tv News RT December 4, 2018 11:00am-11:31am EST
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right on the bank while we work on the race walker chemical lies and is going to go the road without a new treatment there intermarriage no mockers no doubt these industries are looting your distantly ignored my. mother long love even though. i'm the mother of them like we lost even this. nationwide protest in the most violent riots in paris and half a century the french government by suspending a controversial hike in the cost of fuel for six months. president from complains about an uncontrollable arms race between the us china and
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russia branding pentagon spending this crazy it comes just a few months after he washington's military budget precisely to come to moscow and beijing. and u.s. radio stations of banning the christmas classic baby it's cold outside backlash from me to activists. think there's a lot of outrage i think women are really really angry what's behind it is you know women want relief or wonder what changed there are a lot of important issues right now only we focus on songs like this and try to get it out i mean what we're paying the message that needs to is just become unhinged. good evening you're watching us internationally seven pm here in. the french
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government will suspend the controversial increase in the cost of fuel in the wake of nationwide protests you to comes off to paris witness three weeks of the worst riots in half a century. well it seems that opinion polls show that most people are favorable to those concessions given by the government and announced by the french prime minister today but as with many of them have said this is not enough and they will push for that tax reductions and it looks like the protests that was planned for this saturday will still go ahead so what did the prime minister seem total well first of all he announced a moratorium on fuel tax hike that was due to take place in a month's time in january and said that that will be suspended for six months he also announced that there would be no increases to utility bills so that's gas and electricity in the hope that will help and many working class british people who say that they just struggling to live with the high costs of living here in france
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let's take a listen now to want to. have to say both has been this fiscal measure for six months and reintroduce it onto has been discussed with. taxes with putting the nation's unity in danger well these protests have been going on for france for the last few weeks who are into this week now a move of the last few weekends there has been a lot of violence marring those protests particularly in the saturday just go on hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets and people on saturday burning cause buildings smashing in new ching shops and coups ng millions of euros of damage to different economy into the city of paris let's have a flavor now and see what's happened over the last few weeks.
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b. b. the french prime minister had also said today that you'd have to be a nazi here the wrath of the french people and he says the government has been listening to them although many of the protesters feel that this is probably too little too late and they feel that this concessions have been altered should come
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in this protest movement as i mentioned for the moment they say that the protest on saturday will still go ahead and it looks like this movement hasn't yet got the concessions from the government that it will. parish there will the so-called yellow vest riots have incurred large financial losses in some areas short profits for instance down fifty percent protesters road block blockades have cost transport companies nationwide an estimated four hundred million euros and four million euros worth of damage was done to paris on saturday alone as demonstrators ran riot smashing property across the capital. the fuel price hike has sent a man of micron's approval ratings their lowest ever level to destine one in four now approve of the french president sharply down in just a month patricia shunyo on regional councillor france's national rally party says the micron's response was horrified protesters. was actually out with the with
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the ghetto fests listening to the announcement made by the prime minister and they were appalled when they heard it they say what it think we are only throwing some peanuts and ours and thinking this is going to come or basically what the prime minister announced was the fact that they were only he was only going to temporarily halt their prized prices in fuel and this is not but they've asked hoarding they know very well when it said that it's a temporary measure that he said after six months will decide what to do after six months they will implement it six months from now we have the european elections so it would actually mean that straight after the european elections would actually make the decision whether or not to reinstill these taxes yes or no it just is just not enough and not a strong enough commitment made to the huge outcry from the french people first of all got to do with this with the terrible arrogance of my car what he didn't
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realise is actually what the yellow vests stood up for in france were very legitimate cases and that more than eighty percent listen to this more than eighty percent of the french people actually support what the yellow vests are claiming today the second problem is his great ignorance mccaw is totally not aware what is going on in real trusts outside the big cities he and his government have no elected people don't know anybody and don't know what's going on the french people are dead that spirit their purchasing power has plummeted they're being over text everywhere there is permanent mining and things are getting cheaper there. spending power is going down and taxes are going up they are fed up with it. in other news tonight donald trump says that he is confident that future talks will be held with china and russia to stop what he called the uncontrollable arms race also described u.s.
