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tv   Going Underground  RT  December 5, 2018 2:30pm-2:54pm EST

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it's so regardless of the of the martial law of the bars because now put in place the banning of sixteen to sixty year old what about all the cease fire violations will. cease fire violations and this is just what the o.e.c.d. puts out in their reports every day they know everybody here knows that this is an ongoing war it's the western media that tries to play this situation down this isn't it's not it is heated and it is heavy as it was in two thousand and fourteen or two thousand and fifteen but there is shelling every day just last night. a ukrainian. heavy caliber machine gun opened fire on a civilian area and damage to homes with you know we have no way of verifying that but i understand you've also witnessed drone strikes yes in the last
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two months ukraine has been increasing its usage of drones not only for reconnaissance bud's actual combat as well and we're not necessarily talking about military grade drones we're talking about drones consumer drones that you buy you can buy it in any mall and they're attaching. mortars and even. a little chemical balls that when they impact on something the two chemicals combine and create something like napalm and just about ten days ago i was in a position where i was recording a home that had been hit by a grenade that was dropped from a ukrainian drone in the her home burned down now it was in a suburb of donetsk their mccallum and while we were there another drone came and we. we did our best to hide from it so the pilot couldn't see it so he wouldn't
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drop whatever the payload was at the time on us but we were able to get in some sort of a covering and just outside of it is they dropped one of those basically improvised fire balls that i referred to and. luckily everybody that was there was safe but this is the kind of thing that ukraine is doing on a regular basis is attacking these both civilian areas and military areas with these drones and it's not just speculation there are ukrainian offers officers that have released videos on social media documenting what they do. when they release these weapons from these drones a video showing them doing it and it's a clear break of the main tiger events but they know there won't be any type of
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international. punishment so they they don't they're not even trying to hide the fact that they're breaking the mixed agreements even mainstream media here is covered the neo nazi context in kiev supporting oversee the coup the book. but on this sixteen to sixty age group of all males being banned from ukraine do you think that if they had said. the russians between the ages sixty and sixty but jewish people or people of color or people between the ages of sixteen and sixteen the world might have been a bit more shocked by that ban this band of sixteen a sixty year olds is just the. ridiculous i mean there's no way that the international community should allow that to to stay in place and the truth needs to come out that the people that are fighting here in the don't yet skin lugansk people's republic these are locals these people have grown up here their parents have been here their grandparents are from here every person that lives in down yet
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. every family has a family member or a family friend that has either been injured or killed in this war. for the western media to say it's russian aggression and you know the are russian is totally a blame for all this it's just just not factual because it is the people here that want their freedom if courage is a conspiracy you suggest you expect it to work for poroshenko that he wants to join the european union he could somehow get martial law and elections in four months time and still manage to join up all these the western institutions. well as any as we already see it it's already working he's getting aid already and as far as the election goes now he has the power to.
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change it to change the dates or stop the elections and it's interesting if someone looks at a map of the the areas that he's put martial law into effect in ukraine these are all of the pro russian areas in the areas that either. did not vote in the two thousand and fourteen election because they were part of their own new country don't yet people's republic or that. pershing last these areas that he. laws are the areas of ukraine that are the most against him and even the other areas are not for perishing so if he if this election is allowed to continue he will not be elected again and now with this martial law he has the ability to stay in power over here in britain there's been a lot of publicity about a foreign office funded initiative to counteract information that is perceived to
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support the russian to vote in ukraine you presume he would make it difficult for you but you do humanitarian work yourself besides the so-called british humanitarian aid that is given to ukraine yes i mean there's always these. basically propaganda in every country there is there is and right now those strongest part is going against the truth that is here in ukraine and in the den yes you people people's republic as i've been here for over four years now i've seen the hardship that the civilian population is under go in here year after year and i've done what i can to try to help the situation in some of their lives actually in the last four years myself and my team here and and yes and they're outdone by us have given out over fifty tons of aid to different villages
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along the front line the villages that sometimes already for four years don't have electric gas or water and we've done what we can to help them have a little bit of a better life right now or actually. it's a very good new moment for you humanitarian aid actions people now really have the chance to make a difference to be. those lives here and done by us we can make a lot of people's christmas and new years is really good in without us they wouldn't have the chance to because many of the people on the front line don't have jobs they don't have water or food or anything they just some are living in bomb shelters will last for years to thank you thank you. after the break. liberal hypocrisy in mainstream media bias with one of meet your advisory board concerns
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about the contents of journalism i'll be releasing the full on that's up to date as of this week's top stories that. continue. going up a but going on the. show seems wrong. to me that he's yet to shape out these days. and it. equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. the way to the united states is dangerous for most of the illegal immigrants.
