tv The Big Picture RT November 30, 2018 10:00pm-10:31pm EST
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a heavy police presence. in ukraine bans all russian men and under the age of sixty from entering the country in the wake of last sunday's clash in the carriage trade. lives on these stories you can head to r.t. dot com stay with us now for the big picture. on this week's show moeller says manna for lied and michael cohen at mit's he did caravan chaos at the southern border what about the wall and no trouble meeting a g. twenty but guess who's coming to dinner what next our political panel is warming up but first ever get the feeling you're being watched it's not your imagination holland cook in washington this is the big picture on our t. america.
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the wireless phone carrier asks for your permission to list your number or your addressed or to expose you to promotional emails but where you are calling from is out there too and third parties that pay to know your whereabouts include credit card companies seeking to stop fraud and roadside assistance services like aaa who want to ride to your rescue but who else knows where you are even if you're not using a device you are still being tracked internet connected cameras are everywhere the surveillance in those jason bourne movies is not a stretch you could be photographed hundreds of times today and the amazon is marketing its facial recognition technology recognition with
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a k two businesses and law enforcement anyone with an amazon web services account and a credit card can purchase it that's disturbing and off mit media lab tests found that amazon's algorithm performed worse identifying women and people with dark skin than men and light complected people are you feeling creeped out is there anything you can do to guard what's left of your privacy let's ask attorney professor and author steven j. j. wiseman among his ten books fifty ways to protect your identity and the digital age new financial threats you need to know and how to avoid them steve's great web site is scam aside dot com and if you missed last week's show steve had a very sobering and useful update on some diabolical holiday season scams now showing up in your e-mail and on line if you missed that show you can find it where you'll find all our shows at youtube dot com slash the big picture our t.v.
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steve welcome back. good to be with you counselor about that facial recognition technology when we're in public we have no expectation of privacy correct. well not much of one and you know this is part of the thing the the law protects is where we have a reasonable expectation of privacy so when you put trash into your trash barrel and you put it out onto the street you've lost that expectation of privacy and someone can go through that but shouldn't we have some kind of expectation of privacy when we're in public you know we've seen this with situations of oh various kinds of tabloids taking photos of celebrities you know high above in helicopters when they're on nude beaches and they say no there's no reasonable expectation of privacy so at the moment the technology is kind of outstripping the law so yeah i
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guess i would have to say at the at the moment where you're not that protected not that private when we're involved with now you say in public but if you think conquering down at home sweet home keeps you off the grid think again i quote from the application for a patent recently granted to google for a new processors which would detect when a house or room is occupied including whether it is occupied by a specific person or a number of people it's ingesting microphone signals and detecting user movements and openings and closing of doors or garage doors and could identify particular occupants or objects to be clear that's still on the drawing board but elect will be under the tree again this christmas and the smart speaker category is forecast to grow and this is not a misprint forty seven point nine percent in one year steve is the novelty and
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convenience of the smart speaker robo voice trojan horse. yeah i really think it is holland because my concerns here are a lot first of all with so many of these items and items that are part of the internet of things any of the products and services that we use that are connected to the internet security all too often is put in as an afterthought so even if even if you say the companies that we're dealing with are going to use the information for our best interest and i'm not even entirely convinced of that you've got bad security in so many of these that these could be hacked these could be in the hands of criminals these could be misused but even the so-called legal uses and we end up you know we have met the enemy and he is us we end up agreeing to have this information this data this surveillance used by the companies with which we do
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business with and then they sell it's use to insurers employers others who in essence can spy on us anywhere and we ended up agreeing to it well google c.e.o. will testify before congress this coming week on the controversy over skewing search results against conservative content and about a censored google version they will launch in china but expect some privacy issues to come up to and after that scandal over cambridge analytical accessing data on eighty seven million facebook users founder mark zuckerberg was fined a mere six figures in the u.k. and he found himself in a congressional hot seat circuit would you be comfortable sharing with us the name of the hotel you stayed in last. no. if your message to anybody this week would you share with us the names
