tv News RT December 1, 2018 4:00pm-4:31pm EST
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any sunday morning here no money was kevin and thanks for choosing us for your news update you're watching around the world and first split intense study for vladimir putin the g. twenty summit in argentina it seems holding talks with world leaders plus an informal conversation just about out in the end with donald trump and a press conference that just wrapped up in the last hour. trying to resemble him as are as the whirlwind forty eight. takes of the main points that president putin brought up in that media briefing we brought to our viewers just now. kevin hello again well first of all i just want to tell you that one of the top reasons why the g. twenty summit was meant to become a real attention grabber was planned one on one between the man whose limo was parked outside the hotel right there you can see behind my shoulder that is a lot of our putin and the american president donald trump but one day before
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the g twenty kicked off the american leader put everyone in breaking news mode by tweeting that i won't meet because of ukraine and the journalists were left guessing whether at least they'll shake hands or maybe have a little chat on the sidelines and finally on saturday lattimer putin spokesperson confirmed that this quick chat happened and everyone was hoping to ask president trump about it at his press event however the american leader canceled that one as well he said it was because the sudden passing of ex-president george h.w. bush but then finally vladimir putin found the time to talk to the press and obviously the first question that was asked was about his relations with the. and that quick
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conversation that actually happened vladimir putin began by saying that he doesn't think mr trump is afraid of contacts with them and here's what else he said. used to support the scottish post which is that it was actually sinister to. you and. we counseled that meeting in paris because we didn't want to interfere with the. schedule of events related to world war one so we decided to meet in going to sars instead but unfortunately we. encountered with this provocation in the black sea so there's so i guess it's close because of. the united states decided not to have this meeting still we. shouldn't you know people talk to each other so i got a chance to talk weird briefly to president trump i am certain he's questions
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related to this incident in the black sea he has his positions on these issues and problems i have my position so. we remain committed to our positions soon but. i let him know what we think about this incident it's shamed and we are on the able to have a full fledged meeting. because i think it's a long overdue so i hope that this meeting will happen sooner or later it will happen when the united states will be ready for that this issue like this quick exchange between mr trump and mr bowden we know that there were whole proper meetings between the german chancellor and washing president and also the day before mr putin met the french president emmanuel macron and the number one focus of these talks was also the carb stroy trade. we heard from sources in the
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russian delegation that mr polk grabbed a piece of paper and a pen and physically draw the map of what was going on on the ground to explain russia's take on this and at the press conference there were also questions about this of course for mr putin mr putin said that the reaction of western leaders to wash in position was very calm and he said that he tried to convene in detail a full timeline of events that happened there and besides this he brought forward some evidence which included some notes from the ukrainian vessels logbooks so this was also something that a lot of our putin brought with him to argentina and then mr putin went on to speak about mr poroshenko that's the cranium president's decision to impose martial of the state of martial law in ukraine in parts of ukraine i should say and let's take a listen to what else the russian president said about that. we have to do it was
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for coup i'm concerned about some other things you know you're going to like i said earlier i would like to repeat it we when you have to go. on a larger scale in ukraine nobody posed. any day now before the election they even tows martial law why do they have of course this is to limit civil liberties and rights we assure you limit the political activity in the country or in the bush sr what's in the worse they introduced martial law in only ten regions ten provinces where the incumbent president does not have much support where people do not support his policies so what does this mean this means that the ukrainian government divided the country. in which. we were.
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to hear amy questions in other languages but then at one point a british journalist grabbed the microphone to question in english and just decided to answer right away even though the spokesperson asked for some kind of translation the question was about the recent statements by a senior official in the u.k. that russia is now considered a greater threat for that country then that of the threat that that's coming from islamic terrorists reply to this that actually russia was the number one fighter of terrorists in the world and he believes that british officials by doing so are just putting up a show for their domestic public and are trying to score political points. on their bonus i was just really really quickly look at over your shoulder that you got quite close you're going to get close to an official delegation is that putin's car
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of you showed and if you say there's another official car as well quite see. this is absolutely a lot of our putin's limo by the way it is russian made and it is the first time that it traveled that far we can see that limo in argentina was also how he said it was very comfy and he even said that the members of the saudi delegation were wondering when asked questions about that probably they're thinking of buying some of those too would you like a road bike and such a cover but economy all right thanks very much thanks very much. nic professor of history and director of nucleus studies at the american university in washington d.c. thanks for your time today looking on a couple things to talk about first of all this whole spot of the coach straight the russian president said that he made russia's position on the instant of the straight up so he clearly said he even drew a map for mccrone and merkel do you think either of them but all the other western