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military spending is crazy despite being the very person who increased it just a few months ago precisely to counter moscow and beijing more than has been trying to make sense of trumps me. pouring money down the pentagon hole has been one of the donald's few consistent policies and since taking office trump has been serenading the military we took care of the military like it's never been taken care of before new equipment is coming in we're going to have the strongest military we've ever had by far and hopefully will be so strong we'll never have to use it but i'm talking about tremendous defense capability offensive capability it's in space so we're going to do the space force. but now he's changing his tune he's singing i have a dream and he's talking about harmony and peace between russia china and the united states. sometime in the future president g indicts together with president putin of russia will still talking about a meaningful halt to what has become
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a major uncontrollable arms race the us spend seven hundred sixteen billion dollars this year crazy yes why spend so much money on bombs and tanks well this is for a president who just signed a bill in august for a twenty nineteen military budget of seven hundred sixteen billion dollars that's sixteen billion more than in twenty eighteen so why the increase is it to protect our citizens from terror well actually according to the pentagon it's about russia and china but we will continue to prosecute the campaign against terror that we're engaged in today but great power competition not terrorism is now the primary focus of u.s. national security no new arms race nobody wants a new cold war well if that's the case it might be smart not to pull out of the nuclear arms treaty especially one that was essential in stopping the old cold war right now to here to the agreement they should have been done years ago but still
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people come to this that we have more money than anybody else by far we'll build it up until they come to this and when they do then we'll all be barred every. head by the way. not only will we do so let's take trumpet his word and assume that he's just trying to steer a sinking ship well arms race may not exactly be the best term to describe it after all the us military budget is bigger than russia and china's combined and this year russia actually decreased its military spending not exactly an aggressive move but yet somehow they are the aggressor.
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meanwhile while travis gushing over his friendship with president xi imposing tariffs and staging military drills in the south china sea is not exactly a friendly move but u.s. policies have me some possibilities that are granted it would be very irresponsible and dangerous to the united states to seriously violated the basic norms of governing international relations and damaged by no u.s. military relations so no need to prove to a song of peace but as the donald looks brightly into the future and imagines washington last gallon beijing walking down the yellow brick road together he might want to try out a different strategy cable pop an artsy new york. ok well let's discuss this further now with. the trans national foundation for peace and future research good evening to you and from what you make of trouble here is it confusing i mean he says he wants to reduce arms around the world can with russia and china but at the same time increases his military budget and pulls out of
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a missile treaty. yeah well i mean he is known to be irrational and erratic he's no wonder say one thing one day or maybe there's a different thing in the same have to loom. and secondly what we should really be concerned about is that there is not one foreign and security and defense policy of the united states there seems to be many and that's not good for a power superpower with the power it has or with the world at least at the moment and for some time in the future now if you look into it everything of the reports that have been written the nuclear post to review the national defense strategy and the report that just came from the congress republicans and democrats about a week ago they were all argue for march more armament for the u.s. dominance of the world being
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a challenge than threatened and therefore it must are much more actually the civilian politician report is the most aggressive of the more and these reports have not been mentioned very much in the western media so i don't know where he's going to find the money if everybody including the military industrial media academic complex me mark wants more money i don't see where he's going to make those ends meet as a businessman secondly third if we look at the military expenditure of figures. very few people seem to be aware how much of a big of the united states is as yours are hinted in in the proceedings section now we're talking about military which is i think eleven times bigger than russia's four times bigger than china us now what if donald trump is now signaling that he wants to do a uni latter on design element but that's not what he's saying is they sing in
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conversations. with the other powers if he would do a unilateral disarmament this would be revolutionary but i'm not sure he would survive politically and perhaps even physically if for instance he decided to or make the plan to disarm the united states' military fifty percent or something like that so given my rights that's it for a moment sure and it also takes two or should be say three to tango because given what you've just said how would russia and china do you think react to. what he what he wants he wants you know future peace talks as me but could they really trust the u.s. given the pressure he seems to be under domestically. i think they would not mind sitting at the table talking about these things but before if if you go back to the first cold war the whole theory all the concept was build on the idea of balance and there was a rough balance between the warsaw pact letter at the time or the summit union and
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nato countries warsaw pact being between you know seventy and eighty percent of nato as military expenditures today we're talking about the figures i just mentioned and therefore if anybody should sit down and talk about everybody reducing some weapons and military expenditures the u.s. would have to go to a much longer mile than anybody else and i don't think he would get away with that given the military industrial media condemning complex of the united states so what i agree completely with donald trump and i'm glad he's saying it it's crazy it's crazy in russia it's played crazy in china it's crazy and friends it's called crazy everywhere we have far too much militarism around the world and we have one failed war after the other and human suffering that there is is is mind boggling that no but then we don't have a world revolution against this violence all over the place so granted that you
