who come from new jersey or like or booker very potentially a great potential candidate but larry if democrats intend to when they've got to do what was done this time in the midterm elections they've got to look closely at who can motivate racial minorities women young people people who have not voted before and people who really are on the side of some form of serious message and and delivering to messages exception they've got to have somebody on that ticket who represents that and i believe that somebody has got to come from somewhere in the middle west we still have time to find that kind of an ideal ticket. well sherrod brown the senator from ohio i think that he would be a potential good candidate except ohio is the only state that went the other way in
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this last election cycle ohio went from being somewhat democratic to less democratic and it apparently was because we just didn't pay the same amount of attention as we did to michigan as we did to west constance as we did to kansas as we did to texas all across the country dramatic gains were made in some places not complete like in georgia of florida but certainly advances almost no place did we slip backwards except in want to two places and ohio was one of the ways we slipped backwards i think mr brown senator brown is a great potential candidate however i do think you have to kind of bring your state along do you expect a crowded field in the primaries. i do anticipate lots of noise and activities i hope however we will not get into
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a situation in which we take away from the potential to win the general election by waste and all our far power in the primary we didn't do that when we did both barack obama and hillary clinton we actually settled on the two and we allowed for the two of them to engage in the activities and two thousand in two thousand and eight or nine in maine make sure that that process took place in a way in which the day after hillary lost or bamma he she immediately embraced obama he embraced her she invented been secretary of state and pointed by him as a president i want to see the same kind of results take place i don't want to see what happened on the republicans are they are how when jeb bush went obviously on vacation when little marco went away when the line ted went away all those people
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obama that trump dumped on on they all disappeared and he ended up winning almost by default i don't think we can trust that on the democratic side of the aisle i think our candidates all of them will be of quality and the question will be and they win and we ought to be with the one that can win will be as always thanks for your time today. thank you for the opportunity kathleen turner is the legendary actress who made a name for herself starring in such films as romancing the stone body heat and peggy sue got married those were in the eighty's and ninety's she's since turned to theater and found tremendous success on the stage she's also soon to be seen on netflix starring in dolly parton's anthology series called these old bones and her book covering turner on acting was released in september she's busy of an ever and
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as outspoken as ever too as i found out of a reason sit down with her on my own program larry king now we talk about mr trump the meat to movement and some politics is a little bit of that interview watch what are your thoughts about the current political scene we're living on there. you know even i'm a new yorker and here long enough to claim. and i own believe anyone in new york took him seriously as a as a businessman and as you know someone who was really a power when the in the industry was shocked me now most is. it is incredibly small in canada. is at the very least ignorant you know i mean that probably the most it is losing
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priscilla. to be in touch with the book and in there but i just i simply cannot understand the kind of mentality then believes you can say one thing one day and then we then say you didn't say and the next when everything in now is record and everything is on video we have everything what do you make of the midterms. well i actually i'm hopeful i think that getting over one hundred women into the house isn't a huge step i think that more women within the state representation is imperative this is where we built you know we've only been at this the republicans have been stacked in the house for forty some years we have we will is doing this about fourteen fifteen years ago we really do know progressives in side state
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legislature and so i think that this was a nice jump for us why you so angry you're successful one might say carefully in turn has made her mark what do you bring about. then just to see the quality the fact that i suppose in many ways like many women i want to take care of others i want to help and protect i am angry at the idea of men interfering i do not understand who the hell is a man to tell me what to do with my body there is absolutely no law on the books and tell men what they can do in there this is a constant source of anger to me. so you are you active in the me too movement actually i i appreciate it i can see i would experienced that
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well what i am a practical person i love the about time you know putting together funding and supporting women who need representation but cannot cannot afford it themselves that makes sense to me check my twitter feed for when the full interview with capturing turner airs on larry king now and remember you could tweet me at kings thing is about any part of today's episode or join the conversation on my facebook page and thank you for joining me for this edition of politicking.
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teraflops russian deadlines. in a world of big partisan newton's law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now up for watching closely watching the hawks.
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aeroflot russian airlines. you know world big partisan movies a lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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pranking game americans a lot of job opportunities i needed to come up here to make some money i could make twenty five thousand dollars as a teacher or i could make fifty thousand dollars a year girl and truck so i chose to drive truck people rushed to a small town in north dakota was an unemployment rate of zero percent like gold rush is very very similar to a gold rush but this beautiful story ended with pollution and devastation a lot of people have left here i don't know too many people here and just slow down so much they lost their jobs got laid off the american dream is changing that's not what it used to be. and it's a tough reality to deal with. mass geysers financial survival guide liquid assets not those that you can convert an insecure as quite easily. to keep in mind no assets mean to a place in the middle class guys are bored.
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to tears. to. your post. thanks for the common security. who should be held accountable. and maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious place when asked who should be held accountable for the motor of the problem. us president said that perhaps the world should take the.
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