tv News RT December 4, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EST
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reject them so. the final go round listen to the one person. can all middle of the room sit. in the real news room. in light of these facts the united states today declares that it's been russia in material breach of the treaty and will suspend the applications as a remedy effective in sixty days unless russia returns to full. compliance with the us issues and ultimatum threatening washington will pull out of a core cold war era treaty in sixty days or less russia compliance with its terms
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also insists is not being in breach. after nationwide protests on the most violent riots in paris in half a century the french government by suspending a controversial hike in the cost of fuel for six months also to come. u.s. radio stations are banning the christmas classic baby it's cold outside after a backlash from me to activists all guests debate the issue. i think there's a lot of outrage i think women are really really angry what's behind it is you know women want relief or wonder what change there are a lot of important issues right now and when we we focus on songs like this and try to get it out i mean we're painting a message that means who has just become unhinged.
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it's ten o'clock am in moscow and you're watching all to international live from a studio with me. welcome to the program the u.s. secretary of state has issued an ultimatum to russia over its perceived a violation of a core nuclear missile treaty the i and. i did these facts the united states today declares you to spend russia in material breach of the treaty and will suspend our obligations as a remedy effective in sixty days unless russia returns to full and verifiable compliance. let's cross live to. bring us up to speed with this announcement and what it means and how russia has responded it seems like a pretty clear all to made up now we have heard the nato chief speak up and urge russia to move into compliance with the i.n.f.
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treaty so that this this important and vital agreement that was key in ending the cold war can be maintained this is what we heard from stoltenberg so russia non-hospital last chance to come back into compliance with the irony of cheating but we must also have to prepare for that without the three. now at this point the united states is accused russia of violating the i.n.f. treaty that's the intermediate nuclear forces treaty however russia says that it has been in compliance all along this is what we've heard from the leader of the united states and from the leader of russia. the arms race is getting out of control where you know it's an issue at this time the fence as you know it was not we just pulled out of the antiballistic missile treaty russia has developed and developing the stabilizing weapon systems for more than
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a decade in direct violation of its treaty obligations and we could be sure we respond to the threats that confronted us were moving forward to modernize our nuclear arsenal and ensure that our capabilities were made and i matched we will never allow anybody to have anything even close to what we have used it for american people and the next. we will give an immediate and reciprocal response. now it's important to point out that the i.n.f. treaty which was key in ending the cold war it bans short to intermediate range nuclear weapons basically bans countries from developing those forms of nuclear weapons this agreement was reached between the united states and russia and that agreement that agreement is very key however it's important to note that russia and the united states are quite far from each other and neither one of them would be in
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range of a short or intermediate nuclear missile and if you look at the countries that would be in danger if there were to be a new arms race involving short and intermediate range missiles it's not the united states or russia but rather it's the european union allies there's been quite a strong reaction to the potential ending of the i.n.f. treaty from e.u. countries let's take a listen. regret the withdrawal announced by the us we see this treaty as a very important arms control instrument and something that also serves european interests and therefore also german interests to this the announcement by the us that it's going to withdraw from the i.m.f. accord is regrettable the i.n.f. agreement has been important pillar of our european security architecture for thirty years for us in europe it's of great importance we call on the us to consider the possible consequences if u.s. and russia need to remain engaged in constructive dialogue to preserve the treaty
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and to ensure. to ensure its cool and verifiable implementation which of course is crucial for europe's and global security that it's important to note that just roughly twenty four hours before this announcement we had donald trump on twitter talking about the danger of an uncontrollable arm race and bemoaning the huge amount of money spent on the military of the united states so it seems that once again the white house and the trumpet ministration overall is giving mixed messages. caleb maupin there reporting from thanks kyra. the french government will suspend a controversial increase in the cost of fuel in the wake of nationwide protests the turn comes after pass when it's three weeks of the worst riots in hof a century. well it seems that opinion polls show that most people are favorable to those concessions given by the government and announced by the french prime
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minister today but as with many of them have said this is not enough and they will push for further tax reductions and it looks like the protest that was planned for this saturday will still go ahead so what did the prime minister announced in total well first of all he announced a moratorium on fuel tax hike that was due to take place in a month's time in january and said that that would be suspended for six months he also announced that there would be no increases to utility bills so that's gas and electricity in the hope that will help and many working class british people who say that they just struggling to live with the high costs of living here in france let's take a listen now to want to really say oh she's been this fiscal measure for six months and introduce it until it's been discussed. is worth putting the nation's unity in danger well these protests have been going on for france for the last few weeks
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we're into this week now the last two weekends there has been a lot of violence moring those protests particularly in the saturday just go on hundreds of thousands of people out on the streets and people on saturday burning cause buildings smashing in new ching shops and coups ng millions of damage different economy into the city of paris let's have a flavor now and see what's happened over the last few weeks oh. oh. please.