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of the people you've messaged. senator no i would probably not choose to do that publicly here i think that might be with this is all about. easy to see why that video went viral steve how can a what's out there about us be used against us. and be used in all kinds of ways you can have the bad guys hacking into it and then they can use it for extortion it may be we may be communicating or using web sites that we would prefer people not to know about so suddenly we're having extortion demands made upon it but even beyond that it may be insurers who are looking at activities that we are doing that they may consider to be risky it may be employers who are looking into what we're doing and deciding this is not the kind of person they want to employ even though it's our private life this information is the lifeblood of so many businesses and it is so privacy invading and invasive that i don't think most
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people truly realize how much they are giving up when they use these devices and services some of the services like facebook they're free but i think it was steve jobs or even someone else who once said if you're not paying for the product you are the product and we are the product our information is being sold and used and we're just complicit lam's well steve we mentioned your web site scam aside dot com are you also on facebook and should we all think twice about what we post or even being there to begin with. yeah i'm i am on facebook and i was very late to get on there and for the very reasons you're here implying because there is an element of privacy concerns one of the things that i got a good bit of facebook my birthday is not on facebook and it really gets me when i see today is so and so's birthday wish them a happy birthday well you're giving so much per. still information to identity
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thieves who can gather it and they use this information people can go on see freely provided information and use it for spear phishing emails and text messages to lure us into clicking on malware infected links so we really should be very very careful of what we are sharing that is an interesting point about posting your birthday and i have been quoting you for years because you got a big laugh at a convention several years ago when its asks for your mother's maid many should type in grapefruit because it's just too easy to find out your mother's maiden name and for anybody who's watching who is having second thoughts here's how to know what's out there about you on facebook go on facebook and select settings and then click to download a copy of your facebook data i think you'll get steve's drift and maybe be surprised by how much you have given away and steve something else you alluded to
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a moment ago everything we sign up for online gives us big long terms of service document usually small font legally use long paragraphs we seldom bother reading we just check accept based on facebook and google terms what's in there what do we give away by joining. yet you know in going back to what you said i give an assignment in my media law class at the university i have the students actually read some of these user and user agreements and see what startles them in there to me they're an abomination in the fact that they make them so long so confusing so full of legal ease that no one no one is going to do anything other than just click they accept but suddenly they have access to all of your photos they can use you in advertisements and if you have a problem with them you have to agree to go to arbitration you. can't take this to
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court so these agreements are tremendously one sided i really do question whether many of them are legal they are what we call it he contracts there's no negotiation they're really written in a manner that does it is not conducive to people actually reading them but you're right we give a lot of rights including our own images without even knowing it was a gentleman you have just heard a lawyer slam legally and steve i've got another homework assignment for your class i just read about this today this may be breaking news the new york city city council is considering a bill that would slap you with jail time hefty fine or both for sending wanted inappropriate pictures cyber sex sting if you will because that thing in your pocket we used to call a phone is not just a receiver it's a transmitter and it is a bit invasive so try that out on your class will ya. i will do so
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thank you attorney author of pro fessor and ace scam buster steven j. j. wiseman his web site is scam aside dot com and now you tell us how have you been hacked or spied upon or what do you do to avoid. you can tweet me at holland cook coming up if no politics were allowed in your thanksgiving dinner these two will make up for lost time next this is the big picture on our team america.
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in fact a recent poll of gallup poll shows fifty seven percent of americans want a more cooperative relationship with russia so there's a disconnect that is smart politician democrat would understand needs to be seen because there's not a lot of hunger appetite for this kind of and russian politics is being fanned by a media political establishment. the fate of julian assange is unclear washington is determined that he be sent to the u.s. to face criminal charges most likely under the one nine hundred seventy s. . the british government is more than happy to make this happen even the ecuadorians are in the media but we are watching unfold in front of our eyes is the criminalisation journal.
