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tv   News  RT  December 3, 2018 3:00pm-3:31pm EST

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we should start with you to discuss. chancellor merkel runs who said we have a lot of blue chips between germany and russia. to destroy a group uses quote easy and very force. to reprove her local. to gasify the medics protesting in paris again on monday as president micron is booed and jeered while surveying the aftermath of the weekend's college in the capital. was. a russian t.v.
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reporter was accused of spying in the cave by the military and media following what was called his suspicious behavior outside an army facility. and a new crew has arrived at the international space station after their soyuz rocket blasted off baikonur cosmodrome in kazakhstan earlier in the day. it's eleven o'clock here in moscow and you're watching international live from our studio with mean a day or two day welcome to the program. police in paris have used tear gas against medics who've joined the wave of protests that have gripped the french capital the health care workers are angered at financial reports to medical transport which they claim would threaten the viability of some ambulance companies here you can see some of the pictures which have come out of paris today the medics have been
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using their sirens and emergency lights are tracked attention to their students and also join the protests blocking access to dozens of high schools across from the action follows a weekend that witnessed the most violent riots in paris in half a century president has now canceled an international visit to hold emergency talks with his cap and that. authorities are revealing enormous losses from three weeks of yellow vests riots french business profits are down fifty percent protestors rode blockades have cost transport companies four hundred million euro and four million euro of damage was done to paris on saturday alone as demonstrators run riot smashing property across the capital charlotte do bensky reports from paris. as you can see this is sounding there so i ring say i just on the plus telecom cold as you go towards the national assembly the thing that they're unhappy about is
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a change in france it was implemented two months ago whereby hospitals now decide which ambulance service in france going to collect patients and the drivers are concerned that that could threaten their jobs in the future so you can put in this law will kill all small ambulance companies and big corporations will take over smaller companies like ours have invested a lot of money will disappear overnight no one will help us we're staying here as long as necessary we have nothing to lose any more loser could there where health company secretaries would come to support ambulance workers because if this all continuous will lose all jobs to there is less work for us every single day hospitals duty even have the right to coalesce and give us work the prime minister the governments will do nothing for us nothing that leaving us in the galley without work the ambulance workers will lose their jobs patients will lose out there this is just the latest in a stream of protests that we've been seeing him frogs that sickly over the last few
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weeks out with a very visible movement and all but as you made sure they've been up to three weekends on the truck now as we've heard just descending into chaos in paris i don't know psychos protest the sets of kids who knew that some of descried divided superpowers on saturday the rooms buildings buildings because the feet didn't smash shops and looting by some of the worst for you roads to see you knowing soon sixty eight. of the five. the for. the family
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going to. we were going to. present marco returns home to frogs off to the g. twenty summit in argentina on sunday morning and he went to assess some of the damage and the rules and give them a warm welcome. to legal view. you know. oh well president marco and also held an emergency meeting on sunday with members of the cabinet he's just the prime minister with holding discussions with political leaders and lose you lose your movement to see how they can appease those are protests we'll source the end soon all the interior minister to make sure that the security services are ready for any food the mayhem and it's also be new to the
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possibility of the frogs to declare a new state of emergency just the lid off to the last one ended well do all this you lose your was there a movement a social movement that started just a few weeks ago and now should be over the high cost of taxes on fuel here in france but since then they've progressed to do social movements they're unhappy with things such as a high unemployment rate here in france as well as the high cost of living and they sent to continue their protests against another demonstration expected to take place on saturday in paris. the british army has issued a top level security alert over a russian t.v. journalist you came in a tree and media accuse him of spying ofter he was said to have been acting suspiciously outside an army facility. this is how the jealous himself explained what happened. i would very much want to know what exactly happened we're being
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accused of espionage while we were just doing our job that we didn't break in the u.k. last november the twenty second and i remember that day perfectly well has been mentioned in the mail on sunday article we went to the military base which is one hundred kilometers from london that's location of brigade seventy seven we did a package about it and we drove by the base stopped approached the security guards i introduced myself presented my id they took pictures of my documents my car then we recorded my piece to camera we recorded it on a professional video camera we did try to get inside the base something claimed by the mail on sunday we made our intentions clear that we wanted to film outside and that's exactly what we did instead of being branded spice the way the dentals the generals presented to the security guards who were later linked to the media despite a government government memo saying for internal use only. the defense ministry sent out a warning which contains my photograph i.d.'s number plates these are the documents
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i presented to the security guards at the base that's when they took pictures and these pictures were put in the memo how they got leaked to the person i have no idea but what's important is that in this memo if you look closely there's a note for internal use only despite that this secret memo is now all over the media. is the bureau chief for russia's channel one in london and he was doing a story about the seventy seventh brigade which is sort of the cyber warfare units for the british military and considering that the british government spends quite a lot of time talking about the so-called russian threat and the threat from hybrid warfare and russian reporters interested in this brigade is pretty much self-explanatory the russian embassy is also upset that the reporters personal details have been published online it is offensive that the personal data of
