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tv   Redacted Tonight  RT  December 1, 2018 6:30pm-7:01pm EST

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the scientists he led found the risk of rare neuro apathy only all tumors on the outside of the brain were more than double in cell phone users oh my god you know it says pretty serious ok well i'm sure the wireless industry will address this issue will will change our phone will will warn people not to use them that much i'm sure they'll get it right they just they haven't had much time since that that set of studies that just came out when when did that said the studies come out. nineteen are you. alright for why you. don't want to pay was so long ago that now when you say why do k. a teenager popped up out of nowhere and goes is that the name of a band. and yet still to this day no one really knows about those cell phone studies now that's not quite true the findings were raploch aided by numerous other scientists in the united states and around the world
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leading to the w.h.o. in two thousand and eleven classifying cell phone radiation as a possible human carcinogen and the governments of great britain france and israel to issue strong warnings on cell phone use by children i personally and i'm not really worried because most of my cell phone use involves adding it to vibrate and then rubbing it against my junk i. was surprised that the researchers haven't tried that on a mouse. and yet the telecoms are testing the move to a five g. network which no one is worried about at stake sassed a public health professor at the university of california as described by g.e. as a massive experiment on the health of all species. others have said five g.'s is a weapons grade frequency there is no knowing the future implications for us we are
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the guinea pigs weapons grade could you imagine why planes grade phone calls from your mother. sounds truly unpleasant. i'm kidding i love you mom speaking of weapons grade let's move on to monsanto there are newly released court documents revealing that monsanto colluded with the e.p.a. to cover up cancer research in their hugely popular we've killer roundup the new documents first of all show monsanto execs throwing around the idea of ghost writing their own studies internal e-mails research a less expensive more palatable might be to involve experts only for the areas of contention and we goes to right the exposure tox and gene talk sections but we would be keeping the cost down by us doing the writing and they would just add it and sign their name so to speak but that's not enough monsanto as head of regulatory affairs dan jenkins details in private internal e-mails
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a phone call he got from jess rowland the e.p.a.'s deputy division director for chemical safety and during the call apparently a dude told monsanto dude if i can kill this i should get a medal. meaning if i can kill the damaging research about roundup causing cancer i deserve a medal and considering what we know about these supervillains i assume a medal means a high end call girl of five thousand bottle of scotch and a new liver to go with it. by now you might be seeing a bit of a trend it seems like monsanto it seems likely monsanto has known for years that roundup causes cancer and yet they did everything they could to cover up the studies that the big telecoms knew since at least the late ninety's that cell phones can cause cancer under certain circumstances and yet rather than maybe saying. keep those away from your children safe says dravot my first smartphone.
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so the baby can suck on it like a mother's teat and document. proving the big oil companies knew about climate change by at least the nineteen eighties and yet they actively spent millions to create doubt in the public's mind big tobacco knew cigarettes were harmful in the one nine hundred sixty s. and one nine hundred seventy one in a private internal presentation the head of public relations said the doubt is our product since it is the best means of competing with the body of fact that exists in the mind of the general public big tobacco big oil big ag big telecom they will perpetrate any level of harm of death and destruction on america on the world if it just means more profit right wheat wheat seriously thank you can't expect this whole world this behavior and a criminal justice system that turns
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a blind eye the more sociopathic you are the more money you make and if you the viewer of you out there if you are going to get angry about this for your self for your kids for your future then do it further you want to wallow alright ok. sure sure you do was a very good thank you. thank you thank. god i only can no less take the news from behind the ladies the way it is i know you ladies out there are wondering when will this world start treating you right for example when will men stop beginning conversations
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with the condescending ladies later. that is the question and before i get to the first story let me let me just say up top that i know. it's pretty hacky of me to do men and women are different jokes but there's a next aereo type happens to be true have you ever noticed women are always whining about how we men are always murdering them. and men are always complaining what's the big it's just a little merger between friends with benefits. and yes a new u.n. report has found that the murderers are indeed friends family members or partners the report found is that eighty seven thousand recorded female homicide cases last year fifty thousand and fifty eight percent were committed by the victims intimate partners or family members now you might think the un would run with press release tied all to. stop killing women you ask. no instead the
