tv News RT November 25, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EST
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a week of demonstrations across fraud culminating with violence in the streets of paris where tear gas and water cannon deployed a correspondent caught up in the come ocean. grabbing bit of difficulty opening my eyes right now not because we've just been in the makes all of this to you guys. but. the u.k. finally promises to intervene in the case of
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a british academic jailed for life by the united arab emirates on charges of spying . maybe the world should be held accountable because the world is a vicious bush says every country should bear responsibility for the journalist at . the same time stressing the importance. against iran. and action packed week for worldwide headlines here on international let's run through them now on the sunday weekly program. has been hit by a week of angry demonstrations against a hike in fuel prices led by people wearing bright yellow vests around eighty thousand protesters vented their anger on saturday nationwide with the. flaring up
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in paris. water cannon and fire has created scenes of chaos throughout the week. traveling across the country including to paris where she got caught up in the coming. weeks as you can see behind me there are a group of around a hundred yellow vests wearers these are going to blockade roads around about slike this is one of the main arteries that would go from blue on all the way to paris and what they're saying is that president might call has said lots of things he said he's going to come into power he's going to make reforms he's going to change the french economy for the better but the people here say there is noone magic formula and so for corn hasn't brought in a magic formula it's not about politics we're all equal and we're all here against the french government is clear to everybody this is mccrum became president prices have increased food fuel we don't want them anymore and we want to change the
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system. as long as micron keeps clowning around with his pelham powder as he likes to say well we'll do the same we'll stay here. it's getting a little rowdy no as you can see the yellow vests protesters have taken over this section no roads they are now completely in control of it and trying to stop the traffic from coming through the for the moment it looks like things are heating up being the last few nights there have been fairly a huge number of schools she's between the police and the protest is. outside a street to the entrance of the ellie's a parents as you can see gas is being fired by the police that's as the protests is trying to enter into that street to get closer to. usually ellie's
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a paralysed. the have a bit of difficulty opening my eyes right now and that's because we've just been in the midst of all of this tear gas as you can see eyes red is really hard to open them and at the moment we are just a burning uncontrollably. the police are coming we're having to move now because we're all being pushed up the street seems to the tear gas knew to protest this it really is absolutely crazy here on the streets of paris. thanks this is a road just off the arc de triomphe and as you can see here we've got some of the stooges
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they've become infamous in paris of late they're burning here this is one of the barricades have been put in place. was. actually being shouted out by a protester right you have telling us to not show people's faces and that's because there has been suggestion that this movement has been hijacked by radicalized individuals from the left and from the right and they woundings ahead to this protest in paris that it was going to get hot and it seems that those warnings are absolutely right it was not just all just fuel protests in protest against the cost of living and living standards here for months but it just seems that people now all purely angry at the situation and the fact that the president is still refused to meet them to discuss the problems in this country. one hundred and thirty protesters what they're trying to cross the country on saturday forty two of them empires and nineteen people injured including four police officers. the french
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president and i know him across strongly condemning the violence. thanks to our lord forces for their courage and professionalism shame on those who attacked them shame on those who have abused other citizens and journalists shame on those who try to intimidate elected officials there is no room for this violence in the republic. the u.k. is under pressure to justify its ties with the united arab emirates after abu dhabi sentenced a british academic to life in jail on charges of spying london has not promised to intervene a month you heard his wife had been appealing to the government to do so for five months and she. says that london's an auction was caused by a fear of upsetting a crucial trading partner i was under the impression that they were putting their interests with the u.a.e. a ball of a british citizens. right feel free to m.