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russian journalists including their ids in the license plate of their car were made public it in danger security of russian citizens let alone the fact that it's a blatant violation of the norms generally recognized in civilized countries and this wasn't an isolated news report in fact the stories really snowballed it was printed originally yesterday but it's been reprinted by most of the newspapers here in the u.k. today and now even the defense secretary gavin williamson has made a statement about it he's called on members of the public to report any suspicious activity outside of british military bases and allow me to add a little legal disclaimer strictly speaking and i've just consulted our media lawyer about this it isn't against the law to film on public land even if it is just outside a military base many a journalist has. dunnit i certainly i have no one ever leaked my press credentials
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or accuse me of being a russian spy in the process but there is an important caviar in terms of the law the military can take action against anyone acting suspiciously outside a british military base and. we sent an inquiry to the defense ministry there's a formal no website but we didn't get any response filming near the base is not illegal it's a public area public land you don't need permission to film there you need permission to get inside talk to the stuff we didn't record our interaction with the security personnel we didn't try to penetrate the base we see correspondent did the exact same thing as us it was broadcast and no one thinks that punishing him is nothing illegal and yet the story printed in the mail on sunday yesterday had the headline russian t.v. spies a court at top secret army base now first of all it's not top secret you can get its location pretty much very easily but with two clicks on the internet the art
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school also goes on to feature an academic who warns that all reporters working for russian news channels are potential spies which is a claim that frankly i find absolutely terrifying looking at it from where i am and given how tense relations between the u.k. and russia are at the moment the most suspicious thing about this reporter is that he is a russian citizen working for a russian news channel. journalist john gaunt planes coming into the program john to discuss this further. i first think john what's your reaction to this story. pantomime sees it as cold i mean he's a journalist he showed his credentials he asked some questions of the guy i mean i presume when they said he was from. on our side there were shooting walking up and down routine if you're a t.v.
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journalist i just think it's another silly russians eat our baby story and i think most normal people in britain will treat it like that it's frankly a stupid story if they'd been caught inside the place if they kids there were taken photos through the fence at the base then fair enough we do need to protect ourselves as a nation but i think it's just a journalist's disney doing a story like we would do a story in russia this is all getting a bit silly i mean you know the purcell me they've issued top level security over this russian t.v. journalist why do you think they've gone so far on this. where are the other whether it's the british army some of these leaks have no it's very convenient we've still got all this nonsense over bricks it is one of the diversions story and you're right to say that the papers are pictured out but not in a massive level not the same is a williamson the defense secretary he seems to have tried to make something out of it as well i mean the story is really journalists russian journalists monster
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a story about one of our bases that's the story did it again no good he sure is credentials yes well his credentials false no were they you reset he was obviously it's just nonsense i just don't understand why our government want to carry on with this this tit for tat nonsense it's all tied in with the script isn't it we know this is all tied in with the fact that we haven't got conclusive evidence either way and it's just part of the anti or russia rhetoric and i for one as a british citizen and frankly fed up of it frankly fed up to the back teeth of it are one jaw jaw with the russians and i'm sure most people want that rather than war war whether it's a false cold war like this or whether it's military led is just nonsense just nonsense just nobody any credit they have pointed the finger quite heavily haven't they i mean why do you think on the journalists are called spies for filming near this particular base but this russian correspondent as being. yeah what i mean the
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bottom line is if you say the b.b.c. there they were there they're obviously looking into a similar story i guess i mean you've got to see it from a i guess from the british point of view this is a c.d.'s secret as you say you can find it but there are things going on there you wouldn't necessarily want a perceived enemy like russia to know about every really be the same if there was a base in russia you wouldn't necessarily want british journalists all over there i can follow that i can understand that but this man had no entered the base illegally this man have showed his credentials this man a vast you know it and told him why he was there are really don't understand why this then he then gets portrayed as a spoiler own less of course the british government know something about this journalist they're not telling you the russians or we the british now i don't know that there was butter on the surface this is just
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a near the other silly propaganda story anti russia story and i don't think it washes with the british public which is why no one over here is that vexed about about it apart from the daily mail which of course has what it's allegiance and is now backing trees amaze bricks it betrayal deal whatever you want to call it so it's a silly story a very very serious silly story that could have serious repercussions and i think it's daft ok they are john gore thank you very much for coming in to the program to discuss this clearly john gordon photo. and the crew has just entered the international space station after a six hour flight and successful docking and so is the first mission since a failed launch almost two months ago the three person international team is headed by captain are lake kannan langkow the russian cosmonaut is the most experience
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with four flights already under his belt. he's joined by a canadian national to david and jack and americas and mclean for them is their first mission in space they were welcomed by the three already there so a proc of power for years so rayna chancellor and commander alexander the greatest who will soon head back to earth artie's marry a phenomenal witness the take off from russia's baikonur cosmodrome. now you hear the engine started working. the first space at fifty six.