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i. think. the french prime minister had also said today that you'd have to be day nazi here the wrath of the french people and he says the government has been listening to them although many of the protesters feel that this is probably too little too late and they feel that this concessions that mean that she didn't come in this protest movement as i mentioned for the moment they say that the protest on saturday will still go ahead and it looks like this movement hasn't yet got the concessions from the government that it will it's. the so-called yellow vest riots have incurred large financial losses in some areas shall profits for instance are down fifty
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percent protestors road blockades have cost transport companies nationwide an estimated four hundred million euros and four million euros worth of damage was done to paris on saturday alone as demonstrators ran riot smashing property across the capital. fury the feel price hike has sentimental micron's approval ratings to their lowest ever as one in four now approve of the french president sharply down in just a month. a regional council to france's national valley party says my response has horrified protesters. i was actually out with the usual asian with yellow firsts listening to the announcement made by the prime minister and they were appalled when they heard it they say what it thinks we are only throwing some peanuts and ours and thinking this is going to come are basically what the prime minister announced was the fact that they were only he was only going to temporarily halt
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their prized prices in fuel and this is not what they've asked hoarding they know very well when it said that it's a temporary measure that he said after six months we will decide what to do after six months they will try to implement it six months from now we have the european elections so it would actually mean that straight after the european elections micro-grid actually make the decision whether or not to reinstill these taxes yes or no just is just not enough and not a strong enough commitment made to the huge outcry from the french people first of all got to do with this with the terrible arrogance of my car what he didn't realise is actually what the yellow vests stood up for in france were very legitimate cases and that more than eighty percent listen to this more than eighty percent of the french people actually support what the yellow vests are claiming today the second problem is his great ignorance mccaw is totally not aware what is going on in real trusts outside the big cities he and his government
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have no elected people don't know anybody and don't know what's going on the french people are dead that's part their purchasing power has plummeted they're being over text everywhere there is. finally and things are getting cheaper their spending power is going down and taxes are going up they are fed up with it. it seems the classic christmas cheer and baby it's cold outside is finding itself left out in the cold when it comes to festive playlists song us radio stations it follows a backlash from some listeners over the lyrics about a man. attempting to persuade a woman to spend the night with him critics say it flies in the face of the me too with mint. looks well no no no. i'm going to say that i. really don't.