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un went home and the most dangerous place for women. yes it is not the fault of man who commit eighty eight percent of all murders it is the fault of those goddamn homes always on now in women to be killed let this be a lesson to you ladies go live somewhere else or write whatever you do boy home try a nice dark alley or perhaps inside an abandoned vending machine. and that's doubly true if you're in the marshall islands where new reports show the homes are increasingly being swallowed up by the sea due to climate change but the fact of the homes of hundreds of thousands of people will soon be partially underwater is firstly not that bad it just means we'll have more cities like venice italy that is so low that they still romantic. and the original venice will soon be fully underwater which our romantic notion says will you be like
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a snorkel. least that's what i learned from them i could. but a pillow that has been passed out in my family for generations. with secularly the marshall islands are not going underwater due to climate change as brilliant people on the internet pointed out this month climate change is never a cause is any of that saying that the recent unprecedented california fires part of a california fire season that is a bit longer and harsher and more intense than ever before were caused by climate change they were caused by for example directed energy weapons. this was pointed out by numerous blogs drawn in crayon. so no fires were caused by directed energy weapons and the marshall islands flooding is caused by an orbital directed water weapon. and the antarctic ice shelf is
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collapsing because of the way too many penguins. which is caused by an orbital directed play what happens. fires penguins. and people just requires just where the plane was camp from. there also happens to be a new major report coming from thirteen federal agencies and three hundred leading scientists saying that climate change will shrink the u.s. economy greatly and kill thousands. you'll notice that that article actually comes from c.n.n. which means even c.n.n. is now getting beyond their usual when it's hosted a bank but when one person who believes in science and another person who eats pine chips. and coming up after them we're going to talk about the latest mass shooting
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and one arm of the bank between someone who says it was bad to kill all those people and someone who says how many people who were. just. recently killed or lied to them examined got through. the debates and after that should the u.s. fire tear gas an infant refugees at the border well have a debate. yes that's right the u.s. border patrol this week fired tear gas at families including toddlers at the southern border and some of you may know tear gas is not allowed in war it's considered a war crime but it is allowed on our civilian population so when people act. that we're firing tear gas on children remind them that we saved it just for that ok. we actually all boy using it in war so that we have enough to fight your own children here at home besides it could be worse it could be like venezuela where
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president dora we've been doing to the horrible things in fact he has been homeless his people with free a public universities. how dare you do that to your own people. of course i know some you know they're my. free public university pretty good i mean i'm drowning in thirty thousand dollars of debt for a degree in creative writing all right which means i'm just a very adept at poetic ways of describing get slavery. i see. point i see your point but the public universities in venezuela are not free don't believe the hype here's a quote is a real quote from someone who was in a post-graduate program last year he says i was at venezuela central university used t.v. and the tuition for the program was like eighteen hundred vs per year about point
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three us dollars were very sad. as i got it done you know what i j z. ok. ok joe it's almost free but. this is so on american of them it really is you don't just insult your citizens by giving them nearly free education as disgusting no you get them to sign up for debt peonage at the age of eighteen in order to study for a career they'll have no interest in five years later even though they are old enough to legally be trusted with a beer they're clearly old enough to sign away the first ten to twenty years of their dollar. cause i got a great deal that was right. they also also have the option of joining the military to pay for college in which case they'll be
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sent to watch their friends and their enemies die in exchange for a degree in the history of basketball or whatever. how is that not a great deal. after the military will have the option of getting paid much more as a mercenary soldier such as the ones the united arab emirates hired to kill yemeni leaders how was that done a great deal. yeah if you didn't catch that last bit recent investigation revealed us killers for hire were being used to assassinate leaders in yemen a country we the us are supposedly not at war with but just this week the senate actually voted wednesday to end the us involvement in the yemen genocide. bill co-sponsored by senators mike lee a burning sanders and chris murphy this is good news and i'm sure losing the
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support of our senate is going to really hurt the feelings of our rogue trained killers overseas i think it's really going to hit them right there because being an american mercenaries kind of the opposite of an orgy you want senator mike lee behind you. we've got a great bright guy. thank you for coming to protecting the jacket for her and i know the freedom to do with horses for the night and you'll find out how to join our lovely audience right here was. donald trump doubts of a meeting with vladimir putin doesn't seem like a big deal given the already poor state of affairs between the two countries to the manner in which it was cancelled over twitter may sting the kremlin more than the
