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tv   News  RT  December 1, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EST

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you know what obama will. have you know. subscribe to read people also get all the lucky content for just twelve euros fifty per month. central park by yet more angry protests against fuel prices into their third week so-called yellow demonstrators square to riot police these are live pictures
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right now from the french capital we cross to our correspondent in a way. for a leader to bridge their big divide over trade and recriminations at the g. twenty in argentina i thought turning to the protests this. american comedian and actor kevin hart criticism of his son's first birthday party because boys and indians sparking a rock over race. in this. week because we whitewashed history few people are even willing to deal with it because they're so blind to it was i'll be the you be the cowboy we're kids we're pretty pending.
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twenty four hour news live from moscow this is your r t international my name's you know no meal and a warm welcome to the program our top story rugby scenes right in central park fifteen hundred protesters are mussing around the arc de triomphe for the third saturday in a row over rising fuel costs and these are live pictures right now of a camera seemingly following a crowd of armed officers as they have been all morning trying to the spurs the protesters away from the arc de triomphe well riot police as you can see here all around the city in force with the area. sixty arrests at this stage may we believe officers you can see the smoke there very clearly using tear gas non-live drawings i was well on water come in earlier we witnessed two whole bhakti increasingly
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a big crowds were wearing the yellow vests after which there. is named here is what unfolded earlier. was. was. was. i was i. was. on our team didn't get off on skate a correspondent from our to france lucas there sure was injured by a rubber bullets you can see there catching him on the side of the job need to be fired by police on our own europe correspondent peter all over he was also hit by rubber bullets in the ankle but joins us now live on the program peter hopefully you are recovering a little bit since i'm sure it was
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a friday but the overall picture here it appears to be one of the worst days of violence doesn't it since the protests first occurred weeks ago your sense of things on the ground there. it certainly isn't pleasant here right now as you said there have been numerous incidents of people being hit with rubber bullets legally cliche as off the hospital i was hit me on kill with will myself thankfully my boot bearing most of the brunt of that but i am speaking to you right now is in a period of relative calm where i am i'm here just underneath the off the trio which was the sense of for all of these clashes on saturday it has be one of the senses the sun the the shells elisei the sender's full these clashes over the last . three weeks what we can see written on the the ark it self is a message from those demonstrators that were driven from here just less than an hour ago spray painted on the arc the trail it says that the yellow vests will prevail that's my translation of it anyway in my my best terrible french but what
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we all seeing at the moment is the police have driven most of those yellow vests off the square where the off the trail face will keep coming along this way while i talk to you bush that does not mean that there's been anything close to to peace breaking out because if we come around this way what you'll first see is this is the this is the seans leaves a down this way essentially of a ring of steel blocking off the whole street from all demonstrators the police making sure nobody can get down there if you come this way down to the avenue friedland where you may be able to hear there's still explosions fireworks all kinds of explosions going off just behind me we've seen tear gas used there. as i was speaking to you tear gas being used incredibly liberally by the parisienne police force on the saturday to try and disperse people it really hasn't worked in all honestly the tactics that have been used by the police up until now seem to
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have to move in into towards a groups of protesters and then retreated away from them and all that does is it allows them to regroup and then re attack again it does seem that they're trying to change tactics in some way right now there's a lot of police moving around we can see small group of those place just over to my left here getting back into another position. the idea certainly seems to be to contain from the riot police at the moment but those demonstrate is that i spoke to they say they aren't going anywhere and they told me exactly why they've come here this saturday to say no to the rise in fuel prices but also to say no to the president's money well my call. to them than just i came. to protest who because we've had enough there are all sorts of taxes and purchasing power diminishing every day so we have to protest in front of the government and the president micron is not credible he wasn't credible even at the time of the election about eighty
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percent of the population stand by the yellow vest movement that indicates that france faces a huge number of issues we'll do everything to make a manual micron resigned on it that we are being taxed from all sides with war we study we raise our children now we are overtaxed so stop moving the problem aside. so this is the way it looks here in paris right now certainly still a developing scene as i'm speaking to you i can he achieve is coming from another group trying to make their way back to the arc de triomphe almost certainly not going to make it here because the police have this area pretty much secured off. but it is developing as i say and we're going to have to keep an eye on a six the main demonstration wasn't supposed to start for another hour yet and we've already seen quite an active morning here in paris already so expect more of the same expected to continue throughout saturday here just launch time right now
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in parser europe correspondent peter all over the latest yellow vests protests in the french capital be safe. the french government stays fuel taxes need to remain close to current levels to pay for public services but the tax is also part of broader efforts to discourage car use and cut carbon emissions all that is being opposed today brussels based journalist says the high prices are making life difficult for people in both france and in belgium were earlier protests. this demonstration editing being cancelled because the organizers school didn't organize the security they said to the police so they had origin they cancelled it and it's only through social media then a few hundreds of people were there at ten o'clock to demonstrate of these yellow vests like in france of course it's mainly in the french speaking part of the country of belgium that they demonstrate imitating france and in a sense but with the same ideas that taxation has come to. pave all levels