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know he said it's crazy i agree with him but then i'd like to see a strategy for how he wants to take the next step and his administration is unified behind a strategy for global reduction of the military then he would also get the lobell peace prize because that should go to only people who are reduce the military and not treat everybody else talks a lot about politics there and what about public pressure and public perception do you think that could reach a tipping point and people want just have enough and just tell the politicians look we don't want further military spending. not i mean it's a rip off of taxpayers all over the world are used to say what is it what kind of society is that in which people who do humanitarian work will have to go around and collect money door to door where's the military which is this is destroying and having wars and killing people they always get it through tax payers if you want all these wars and all these weapons go and collect money for it those who want to pay for it let them pay for it exactly as we do today with humanitarian aid but it
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is not fair to see that just say but i think the problem has grown so much that it's not fair to say that the everybody should be engaged in this i wish and i'm old enough to remember the peace movements of earlier times particularly those in the eighty's where we actually ended the cold war and it was sort of say not george w. bush or his father or wherever it was it was gorbachev would be after and it was at peace movements in east and west it was preached to the women and millions of people who walked and had suman ours and knew more than their politicians that is a situation i would like to come back to or go forward to but before we have a huge international pressure on all these countries the military industrial media academic which is a cancer on our democracies and cited will win this game and that means it could in the world's. press in one thousand on the amazon after leave it there that was john oberg director at the trans national foundation for pace of research thank you.
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what a seeking talks with russia and china trump wants to talk peace today with the taliban and the american president has asked pakistan for help with arranging that although it is a bit awkward as trump did have a big spat on twitter with pakistan's leader a few weeks ago we'll have a look at that in more detail a bit later on in the program. you know when you have all the one player in each industry and they're setting prices and there's no more market setting the price market failure and you have what happened to sell you you know you ironically the soviet union now russia is moving toward where america was the one nine hundred fifty s. with more like ike or eisenhower now you've got the current administration moving towards soviet union with behaving more like you know russia.
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would. put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. want. to go to the press which is what before three of them or can't be good. interested in the waters of the. question. again now it seems the classic christmas chuen baby these cold outside is finding itself left in the cold when it comes to festive play lists on us right stations
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because it follows a backlash from some listeners over the lyrics about a man attempting to to persuade a woman to spend the night with him critics to say it flies in the face of the me too movement their hair looks well they know no no i'm going to write very clearly that i'm going to say that i try not assume some rating fair you don't all. truck that was first recorded for the nine hundred forty nine hollywood film sheen's daughter and quickly became a hit winning. oscar and oscar the following year scores of artists have covered it since me two activists though say the lyrics normalised minute protective and coercive behavior however as to point out if those rules are applied many other songs would be dropped to baby it's cold outside is basically a date rape song i'm glad people are finally realizing this here is your annual
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reminder that baby it's cold outside is basically a date rape song they want to play baby it's cold outside because it implies rape but they can play this horrible rab music that talks about sex drugs shooting people and cetera these other holiday songs must also be removed as offensive as well i saw mommy kissin santa claus subjecting minors to soft core porn white christmas racist santa baby golddigger black male. hawkins' issue up for debate here not asking whether classic coaching is incompatible with modern but. if this is something that is creating such an uproar we can't ignore it and also maybe it's reflecting that things need to change and that . maybe maybe things have maybe christmas carols also. has to evolve with our society there are a lot of important issues right now and when we focus on songs like this and trying
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to get it out i mean we're painting a message that mates who has just become unhinged in going after these christmas songs from the one nine hundred forty s. which yes was a different era but frankly nobody nobody has cared about and so the meta movement wants to stay wants to stay current and relevant and i think that we need to focus on the main issues the biggest issues and stay away maybe from some of the lesser things like some of these christmas songs i think there's a lot of outrage i think women are really really angry the argument that maybe this is a little bit overkill. i think you have to look at that and see kind of what is behind that and what's behind it is you know women want relief women who want change women want their voices heard been reading into the lyrics of the song and also some some of. it is have been i've been reading about this it's very interesting to see the different take small as you said it's really a question of interpretation is that it could be taken in different ways i mean i think if you're. a survivor of rape you're going to interpret it that way as
