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tv   News  RT  November 26, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EST

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subscribe to rob people get enough for just twelve euros fifty per month. ukraine's president has called on his country's parliament to consider declaring loss a lot in response to russian detaining three ukrainian naval ships on sunday off the coast of crimea. we have agreed today future for the u.k. . u.k. prime minister tries to make ends meet seal of approval for brakes
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a divorce terms though she now faces a tough challenge ahead convincing a hostile public hall and back home that it's the best deal. french town of strasburg is using donald trump's face in an ad campaign that some say is designed to uprising people in voting in next year's european parliamentary elections. and russian military chemists a toxic substances were used in an assault on almost syria's aleppo one saturday we look at why the world's media has largely ignored this chemical attack. three o'clock and you're watching our international live from moscow studio with me a day or two to welcome to the program. the military forces of ukraine are combat ready after the country's national security council voted to impose martial law it
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comes in response to moscow detaining three crane unable ships on sunday off the coast of crimea both russia and ukraine have requested an emergency session of the u.n. security council russian foreign minister sergei lavrov says he already knows this side west is going to take. talking about the actions we're going to take at the u.n. security council you know we don't have any illusions taking into account that the west has adopted a position of unconditional support for poroshenko and his regime yesterday's cools from the e.u. to both russia and ukraine to exercise restraint made a stink if they ask ukraine to do this it means that kiev has certainly done something that their western sponsors do not approve of i hope that the ukrainian authorities will draw certain conclusions from that. russia's federal security service claims the ships illegally entered russia's territorial waters where they carried out a dangerous artist broadcast reports from crimea. there are certain advantages
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to declaring martial law it isn't just the military that's involved all sorts of aspects of civilian life also affected for example it becomes illegal to protest against the government would also give the government complete censorship over the media but it will become illegal for the media to criticize the government could also mean that reserve a simple gov't of the ukrainian government will have a lot more power to pull apart as one of the main things is they could potentially it also means a lead to shootings a move that is actually but there it all began yesterday in the early morning when three ukrainian ships approached the. strait in russian territorial waters and refused all communications.
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could straight is very narrow there's only a limited amount of space that many vessels queue to get through that's a huge amount of traffic sometimes you wait for hours to get through it is also important to note that the procedures for crossing the straits of catch a well known to you equate its military as well its navy had previously sent ships through the straits under the courage bridge criminal proceedings over the illegal state border crossing had been initiated under the russian criminal code is important to highlight the ukraine is aware of the procedures regulating the
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navigation navy ships through the territorial waters of the russian federation and the can she and a colleague can now they have previously followed these procedures for peaceful maneuvering. ukrainian government various officials of called this incident to all manner of things contrary to the un convention on the law of the sea and the treaty between ukraine and the russian federation on cooperation on the use of the as of c. in the coach straight russian border ships carried out a frankly aggressive action against the vessels of the navy of the armed forces of ukraine and now calling on russia to release these sailors who are currently in curch the three vessels are also impounded and. we we've heard reports that three when ian sailors an office and two contract sailors. are in hospital in carriage they've been injured apparently their injuries are not life threatening but ukraine is calling on russia to return those sailors russia has
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said that they will face criminal proceedings for illegal entry to russia's territorial waters russia has called for an emergency session of the u.n. security council to discuss this matter you queen has also reached out to the security council pushing its view as to what happened but we've heard from nato we've heard from the european union which are urging for deescalation urging all sides involved to feel cooler heads to prevail to avoid doing anything rash. reaction now from tennis bryant mcdonnell thanks for coming on to the program. russia's foreign minister says this probably cation is a prelude to an escalation of the ongoing conflict in ukraine let's have a quick listen before we discuss. if ukraine
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imposes martial law well knowing their habits even without martial law they repeatedly breach international humanitarian law firing on residential areas killing civilians with martial law the radicals will feel free. to do what they want we very strongly. sponsors to calm down those who are trying to gain political points at times of hysteria upcoming elections ukraine. do you think he's right so will martial law lead to an escalation. well it depends on how it's implemented in ukraine i mean obviously in the reports you've just given a second ago you've issued the capabilities of martial law what it will allow the poroshenko government to do i mean allow them to cancel elections conscript more soldiers we all know that so i won't repeat it but of course the main issue here at hand is not the tensions about why is he doing it and i mean think back a few years ago in twenty fourteen ukraine sorry crimea went back into russia there was no martial law then there were hundreds of ukrainian soldiers killed fighting
