tv News RT December 2, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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you're. never really. going to move even you're going to see in. the. today's news the week's top stories from r.t. international the g twenty wraps up in argentina with a temporary freeze in the bruising trade war between the u.s. and china we also look at the much shorter than anticipated conversation between president trump and polluted. global concern with russia and ukraine were brought almost to the brink of a conflict after moscow seized three ships it says violated its territorial waters . plus.
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whatever you can to get in france paris recovering off the worst riots in a decade sparked by more protests against higher fuel taxes yellow best demonstrations in france no. good evening live from moscow this sunday nights it's the weekly with me kevin i will run for the big stories we covered for you over the last seven days it was argentina that many of the world news crews headed to us included for the g. twenty summit concluded just yesterday. it is tackling a raft of crucial issues including the us china trade war ukraine and strengthening generally cooperation.
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some of the highlights the u.s. president held a keenly watched meeting with his chinese counterpart at the summit on saturday but neither gave a news conference afterwards unlike those two leaders the russian president did talk to reporters to share his thoughts on the gathering in south america it was at the time capitol covering it all for us. one of the top reasons why this g twenty summit was meant to be a real attention grabber is the one on one between the man whose limo is parked right there it's about to depart the russian president vladimir putin and his american counterpart donald trump but just one day before the summit kicked off donald trump sent all of us into breaking news mode by tweeting out right from on
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board air force one i won't meet with putin because of ukraine and we were all left guessing whether they'll at least shake hands or have some sort of little chat then finally on saturday the russian president's spokesperson confirmed that a little chat happened somewhere on the sidelines of the g. twenty event everyone was hoping to ask president about it at his press event however he canceled that too he says it was because of the sudden passing of x. president george h.w. bush and eventually the lattimer putin found the time to talk to the journalists and the first question was obviously about him and trump. first of all it was a u.s. initiative but then we canceled that meeting in paris because we didn't want to consider. one commemoration so we decided to meet and going to syria but then the provocation in the black sea took place the u.s.
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decided not to have to. have the chance to chat with president trump on this issue we expressed our positions and remain committed to this let's know we. it's a shame that we are unable to have this meeting but i hope it will take place sooner or later when the u.s. is ready for use a lot of our putin has just got inside his limo. he began his second day at the g. twenty summit why the inside this hotel. bided goldberg before practice and treated with this just feel that out here.
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now the president's not here anymore we were actually able to get inside the lobby of the hotel i was told that the average price for where he was staying is four thousand iu was dollars a day now going back to his talks with anglo markel and emanuel macron the president's spokesperson told us that he physically picked up a piece of paper and a pen to just draw a map for them of what happened between russia and ukraine and the current strait and he also brought forward evidence of what he called ukraine's intentions to provoke russia there that included some notes in the cranium vessel's log book mr putin also said that the reaction from the western leaders that he got to that was rather calm and then went on to talk about the state of martial law that was imposed by the ukrainian leader petro poroshenko in parts of ukraine as
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a result of this is collation. i am concerned about some of the things nobody imposed martial law in ukraine when there were big events going on and then before the election was think go ahead and do it wanted to could tell civil liberties in this collectivity what is worse is the introduced martial law in just ten provinces where the current president does not have much the public's city ukrainian government is dividing the country i'm sure that they have discussions regularly as there are various. as there are individual i should say foreign ministries and state department permit them ask them and encourage them to do it and i think mr putin's being very straightforward about what was happening in in the black sea and with ukraine and his view of it whether we agree with it or not is helpful to the discussion and i think mr trump was was happy for that i can imagine he would have been whenever these gentlemen get a chance to talk frankly it's
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a good thing and mr putin doesn't seem to be isolated at the summit at all but he seems to be doing a good job on behalf of russia and taking in taking on the issues of the day i don't i don't really see his isolation happening so if that was the plan it failed these summits are not designed to come to conclusions at least as far as i understand them they're designed to give the world leaders a chance to air confusion and misconception with each other and to make their points decisions are made by pure accuracies and larger organizations later afterward. sunday russian border patrol sees three ukrainian ships in the crimean peninsula says those ships are violating its territorial waters in istanbul russia and ukraine pretty close to full blown conflict at one point understood international consent.