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leaders will it take to consideration the fact that he's seems to have such a big handle on this clearly. well the your pin leaders are not looking for a confrontation over their current strategy in fact it took them three days before they issued this statement so there was a lot of back and forth the europeans seem to have wanted to actually ease some of the sanctions stead of raising sanctions and new sanctions and these some of the tensions and there are other people around president trump right now who are more confrontational in their approach to russia and immediately you want to paint this in the most negative terms possible there's been this ongoing conflict between russia and ukraine for more than four years now and this is one of the latest manifestations problem the danger is to blow this out of
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proportion now this can be resolved and should be resolved as peaceably amicably as possible we need to be tamping down tensions around the planet right now instead of as intelligent as all along the says this is a provocation by ukraine there's no other little snippet this come out today as well the east side he's got to produce these ukrainian ships logs is proof that it was it was a provocation is not going to be a clincher for anyone in europe or not. no i don't think i don't think this there are any clinchers on this one both sides seem to be behaving somewhat badly in this situation now we know that tara shank oh does have a motive for wanting a confrontation with russia at this point we know that porsche and cole mediately impose martial law we know that there is harsh and co has an interest in postponing the march thirty first elections his approval rating is down to eight percent it's
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almost certain that he will lose us elections if their current and so he's got something to gain from this i don't see what russia has to gain from the us and so why russia would provoke an incident just point is not clear to me let is clear why the ukrainians my pushing call these by to do so final thought let's broaden it out to where you are washington d.c. of course for the bigger picture of american russian relations for the putin said he hopes for a proper meeting sometime soon some real good dialogue with donald trump because there's a lot to talk about this the have created the end of the start treaty etc even looking at that side of it but there's so much more to one of the going to get together of a real head to head there do you think because he said tonight it's america the pulled out of this they came to us the thirty one of the meeting now they said they didn't so when is it going to happen. it has also pulled out of the iran nuclear
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deal both sides have been escalating their war games the vast like a team where the biggest war games that the russians have had since one thousand eight hundred one the norway a nato action size with the biggest since one thousand nine hundred ninety one you know we're going on this the situation in ukraine is not that serious but clearly the ukrainians were put on war footing by poroshenko one of the situation is going to explode soon if we don't start to get a handle on it. for a truck trump right now is in big trouble the latest revelations by michael cohen on top of other things that are going to be coming out seem to be compromising trying to position a weakening drum to even further and so he didn't want to be seen meeting with obama in selma now i don't want to be seen meeting with vladimir putin now because his domestic position is so weak right at this moment. thank you for your time it
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has to be said look you know just the demeanor of president trump there the g. twenty last couple of days he literally the weight of the world in the shoulders didn't they look really unhappy the very few unless we missed some of the very very few happy points there we got to leave it there peter professor of history and director of nuclear studies at the american university in washington d.c. thank you sir. thank you. on this still plenty of meetings ahead for vladimir putin the g twenty as well including talks with the president of the host nation argentina we gather that's going to be happening in the next hour or so there may be a bit of a media event tonight show we'll bring you that will bring the live pictures from one is ours of course it's still six i was only six in the evening then stay with us or not see international i'm kevin i mean so much more to come for at least the next fifteen minutes while i'm still with you.
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the people who run the economy price money the commodity that runs economy they say it's more are the signs i mean they're just making it up as they go along it means that there's no principle that they are guided by they consider themselves artists because of the self impressionist they consider themselves completely subjective in their view of the world if they can simply raise rates and lower rates based on a when there's nothing guiding them in economic reality there's no school of economics there's no science behind it it's pure when. donald trump firing shots of a meeting with vladimir putin doesn't seem like a big deal given the already poor state of affairs between the two countries to the manner in which it was canceled over twitter may sting the kremlin more than the
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cancellation itself is the mythical trump truth in a bromance finally over. the past midnight coming up to midnight sixty five here moscow now what it means saturday in the french capital lit up in flames saturday after thousands of protesters took part in the demonstration continuing known as the yellow vests at this. rally against rising fuel taxes much come on the streets of paris now but what a nasty scene earlier on with riot police to point out some rubber bullets over two hundred fifty detained over one hundred injured including our own peter all of the required some treatment from paramedics and here's what he witnessed throughout the day.
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these demonstrators something very clear in what they've wanted to say they want to say the fuel prices are getting too high and they want to say they're unhappy with the current government headed up by a manual might call they were invited to a meeting on friday. but by the prime minister affronts that meeting well it turned into an obsolete boss only two out of the six main leaders they were expected to turn up didn't turn up out of those two one of them left after less than two minutes this is a very very fluid situation we see riot police moving in one of the demonstrators falling to the floor right there actually we see we. are actually is remove into this we're seeing riot says riot police tear gas everything you can possibly imagine as they try and take away that one person who fell to the floor.