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simple. many of them look for refuge in the so-called sentry sides of the drifter used to share information about undocumented migrants with federal authorities. banned. to stay in the country with donald trump in the. movie. the. both of you have to do with multiple. welcome back joins me now to go through some of the week's top stories as a journalist and writer for the u.k.'s leading independent news site the canary
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steve steve thanks for coming back forget today's carbon emissions at the end of the guardian off the falls wiki leaks allegations christmas poverty and the. work and surely not this is you guys causing trouble in my absence the rug tweeted just when you thought they couldn't think the level of putin's puppets make another appearance of march today thanks to our policies they are all children of working parents and ever before boosting their life chances this critically makes a good point actually well she makes a lot of people because they're more chill with working parents before two point six eight million of children that are in poverty are in working households and of course shelter protect the data six thousand children will be homeless and with and without a commendation this christmas well let's go to the french revolution in the jest so the rough translation of this headline is the power of the people or the idea of the life republican this is of course the ongoing story of the yellow vest protests in france and paris specifically his have been some concessions made for macronutrients record this apparently the letter was given up but yes he's gone.
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this trip to serbia today. apparently matt brown has agreed to the fuel tax rise of diesel to be postponed given the sum of concessions of these protesters where three people have died there's been numerous injuries and they've been going on for weeks however of course for the protesters and for political leaders in france this isn't enough of the fuel tax rises to be scrapped completely while i find fascinating about the stories of the protests of say in the far right the far left and the case sort of centuries all come together against macro and. they've broadened down to if you like these protests is more general just consents when with the french president and i'm watching this i'm thinking you would look to the centrist. lead the country and you wonder why all this is happening but micro he said this foreign ministers to brussels with nato meetings us but it is doing their bit this nice is fascinating this is a fascinating fall you know obviously. mission essential is accepting applications
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for linguists candidates to speak ukrainian to provide foreign language interpretation exactly exactly exactly so the un trying. to the un trying to. this looks like a fascinating job and not least as you pointed out and have the ability to deal in conspicuously with the local populace if necessary if this is still spying. it doesn't have a nation israel well pull it classified contingency operations and deal in combat rose up of course but the thing is the us involvement in ukraine has been contentious from the start of the situation russia the minutes after ukrainian ships entered russian waters and the shenanigans around that for me this just fades into this constance over that follows western narrative i mean the pinnacle of this is of course the ongoing claims that russia annexed crimea not russia when in the request of the prime minister of crimea in twenty four the leader not to say that there's going to be real news because there are meetings of opec in vienna tomorrow
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indeed now this is a fascinating story. focus on gas it's swipe at riyadh and so the story here for me isn't qatar leaving it's what's going on between saudi arabia russia and the u.s. in fact that america's source we've seen the process of all drop by thirty percent in the past two months and the three countries i mentioned are all kind of making moves which are in their interest to saudi arabia commonly are saying they want production to slow down to stabilize your price you've got trouble going no no no no no we want the duction to keep increasing because bear in mind russia saudi and u.s. are at record levels of production at the minute u.s. of a b. if they're in the export as they should have better higher prices it's good for america well if this is not this plays out and of course there's no going i would want more production more production more production because he wants to offer tax right to american citizens and then you've got russia sort of caught the middle of this but like i said it's very interesting because we've been here before you'll remember in twenty fifteen only twenty six in the all wars that went on between saudi arabia and the us because saudi arabia is feeling threatened by the fracking
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boom that's happening in the us and the price nearly twenty dollars a barrel which is so record lows at that time and i think what we're starting to see now is a return to this guy in these. energy wars if you like but with the trumpet instruction now in charge i mean anything's possible he's already saying that he's thinking of changing and you trust laws in the us to have to take legal action against opec companies if they fail to basically do what he said so watch this space on the story i think we've got very interested i mean oil jeremy corbyn ords on the rebranding the if you go to take a punt has he been this wasn't really covered in the television or any dominoes it's very interesting so that communist maniac jeremy corbyn has left wing friends . lopez obrador so. they reunited in mexico this is of course called him going to the inauguration of attended by mike pence as well the u.s. vice president is running just as well as a commie vice president of the durham yes yes yes of course this is a fascinating story because of course we have this from the times and while they
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are not explicit this is obviously more of the same kind of this bad left wing narrative that's corbin's tagging up with these mad socialist countries and there's a story about daniel finkelstein i think about corbin's protesting about chile in the sixty's which is influences thinking today and it's this constant narratives according to some sort of manical communist when in fact we all know his policies are really very democratically socialist and more of the nordic models the robot searchers from people's well i couldn't possibly comment what's more interesting as well about this and it should have been reported more is that gordon appears to be making sort of trade moves as well at the minute is he predicting there's going to be a german election is he putting feelers out geopolitically at the minute it's him watch this space and see i think if trouble thank you. well jeremy corbett in mexico has been talking trade with them a little push directed impose nafta and like corbin donald trump has been critical of both tourism is brics its plans and nafta which he is to replace on twitter he