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contrary to the un convention on russian border ships carried out a frankly aggressive action against the vessels of the navy of the. three ukrainian patrol boats say the russians were approaching russian territorial waters which they ended they were asked what they intended to do they said that they had no intention of crossing the street of. but they continued making their
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way forward certain point refusing all communications from russian border patrol that they're now it's their intent to cross the strait of kutch without the russians say filing notification notification that is there to make sure that the passage of the strait of kutch which is very narrow and there's a lot of traffic to make it safe the federal security service is also in possession of information that says the provocative actions of the ukrainian fleet were ordered by the government in kiev the territorial waters in which some of this in this case took place in russian woods is even before the reunion of crimea and russia twenty four people and old sailors offices and s.b.u. counter-espionage agents detained the russian side also claims to have found documents that ordered these vessels to proceed with maximum stealth. tens of thousands of rounds of ammunition dozens and dozens of weapons from brigade
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launches to machine gun the ukrainian side for its part claims that it did fall and notification of its intent to cross the passes the streets of. into the as of see that the russians acted brazenly aggressively that this was an act of war the russians meanwhile say that this was a provocative act that the ukrainians ordered by the top by the very top the government itself to carry out this provocative act and to give them justification for establishing martial law with the sky for months to go until elections russian men age sixteen to sixty new longer welcome and no longer allowed entry into ukraine russian foreign ministry they've said that this is merely a political ploy a political play in order to shore up the part. martial law being put in place is an attempt by him to radicalize the solidify the base. those sailors on board were
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taken into custody and charged with illegally crossing the russian border they could now face up to six years in prison as we heard then released a video in which the cranium commander in detention here in russia says he can order orders to stop. i'm going to melissa voice commands of the navy division of the ukrainian military forces of the code straight after crossing of the russian border we had visual contact with the russian border service vessels which by consciously ignored their commands to stop when our boat we had small arms and a machine gun and with ammunition i was aware that the action of the ukrainian vessels and because straits were provoked at it i was following my orders to move our ships from the port or for this to mario western countries who are quick to express serious concern of what happened both russia and ukraine called for emergency session of the un security council russia's representative seem to made little headway with others around the table is it would all played out. what we
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witnessed this weekend is yet another reckless russian escalation it follows on from russia's illegal acts ation of crimea in two thousand and fourteen grains because that on your creative side violated our border in a place which even before twenty fourteen was russian territory. russia must respect the people implementation of the music remember you're not an additional i hope that you break in the midst agreements and know perfectly there's not a single word about crimea russia wants to contacts the sea. at least and now it's surprisingly turns out that we occupy the azoff sea is wealthy this is something new. that i'd like to assure you creating a follow solidarity united states will continue to stand with the people of ukraine against the russian aggression. so this could be perceived as calm branch for ukraine to carry out further provocation. after as the russian deputy u.n.
