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tv   Going Underground  RT  November 28, 2018 4:30am-5:01am EST

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well i think it is going to responsible statement if you look at the let's say britain and the security of britain you'll find that when russia and syria almost eliminated the threat of the isis in syria we basically improve the security of the united kingdom and it's quite a funny story but still this is the fact of what and if you look at the no budget neutral budget though the united kingdom it's fifty four billion and the russian oodgeroo budget this is this essence of the of the i. says it's only forty six billion dollars and russia has nothing to do with its troops i mean mostly brought why because this is the british troops who are not far from the russian borders especially in the stone ear and the generals there and the british is sending the troops to the ukraine in order to train the ukrainian soldiers to
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fight with the done boss in the guns so basically i see the military policy of the united kingdom quite aggressive you see the russian business trade for isn't going to be the headlines of the newspapers even though breaks it and post breaks a trade deals are only agenda nor these alleged chemical attacks in syria surprise there's no more attention paid to what russia is alleging is a chemical attack by rebels de facto i suppose supported by brit well first of all about the chemical attacks it's it's quite clear you know for for quite a number of years we were telling that the the rebels they have chemical weapons especially chlorine and unfortunately our british colleagues you know were not ready to support this thesis moreover they were supporting the white helmets and the jihadists or the terrorists they demonstrated that they possess a hammock a gimmick or weapons and this is just the proof of what russia said. from what you
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know who hears and this part of the forum i think what is important is that we have something like eight hundred people here this is almost seven hundred companies and all of them are interested in developing the trade and the business relations including the high tech so basically. now i would welcome the british press you know to write about that but for us what is important is the business and the business is here and if you he will we heard the one of the speech of the representative of the team that was quite politicised speech you know she put everything you know sanctions you know they they feel is there the call that russia should change its policy and what is interesting is that most of the people were simply didn't support her because they want to make business and they just pointed out that we need different kind of religion from the russia because russia is the
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fastest growing market economy is doing quite well especially in the high tech and we are by the way on the thirty first place doing business in the world so this is a huge attraction and for britain in order to become global they definitely have to expand its activity in russia where he will and maybe the idea eight here with the government position is is that over the rim of the royal family was intended here where were you when you had to resume the loading is speech appearing to hold the possibility of detour into with the russian federation today i mean the major goal of prime minister was that russia should change its policy and if russia would change its policies so we're ready to do with russia but i would like just to remind that russia is syrian state and we have our own national priorities she maintains the policy has in step assassinating british cities since. with chemical
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weapons well this is this is absolutely not true because first of all nobody presented any evidence and it's not supported by any facts so from my point of it's simply a lie and we don't accept it and the british government is not ready to cooperate with us i ask so many questions. the letters were sent to the foreign office around seventy seven zero seventy notes and we didn't get any replies so basically for us it's a quest uprising we don't have anything except the leaks in the press so from my point of view to make a statement political statements on the basis of the leaks or the information which going to be supported by the government i think it's a very responsible approach which is damaging the relations we now have a leak from anonymous the integrity of the initiative showing a u.k. government funding for a project launching twenty fifteen to counteract russian propaganda right across
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europe u.k. journalists are named in their brain to be the role of the truth to have drawn the markets from b.b.c. . do you think things like that affect businesses wanting to invest in russia has a serious these foreign office campaigns well it's just part of the intelligence activity of the u.k. and it's quite clear if you look at the names of the people who are involved and that's exactly what the russian experts are now discussing in moscow because you know you will see you elect people like browder which is basically charged all this is the aim here he is also named and this is the real the league i don't know but this is the good point for the investigation because you know we have to work with they have you know we want to put the additional questions because it's serious it's if you look at that you can see this some some kind of we're involvement in the internal processes in the different. countries it's not only about russia you
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will see these cells also in some other countries european countries so it means that somebody if it's true somebody is trying to influence the policy of the other countries and from my point of view is not acceptable i should say that and i you know buckley the f.t. whole number of journalists they all deny being agents of the british state but in the application for funding. it says the. russian federation once undermine ultimately destroy western democratic institutions of this is where you can apply for funding for a project that can do it bit to stop russian disinformation well i'll tell you that that leaks you know we see the certain funding was received from the foreign office and or an office application there's a barrier that this road this road so is this is quite a muddy story but there we need you know to mr gay that you know and to understand the a bit better but that was what is serious signal for all of us do you think it's surprising
