tv News RT November 30, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EST
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financials guys i don't buy any i'm on a futures. think the find. a solicitor buy it from the future crocker. in fact a recent poll of gallup poll shows fifty seven percent of americans want a more cooperative relationship with russia so there's a disconnect that a smart politician democrat would understand needs to be seen because there's not a lot of hunger or appetite for this kind of any russian politics is being fanned by a media political establishment. despite political tensions gripping the g twenty in argentina nonetheless for the approach it seems is happy to meet and greet other leaders in a positive start the proceedings even though donald trump canceled the much anticipated face to face with the russian leader. also coming up to this.
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violence has through the streets of belgium capital is the so-called yellow fest movement spreads to brussels now at a mimic protest following similar scenes in france. and racism in middle earth no less at all for claims of the beast like walks from the front the seat classic lord of the rings may be victims of discrimination. hello welcome to us international issues going to live in pm here of moscow five in the afternoon therefore in argentina's capital one is there is where the leaders of the world's most industrialized economies are getting together.
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despite a cloud hanging over a number of big issues and strange alliances for the leaders there things appear to be getting off on a positive footing. well thursday the u.s. president hold the breaking news by tweeting right on the plane i won't meet with. over ukraine the us administration work clearly trying to send a strong message to russia as they put it the aggression that we've witnessed this week on acceptable and strong messages from some place.
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i was a strong message. isolation isolation. well as you can see this for an isolation didn't quite work and this might be one of the reasons why the u.s. presence. is rather gloomy you could read it off his face all throughout his stay in argentina he didn't join the family photos. he pulled off the translator as he was being welcomed by the argentinean leader and he's just
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frowning all the time here in. the russian side have said that they actually regret that they cannot have direct contact with the u.s. peter however they're not making a big deal out of it and vladimir putin the house plenty of other. part of the. country's. competing practices increasingly replace the international dialogue based on honesty inequality. practice of using lawless you know sanctions expanding as well as protectionist measures violating the u.n.
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some of the fellow they're all around the summit of course all the cameras focused on what's happening there and one is are at this point in rome whole former u.s. congressman it was put a bit of sense on these things if it's on today every time we cover this kind of thing we see the cameras obviously the protests or is it just then that. kind of a posh dinner for the heads around the world or does this tape to tape actually lead to anything practical what he think about it is it wasted time and i think i think it's totally. i think it's totally impractical except from their viewpoint of politicizing things but i don't think policies change and and there's a lot of you know the major media pumps it up to they like to talk about but as far as a business meeting goes and change in policy i don't think this is the way it should be done anyway because i don't believe much in the large groups of politicians getting together so if you're going to have a serious discussion it should be one on one and accomplish what you need to be
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getting a lot of people together and having an agreement and coming out of there and say well we just saw the great problem but somebody is going to do something or say something is going to sound like news and it may shake the markets for a bit sometimes that happens but as far as policy goes and seriousness in a meeting like this i don't think it's worth very much even though it's a five to life it does make your eyes roll slightly and you see some of these representatives here of big companies around the world saying i'm going to talk to you i'm not talking to you and yet they're all the same room together. you know that sounds like high school stuff you know i'm not going to talk to you anymore no i think the diplomacy is lousy even if you agree with somebody and on occasion i'll agree with our president but then it's under by and you know sometimes by the diplomacy and the way he way talks and the aggressiveness i'll do this i'll give you this or operate sanctions on you and threats are involved even even if there's
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an attempt to correct a problem see but no i i don't i don't think that's good and i think that if this is going to be a social operation and twenty get along and get around to coming together i think the most you could hope for is maybe getting to me talk to people in a serious manner and coming away and say you know i can talk to that guy you know and we should stay in touch we can correct our problems when there's many different languages spoken i guess that's a little bit more often difficult then that type of strategy would be. everybody spoke one language when the russian president meets the u.s. president will cameras click whether or not you think they are going to bump into each other you probably know more about what goes on behind the scenes of these things than us all they likely to physically bump into each other what would they do walk past each other what do. i think he would say hello and they might even shake his hand i would think i mean i would be such