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and a hearing without a lawyer matthew hedges was sentenced to life in prison on wednesday accused of spying for the u.k. he's already spent five months in solitary confinement he has a ph d. student who went to the u.a.e. to research the twenty year life an arab spring uprising now abu dhabi says it is reviewing a request for clemency from hedgers family for the case has prompted a wave of criticism with calls for a reevaluation of britain's relationship with the oil rich gulf ally when i was first incarcerated in abu dhabi the u.k. government was at the time trying to encourage new lucrative trade deals with the u.a.e. and i see a charge going to fix up the story. of spying and jailed for life that's now the fate of a british academic researcher in the united arab emirates an ally and friend of the u.k. but how much trouble is this case likely to stir up between the two given what's at stake we are incredibly disappointed that the us should do this we see no
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foundation in the charges that have been laid against him there will be serious diplomatic consequences for a country that says that it is a friend and ally of the united kingdom for months had just wife says her repeated requests for help have fallen on deaf ears at the foreign office and they just disregarded my request they said that it was. and part of their job the british prime minister says the u.k. is on top of things and doing everything it can we are raising it with the m.r. fuel storage is of the highest level my model for the foreign secretary is urgently seeking a call with the foreign minister abdullah it is during his visit to the u.a.e. on november twelfth he raised the issue with both crown prince mohammed bin side and the foreign minister incidentally also in the emirates last week a u.k. trade minister with fifteen british companies promoting economic ties between the two countries u.a.e. is the fifth largest trading partner for the u.k. outside europe coming after us a japan china and hong kong and bilateral trade is now growing in double digits in
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october the u.s. ambassador to the u.k. said there is hope of bilateral trade reaching twenty five billion pounds by twenty twenty it is currently at over seventeen billion so could the price tag of this long term cooperation and being worth more than ruffling feathers over the feet of one citizen problem for treason government is that they're talking at the moment briggs's of taking back control reasserting so foreign to you and puts them in a dilemma they don't want to be seen to be weak on an issue like this abroad but on the other hand they also need to be building economic bridges outside the e.u. maybe again the government of the emirates is thinking the british can't possibly push this too far because they're on a weekly comic work it the british could of course withdraw the military support and by extension their supply of military equipment at the same time they
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could face the consequences of an emirati economic boycott of. russia as a malign influence reaches even as far as children's entertainment at least of some western media outlets are to be believed they accuse a globally acclaimed of russian t.v. cartoon series of being designed to sway young minds jacqueline fuko picks up the story. and that little sweetheart was matia from the cartoon in the bear originally russian the series has been translated into dozens of languages and won the hearts of millions across the globe but it turns out there may be a sinister side to the enduring little girl and her protective that doesn't make trying to. see now what russia has forgotten to mention there is that some cartoons are in fact evil putin propaganda yep according to a times u.k.
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article moshe is just another putin pop it is funny steep. but also a plucky she punches a bunch of weight is no fun face to see. but it seemed to be particularly worried about one scene and a single episode or moshe's seen wearing a soviet border guards hat. apparently that's meant to be a statement on russia's defense of its borders but even if we say that's true what kind of kid would pick up on that but hey it's best to start when they're young right the studio behind this propaganda masterpiece of course denies being influenced by the kremlin's hand saying they received no state funding but we did a bit of digging and found some ominous signs you simply can't ignore here comes the kremlin for all of two seconds that could easily be interpreted as a soviet red star the skies as an innocent christmas decoration and you may not
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realize it but the weird hat that must has got on here is a traditional russian hat now i know those examples aren't so much propaganda as they are just random russian things but that's all we could climb but worry not it turns out the bear itself is a representation of russia as a whole you see bear you think russia right is russia. fact it's a struggle for the minds part of a hybrid explosion in which a negative image of russia is replaced by a positive oh the horror the horror now you know what your children are being exposed to and can protect them accordingly. and the bear are not coming. and the hybrid. british. and american. they don't seem to be particularly. i really really do not want to read
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about how. to do this properly and. i can confirm that i watched two episodes there when i was nine and i suddenly became a twitter party speaks russian. the international space station celebrated a major birthday on tuesday twenty years ago launched the first more jeweled of this orbiting science lab and here's. the crew on board. one hundred people from eighteen countries have visited the space station over the years it's become an example of close international cooperation not least of warming relations between cold war rivals here's a look at how the russian u.s. friendship developed to the moon.
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were kind of new ground they said well gosh let's see if we can build a bigger space station and what can we do one of the problems that might come up what you've learned. some of the many interesting and doesn't just give them for them some incentives for falsely if she were me i. needed to confess to fifty people seems. to me and symbol.
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of the it's me from that have not always been from the. opposite of. the phonies. gather your act. together. with the other. living in close quarters and zero gravity means some pretty clever designs for the modules that do make up the i access r.t.c. could have done if was given access to the simulators where future action or to get to grips with their home in space. in a way the international space station is the largest lego puzzle in the world because
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see it wasn't moved into orbit in one piece at first it was just one cargo module this is the exact replica that it's name in russian means sunrise and indeed it did become the dawn of the as we know it. this small jewel a star is more of a living space there's a cubicle here a dining space also there's a docking simulation area as well where cosmonauts practice they're so used to walking skills but some things i didn't plain sight because this is an actual space exercise bike. we got as close as we could to russia's work rocket the saw use during the journey to and from the international space station this is the module where crews spend hours of
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their time and i mean it's not very spacious it's actually looks small even for one person while it is designed to fit three inside it's a real work station there are no random things here to mourn it is just to showcase all sorts of technical information about how the rocket is doing indicate his watching. but the most crucial the buttons that attend the most crucial commands they're actually hidden behind small covers like this so they have to be lifted so that they are not touched or pressed by accident or. among these buttons there's one that might seem strange commands to pressurize the cabin to let all of the air out even while the ships into orbit it so that the crew can put out a fire because this button is extremely important it has additional protection this small screw up when the rocket detects a malfunction and messes lights up on this board and among them this one particular
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ball which we pretend to ignore says rocket failure is this top left one it turns red in the alarm goes off for twenty years this station has been home away from home for adventurous visionaries overachievers risk takers people of action it's instilled a passion for discovering the unknown in our generation. and about halfway through the weekly here on our take international still to come here on the program leonardo da vinci has been dragged into a royal between the french president and it official starts in the mix of your sunday weekly stories in about.