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a date rape song i think most people are going to study that it's from the one nine hundred forty s. and you know you could make an argument this is that this is a woman who several to celebrating for the actuality and it's really a flirting again and i missed it and i understand our diets and i do understand both sides of this argument i just see really the need to focus on on some of the bigger issues i understand that they're women that are survivors of rape and i do understand the argument i understand the side where we have to look at everything we have to. i understand because it's way if women are truly angry about this and then there must be something to it but at the same time you know i want to see a woman who can who can stand strong who can look at this and say you know what that's not going to bother me i know what my boundaries are i know when to leave for me i feel like it's almost a step back to see all this rage and anger of that i want to see women going you know what we recognize the cultural differences are back that in those in that time that that kind of sucks for back then but then we are we are now and we're going to
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have a voice. pakistan says that donald trump is asking it to help with peace talks with taliban militants in a bid to end the seventeen year war in neighboring afghanistan although it does come just two weeks after trumping the twitches spat with pakistan's leader where he threatened to cut aid to the country that of course it is more. if you only listen to what president trump says about pakistan you might think the country is a haven for terrorists one that at the same time is soaking up aid money from uncle sam we can no longer be silent about pakistan's safe havens for terrorist organizations because they don't do anything for us to do good damned thing for us but no longer paying one point three billion the fact is that we're paying them not because that's what they've done to help us nothing so it comes as a bit of a surprise that it's now the u.s. asking for help from islamic baad but it's not the kind of help that comes in the form of a check but help in resolving the u.s.
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is seventeen year war on terror in neighboring afghanistan now trumper he sent a letter to the prime minister which judging by pakistan's reaction was very cordial he's emphasized that pakistan and the usa should explore opportunities to work together and renew their partnership and now the u.s. envoy responsible for bringing the war to a close is taking a trip to pakistan now this politics of flip flopping might seem strange but it's not the first time. u.s. foreign policy has contradicted itself when it comes to pakistan washington already tried to mend ties back in september when secretary of state mike pompei o flew to islam a bud i hope we can turn the page and begin to make progress he even proclaimed the u.s. needs pakistan we need pakistan to seriously engaged to help us to get the reconciliation we need in afghanistan but that statement came amidst us threats to yet again
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cancel aides to the country confused well you're not alone i do the americans from above this. isn't a three x. then normal baucus on that i know all this. much. because you can't invoke a song but if. so when do you. see starbuck somehow in sequence but. with the plane good us bad us hasn't done much for peace in afghanistan where the taliban washington's sworn enemy is on the rise despite talks and peace conferences in moscow in geneva this year no concrete solutions have surfaced neither with the u.s. the afghanistan government or the taliban coming to the same table mistrust and inconsistency is the name of the game in this conflict and the us a stance on pakistan is no
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exception. and that is how the news is looking safe asa day here in r.c. we're back again with bad lines and more stories in just over half an hour. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would prefer it be in the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people is terrifying the is just
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no way to parent and that we're even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want to that's going to give them peace that's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. join me every thursday on the alex sullivan show and i was waiting to get off of the world of politics sports business i'm show business i'll see that. plan my studies are this is the kaiser report to show you simply can't look away.
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how do you of course not look the way for the past few years you would have known this long before bloomberg wrote this headline from jonathan tepper competition is dying and taking capitalism with it we need a revolution to cast off monopolies and restore entrepreneurial freedom first of two excerpts from the myth of capitalism so this guy jonathan tapper starts with that story of remember that guy who got dragged off that united airlines flight and it was a huge scandal in the news and tabloid press and everybody looks likely the new yorker did a cover story on it and they show the guy being dragged off into space it looks exactly like me look it up on search the story on the new yorker magazine you'll see my face but in the olden days that would have caused the shares of the company to fall. in fact research analysts dismissed the incident saying quote consumers might not have much choice but to fly united airlines due to airline
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consolidation which has reduced competition over most routes on my new sites healthfully explained what had happened with headlines like quote airlines can treat you like garbage because they are an old galbally once investors started focusing on unite as dominant market position the stock price in fact went up so that's true i mean you have concentration in the corporate. like robber baron like concentration that we haven't seen in over a hundred years in america and it was brought about as we've been saying on the show for a while but the ease of money from the fed that allows you to buy up your competition for no money when jeff bezos bought a whole foods it was a multi-billion dollar acquisition his stock price went up because his cost of funding was zero so as a creative everything that whole foods is making went right to the bottom line there was no cost whatsoever associated with that so there's no cost for mergers and acquisitions and is zero interest rate world and yet you know milton friedman you seventy.
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