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envoy told us he was disappointed with his western counterparts positions. i discovered that they were not very eager to discuss these countries situationally immediately changed to all the alleged an accession of crimea by my country which were of course forest for the night and i specifically mentioned that crimea was not topical security council agenda. i fear that after the western countries that have particular influence on the ukraine are really displayed session or attitude to the ukrainian side might feel a little bit and bold and to engage in for as a pro occasions of these type because they haven't heard they didn't hear during the meeting any approaches from from western side that they did something wrong this is artefactual live from moscow with a weekly round up the more the news the last seven days pale said paris this
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like them before. the more people. interested in the waters. should. donald trump of a meeting with vladimir putin doesn't seem like a big deal given the already poor state of affairs between the two countries of the manner in which it was cancelled over twitter may sting the kremlin more than the cancellation itself is the myth of putin of romance finally over. just weeks after a disaster was avoided at the baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan writing for its next manned flight tomorrow crew members are set to blast off the international
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space station monday. at the launch site for. the low cost of drawing these preparations. routine they've been doing it for sixteen years the rocket is assembled to look at both its brady center and formidable lord inside where it's raised to a vertical position twenty euro then check and double check. it was done here when the first tier one was sent to space from here yuri gagarin but this time is different the last men launch didn't go well no one wants that to
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happen again. next overs takeoff started smoothly but ninety seconds into the flight something went wrong and belly up to full. well separating the rocket stages prompted him to each other the fifty metre three hundred ton construction was quit cold the automatic emergency system immediately aborted the mission and undocked the crew capsule. instead of going to the international space station they landed in kazakhstan's and lives steps hundreds of kilometers from way they had taken off just minutes earlier but i couldn't alongside intension the remote back in the nineteen fifties at the height of the cold war it was a practical necessity to hide the spaceport away from prying western eyes but also
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away from people to avoid victims in case of a rocket disaster this will dinners is where the merges the capsule with two fortunate crewmembers landed safely. the rescue training is part of an obligatory routine before every launch helicopters jeeves navigation systems are involved and people are know how to coordinate divine decree quickly and they stunt their skills saved to long. the russian cosmonaut and american astronaut seemed unharmed after the incident unbelievably given that they fell from a height of fifty kilometers making a steep ballistic descend on their force many times stronger than gravity some cold days cable and miracle. a special commission was formed do investigate what went wrong three weeks later they reached a conclusion a sensor that was supposed to detect the separation of the stagers was faulty
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originally the reason behind the failure was operational reaction and could use of force in a sense to sort of because we're the only happened at the assembly stage at the point you know cosmodrome. in the behind the ears where they put the rockets parts together has always been manually and this is where i think best the gators relieve the sensor metal detail that b. was deformed to triggering they were large and c lending the securities higher than ever extra people are invited to supervise the prices no journalists are allowed inside but we've got the video of the space agency shared with us what they call a technical shooting a film assembly in fine detail every screw every joint they know now it may help the investigation. just seven weeks after the feeler baikonur is ready for the next man flight further
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delay could disrupt the work of the isis and the crew some of them witnessed their boarded launch in october seem more confident than ever in the russian technology that carries astronauts to the international space station in a way witnessing that event to me was actually reassuring. the smart design of the so use and the incredible work that this witness who people here on the ground can do i really do every every village i went inside. to be safe. it is a bit small. as any time and i wish to. take part in the design but. eight and a half minutes after takeoff the c. news is expected to reach orbit and just six hours later and talk with the international space station but this time it will feel much longer reach russian r.t. from baikonur in kazakhstan. this weekend social power support to
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a standstill saturday by the so-called yellow vest movement against soaring fuel prices it was the most fall into three successive weekends of unrest and riot police wrote to force all told four hundred twelve people arrested scores were injured including our correspondent peter all of a new concern as yeah both have a rubber bullets his hoping to witness first from the day. these demonstrators have been very clear in what they've wanted to say they want to say that fuel prices are getting too high they want to say they're unhappy with the current government headed up by a manual my call actually is remove into this missing riots is riot police tear gas everything you can possibly imagine. oh.
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we're actually seeing tear gas flying over our heads right now i'm going to be moving out of the way as i'm talking to you that's really not safe for me to be stood there doing that it's also not to just explain what was happening the place that you can see located just over there which was exactly one hundred eighty degrees from where i was facing they just fades. several rounds dangerously close over my head right then that's something i've certainly never seen by any riot suppression force used in europe. they have been numerous incidents of people being hit with rubber bullets legally clichy as off to hospital i was hit me on kill with will myself thankfully my boot bearing most of the brunt of that those demonstrate is that i spoke to they say they aren't going anywhere humanity should be put first not money it's not impossible you know you come to these tests because you don't
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have enough money to survive till the end of the month subject to so we already work in the minimal terror of a social insurance and i don't understand what will the next i'd like to be sure we can do the best we can to provide good conditions for patients sick to the r.v. tax from all sides whose work we study we raise our children now we are overtaxed so some money and the problem aside think we're seeing more room or problems fall couple around here is a fire herod set up as a blockade across the street although one of the streets of a new five on and this isn't the certainly isn't going anywhere anytime soon and one of the big issues that i am seeing from the whole situation in paris is that it's not just one nucleus there isn't just one group that the police all trying to contain the it. was.