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the rocket is already out in the skies will take a little bit more than six hours for the crew to dollar cuisine international space station's but today's launch is far from routine one why the thing is that so uses only new three accidents in there alone he story. never agreed fatalities would always lead into nations aborted a in nineteen seventy five eighty nine hundred eighty three in the maze two recent one happened just seven weeks ago in october during the last man flight and here's my report on why today's launch is so different and so important.
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to burst a cold started smoothly. ninety seconds into the flight something to try. to failure to full. well supported to the rocket stages of. fifty two to three hundred times the structure. below tactic. just system immediately aborted the mission until the crew capsule. instead of going to the international space station they landed in kazakhstan's and those steps hundreds of kilometers from way they had taken off just minutes earlier by couldn't alongside intense in the remote back in the nineteen fifties at the height of the cold war it was a practical necessity to hide the spaceport away from prying western eyes we're
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told so the way for people to avoid victims in case of a rocket disaster this will dinners is where they merges the capsule with two fortunate crew members landed safely. at the rescue training is part of an ability to receive before every lunch helicopters jeeps navigation systems are involved and people are and how to coordinate to find crude quickly and based on their skills saved two lives. the russian cosmonaut and american astronaut unharmed after the incident on the little blue given that they fell from a height of fifty kilometers making a steep ballistic descend on deforest many times stronger than gravity some cold days and miracle. a special commission was formed do the best to gauge what went wrong three weeks later they reached a conclusion a sensor that was supposed to detect the separation of the stagers was faulty but
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it surely the reason behind the failure was operational the action occurred due to a fault in a sensor so this could only happen at the assembly stage of the baikonur cosmodrome . in a way with this in that event to me was actually reassuring. the smart design over the so use and the incredible work of this witness who people in. can you really do every if you know i went inside. the safe is a bit small. as anytime you wish. to take part in the design. eight and a half minutes off to take you to see you this is expected to reach all of it and just six hours later to talk with the international space station they sometimes will feel much longer and. has had to
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they would like to see an end to what he called the current uncontrolled rice criticizing the military spending of its own country. sometime in the future president g. indicts together with president putin of russia will still talking about a meaningful halt to what has become a major uncontrollable arms race the u.s. spent seven hundred sixteen billion dollars this year crazy well with donald trump you just don't know his reputation over the course of the last two years in the oval office has been one of rather unpredictable behavior now in august he signed a bill for seven hundred sixteen billion dollars in pentagon spending now that is sixteen billion dollars more than in twenty eighteen but now he says military spending is crazy and throughout this time he has had no problem talking up military spending and talking up the u.s. military this is donald trump will submit a new budget to rebuild our military we will give the men and women of america's
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armed services the resources you need beautiful new planes and beautiful new equipment you've been lacking a little equipment we're going to load it up so sixteen billion dollars more than the previous year now you would think perhaps this is to fight terrorism against the rise of terrorism around the world well according to the secretary of defense actually this increase is due to russia and. china let's take a listen but we will continue to prosecute the campaign against terrorists that we're engaged in today but great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of u.s. national security we face growing threat from revisionist powers as different as china and russia or from each other nations that do seek to create a world consistent with or a for a korean models pursuing veto authority over and other nations economic diplomatic
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and security decision now trump says he doesn't want a new arms race however he did pull out of a very keen nuclear agreement when nobody was threatening to break it let's review right out of here to the agreement they should have been done years ago so people come to this and we have more money than anybody else by far we'll build it up until they come to this and when they do then we're old guard it won't stop and by the way not only will we do when it comes to china trump likes to emphasize that he and china's president xi are good friends however he's been imposing a huge number of tariffs on china and there have been a number of military drills in the south china sea furthermore you know there's also the annual nato drills right on russia's doorstep but he says he wants to get along with russia as well let's review these drills that are taking place.