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that your brics partner china are also is the subject of. attacks in the british media maybe not quite as much as russia but similarly well as if you look at the british press you will see a lot of things and and it depends you know because you know you cannot. check the leaks we i wrote several times to the foreign office and ask you know them you know whether that leak with a reference to the british official is true or not and the answer was very simple we can confirm this because this is the matter of the public discussion so that means that everything what is written with the references i mean the british press with the references to two officials is basically the probably fake a matter of public discussion i received official not and is fixed in the text do
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you think aside from the allegations against the russian federation part of this is to do with the statements coming from your capital about excluding the dollar and the euro in trade. oh i don't think so because we were talking about the diversification of the trade and that was a longstanding position of russia to convert the trade of oil gas and some other things between the countries to the national currencies that's exactly what we're going to do with gerry and with the india you know among the brics countries those becoming less reliable than before and it's clear that the russian experts worry that in the long to the dollar will be used even more actively for political purposes and. this is some kind of. hedging for the future of the possible risks if you look at the united states both you will find that starting from the to sell them eleven we were sanctioned by the united
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states sixty two times i think that's enough to understand you know that you have to do something with your own currency but aside from corporation. isn't the case that britain's biggest manufacturing industry is the home street and or russia and britain are in effect competitors. well we're not competitors because i was systems are better with me at the moment the best for. saudi arabia are written straight been exporting warbler is nowhere near the border that saudi arabia we are planning to to export this to. as i understand it some other countries and what about you mentioned sanctions what about the threat of sanctions to a british business with a woman right now thinking i want to trade with the someone in the russian federation of business but i'm terrified that my business is going to be
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a little bit tracked by the foreign office is going to be subject to some elitism that's exactly what the british porton is still the us because they want they want you know first trust and they want to have a little bit. most here in the relations and. what i really noticed there was in new york. she was alone she was isolated you know she just the only person in the. eight hundred people who push the political agenda they did send someone. to thank you thank you as for juries amaze representative of the russian and british business forum media partners bayati britain's international trade official judith slater refused to speak to journalists all we wanted know was was in the spirit of the lord. lord mare's banquet. we tried to get the thoughts of to raise a maze department of trade trying to speak to judith slater who is here the works of the well the international trade she obviously didn't want to come on camera and
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tell us about russia u.k. trade ties after the break stories of a continues a brics a tour of the u.k. germany corbin's former shadow communities local government minister chris williams and a general election and from the news is the u.k. putting trading rights above human rights and the u.a.e. arresting comments about problems in paris all this and more coming up in part two going up the ground. u.s. veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either there already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circular defense offices we're going to attack and destroy the government and in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with
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their money others with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed. for a war surely we can risk some discomfort for an easy. campsite now and again for people that can. and their legs so the empire can. see housing and they don't have to talk about what a good year with us because we understand our daughter she was diagnosed with a very rare son sensitive condition if i get sunburned i hear she doesn't feel patients they have problems with want to talk to some of the brains are actually shrinking inside the skull gets thicker in the brain still small. the pain is indescribable it's feels like a really really bad chemical burn but it goes through your skin in your muscles
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down to the bone. there is no relief. we're not sure this is just a. welcome back joining me now because you're on the week's top stories are vulnerable democrat m.p. lim bit opaque limit welcome back before we go to the stories for an office report project proposal over eighty thousand pounds you can attack russia and you get money for the four of us if you applied you know and i thought and later they would be completed by post i can do that some journalists say actually let me find out let me find out anyway let's go to the important topic brick said liam fox in israel to protest a violation of multiple un resolutions twenty four thousand dead or injured in the greater term of what is he doing he's making money for the jerusalem post reports
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u.k. secretary of state to meet netanyahu to boost trade this is of course because cash is king never mind the human rights issues here britain is desperate i'm not sure if you know. there's a bit of breath going on we need new friends and we need them fast and to israel stay here i will mention life altering injuries of palestinian children un resolutions and all queered he wants the business with you have cement all do think maybe off the record a little bit this is about money this is about working with our longstanding friends in israel now there's nothing wrong with trade there is a bit of a compromise going on here do compromise trade in order to not talk about those human rights quite uncomfortable really is the next story definitely makes us feel it's good we're leaving europe because for me a dangerous place well there are riots there and who better to tell us about this as the national report sent you a embassy warned residents on holiday to stay away from paris riots in the u.a.e.