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that a. number of people incredibly upset particularly with the french media they thought we were from one of the french broadcasts as they were insisting that we stop broadcasting once we told them that we wouldn't well now we've been allowed to again speaking to a large amount of the police that have been taking paulus in this operation in fire . on saturday you'd be surprised how many were willing to say off camera that they were actually in support of those that were demonstrating against lower fuel costs however that certainly wasn't represented in some of the the violent scenes that we've seen from say violence from police towards demonstrators also from demonstrators towards police here peter all of our europe correspondent of the thick of it there meantime his colleague r t france correspondent lucas leger shared his story after being injured. most of the protesters who wanted to go back
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to the show i'm still easy joined in small groups i was following one of them in the end we came back to the plaster charles de gaulle and at that moment i was shocked when i made it lethal the bullet had come from law enforcement but as the police were shooting from that side of the protesters they were able to understand that i wasn't a protester although i wasn't wearing a yellow vests voys wearing a leather jacket and a helmet i was also holding a monopod with my mobile phone in my hand this for a live stream you know in this situation everything is hard so i understand that although i had an armband with it fresh written on it but i put it in my pocket i didn't want to wear it is it looks a bit like a police armband for some i didn't want to have any problems with the protests and the bigger picture over one hundred thirty thousand people took part in those yellow vests protest across the country french president emmanuel mccrum surveyed the damage in paris and held an emergency security meeting this sunday but still no official statement in tonight's been made about any state of emergency or not he's urged officials to meet with protest leaders to try and bring about
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a peace but here earlier mccrone told reporters in what is are is he was there for the g. twenty that all those responsible for the violence will be identified and held to account political commentator john britt more believes the problem is rooted much deeper than just reforms right now in france. it's not just about the gas prices but it's a general revolt against the policy of the government the problem is this not most of the government can do because the government asking will be the orders from the european commission and the european commission want to balance the budget and do cuts in the public services and that has been going on for years and years and years and with sarkozy and so on. things he has the solution to everything in his head i think it's extremely out dancing extremely said center extremely detached from realities i don't understand the depth of the problem. in that the people around him and the distance of the mainstream media the dettori at least it's a cloud nk
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a the incompetent they're mighty scarce where fans when they see this level of competence and leader of the depth of the problem of the reality of their own country and the problem of the protestors is that they feel to some but they don't seem to realize that the problem is much deeper and has to do with the general policy of the european union. well some of the big news story this week has reported international here in moscow tonight is kevin thank you for watching these exactly twenty seven minutes now past ten the saving after a minute or two our programs continue in your part of the world for you after the break. we should starve if you gave to discuss where we can put chancellor merkel runs has said we have built up a lot of religious between germany and europe and russia. to
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destroy a bridge this is quite easy and very far. but to me proof would take a whole lot of. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder of her and it be killing the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying and those just know it hasn't and that we're even many of the times families want the death penalty to be abolished the respect they get dealt here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this
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a courtesy call may sting the kremlin more than the cancellation itself. the mythical trump putin bromance finally over to discuss that i'm now i'm joined by nicolai petro professor of political science at the university of rhode island professor petras good to talk to you thank you very much for your time nice to be here now you seem cautiously optimistic about the two countries moving forward after the house and summit between the two leaders are heard in one interview you particularly noted the tone to president struck and i agree that they seem to have found if not there are a poor but at least sound way off not purposefully offending each other given the recent cancellation do you think that optimism was a bit premature well i actually wrote a piece that was entitled a summit of low expected.
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