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the lying circumstances that allowed for the emergence of this very very eventful violence i think that we may get the sons and even grandsons of dies at some point in the future it's primarily a political issue in iraq that has taken on military. and on the for occasions. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. for us this is what. people are. interested in the water.
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i'll give you to join us for the weekly program here dozens of people including children have been hospitalized after an apparent chemical attack launched by minutes and saw in the syrian city of aleppo that is according to the russian defense ministry here is members of the victims receiving medical treatment a medic say they exhibited symptoms consistent with chlorine exposure and russian military chemists are now working at the site of the attack the russian defense ministry says the attack on a residential area in the northern part of the province was carried out at night the shelling came directly from an area controlled by. an al qaeda affiliated group in neighboring province the syrian military reportedly the which they counterattack in response to the shelling. the murder of journalist jamal
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khashoggi is making more headlines now donald trump has suggested it's the world that ought to be blamed for his assassination. maybe the world should be the world is a vicious world it's a very very vicious. white house statement titled. saudi arabia claims that the whole truth behind killing might never be known and adds that actions already been taken and that saudi arabia remains a steadfast partner as specially when it comes to countering iran and iran's foreign minister zarif called trump's words shameful mr bizarrely devotes the first paragraph of his shameful statement on saudi atrocities to accusing iran of every sort of malfeasance he can think of perhaps who are also responsible for the california fires because we didn't help break the forests just like the finns do saudi officials eventually admitted jamal how short he was killed in their istanbul
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consulate last month in a claimed road off a ration riyadh house denied any awareness of the orchestrated killing but has charged eleven officials washington has sanctioned seventeen saudis for their alleged role in the killing. well trump's insistence that saudi arabia is a key partner in fighting iran has sparked an angry reaction in parts of the u.s. media with some suggesting the american president has caved in to over yet however president trump today chose a different path something more along the lines of the world of a very dangerous place and because it is we should let murderers get away with it especially if the murderers are paying us lots of money now we're left to figure out why the president is telling that lie why he's going so far out of this way to cover for the country and specifically the ruler that carried out this killing of a u.s. resident and us journalist question the morality of course are are entirely absent as they usually are from u.s. government policy as long as those willing to to give big contracts to trump
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refers to is all the great american companies that are causing so much havoc around the world and i'm sure they're going to continue to kill people this is a this is a terrible thing president troubles doing. leonardo da vinci has been dragged into a royal between the french president and italy's deputy prime minister who have been trading insults online and now rome is reconsidering loading the mosque is priceless works for a major exhibition in paris. we need to renegotiate everything the french cannot have a talk now not ariza tallon he only died in france to give the louvre all these paintings would put italy on the margins of a major cultural event paris is renowned louvre museum was hoping to bore some of the ventures notable works for a big show in twenty nineteen marking five hundred years since his death row mistress the france in that case should alone something equally important perhaps
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like the mona lisa under the current agreement of the louver is due to a load of works by another italian renaissance master raphael for a twenty twenty exhibition marking the anniversary of his death and we talk to people in both countries about well where they think the paintings should be shown . i've never. been close to. this job full of holes on. any dolly and a sense fitted to foresee less saudi arson was his little evidence that he thought you know most worried a book with some of the made up again will be years to have us enough for the fans who didn't get to keep them on the. famously there jani. for free variables are. offensive i can feel see. she dove in
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and we're now up to. see a lot of new fantasy any time but many see me in a video that you. didn't get more like. the other the pretty. little mean. because some of the. less well but. you don't need to be on the. rocking of the weekly for this hour here on r.t. international that many more of your top worldwide weekly stories to come your way in about twenty five.
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a nation under the name of community yeah i am question. you could feel that he had a chicken dad's going to be made to move out of a hole the one that he come from for had a. manufactured dream sentenced to public wealth. when the ruling class to some project themselves. with the final. we can all middle of the room signals. really. mean real humans rule the world. join me every thursday on the all excitement and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics
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sports business i'm sure. i'll see you that. welcome to worlds apart from the struggle between good and evil for the human soul is that all this was in the history of the sun chilled to the bible and almost all the books that came after it how does one make this story which has been told millions of times seem a novel and piercing well to discuss that i'm now joined by italian film director paul origin of as a well it's great to talk to you thank you very much for your time now we are
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according to center view in st petersburg the part of the city that's most associated with this day of the great russian writer this is where she least this is where she's south many of his novels i wonder if that place feels any special. the. most important thing about this is. this. you months will. be. with. the you once i think this is the common point many of your films deal with the same themes that are central to dostoevsky's writings the meaning of good and evil moral choice freewill conscious and subconscious do you just sad also to raise those eternal themes in in a new context or do you actually try to add something new to the conversation.
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