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people very peaceful everywhere with a yellow face to say that they were fed up with the taxes especially the tax on diesel the price of the few is sixty percent tax it's fifty five to sixty percent depending on the country it's much too high and when you have a single mother with kids in the country who needs her car to go to work and earns one thousand one hundred maybe net and has to pay three hundred three hundred fifty four for petrol or gas as you said american they can't do it anymore they're dying simply and it's the silent majority that pays its taxes normally. it's another big story of the weekend leaders of the world's biggest economies are in argentina where they've got a tough time ahead trying to get on the same page contending with trade turbulence and political upheaval we'll get you up to speed tell you what's ahead on day two
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of the g. twenty summit. well from bitter trade wars to challenges to traditional international alliances leaders of the world's most industrialized economies are struggling to find common ground at the g. twenty so. in argentina a tranquil reports many of this year's hot button issues are being talked about on the sidelines but on thursday donald trump pulled the breaking news trigger by tweeting right on the plane i won't meet with putin because of the ukraine the us administration made it clear they were trying to send a strong message to russia and they wanted everyone to hear and boy to feel that
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the aggression that we witnessed this week is unacceptable and so strong messages from some place. i was a strong message just isolation the isolation. the russian side says they were losing the opportunity for direct contact with mr trump somewhere here at the venue but in any case there were plenty of other
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meetings planned for both presidents who began his day in one of with the leaders of brazil south africa india and china they got together as brics so there was a kind of a summit within a summit later in the day vladimir putin met emmanuel macron and a journalist who works with the french president reported that he actually took a piece of paper and draw a map for mr mack to show what actually happened between russian and ukrainian ships in the current strait. speaking of mr macron he was one of the leaders a splendid up being caught in a string of bad luck either before they arrived at the g. twenty or right after they got here.
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everything was scheduled down to the last minute but when we got direction now we understood president macron was already getting into he's car. than.
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it is fascinating what cameras can pick up and i was in and well we got the thoughts of former u.s. congressman ron paul it's the trumps tactics towards russia will yield any positive results that sounds like high school stuff i'm not going to talk to you anymore and on occasion i'll agree with our president but then the way way talks in the aggressiveness i'll do this i'll give you this or op or sanctions on you and threats are involved i don't think that's good i'm concerned about that for our viewpoint from us our viewpoint because. when i look at what happens to countries that have a reserve currency spend too much money go deeply in debt stretch themselves too far you know not too long ago our soviet system did that they got in the trouble so i think that if anybody is should be mauled or burned should be worried about it it should be the americans being you know isolated and that would be detrimental in a way i sort of like some independence and not these you know international
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organizations but that's not what would be coming isolation it would be painful for us because someday there will be a challenge to the dollar and then there will be a big problem for united states a while world leaders prepared to get done to business thousands of people turned out in the argentine capital to voice their disapproval pointlessly or witnessed some of the demonstrations. this matias really the culmination of a week long state and teachy twenty protests what she see here it's across the spectrum of people that i am not because they are anti capitalist they are union with this there are students feminists you name it people it turned out the entire city is in lockdown today has been declared
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a public holiday and topic transport has been cancelled flights are being diverted now the argentinean authorities are taking no chances some twenty two thousand police and security officers have been deployed. well not only turbulence on the streets but to run the summit table as well the leaders have a lot to do this saturday day two if true to agree a joint statement had the end of a week's work among delegates the g twenty whatever comes from the discussions we'll follow the subsequent news conferences from both president putin and from russia's leader we know will also meet with his german argentine contour parts for talks artie's across it with our correspondents here and in buenos aires on or on online.
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we should. do this because we're called chancellor merkel we have a lot of. people in germany and europe and russia. to destroy a group who is quite easy to verify. but. ok
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we're back with the story garnering a lot of interest this saturday a while that west party made more than a few people livid after american actor and comedian kevin hart's themed events for his one year old birthday his wife posted several images of the party on instagram showing their friends and family native american inspired tribal print blankets and that made many angry people vent their frustrations online shall we say saying that playing cowboys and indians is not acceptable anymore cowboys and indians can you not afford a publicist who would explain the reality if such
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a terrible idea. throw in a cowboys and indians birthday party on thanksgiving celebrates genocide white supremacy and slavery maybe next year he could have a master slave owners and slaves party people need to understand the genocide of indigenous people in this country it was horrific and nothing cute about it stop perpetuating this as cute it's not or kevin hart himself says the criticism but he's been giving points the some deep problems in modern culture this shows just how stupid our world is becoming with opinion people are at a point of an all time high to throw racial judgment into the development of a one year old birthday party with the theme of cowboys and indians and it's him it's it's based around the outfits that are given to these young kids the reaction
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that we heard on this range from whether the party sends the wrong message to children too whether it's just talk lawyers thing fun and games. conversation we're having here is why the implications are much broader at first glance oh it's just a one year old's birthday party but here's the thing about it a lot of the decisions we make as adults are based on information that we received as children the truth of the matter is that some of that information was incorrect when you were a child and you say i want to dress up like an indian or we could argue whether it's indian with a native american the child does not say now i get to realize the fact that these people are racially inferior to me and i can celebrate the subjugation of these people by virtue of white forebears and that's not what happens is it's a child who says i like to dress like that because we whitewashed history so much