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if you're a news junkie you've just had a big week and if you're not here come to familiar faces who are just the two to separate the signal from the noise on the left attorney and former florida democratic chairman mitch cesar on the right affable new york radio and t.v. pundit steve malzberg guys welcome how are you going to be here ali dateline buenos aires just before president trump was about to meet with lead amir putin he called it off based on the fact that the ships and sailors have not been returned to ukraine from russia i have decided to cancel my previously scheduled meeting in argentina with president vladimir putin i look forward to a meaningful summit again this soon as this situation is resolved one meeting mr trump has been eager to take chinese president xi jinping as tough tariff talk escalates steve who thinks a trade war is
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a good idea. well a trade war is not a good idea if it's going to last for a long long time i think what donald trump thinks is that you put tariffs on you make threats you increase in height in the rhetoric and you'll get what you got with the new nafta deal that was signed at the g. twenty to kick off the this summit with canada and mexico again tough talk with good results so i hope that that's what happens i know everybody that has any stake in this economy or the world economy hopes the same thing and if china stop stealing our intellectual property then i think we have a chance of that happening but it's up to i think the ball is really in china's court well china's president is president for life our president merely wishes he was so they're going to play the long game and the timing is painfully coincidental as another trump on the stump promise comes back to haunt him member this. you
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people know something about the current discus bring it back to the state of the ship thank you we have many car companies coming back and they go into michigan they go into ohio they go to the states where they want to be you look at what's happening with ford in with general motors in michigan and ohio you look at the tremendous number of jobs that are being announced in so many different fields now just in time for christmas general motors announces they will close five plants putting over fourteen thousand out of work the workers this hurts the most are among his most fervent supporters meche admittedly g.m. needs to update their product portfolio but doesn't trade tension also play into this. absolutely holland what this is is the president for your aluminum and steel trade war fights this has been exactly the opposite of his rhetoric as you
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said fourteen thousand people will be put out of work he talked about in the state of the union address try about all these plants are going to open up and we have all this business well that hasn't happened in fact not too long ago said b.m.w. was going to open up a play and they said no he said u.s. steel was going to open six new plants they said we have nothing to plan on opening any new plants it's part of the typical campaign rhetoric on fortunately people being heard you know i was very interested in making that just broke a little while ago the trade deal the president made with mexico and canada however as you said at the top much more interesting these deals with china because there are no winners to world trade war what happens is who loses less and when we're having a good economy and perhaps the president felt more bold to have a trade war this is the time when i agree with steve about the trade secret issue i'm just not convinced his kinds of threats as if he's still in new york developer going to work in a world market again with someone who's a president for life they can play the long game yeah this is a little arcane but
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a lot of the potatoes in this new canada mexico deal stuff from the t.p. p. that the president himself scotch and on route to the g. twenty trump suddenly called off that putin sit down just after michael cohen admitted he lied though the president made it clear he was stiff and putin because of ukraine steve prediction will trump pardon paul manna for it. i think in the end he probably will pardon all manna for it because i think the special counsel moller has gone after him and afford with a vengeance this has nothing to do with his original mandate and i think that's not the only person who will be pardoned. ed there is no evidence of collusion and by the way i think that trump did cancel that meeting because of ukraine he's not intimidated by this there's nothing to it that michael cohen story there's nothing illegal about what michael cohen suggests that trump did drop admits that he did it
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and call doesn't say trump asked me to lie to congress i did it on my own so why would why would that intimidate have to cancell with putin i think he did it out of ukraine and by the way he's been tougher on that obama eight years ever was yet the media still continues to say he's in putin's pocket yeah at first when you read the discrepancy in colin's latest mayor culpa it seems innocuous until you get to the point about it was june not january because by june trump had milde the nomination and manch counselor rudy giuliani went silent for a while a methodical mahler's silence is deafening where do you see this investigation going from here. and actually the two examples you give are different people within the circus the special prosecutor the classy guy keeps his mouth shut the other guy is a front guy giuliani's not as a lawyer he says public mouthpiece this is as if they're dealing only in the new york media market where matter what what's happening is the special prosecutors
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that going after this as you would frankly is a mob situation you pick up the pieces around perhaps the targets and you work your way up that's very very common i think he will get a pardon i think there's a possibility that manaf it will be retried on the ten counts resulted in a hung jury they certainly not can make a series recommendation to give him a lesser sentence i think the special prosecutor is very smart in waiting for trump's answers to be presented backward to the special prosecutor back to the special prosecutor and then more stuff came in with bringing cone to court you know it's so funny because michael cohen said he take a bullet for trial now he's taking a plea the bottom line is we're looking at a situation where this is a transactional presidents at the very least we see that with all this backtracking always lying he's a transactional guy not for the country but for himself and his business interests