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cancellation itself is the mythical putin of romance finally over. the bed the people who run the economy price money the commodity that runs economy they say it's more are the signs i mean they're just making it up as they go along it means that there is no principle that they are guided by they consider themselves artists because of the self and precious they consider themselves completely subjective in their view of the world that they can simply raise rates and lower rates based on a whim there's nothing guiding them in economic reality there's no school of economics there's no science behind it it's pure wind see. us veterans who come back from war often tell the same stories. were going after the people who were killing civilians they were not interested in the wellbeing of
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their own soldiers science they're already several generations of them so i just got this memo from a certain french officer says we're going to attack and destroy the government in seven countries in five years americans pay for the wars with their money on those with their lives if we were willing to go into harms way. and willing to risk being killed for a war and surely we can risk some discomfort and easiness. oh my god we all know that corporations do everything they can to avoid paying taxes right not paying taxes like their favorite new limits it's right up there
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with eating funnel kangaroo watching football or journal. look it up and they are going to urban dictionary you actually don't look that up in the air of a. big box retailers like wal-mart and target have figured out a new tax loophole in which to stick their job all with us now to explain it to our senior tax to you john of a gun all yes. for the record i have never cheated on my taxes in fact for most of my adult life i didn't even make enough money to have to pay taxes. john come on new tax loophole ok well tell us about big retailers are using a legal argument called dark store theory to drastically lower their stores valuation so they can pay municipalities considerably less in property taxes which is revenue these towns heavily rely on to pay for basic services but it's not as bad as it sounds how is that not bad that's taxing property is one of the only ways
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towns raise money for schools firefighters police and i didn't say it wasn't bad i said it's not as bad as it's. dark store theory sounds ominous as. it sounds like a story that. turns the lights down really. so customers will constantly be tripping over stuff and breaking bread breaking pricey items and then they'll be forced to buy that things they broke more hahaha. thanks for that but what is the target store theory what's the legal argument actually consist of ok fair question according to city lab with one property tax appeal after another retail outlets are compelling small town tax assessors and high court judges to accept the novel argument that their bustling big boxes should be valued like vacant dark stores i.e.
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they near worthless properties now peppering america's shopping plazas that's crazy this is blatantly ridiculous comparison ok i agree i mean it would be like comparing the sexual prowess of a twenty one year old john f. o'donnell with the sexual prowess of a thirty seven year old john. all right we're breaking into a regular program because vladimir putin has just finished a meeting with the president of argentina our. mockery who is hosting the g. twenty summit in point to science let's listen in. so. if you use.
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it it was. easy to see. as you. will. see. if you. are right so right now the two presidents are getting ready to speak to the media a quick preview of what we're expecting to come out of their talks russia and argentina are expected to sign an agreement on strategic nuclear energy cooperation that will include the construction of a large nuclear power plant in argentina put an end mockery also want to boost trade between russia and argentina and there are several russian investment
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proposals on the table as well but so far we don't have any exact details on that i'm sure that will come out right now we're hearing that separate the president of argentina. as an actor but you know a lot of that area many both you and they pulled. my fanatic india unfortunately we don't have a spanish translator right now but you know that if you know the morse meeting is taking place at the casa de rosario which is a nineteenth century palace and one of our rice is. a symbol of peace. for. the most part of me so graham would be at the early. again there's always been good cooperation between argentina and russia. except also that i hope you both have worked on that already. i mean it's almost us
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and it here. marie say oh. by. speaking. as we also get ready to hear from vladimir putin the two had many things to discuss. going to quick review. energy cooperation specifically in terms of nuclear energy. argentina expecting to get some help from russia and russian expertise in the nuclear field to build a nuclear power plant as russia is known to do. and of course the two countries have a big partnership in cooperation looking at some more trade deals between the two countries. if you've got it with their losses. but if this is after the g. twenty summit that is taking place in one house are ace argentina. going.