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separatists in. the east of the country in twenty in twenty fourteen there were no martial law then there was problems in mario pulls they lost on the port there was no martial law then there was. no martial law and now we have literally to go in boats on a talk captured in the eyes of sea and he's introducing martial law i mean why is the loss of a couple of ships more dangerous to ukraine than what was a full scale war in the east of the country a few years ago i mean this isn't make sense i mean if you think about it like. there's more than ten thousand people have died in the conflict in the in the in the civil war over the last four years four and a half years and there's been no martial law but now we've got six sailors injured and a few ships taken and he's doing it i think it's more to do it goes low polling ratings before the election which is scheduled for next march i mean at the moment he's
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polling turd behind yulia tymoshenko who is famous around the world basically i don't need to introduce her. linsky who is a comedian and used to host the russian version of the x. factor. i mean this is the reality on the ground of course by introducing martial law he can postpone or cancel the elections and keep power and of course that also suits the money was western sponsors who may fear that yulia tymoshenko may do a deal with russia as she's done in the past i mean one of the. campaign pledges is to dramatically reduce gas prices obviously the only way you can do that is by making some arrangement russia because or the president deal with the west there they're restricted to global prices yeah i mean you've certainly raised a few questions as to why this is going to be imposed now and some people are pointing the finger at his ratings. having said that could this be the ukrainian president's ratings. difficulty hearing you can you repeat the
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question you know i said you've obviously raised the question as to why he's imposing martial law now and indeed you know there's a lot of speculation saying that it could indeed be for those ratings but could this boost his ratings well of course it could i mean technically if you can make the idea that the countries the chart from an external actor i've lost sound again sorry i think you better call for me i've lost some unfortunately can you hear us talk. no i can't i think you have to you have to go to another thing i'm sorry ok well thank you brian apologies for the technical difficulties hopefully we might be able to get back and talk to you a bit later thank you. now the european union has approved the braggs it divorce deal reached with the u.k. prime minister to raise the may the e.u. side has made it clear the terms are final and non-negotiable trades are made for her part incest this deal bodes well for the u.k.
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. the deal we have agreed today a lot of bright future for the u.k. m.p.'s will vote on this deal it will be one of the most significant votes that parliament has held for many years on it will depend whether we move forward to get into a brighter future or open the door to yet more division and uncertainty. division and uncertainty appears already to be open though with may's deal now facing an uphill struggle in a largely opposed parliament anything from the deal on offer to a no deal bragg's it is still on the cards artie's honester situ a canard looks at the possible outcomes. i have heard the european commission president have a separate message for m.p.'s telling them that the deal that has been agreed upon is the only deal possible this is the best move for which is just a burst of bullshit before europe gets used to only post however whether or not this message is going to be heard by m.p.'s here back in london is the big question
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many of them have been disapproving of to reason may's take on backsides and they don't want to support the deal that has been put in front of them. over speaking just for fun but i wish to find political decoration represents a huge and damaging failure in news as we've negotiated a good agreement that preserves our interests and our values is five hundred eighty five pages over testament to broken promises failed to go see asians and abject capitulation to the e.u. . if you. put this is this has been really a very successful and ever in a difficult situation isn't it the regrettable but inescapable reality that this
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deal gets even more away as you go through the political climate continues to be good there's neutral trust you are not delivering the brakes it people voted for. we will remain friends of those ghent over decades i thank you. so here back at home opinion certainly don't seem to be interested means fever during the last several weeks there have been plenty of talk of a posse. the vote of no confidence and that continues to be a possibility here in westminster we have seen several high profile figures resign from their posts in defiance of teresa mayes handling of practice it the public here in the u.k. has certainly been meeting quite a bit of reassurance i think what will happen is they will be discreet might we