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and as has been said it was a province only a pair of apparently the connections ran all the way through into june and july you look at the change in the platform of the republican party at the convention there's a clear path but here's what i tell the viewers if i could and that is don't look at one piece dripping out and another piece coming out slowly put all the pieces of the puzzle together at one time and what you see is a president who honestly is preoccupied with his own situation not world peace not world economics and not even america first it's triumph or really the way madoff or . not one of the charges he was convicted on had anything to do with his time as trump's campaign manager or with not one single charles. that point i guess that i guess that makes him just a wonderful go now but man has nothing to do with that gentleman point of law attorney cesar as i understand it even if trump pardons man a fourth that does not get him off the hook on the state charge does it well that's
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exactly right and i think the special prosecutor been very very smart and i think what he's done is first on the federal charges he's farmed it out to other districts just in case he's removed what he's done is he's put the facts in or the plea deals that have been public so they cannot be silenced by any folks in congress to become part of the public record that's very very smart not in his appearing that the democrats might take back the house which they did i think is this state charges to far less i think he figures perhaps manner for that better to do a couple of years to life because he's sixty nine years old but the real answer is the fact that they're working their way up with him he said he drain the swamp who all the cabinet members who have quit over the diet it are all the people have been found guilty that is the swan all right flashback twenty sixteen candidate trump had crowds cheering with what may have been his most common pledge member this we're going to build a wall we have no choice we have. the in
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. with us. we're going to build who's going to pay for the. present. now. steve we're talking about a government shutdown if congress doesn't pay for it what happened in mexico. i don't know what happened to mexico but i think all you have to do is look at the border and you know after the state of the union when trump gave his four pillars on immigration sixty five percent of americans polled agreed with those four pillars and something has to be done something has to be done once and for all what we're seeing here with the mobs five thousand strong we saw what happened at the border and and sadly by the way the forty some odd that were arrested on the u.s. side of the border none of them are going to be prosecuted and that's a big disappointment to me and to others because when you break the law trying to
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enter this country illegally and attack guards and border patrol you need to be prosecuted so we have a big big problem and we do need the wall and i hope he does shut down the government over the funding and let the chips fall where they may well be interesting to see where they do fall if he does and steve taking your point that to be fair and tilled this week lefties were given trump the horse laugh about the so-called caravan accusing him of pre midterm election scare tactics but that scene we just saw at the border is chaotic mitch short term long term how do we fix this . first let me say that i don't think they'll be any deal for the wall you had republicans controlling both houses of congress there obviously was no deal everyone recognizes that as a trump campaign promise the way to solve immigration and i'm no expert on that but just a thought or two is the fact that not only will the wall not solve that but the course of the many billions of dollars we're already running deficits is not an answer
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perhaps more personnel perhaps technology perhaps quitman that flies overhead that gives us an instant knowledge that is used in deliveries for wal-mart all those things could be utilized we have to remember that when he ran was screaming about mexicans there rapists and killers you know maybe lee harvey oswald and ted cruz's father is among the caravan now all these ridiculous silly things that doesn't solve anything other than rhetoric and frankly that's the reason that democrats had a big blue wave specifically taking back the house suburban women are tired of the rhetoric tart of the nasty tone and as it affects the wall immigration all these issues it's trumps tone that's killing everything as said by the republican governors conference recently as yesterday where they said you know if we want to be in a majority we better get the votes that are a majority of the votes you know not have are in a big winner of what the majority want and one and we don't present it generously
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that followed or the governor and senate race republican increase how is that possible they had trouble support how and in georgia more blacks voted for trump for the republican again with trump support so this gentleman said that that hispanics are so we're buddies or nice of a clock i love it and you are full of steve malzberg and mitch caesar thank you for coming into the big picture thank you and happy pass things giving thank you for watching if you see the big picture is somewhere else you can find our team america . t.v. channel three two one zero one three two one dish two a zero holland cook back next week meantime question more.
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the bad the people who run the economy price money the commodity that runs economy they say it's more are the signs i mean they're just making it up as they go along it means that there is no principles that they are guided by they consider themselves artists because of the selves in precious they consider themselves completely subjective in their view of the world if they can simply raise rates and lower rates based on a when there's nothing guiding them in economic reality there's no school of economics there's no science behind it it's pure when see. us veterans who come back from war often told those same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of their own soldiers either they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from the circular defense officers we're going to attack and destroy the government in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with them
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money those with their lives if we were willing to go into harm's way and willing to risk being killed for a war surely we can risk some discomfort for a nice enos for. joining me every thursday on the alex i'm unsure and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. call them to sophie and calm sophie shevardnadze yes to mainstream american outlets stick to their. u.s.
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russia relations remain on a downward spiral. for a. publisher of the nation magazine. the country's evenly split with the democratic the republican senator. down the road could. become a real alternative to white house decision making. choices. the most. mysterious been a while thank you very much things have changed a lot to discuss. the relations between russia and the united states at its lowest point. one of your articles i think you said that the democratic party containing the fires.
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