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the child was first recorded for the nine hundred forty nine hollywood film neptune's daughter and quickly became a hit winning the last of the following year scores of artists have covered it since me too activists say the lyrics normalised manipulative and coercive behavior however others point out if those rules are applied many other songs would be dropped to. baby it's cold outside is basically a date rape song i'm glad people are finally realizing this here is your annual reminder that baby it's cold outside is basically a date rape song they want to play baby it's cold outside because it implies rape but they can play this horrible rag music that talks about sex drugs shooting people and such or these other holiday songs must also be removed as our fancy for as well i saw mommy q since santa claus subjected mourners to soft core porn white christmas racist santa baby golddigger black male. my colleague daniel
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holkins put the issue up for debate asking whether classic culture is incompatible with modern values if this is something that is creating such an uproar we can't ignore it and also maybe it's reflecting that things need to change and that . maybe maybe things have maybe christmas carols also. has to evolve with our society there are a lot of important issues right now and when we focus on songs like this and trying to get it out i mean we're painting a message that mates who has just become unhinged in going after these christmas songs from the one nine hundred forty s. which yes was a different era but frankly nobody nobody has cared about and so the meter movement wants to stay wants to stay current and relevant and i think that we need to focus on the main issues the biggest issues and stay away maybe from some of the lesser things like some of these christmas songs i think there's a lot of outrage i think women are really really angry the argument that maybe this is a little bit overkill. i think you have to look at that and see kind of what is behind
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that and what's behind it is you know women want relief women who want change women want their voices heard been reading into the lyrics of the song and also some some of. it is have been i've been reading about this it's very interesting to see the different takes money as you said it's really a question of interpretation is that it can be taken in different ways i mean i think if you're. a survivor of rape you're going to interpret it that way as a date rape song i think most people are going to study that it's from the one nine hundred forty s. and you know you could make an argument this is that this is a woman who several to celebrating for the actuality and it's really a flirting again and i honestly do and i understand our diets and i do understand both sides of this argument i just see really the need to focus on on some of the bigger issues i understand that they're women that are survivors of rape and i do understand the argument i understand the side where we have to look at everything we have to. i understand because it's some way if women are truly angry about this
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and then there must be something to it but at the same time you know i want to see a woman who can and who can stand strong who can look at the song and say you know what that's not going to bother me i know what my boundaries are i know when to leave for me i feel like it's almost a step back to see all this rage and anger over that i want to see women going you know what we recognize the cultural differences are back that in those in that time that that kind of sucks for back then but thank god we are where we are now and we're going to have a voice and tech giant microsoft admits it's all end when it comes to supplying the pentagon with technology. we want silicon valley to know just how ethical and honorable a tradition the military is. the president of a multinational is pledging to hand over its latest know how to the u.s. military despite resistance from employees this story i will after a quick break. you
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know world of big. and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that made stream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. is over one trillion dollars in debt more than terms like color orange county each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long for the old bridge eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise when it's yours. come with four hundred five hundred three
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persnickety for sure get them pick one rose to twenty thousand dollars. china's building two point one billion dollars ai industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember it was one you know for a minute the one can only. come back to the program the boss of microsoft says his company will supply the u.s. army with all the technology it needs the decision was taken even though some of the tech giants employees have expressed concern. we're going to provide the u.s. military with access to the best technology to all the technology we create full stop we have to win people's hearts and minds we want silicon valley to know just how ethical in our noble tradition the military has many microsoft employees don't
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believe that what we build should be used for waging war when we decided to work at microsoft we were doing so in the hopes of empowering every person on the planet to achieve more not with the intent of ending lives and hansing lethality. microsoft won a four hundred eighty million dollars u.s. army contract to provide or granted to reality systems it's also bidding for a controversial pentagon deal called. the joint enterprise defense infrastructure cloud is expected to cost ten billion dollars it will be part of the u.s. defense department's efforts to upgrade its i.t. systems but microsoft is not the only one competing for that lucrative contract. amazon also has its sights on the jet ideal google was in the running but dropped out saying the contract would be inconsistent with its principles technology analyst roger cable leaves
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a lucrative contract so microsoft outweigh the concerns of its employees. it is interesting that you value which is one of the younger culture or sort of all lyme tear on the grossest sort of studiousness it out at the old things and certainly some of what this is a is directed at existing employees i think the message from them is pretty much we're going to be an important part of our portfolio and we intend you bond with if you have an issue with that we may decide to do something about that but i also think it's important to understand that knowledge terry and technology. and. technology the ever since the dawn of time is part of what military activity is all about gaining technological edge when you're out and no. it's not at all surprising to find the technology industry engaged with the military here and in other