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god. i'm just next to where you've actually shown those pictures from they will say to paint a picture of what situation looks like here at the arc de triomphe in paris says you have a central new killer of police in full riot gear fully equipped we're actually seeing tear gas trying over our heads right now i'm going to be moving out of the way as i'm talking to you that's really not safe for me to be stood there doing that it's also not to just explain what was happening the place that you can see located just over there which was exactly one hundred eighty degrees from where i was facing they just fired several rounds dangerously close over my head right
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then that's something i've certainly never seen by any riot suppression force used in europe. that. they have been numerous incidents of people being hit with rubber bullets legally cliche as off the hospital i was hit me on kill with will myself thankfully my boot bearing most of the brunt of that put those demonstrate is that i spoke to they say they aren't going anywhere and they told me exactly why they've come here they suffer today to say no to the rise in fuel prices but also to say no to presidents money well my compliments to humanity should be put first not money it's not impossible you know you come to these protests because you don't have enough money to survive till the end of the month then you find out you are more privileged on the other is there because you earn more than one thousand era a month because we already work in the minimal tariffs for social insurance and i don't understand what will the next like to be sure. we can do the best we can to
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provide good conditions for patience i don't know for sure who's to blame for escalating the situation the police or the yellow vests but they are fully on the side of protesters as long as the peaceful micron is not credible he wasn't credible even at the time of the election about eighty percent of the population stand by the yellow vest movement that indicates that france faces a huge number of issues we'll do everything to make a manual micron resigned on the decks it did we are being taxed from all sides rubes or we study we raise our children now we are overtaxed so stop moving the problem aside. well even the time that that sound by was running was seeing more room all problems fall couple around here is a fiat herod set up as a blockade across the street of one of the streets of a new five and this isn't the certainly isn't going anywhere anytime soon and one of the big issues that i am seeing from these whole situation in paris is that it's
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not just one new kilis there isn't just one group that the police all trying to contain what we all seeing is numerous numerous numerous groups each with equal and get around intent was the root cause was that was. that opinions and emotions are certainly running high here in paris right now we've seen and as we saw when i was trying to speak to you earlier on a number of people incredibly upset particularly with the french media they thought we were from one of the french broadcasts as they were insisting that we stop broadcasting once we told them that we wouldn't well now we've been allowed to
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again. eking to a large amount of the police that have been taking part in this operation in paris on saturday you'd be surprised how many were willing to say off camera that they were actually in support of those that were demonstrating against lower fuel costs however that certainly wasn't represented in some of the the violent scenes that we've seen from say violence from police towards demonstrators also from demonstrators towards police really uncomfortable scenes that we've seen throughout the day here in the french capital i would expect that if there's no solution found during the week we would be seeing the same types of of violent clashes again and again and again here in the french capital until this is sorted out. a wild west children's parties made more than a few people live it after american actor and comedian kevin hart held a themed event for his one year old son's birthday this may royal you may not his wife posted several images of the said party on instagram there are pictures
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showing their friends and family clad and this is a catch native american inspired tribal print blanket's lot of people are really angry at this they say playing cowboys and indians in twenty eighteen is simply not acceptable anymore cowboys and indians can you not afford a publicist who would explain the reality if such a terrible idea throwing a cowboys in indians birthday party on thanksgiving celebrates genocide white supremacy and slavery maybe next year he could have a master slave owners and slaves party people need to understand the genocide of indigenous people in this country it was horrific and nothing cute about it stop perpetuating this as cute it's not. his park kevin hart says this criticism he's been getting points to some deep problems of modern culture he's not happy about it but the reaction we tried to get as well to get a balance on it ranged from one side whether the party sends the wrong message to
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children or the other of his just a set of innocent toddlers playing fun and games. conversation we're having here is why the implications are much broader at first glance oh it's just a one year old's birthday party but here's the thing about it a lot of the decisions we make as adults are based on information that we received as children the truth of the matter is that some of that information was incorrect when you were a child and you say i want to dress up like good indian or we can argue whether it's indian whether native american the child does not say now i get to realize the fact that these people are racially inferior to me and i can celebrate the subjugation of these people by virtue of white forebears and that's not what happened is it's a child who says i like to dress like that because we whitewashed history so much few people are even willing to deal with it because they're so blind to what's been
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really going on around them as we be that that'll back what was behind this statue or peel back way behind this giving celebration of life began to the legal side a real issue when we played cowboys and indians we never said can i play the cowboys so i can show water the plains indian no it was i'll be the indian you be the cowboy where kids were pretending and the conversation will just be from want to keep track the g. twenty still little more to come from the from argentina in the next few hours president putin's meeting with argentinian leader mark critical but later amongst other things i'm kevin zero in for me of the rest of the team over here a teenage q so far this early sunday morning have a great weekend. you
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know world of big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks. negatively is called camp sundown to
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get free people that can. and their like so vampire to have. like a safe house i guess they don't have to talk about what they go through with us because we understand her daughter katie was diagnosed with a very rare son sensitive condition if i get sunburned i hear she does or she'll patients when they have problems with the walk to talk to some of the brains that are actually shrinking inside there the skull gets thicker in the brain still small . the pain is indescribable it's feels like a really really bad chemical burn but it goes through your skin in your muscles down to the bone and there's no relief. so we're just not sure this is going to discover.
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the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants. just a simple i want to. many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the draft used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities. they have watched as the options to stay in the country with donald trump in the. movie. he. said sit. both of you out to a few of the folks of the. only
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no no go. ahead now and adding the i'm alive now i'm dead to the kids who will have to go into whatever lessons that any of the you know that i gave. rod our local piccolo couple of them found alex at home with them when asked if he didn't want you know in the back went to school because he knew that he had to get a bad one i never more appalled that. boko haram is the most violent jihad to school in sub-saharan africa. but little fifteen years they've been terrorizing northeastern nigeria and the adjoining states the name can be translated as against western education to. the front.
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