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a disaster. for him it would represent united states very well if he shot. it down by and then turned away and went off for his hand. you know trump has his quirks but i don't believe he would do that i think he said hello hello to m.p.'s today and just it wasn't a meeting but he had a low too of course he had some motivation for them i think as well so this counseled main thing that was so vulgar it was all no it was all for it was always going to take to take the full of meeting yesterday a chill cold off the meeting with putin why was the political going back home a wall. well he i think the political pressure back home but they brought up the subject of the. change in the black sea with the ukrainians and bring that subject up and he might be
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put on the box because he might i think trump possibly could be understand exactly the way i understand it that you know this was this was a stunt by portion go and even if he believed that he has a hard time getting around that so i think he might be trying to avoid an uncomfortable position but i'm a little pressure says that he has to go along with nato and and europeans and the sentiment here and in this country and you know it just seems unfortunately there's a strong senate. any time they can find something that they can construe as being negative toward russia they do and so yes the politics are against somebody being half decent and having a different policy. that would be my guess of course only trouble is exactly why he canceled the meeting because he had that coveted would be the door open for a meeting when this whole thing does that whenever that's going to be the u.s. state department official i know is that has sent
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a message now to moscow that moscow is isolated full stop now. just last couple of days said while she thought this whole thing was in what was most goes full nonetheless she's open to dialogue a scene she wants to carry on doing the talking so well is the u.s. open to get in the bike shop with poles and go the route but speaking to you. well i don't think there is any anything anything to gain that way and i think that merkel it's interesting they say one of her aides said that what they should do is boycott all russian ships. come come out of the sea i love law and that means all american ships and europeans which is total nonsense but i think the main goal they have is is to try to isolate in pollination room put on sanctions and limit their ability on financial transaction but the whole thing is from my viewpoint as an american and some spend some time in politics i'm concerned about that for our
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viewpoint from us our viewpoint because when i look at what happens to countries that have a reserve currency spend too much money go deeply in debt stretch themselves too far you know not too long ago or soviet system did that they got into trouble so i think that if anybody is should be mauled or burned should be worried about it it should be the americans being. you know isolated and that would be detrimental in a way i sort of like some independent. and said not the. international organization but that's not what would be coming isolation it would be painful for iran because someday there will be a challenge to the dollar and then there will be a big problem for it's less let's look at the looming trade war this already people say between america and china we've only got a minute left i want to talk about where you think that's going to go and if anything is going to be sorted out between china and america at this meeting and
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also maybe what argentina is going to want out of this g. twenty what it's going to want to. see so to speak made it over to you. well i think between us and china it's going to continue up and down one statement the markets will go up it'll be good then no space on the zero it'll go down but i don't think it's going to be settled it's a one upmanship who who wins they're all appealing to their home base they're dealing with problems created by decades of debt and malinvestment and all the problems we have and you can't correct economic problems by tariffs i can come from a free market viewpoint and i don't even believe in tears i don't believe in sanctions i think that's punishment and i think it's illegal and we shouldn't be doing that and we and we throw our weight around and i think that will happen honest and we could become the nation isolated because we haven't won friends over the years and we tend to aggravate people say yeah we had to go along with
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what you said but we really didn't like it and now we can change our and i think that started already rolled congress we've had ten minutes the busy time thank you for making it spend it with us to go to international was good to see a good day where you of course thank you. they are not g twenty summit dollars arias has already had a few awkward moments for the world leaders have let's not forget that there's also one constant of course the g twenty the mother where is held as we cover ourselves every year there's often days of mass mainly anticapitalist protests surrounding the summit argentina has been no exception paula slee is covering that side of it down there too tonight. this march is really the culmination of a week long state and t g twenty protests what you see here is a cross spectrum of people there and i curse there are anti capitalist there are union workers there are students feminists you name it people have turned out here we were in downtown air and the entire city is in lockdown today has been declared
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a public holiday and all public transport has been cancelled flights are being diverted now the argentinean operate he's are taking no chances some twenty two thousand police and security officers have been deployed throughout the city and for the better part of a year they've been working with international terror experts to try and thwart any kind of potential terror or cyber attacks the focus from a security point of view is on street protests and on terror scenes like this where you have marchers are really part and parcel of any g. twenty summit and the remarks of the freedom of the host city argentina itself is also no stranger to people on the streets it has a long tradition of demonstrations and while launching big in size very seldom have those protests erupted in violence but of course the focus right now is what will happen in the coming hours as you see the atmosphere and the mood is one of jovial