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countries as well. pakistan says donald trump is asking it to help in place talks with taliban militants in a bid to end the seventeen year war in neighboring afghanistan but a callous just to leaves out a trunk and caved in a twitter spat with pakistan's leader by his federal to cut aid to the country has done a quarter takes a closer look at the unpredictable relations between the two nations if you only listen to what president trump says about pakistan you might think the country as a haven for terrorists one that at the same time is soaking up aid money from uncle sam we can no longer be silent about pakistan's safe havens for terrorist organizations because they don't do. anything for us to do good damn thing for us but no longer paying one point three billion the fact is that one thing that nothing because that's what they've done to help us nothing so it comes as a bit of a surprise that it's now the us asking for help from islamic bod but it's not the
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kind of help that comes in the form of a check but help in resolving the us is seventeen year war on terror in neighboring afghanistan now trump already sent a letter to the prime minister which judging by pakistan's reaction was very cordial he's emphasized that pakistan and the usa should explore opportunities to work together and renew their partnership and now the u.s. envoy responsible for bringing the war to a close is taking a trip to pakistan now this politics of flip flopping might seem strange but it's not the first time u.s. foreign policy has contradicted itself when it comes to pakistan washington already tried to mend ties back in september when secretary of state mike pompei o flew to islam a bud i hope we can turn the page and begin to make progress even proclaimed the u.s. needs pakistan we need pakistan to seriously engaged to help us to get the reconciliation
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we need in afghanistan but that statement came amidst u.s. threats to yet again cancel aides to the country confused well you're not alone i do the americans from both distance this isn't a three x. then normal baucus and i know all this. much. because intel going by its own but if. so when do you. see starbucks and how is the sequence but. i have. to make. plain good u.s. bad u.s. hasn't done much for peace in afghanistan where the taliban washington's sworn enemy. is on the rise despite talks and peace conferences in moscow in geneva this year no concrete solutions have surfaced neither with the u.s. the afghanistan government or the taliban coming to the same table mistrust and
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inconsistency is the name of the game in this conflict and the u.s. a stance on pakistan is no exception. check out our website if you've got time it's called the next. it's. join me every thursday on the alex salmond show and i'll be speaking to guest of the world of politics small business i'm show business i'll see you then.
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responding in this hour the need. your mother has been authorized to hold the bag or buy again guardian goes on jolly. ya's this diagram i did a lot of park a thing i'm going to employ is going to go to a break. from which i got older and hear about it the most almost the whole cd i mean look if you get a thump and you know has a funny because you don't love me well you. get out of order. and write down the bank or if you work on the base walk or chemical lies and as our this is going to go he would develop a new treatment there international market know that these industries out of polluting your dissenting ignored your money that model number of even those and when we lost a mother of one like me that we lost even this. you
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know when you have all the one player in each industry and they're setting prices and there's no more market setting the prize you have market failure and you have what happened to sell you that you need a ironically the soviet union now russia is moving toward where america was the one nine hundred fifty s. with more like ike or eisenhower and i've got the current administration moving towards soviet union with behaving more like you know russia. the maturity town the slums go in and you may never get out some sort of. my teenage gang rules here. who want to remove. the my
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certainly lots of em in last weeks and that is definitely definitely without a doubt the biggest here in the west of course. obviously the end of the president the united states george herbert walker bush which i'm old sure you're all aware of by now given the almost constant reverence and historical legacy whitewashing them that it's been pretty much on display around the clock since the former director of the central intelligence agency passed away on friday nov thirtieth clearly clearly all of the political pundits talking heads and political leaders here in the washington they yearn for those better days when our president wasn't just controlled by the intelligence and military communities but was literally a former member. but the end of forty one the political dynasties of yesteryear wasn't the only ends we saw this weekend in politics as we we also witnessed this year's g twenty summit come to a close on saturday december the first going in this year's g twenty was
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a doozy on the international intrigue front with many questions awaiting to be answered like with the trade war between the united states and china escalator cooled down after u.s. president battled trump got in the same room where chinese secretary general secretaries easing being how would saudi the other question table how would saudi arabia's crown prince mama been solomon be received by as a world leaders with the catastrophic war in yemen the murder of journalist jamal khashoggi hanging over the prince's head would ukraine cloud russian president vladimir putin's time at the summit lots and lots and lots of questions with this summit and most importantly most importantly. who would everyone be wearing. so today ladies and gentlemen let's examine the fall out and future of the political world as we scale the g. twenty summit and start watching the hawks. treat it like. it's good. to see.
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what they like you know that i got. to. well remember on the watching the dark side. and time to have it all us and joining us today to help us bring some clarity and understanding today g. twenty aftermath is r.t. america correspondent there in montecito and the host of new zealand's hugh the one and only scotty you know him thank you so much for joining us today thanks for having us scottie you know we talked before you left for the summit when you were preparing to go on your g. twenty adventure and what a serious you know.
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