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won't get to a majority and there will be. no deal parts of the deal goes ahead it's very very difficult to come out of it for an unforeseen future so it's so uncertain but he might even be better just to stay here as we say rather than have to steal this possibly the best deal we can get which is worse than staying in voter by which we could stay in given all of the political turmoil that has been and will it looks like continue to be unraveling reporting from london and especially churkin and for artsy radio stone cold things theresa may face is an impossible task at all parliaments seal of approval i'm afraid when this come back comes back to the commons i think she's got a very old pill shoebox i mean we know today from ali foster's on the do you bake they're not going to back it so that's the ten vote that keeps the trees the main power of the moment out of the window jenny coleman today has said labor will no
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trade tourist attraction remain as well as in the commons will will all reject it as he should have no choice them but to resign this isn't the bright shiny that we've so cheerful no matter which side you're on a show duration married she's got any possible task she's going to fail in my opinion. to the french city of birkenau where the new face of a campaign to encourage people to get out and vote in european parliamentary elections may come as a surprise is none other than donald trump his face covered by the flag is being used as a warning the posters that went to a municipal friended red this time registering and voting officials in strasburg say they hope the campaign will fire up debate and increasing voter turnout very moves local is to remind voters of the importance of a strong europe in the face of trump's america which is hostile to the european project europe is
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a model which provides not turn its of to isolationist tendencies which mr trump embodies when you look at the way he treats europe we take full responsibility for the post his message. has divided strasberg locals both online and off. but. i think this poster is quite good at the european flag stuck over his face i believe the vote is also against the us this is a shame the us could also be in our. i think it's important to show that a europe can also have power in perhaps power against trump it don't hold europe comes together you can counter the power of us. shouldn't you campaign be neutral politically speaking who is paying for this post or. do you really believe that this propaganda will trick the french it's not the first campaign designed to scare people into voting last month the french government used images of hungary's leader and it was deputy prime minister on posters urging people to vote for unity not
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division the poster campaigns column and predictions that populist parties will make significant inroads into the european parliament next year we spoke with independent journalist luke who says it's wrong to spend taxpayers' money on politically charged messaging. well it shows really how far we are already in the distancing between the united states and europe what is striking with the scam paying is that it is not the campaign of a political party which would be acceptable but it is the party of the city of one of the largest cities in the country where the european parliament has as its plenary sessions so it is disgraceful to see that the socialist decide to use the money of all taxpayers in the city to to finance a campaign attacking the populist saw and showing trump as an isolationist saying that these people who support trump and agree with trump are wrong maybe they are
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but it's part of the population of france and the people inside school shouldn't shouldn't accept this and we have parents in the u.k. are openly frustrated on finding out that their children have been standing with a thirty year old refugee classmate i thought of this break. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure. most somewhat want to be preached. to the right to be trusted that's why the forty three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters about how. they sit. on the sea on the lying circumstances that
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loud for these emotions of this very very long time violence i think that we may get the sons and even grandsons of guys at some point in the future it's primarily a political issue in iraq that has taken on the minutes we. met on the street cations. welcome back to the private russian chemists have confirmed the attack carried out on saturday night on the syrian city of aleppo involved toxic substances dozens of victims remain in hospital some of them in critical condition. it feels like
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something is burning inside and my eyes are hurting. the homs it could be in the morning at breakfast i looked at homs and realized that there's something wrong with him he said that he had a stomach ache so i took him back to the hospital. i was at home then to see hear how they kicked in. i started to cough but couldn't bear it medicines didn't help so i was taken to hospital. these people need medical care some are in critical condition we provide all the necessary treatment we use drips and special masks to stabilize their condition to clear the longs from toxins and to crease the level of oxygen in the blood the chemical assault has in fact drawn far less attention in the international media than previous chemical attacks he looks at why a hospital rush oxygen masks scared and confused children pictures of an aftermath of an alleged chemical attack in the one shoe last year instantly became
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a catalyst for a media big these graphic images posted online by activists and people who live in the area killed victims many of them children struggling to breathe children. foaming at the mouth. suffering convulsions being carried in the arms of desperate parents the gag on the gasp and the frantic efforts to save lives these images from it with syria range world leaders on tuesday at the united nations calls for information and accountability in what diplomats said could be a war crime the russian government is denying any involvement in a suspected chemical attack in syria that has a lot of dozens of people dead including many children this comes after witnesses said they saw people collapsing to the ground this time reports of a chlorine attack in aleppo.