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now after all this. we now see donald trump on twitter speaking up complaining about high military spending and a vision in kind of a rosy future where washington moscow and beijing walk down the yellow brick road together in peace and harmony however he could reverse himself this is donald trump and he is known to be rather unpredictable. far right parties entered a regional spanish parliament for the first time in almost forty years while the spanish socialist workers party won the majority of seats in local elections in the
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fall bryant vox party managed to bank twelve seats much to the concern of the socialist leader. there's been a real setback for the left and you with the most serious of the extreme right his interest in this new political looked world cycles and his intrade in parliament the first time this phenomenon which has been taking place in the rest of europe in the world has now reached the end to see in parliament. and at least here is the most populous region of spain in the country's third largest economy after catalonia and madrid it has high unemployment and is the main rival point in spain for migrants crossing the mediterranean the vox party is a new comer on the scene in analysts think its success could increase pressure on the spanish prime minister had to change that especially with the european elections approaching in may fear founder of the barcelona and republic think tank
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told us the rise of far right movements is not a problem isolated to spain. maybe there will not now an agreement. all right. we don't know but they are really important now because they out looking. for a sure there's a. connection. all right probably big financial. it's not just plane or in london or mormon a thing i know will. happen on me because we have. not the money should. be on elections. so. there are things through and to elect. and i think that's what happened yesterday at the beginning of the change and think that may be right but the. representations are.
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there's fresh momentum among us democrats in their efforts to probe donald trump's alleged ties to russia during the twenty sixteen presidential elections our soldiers former lawyer pleaded guilty to lying to congress about a trump tower construction project in moscow that was shelled michael cohen says he pursued the project on china's behalf in the middle of the twenty sixteen campaign trump denied any involvement saying he was too busy electioneering the russian president spokes person though has confirmed the kremlin was approached by responded by saying it didn't deal with construction work. intelligence committee chairman richard burr has said the kohen case shows you can't get away with lying to congress but. now looks at how others who lied under oath garnered far less media attention. lying is bad lying to congress is even worse lying to congress for the sake of trump well that's just unforgivable this is one more example. president's closest allies lying about their ties to
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russia and russians if you lie to us we're going to get you and the prosecutor period in the senate cohen has lied to congress and that man a foreign force like lawyers i mean literally war says these are the bad guy the real question is what will this president do michael cohen admitted he lied out of loyalty to trump about the exact length of business talks on trump's construction project in moscow some sources allegedly say he also lied about supposed payments to former model stormy daniels all because he hoped for a presidential pardon so michael cohen says he lied because he thought trump would forgive him all the best excuse let's be honest there what a tangled web we weave when first to practice to deceive but that aside let's face the facts he was hardly the first the only or probably the last elite of the past year that hasn't been a single collateral death because of the exceptional proficiency precision of
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the capabilities with unable to develop what was former cia chief john brennan the country's top counter-terror divisor at the time convincing an audience that u.s. drone strikes caused local natural damage when reports of civilian deaths were being received both by the president and intelligence services as far as the allegations of you know cia hacking into you know senate computers nothing could be further from the truth we wouldn't do that that was his side of the story on the senate spy scandal when the cia was accused of monitoring computers used by committee stuff that didn't turn out so well later forcing an apology from mr brennan and here is former n.s.a. head james clapper accounting to a senate select committee on n.s.a. spying programs does the n.s.a. collect any type of data on a millions or hundreds of millions of americans. no sir. yet he faced no
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charges for a statement he himself admitted was eroni us and even the man now in charge of the russia collusion probe former f.b.i. chief bob mueller didn't lie but at the very least supported and pushed the false narrative which led to the invasion of iraq and subsequent chaos secretary powell presented evidence last week that baghdad is field to disarm its weapons of mass destruction so what can we learn lying is bad and everyone knows it but we'll let dr house summarize truth of the human condition. everybody lies. the only parable is about what the press didn't think that the lies told by democratic administration members to a republican congress was a bad thing but they do think that lies by people who work for mr trump years ago. could be very.


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