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most people are quite excited people are singing but there are real concerns that as the day progresses the scenes could deteriorate into clashes. or away from g. twenty will follow and of course having the courage straight we're talking about with ron paul what we just now there's been an escalation we can tell you the latest showdown between moscow and kiev the ukrainian government and russian males now aged between sixteen to sixty will be banned from entering the country our senior correspondent or goes d. of reports from crimea. well we've seen similar bans put in place over the last several years. has repeatedly russian men entry into ukraine but this is the first time that they've officially confirmed that russian men age sixteen to sixty new longer welcome were no longer allowed entry into ukraine the president has talked about this he has said that one of the justifications is to prevent russia from
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forming private armies inside ukraine we must remember of course that president poroshenko over the last four years has full cost repeated russian invasions of the ukraine which have. to materialize but the russian the russians have also reacted the russian foreign ministry they've said that this is merely a political ploy a political play in order to shore up mr parr schenk ratings just four months to go until elections and martial law being put in place is an attempt by him to radicalize to solidify the base and to guarantee himself more votes russia meanwhile that said that it is not planning on responding in kind that it isn't going to put it to place any sort of restriction on ukrainians coming into russia for now but we've seen other restrictions put in place by the government in kiev we've seen for example foreigners banned from moving into from journeying into
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crimea from the ukrainian side this includes journalists and this is drastically called complicated job because now foreign correspondents seeking to cover events in crimea even if they do manage to get into crimea they you know they might be punished by the ukrainians but we've seen a c.n.n. crew for example now in marry you pool which is a ukrainian city in the south of ukraine they've been collecting opinions from people in the interview for example one woman among others who says that she has relatives in russia relatives that you know it's going to be harder to contact because because of this new ban there are. millions of russians and ukrainians on both sides of the border that have relatives on the other side and she identified herself as one of those if we had a normal president she says women work like this in this kind of job yet another she adds good presidents. names but brought the old smile among them.
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strange while the c.n.n. correspondent may be surprised that there are ukrainians who want friendly relations with russia the situation politically socially economically in ukraine isn't black and white there are many many people who share similar opinions who want to reconsolidate want friendly relations and it's rare that we hear their opinions voiced in the mainstream media and western press nevertheless there are many many ukrainians who share similar opinions and who want this too when. the two weeks of violent demonstrations in france talks between the french prime minister representatives of the so-called yellow vests movement was set for this friday but it didn't go to plan it seems for the protesters our correspondent peter all of the reports next about that from paris. right well this meeting was supposed to try an iron out problems and stop a repeat of the violent scenes we saw last saturday when demonstrators come out on
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to the shelves elisei behind me here in paris this coming saturday. well it didn't go to plan at all really out of the six key leadership members all of the yellow vests only two of them showed up and out of those two one of them stayed for less than two minutes before storming out having this to say to the extreme you bar on the union i already spoke about this before coming here and then again express this to the prime minister i wanted this meeting to be fully recorded on camera and broadcast live so the french people could watch it because i don't deserve to be here more than anyone else but i was denied this i made a commitment to my family that i would leave if the meetings wasn't going to be recorded as well this has caused some people to question what the french prime minister was doing organizing this meeting in the first place if it wasn't going to be filmed the demonstrators had made it very clear that that was a crucial part of what they were demanding when it came to these talks and one of
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the representatives though did remain in the meeting with the french prime minister we don't know what came out of that what we do know though is that demonstrations are still planned for saturday on the seans elisei just behind me here as they turn to violence some horrible scenes from last saturday and what we have seen is violent scenes in a similar vein on friday in belgium. resource more crowd but certainly a very determined crowd they were able to cause an awful lot of damage in a very short period of time only around five hundred people in that group in brussels but they were chanting their solidarity with those protesters wanting to see a stop on fuel price rises here in france also they were protesting against what they see as a. uncontrollable rise in the cost of living they also which on seeing that both the french and the belgian government must step down. rocks were thrown at the