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so an emergency check ambulance sirens check. and uncertainty in children's eyes check the media reaction was this russia has accused syrian rebel fighters of firing shells filled with chlorine gas into the city of aleppo syria and russia accused opposition fighters of carrying out a toxic gas attack so hold on what. what happened there was outreach words this carousel of condemnation and shaming by the world's most powerful like the united states we believe it is highly likely that attack was carried out by the assad regime. it looks a lot like this attack was done by the side regime that is truly an evil person this is an animal well the difference is aleppo is under the control of the syrian government has been for years now slowly but surely clearing out its streets of rubble trying to piece back together the normality the chances that animal assad
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gave orders to slaughter the innocent is let's say slim hence it's worth a mention maybe but not much more i want to read to read here is that france does condemned the use of chemical weapons whatever. the uses are they don't care because the attack is coming from the wrong side as it were if you check the mainstream media coverage globally it's a nonevent in if you also check the so-called opposition media in syria of course they are saying that well that it could be a plot by the regime no surprise there before how easy and convenient in two wars to instantly pin the blame on the baddest of the bad guys now when the alleged hit potentially just potentially could be ordered by your former allies or you had
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given out millions of dollars worth of aid yeah let's not rush to any conclusions according to the russian defense ministry dozens of people including children were taken to hospital after the attack he says a nighttime assault was carried out from an area controlled by. an al qaeda affiliated group in neighboring province but it didn't come of mondas have denied any involvement and insists they don't have any chemical weapons. all the same syria's foreign ministry is calling on the un to condemn and punish the militants involved in the assault as well as the countries that all men finance them we spoke to pier the french activist in aleppo who told us about the aftermath of the attack but. now it knows where. we thought a lot of people until seeing at people's for gauging it's really bad people. every day the situation is still very bad so still receiving rockets was to receiving
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mortar. explosive that lets people. it's not the first time that we can recall that they used during the battle we just same kind of weapons specially trained it's really hard to imagine that everything is going to start again but everything is going to happen again in the same way we leave the worse until now and we are ready for whatever is going to. parents in the british town of eps which are not too pleased after finding out that an iranian asylum seeker apparently age around thirty was placed in the children's school for six weeks they should have done more checks i blame the home office it was scary because you don't know who this person ace it's supposed to be safe i'm ashamed to pay for the school and the government for allowing this to happen they have both failed to protect our children the teachers should be sacked if the kids knew he's the age he is how come the school didn't know it's not right it's the children safety it's crossed the
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line if someone says they are fifteen you have to believe them but you don't know what they are doing that especially when they're a young girls at the school it came to be fifteen years old he was suspended after people raised their suspicions over the new classmate student posted a snap chat picture of him in class with the comment how is there a thirty year old man in our math class the man is now facing deportation but the home office investigating the case. he entered britain under the name students found out on his facebook profile that he'd been an architecture student in iran and then he lived in germany also they discovered pictures of him with a full beard drinking beer all students said sea of ash told him he was married with two children. we debated the case with stephen morris from english democrats. ramadan foundation. should have been there in the first place it's a clear failure of the border services it's
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a clear failure of the education system especially when the the train supposedly highly trained border agencies allowed him to come through through the process put him into a school if there are genuine refugees out there there is a process that they have to follow they have to be screened and they have to have a look at those background checks and i'm pretty certain. the authorities will be looking into this in in more detail to see where their feelings of happened the difference if you like between stephen myself is that i think immigration supporting refugees is a good think it's value to our societies in riches communities i think it is asylum through the door of the hundred we're not against asylum or you could clearly we're not against asylum sealy and we're not against immigration that's a really long term did not against us really worrying is that a thirty year old man has got into a school and put those children at risk on the last report sixty five percent of
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those questioned a second time over their age was found to be over eighteen and the equator around four hundred eight the last week or so it was four hundred eight people that's four hundred eight possibilities of. let's get that into context these are people who have lied to deliberately get in the country and we don't know if they're feeling quite ground and there is a possibility i think that if i hold at least i'm not doing their job from line to be a refugee steve it is far fetched to be you know stretching your so it's not far from being who is lying to you trying to get. money just to get on your. side of them is a refugee are fixed in zero point seven of our g.d.p. it's been supported for refugees are the most well know it shouldn't be our poverty in this poll that we. should enlist a conduit a lot of us in the school was trying to do political correctness and squash it which is wrong if there's an issue raise it. roundup of the news for now i'll be back in thirty minutes but first it's cross talk.
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you know world of big part of the law and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. i got a place called camp sundown again for people that can't last saturday and they're like so vampire camp this is like a safe house i guess they don't have to talk about what they go through with this because we understand her daughter katie was diagnosed with
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a very rare sun sensitive condition if i get sunburned i heal she doesn't feel patients and they have problems with the walk to talk to some of the brains that are actually shrinking inside their disco gets thicker in the brands get smaller. the pain is indescribable it's feels like a really really bad chemical burn but it goes through your skin in your muscles always down to the bone. there's no relief. we're just not sure this is going to stop. us veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. we're going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got
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this memo from the circular defense office says we're going to attack and destroy the government instead.


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