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few people are even willing to deal with it because they're so blind to what's been really going on around them as we be that that'll zakk what was behind this statue or peel back when behind this giving celebration live began the legal side a real issue when we played cowboys and indians we never said can i play the cowboy so i can slaughter the plains indian no it was i'll be the indian you be the cowboy we're kids were pretending but what do you pretend to do with them you pretend to shoot them you pretend to tie them up at your side and to shoot them arrow while we're talking about is little kids who are innocent at each juncture of these moments in history where we unveil the truth we get closer to being the real underlying issue of racism in america this is going to right now show the rest of
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the world with all due respect that and i mean this how absolutely pathetic this is that seemingly grown adults are talking about the racial implications and the appropriation of culture. little kids who want to dress up like indians. tributes are being paid from across america's political spectrum on globally to former u.s. president george h. w. bush who has died at the age of ninety four he was the forty first leader of the united states in a statement donald trump first lady praised bush for his quote judgments on the flop of all leadership while former president obama said america that you are served in the second world war as a fighter and later became director of the cia even joined politics topped table serving as vice president under ronald reagan before becoming president himself serving a one term but during
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a particularly turban period to the end of the war he also oversaw the one thousand nine hundred one goal for following iraq's invasion of kuwait the families political legacy continued when his son george w. later served two terms as president while another son jeb bush became florida's governor. it's being claimed that google stuff discussed how to done grade rightwing media outlets in search results to influence u.s. elections it came to light after one of the odd let's mention the daily caller said it got hold of internal google communications nikki or and is across the story. let's face it a lot of our news these days tends to focus on one man what he does what he says what he looks like but if it was up to google your reading list on the donald would be limited rather than limitless oh google i want to believe it when you say that
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you are non-biased platform but it's not so easy when all these stories claim to prove otherwise and here we go again this time leaked messages showing conversations between employees who show was what it really takes to be the right fit for google committed passionate dynamic not to mention super liberal and anti trump this was an election of false equivalence is and google sadly how to handle it let's concentrate on teaching critical thinking a little bit of that would go a long way let's make sure we reverse things in four years demographics will be on our side are you working for an online search engine or the resistance well apparently you can do both when you are on the payroll of one of the most prominent tech giants on the planet when donald trump won the keys to the white house it came as a shock to many of us at google the news was a disaster that was the first moment i really felt like we were going to lose and
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it was really building for it did feel like a ton of bricks dropped on my chest i wonder who they voted for. and like with any loss the google employees seem to pass through the stages of grief shock depression denial anger someone needed to take the blame and who better than those pesky conservative websites how many times did you see the election now card with our sims from opinion blogs breitbart daily caller elevated next to legitimate news organizations that's something that can and should be fixed and i think to see him. here just an innocent chat between some employees about how to manipulate search results which google absolutely one hundred percent does not do anymore there was that fact check feature which appeared to spend quite a lot of time targeting conservative websites only and repeatedly attribute it
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false claims to those websites even though it never made them in the first place but that's being removed now anyway so no harm done but wait there was that other time that google and you tube chose to simply ban conservative channels it doesn't like very much even you also truly r t and our colleagues at sputnik have been the ranked the google guys clearly not fond of questioning more and the cherry on top of this rotten sunday is actually getting fined billions of dollars by the e.u. and twenty seventeen for what oh manipulating search results i would say a good time to turn it down a bit is when even dylan trump himself is catching on to your antics but you said it yourself right off the trump one something needs to be done because it's worth be very vigilant on thinking about all these issues what can we do to you to. maybe a better quality of governance decision making and so forth time to pour some ice
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on the situation our processes and policies would not have allowed for any manipulation of search results to promote political idiology. ok we're going to go to some more programs here in r t in just a moment but before we go i want to give you a sense of what's happening in parra city it's our top story today protests bricking arts in the center of the french capital leisure live images right now our cars set on fire just a little bit away from the center of the city on the arc de triomphe. the police really trying to get those yellow vests proto. hester's away from the main thoroughfares. what is occurring there not having a lot of luck with because we've been seeing fires we've been seeing fireworks being fired at police police responding with tear we've seen the water cannon
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brought well these have been going on from early morning in the french capital we're going to keep across this story we have our correspondent in the city right throughout the day to bring you the very latest but for now it's just that that's a listen to some of the sawing of what is occurring right now. is finding this out of. an authorized.
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bridge. bring your brother the most the most. difficult to you the one has if i'm. right on the bank all for the record based walker chemical lies and as our this is going through that he would develop a new treatment their international market know that these industries out of polluting you had to simply ignore the money and. the mother of the. day into this. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of
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the world of politics sports this list i'm showbusiness i'll see you then. going to. thank you guy from coming in here and joining us is the comedy show where americans in america covering american news are called foreign agents yes indeed i have new evidence new evidence this week the both monsanto herbicides and cell phones cause cancer and that executives at the top of those industries knew this long before we in the public did yet.


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