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to go look. at who has been an interesting. g twenty summit to say the least as lots of eyes were focused on expected meetings between president bush and president putin but that didn't come to fruition in fact the two of them did have an informal side talk but nothing formal president putin has said that he's looking to actually have a more formal sit down with president trump in the future but right now a lot of reporting is in a press conference with marie show. mastic daughters. i mean again issues on the table. of the nuclear energy cooperation. with russia. you're planning on helping argentina build a nuclear power plant in that country and also a smaller floating
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a power plant as well. of course you can't have a g twenty without talking about economics and trade and as russian argentina are already big partners in trade with good cooperation and also media partnerships as well. the two of them are looking to boost more economic cooperation between the two countries i. think you're going to get. it done what are the kind of man whatever hearing is called by the. world of the internet of course who. don't we go just yet. but over the most of us i mean look up if. anyone has you. you know. that it's in the local but as you indicated. you know we're seeing. it and one of the things that we do know is that russia and
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argentina have signed the strategic document on partnership in the peaceful use of nuclear energy as i mentioned before that encompasses the idea of russia helping build nuclear power plants and floating smaller powerplant now let's listen in to the report. but suppose they don't. see. them mr president ladies and gentlemen. first of all i'd like to congratulate you mr president. i'm hosting a large scale international event the g. twenty summit you were able to create is very favorable. to work warms atmosphere which produced positive results.
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the patience and the warm welcome of the people of the argentine capital despite all the difficulties that hosting such an international. then two and then involves the documents adopted at the summit to reflect the priority is the argentine. presidency in the g twenty and in the near. it is important that all the countries agreed to work together towards stable economic growth and stability and international finance. and construction of a new trade system based on that of the w t o in my talks with mr mockery we talked about bilateral cooperation an important international matters we had
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a very substantive talk. in the one on one an extended four minutes we have signed a large number of by a lower all agreements and commercial contracts and this indicates that. russia and argentina. intend to develop their ties in all the different theories are treated. for that reached. eight hundred ninety million and. this year increased further by twenty six percent. by the end of this year will reach the goal of one billion what i mentioned we also discussed the importance of industrial corporation implementing major. projects. we discussed the possibility of using the russian technology to build. nuclear power plant in argentina.
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strategic the strategic document signed by iran. colleagues in argentina will lead the foundation for us working together and it is here important area we have positive experience with you know in the first real cooperation over twenty percent over the two steam generated in argentina has produced with russian equipment companies serving six power plants in the engine tuna and we plan to participate in the tender for supplying parts to six more power plants our cooperation royal roads getting stronger. railroad said there was set up with russia's assistance where russian railways is
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ready to help argentina with the initiative to build a seven hundred kilometer or. two. that i would like to mention transport infrastructure projects in particular one. bank plans to invest. each. year but on that in. just six of. course but this will help with delivering yards in t.n. agricultural products to russia and russian products to argentina we believe there is. potential for. supplying fertilizers pharmaceuticals developing green energy space exploration and other areas together considering like that but i didn't has just a russian diaspora in latin america that we would like to thank mr president and
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all of our argentine friends. who are. their efforts in this regard is will. like i said earlier when mr president was the mayor of the kept till we had the festival of. the culture and. this started back in two thousand and nine when the president was the mayor of the kept to learn this continues to this day in the year we're very grateful also we have the spanish language. russia to d. containing its operations in argentina until twenty twenty two i think through seoul so indicates that we have a special relationship. and this will offer a chance for argentine.


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