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the united arab emirates is concerned about human rights and violence in paris of course they're pretty qualified to talk about this very safe place over there just allegedly sign israeli gas by the deal hundred million dollars what if they're working with the israelis you know and i'm also that matthew had his would agree with you eased up abroad for allegedly all kinds of really is the i have the i mean they have you seen any of his interview and i think we can say a lot of these it is that he preyed on trees be wary of visiting europe because it's a dangerous place it's great that the u.a.e. are warning us if there's one group we need to take seriously when they're worried about crowd control then be afraid be very afraid after you to you're going to paris for christmas well the won't be anyone else and their leader doesn't have the support that the crown prince does in dubai or absolutely they've got police on the streets and you can tell all the rioters because conveniently they're wearing high
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visits will forget about tear gas in paris forget about tear gas on the mexican border let's go to this american company you don't see trump shedding a tear let's go to this down the road at westminster mugs like a big want to. it was shocking huffington post reports parliament seizes cache of facebook documents in an unprecedented move this is the ongoing debate about whether facebook was or was not complicit in some funny business in terms of using documents and information in a dubious way were you looking at me like that option it's an unprecedented move no one does a good bargain delivery getting just gone right i'll cancel facebook for britain i've had enough of this trouble and i should tell you lots of allegations heard. have connected up to a california code court as to how the department of culture media and sport even received these documents is it or was that in tipoff the issue anyway mark started it if he can do it then why shouldn't the british government mr collins a member of parliament involved in this committee said this is an unprecedented
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move but it's an unprecedented situation we've failed to get answers from facebook and we believe the documents contain information very high public interest this is about public interest afshin not source is going to shut down facebook it's one percent of the world's population i.e. one percent of his business i am in just what just in britain and i'm all i'm saying is you know it was structural change following the twenty eight crisis the brics a trump corbin and these things are not adverts on facebook haven't you border cyberman you are bitter about this it's confidential a combination of both but the reason we don't know the answer is because he didn't bother showing up levodopa thank you. well u.k. prime minister tourism a is taking a brick said battle plan to the austerity hit streets of the u.k. and joining me now is every corbin's former shadow communities and local government minister chris williams because thanks for coming back on before we go to the constitutional and political breaks at crises we had from the russian ambassador and what do you think about the leaks suggesting foreign office funding for
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journalists to attack russia would take nation states perhaps what they the government receives designer my dears. it's completely inappropriate on acceptable for the government to be funding something about if that's true i think that you know we should be reliant upon government to play things with a straight but really anything when she start getting into that sort of black propaganda which this seems to suggest they are doing then it calls into question think you know many of this sort of statements and positions that you know the government's taken up and i know that for example a number of years when we see the vast questions about some of the assertions will be made at the time you know in relation to the attack in salt lake for example asking for evidence you know we were pilloried. for having the temerity to do that and when you then see this revelation it you know he kind of just wonder what on earth is going on and just think that you know it's inappropriate on acceptable
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really for the government to be engaged in these sorts of activities we you know we saw this back in the one nine hundred seventy s. when when her wilson administration was being undermined by the security services in this in this country and you know for a democracy like britain to be engaged in this sort of activity we should be above that kind of thing and i think certainly very serious questions need to be asked about what government involvement there actually was which is a the foreign office we have asked for comment haven't come back to us with any direct comment on how well i will be certainly making inquiries using parliamentary procedures to see whether we can pick some of this stuff because i do think you know the book has a right to know what is the government doing going about this sort of activity don't expect this from from the british government to you but all the journalists named and some m.p.'s on your in your no friends of german court all of them well that's true and again this also leads one to have very serious concerns about some of the motivations about some of the stories what's going on
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them in and you know if the government if it turns out the commitments behind you know some of the propaganda against the jeremy corbyn funding you know the government department perfectly acceptable obviously for police. doing the you know to be this sort of shady organization if that proves to be involved in that well that calls into question dozens of the sort of whole democratic process in this country on the other hand the head of the british army general mark colvin smith former s.s. paratrooper says russia is a bigger threat to the people of britain than i says they actually that's after you know the manchester attack. well i just think these sorts of outpourings are just absurd i mean that is that as the head of the british army well and you know some of this stuff it just doesn't help i don't think i mean this kind of hyperbolic sort of statement really i think brings him into disrepute to be honest and i think we need some sort of level heads really here and this is why i think in a very cold and it's such a breath of fresh air because you know you approach is things in
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a dispassionate way you know six evidence and wants to make you know policy decisions based on real evidence not just on the sort of you know exaggerated so the nonsense which you seem to be getting from from people who want to know better and set a better example is disreputable what do you think islam is terror and in a poverty a bigger threat to the people of britain well clearly they are major threats to britain but you know in terms of you know what threat russia poses i mean i could think of you know all the nations around the world that potentially more of a pose more of a threat to britain i mean is in terms of the day to day lives of ordinary british people clearly poverty when we know when we see in the un report recently that fourteen million people in the fifth biggest economy in the world are in poverty where we've got. a problem likely increase in poverty among children substantial increase over the next two years maybe could be about twenty twenty two according