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police in that incident the police responded with tear gas and with with baton charges understand that dozens were detained during that demonstration in belgium and really we are expecting more of the same here is paris for saturday we are expecting though a much larger police presence there we saw today and they'll be looking to try and well stop a repeat of the violent scenes. repeating themselves in the french capital. on kong's authorities particular forcing a former lawyer to flee the city last year rather to vote spoken exclusively about the pressures he claims he faced and the victimization of people who helped shelter snowden back in twenty thirty. in late december two thousand and sixteen when i was in germany speaking at a conference. the i received a phone call that the sri lankan police criminal investigation department had flown into hong kong specifically targeting the snowden refugees so once i received that
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information from some witnesses i contacted the clients and i advised them to leave their homes immediately and when we had secure locations for them the first question police had for my clients was all about mr snowden and i had to put a stop to this quite frankly i was shocked that the whole complex were focusing on mr snowden's activities in two thousand and thirteen one in two thousand and seventeen the issue that the police had to address were the safety and security of my clients then i found out they continued to arrest some of my clients and former clients and trying to make a case against me former cia employee the potted history here snowden leaked the vos trove of classified national security dates. u.s. government spying operations you may recall first he fled to hong kong where asylum seekers helped shelter him from the authorities for just two weeks then after leaving hong kong through official channels it was russia they granted snowden asylum he's lived or ever since for last five years but the reality it seems is much more cruel for those who help sheltered the whistleblower back at home call it
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moral that. it's just geography in hong kong there's a point two percent acceptance rate of asylum seekers so pretty much every single asylum seeker in hong kong will be rejected and deported the snowdrift proving that there are extraordinary individuals and this doesn't fit in with the narrative of the hong kong government. the government has portrayed asylum seekers is being undesirable criminals etc. trying to come into hong kong and take away jobs and. financial prosperity called which is all nonsense and speculation my clients need to leave hong kong they need to leave to a safe country because they're not safe in hong kong and they can't go back to their home countries. this is a bit different. fans of the fantasy classic lord of the rings' know that those beasts like all costs are a force to be reckoned with they just but one side if i also believe the way they are depicted in the books is racist and the quote dire consequences for society are
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to root against treacherous fictional anymore welcome to twenty feet in one time. clearly the races of men fell into a sheet of welcoming immigrants in the mountains of feasting on the mound fresh meat. how terribly racist. it is just a good triumphs over evil story not meant to be that deep. so going to which claims the president tried. several times and wiki leaks founder julian assange has taken a new twist now of. questioning that story saying it might have been planted by
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russia or not from. it's another link in the chain of the trump russia collusion probe the guardian article exposing alleged multiple meetings between the former chairman of from his presidential campaign and wiki leaks founder julian assange and that's really it's caused quite a stir in the u.s. media story is shaking washington that is a bombshell lana foreigners are held a secret meeting around the same time that man or for joined the tram campaign a direct connection between the campaign and wiki leaks they actually published e-mails that were hacked by the russians now stolen by russian spies but doubt soon began to emerge about the articles content and sources but not to warry politico has the answer even if the guardian story is false it's all russia's fault you know i'm being serious rather than being the bombshell smoking gun that directly connects the trump campaign to wiki leaks perhaps the report is something else entirely a distant from asian campaign is it possible someone planted the story as
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a means to discredit the journalists that article was written by next year yeah agent under a pen name to prove a point the former officer draws our attention to those who dare question this bombshell rush's disinflation network has jumped into the ring to promote skepticism of the story sputnik one of russia's propaganda networks called the story into question and bolstered the skepticism by quoting tweets from other gone and glenn greenwald wiki leaks itself r t also a crime and mouthpiece neck and wiki leaks do you see a pattern here it's clear why there's some skepticism the story raises more questions than answers both we kill eeks and matter for strongly deny the meeting even threatening legal action ok perhaps they're both simply covering for each other you could say but assad is a man under close surveillance with police literally on his doorstep a few days pass yet no other source can confirm or show substantial evidence of
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manifolds alleged visit to the ecuadorian embassy because a minister apparently the washington times says paul manifolds passports show he didn't even visit london in those years the guardian claim and r.t. are the only ones asking for evidence. who are the sources if you can say then doubt anonymous source and is dangerous at best striking catalogue of reflexive credulous acceptance of a story that looked shaky from the start and looks more so by the day maybe they've all been duped by russia but what does politico think this fake news operation by russian intelligence actually proves someone is nervous and eager to lay the groundwork for yelling fake news out whatever other stories are about to drop so either what the guardian says is true and there is collusion or it's a fake story planted by the russians which also proves collusion win win situation one thing seems clear someone is feeling the heat the stories almost the power.
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