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to the u.n. reporters report being a situation where forty percent of children in the u.k. are living in poverty now these are real threats these are real challenges to the way of life of millions of british people far more it seems to me than anything that you know russia are saying or doing and what you see the windrush disgraced will be a. home secretary no welfare secretary as it were amber wrote the report you're referring to is an extraordinarily political she is. the governor of slammed it is governor slammed as a united nations report your of an oh no they have again inappropriate discredit itself well i think the only people who are inappropriate and discredited frankly are the government and if it also himself said that role than attacking the report the government should act on the recommendations that he made and it really does
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shame britten i think for a country with the size of the economy that we are to have a situation where millions and millions of people are living in poverty where we got in every town a city in this country people sleeping in and she'll be always is just can't be right and we have to address this as a matter of urgency and it seems to me you know the rapper to chose his words carefully and i think he was genuinely shocked by what he found and this is a direct consequence of political decisions that have been taken by this government in particular but i think successive governments are in the frame but this government in particular is directly responsible for the paulus situation that we've all many millions of people find themselves in that that's what the u.n. is is say in the prime minister's using brakes at negotiations in agreement is a bit of a smokescreen and perhaps jeremy corbyn at any televised debate between the two of them owner of the agreement will be making this point of the un report. accusations are arguably more pressing at the moment well listen i hope that jeremy will raise
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that if he gets the opportunity if this debate goes ahead that you know the promise allegedly challenging jeremy to a debate is interesting however that she for the hills when the general election was held it last year she was not interested in having a debate then i suspect that the only reason she's calling for a debate now is that she feels that might give us some advantage given that she's been intimately involved in in this agreement that she's reached with the e.u. and hopes perhaps that she can demonstrate that you. she's in command of her brief but i think you know jeremy he certainly agreed to take on the debate and i'm sure we'll be able to offer a much more hopeful vision for a britain outside the european union armed labor administration than the warm that the reason may is putting forward now and you know i think for we get up to see to have that debate general public case very effectively i think what we want to
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course is a general election we desperately need a general election to get out of this paula situation that we're in we still got months til the time we come out of the european union that does give us some time to go back to the e.u. a new labor administration putting forward a you know an expansionary interventionist proposition to you know address the massive challenges that the country finds itself in now and indeed those challenges will be exacerbated somewhat potentially on the outside of the e.u. which is why it's so important thing that we negotiate on the basis of an intervention government and having a relationship with the e.u. which was there was you know a permanent customs union of a spokesman union access that tariff free access to the single market ok which is finally briefly as one hundred thousand children arguably going to be affected this christmas because there are a lot of universal credit the government is saying the loans can be given to these
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children and they can go into debt in the interim. what do you say well i say body trust is a hundred thousand days you'll have seen the people report. really is i'm so angry about this it's appalling and he's just compounding the. issues that the. highlighted in his room nothing could be done before christmas basic well yes of course something could be done before christmas this is about political will and what they're talking about is plunging you know hundred thousand kids into poverty at christmas at this very special time of the year yes of course something could be done about it with political will we could make sure that people got the resources that they need but listen universal credit in my opinion needs to be completely scrapped we need a root and branch revision of our social security system in this country is no longer fit for purpose it's completely broken it doesn't produce any more. and it's frankly shames shames britain further compounds the shame the britain is facing as
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a consequence of the report that was just produced by the un highlighting the terrible situation in relation to poverty in britain the government stands up for the good thing because it isn't thank you very much and that's it for the show will be back on saturday if a cop twenty four with former chief climate change negotiated a nobel peace laureate to write one journal until then people got that social media zero on world aids day as estimates of those killed by all this is induced by the disease reached fifty million as a federal lawsuit is filed over the edge withholding of say for a child drugs in the usa from black and algae to. me.
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i'm one of them and i think. one of the names we're. buddy. back. home. you should have done this. with and i don't want or i can't this morning as i knew she needed that community yeah. whom she could feel that he had to keep. going to move a few made a move of the one that you know enough of them before had. its ukraine versus russia again a minor maritime incident on the courage strait is said to be anything between a major international crisis to a cheap campaign trick as ukraine introduce an election cycle take your pick but one thing is for sure russia is deemed aggressive by the west even when defending
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its sovereignty. to show its seemed wrong when old rules just don't hold. any new world that is yet to shape out disdain becomes agitated and engagement equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. negative place called camp sundown camp for people that can't decide and they're like so vampire camp this is like a safe house i guess they don't have to talk about what they go through with this because we understand her daughter she was diagnosed with a very rare son sensitive condition if i get sunburned i heal she doesn't feel
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patients and they have problems with the walk to talk to your son the brains that are actually shrinking inside their disco gets flicker in the brain still small. the pain is indescribable it's feels like a really really bad chemical burn but it goes through your skin in your muscles always down to the bone and there's no relief. so we're just not to sure this is just over. headlining this hour on the wiki leaks prepares to take the u.k.'s guardian newspaper to court saying it lloyd over an alleged meeting between julian assault from former trump campaign chief paul lama for also ahead. not so.


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