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said the terrible nafta will soon be gone but when he's not tooting about trade deals he's recommended books and one in particular mad politics keeping your sanity in a world gone crazy. by dr jean aloud and a member of the president's media advisory board she joins me now from palm beach in florida gina thanks so much for coming on the president tweeted i am certain that at some time in the future president xi united together with president putin of russia will start talking about a meaningful hold to what has become a major long comfortable arms race the u.s. spent seven hundred sixteen billion dollars this year crazy do you think that away from the kind of stuff your mainstream media is talking about there are big themes in america right now being discussed at the white house i absolutely do this president is a problem solver he didn't run for office you know because he needed money or attention or something to do with his life or to feel important and i think that's why a lot of us who got on board with him really early did so i wanted to be sure of what
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i was doing because it didn't make sense to me why this billionaire who had the world by the tail would want to spend his golden years you know as president of the united states he didn't need it i wanted to see that in him and the moment that changed me as i wrote my book mad politics is the moment that i saw him stay after the debate in las vegas and let every single citizen journalist interview him and instead of just walking out like the rest of them did after maybe the big three to six networks interview them right they were done they were going home for the night he stayed ok but how do you keep your sanity i mean then the book is about that when say there's a british newspaper here the guardian that why do you seem to have discredited itself by saying that trump's former campaign sheeple mother met with julian assange in london a story that has been denied over and over again how does this book help you keep your sanity in a world gone crazy that well i think for those of us who can discern fact from fiction i think that's
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a really important part and that's what most of us spend our days doing now as we sift through the news there are advantages to that i think some of the advantages are we're a smarter more well informed electorate. then we ever have been in history i think we know what's going on in ways that voters really have never known before and the president tweeting people say to me all the time do you think the president should stop tweeting and i always say heavens no that's his news outlet that's how he communicates directly with his base and whether you agree with him or not you have to admit that we you have to do a lot more thinking since this president has become president you want to know more you want to know who's lying and you want to know who's telling the truth and i think it's made us smarter that way but i always say to people and i wrote this in the book mad politics if you're feeling like the world is as crazy as the news media is telling you remember that they're trying to get eyeballs and ears because there's so much more competition in media today so they're going to write some salacious headlines that are just frankly going to be fiction so remember that
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number one but number two go out into any grocery market or or church or workplace or just in your street your local town and you'll see people of all races and all ethnicities and all religions and all political persuasions by the way walking talking and working together that's the real society we have right now and that's very promising to me you're living in california you can california kind of to the to the soviet union really so that your neighbors have a sort of law is a liberal laws you mention and they'll say to conserve water won't serve it at restaurants you have to us for it whilst wasting billions of gallons of water in the ocean yeah that's exactly true that the hypocrisy in the government and the way it preys on the people the way it taxes them in insidious in secretive ways is driving people in droves out of california california has gone very far down the
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road to socialism at this point and i don't think that most californians would deny that whether they're in favor of it or not but yeah things like the while. fires that we've seen widely reported on your network those wildfires fires in california because there is no water infrastructure it has not been revamped since the nineteen seventies one nine hundred seventy s. i think you'll find most socialist would say they're not socialist the new liberals which is the real problem i know you term it socialism every time surely the point is john is doing exactly what hillary clinton would do and that's the pelosi but at the same time telling the public he doesn't want to be doing it general motors is he really helping factories is he really helping the rust belt that he said he would at the inauguration well i think the thing that you have to understand about the president is the economic impact he's had already i mean we're talking about millions of jobs for u.s. citizens that they didn't have before so the answer to your question is absolutely
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yes we're looking at record unemployment across every minority group you know the democrats on the left they always want to talk about what they're going to do for the little man but it's the president and the republicans who have stepped up and actually created a job environment that is favoring the person who had no job and who was destitute now that guy has a job we have a government that says that here but it turns out all those jobs are low skilled zero hour jobs because the tax cuts have been for the rich and money was it disproportionately people of color and women or the poor that's not so actually the tax cuts have been straight across the board and you know you're seeing you know people who are working in factories with a summer vacation they haven't been advised of they really they really haven't been across the board i have to say just finally and briefly are you attack big pharma companies yeah i do i speak very honestly and very candidly about organizations and lobbies in the united states that are very corrupt and have been allowed to
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function as a sin as a system for all of these years and all the politicians republican and democrat just turn their head look the other way why because they're big. donors to campaigns this president doesn't care he can be above those big donors because he doesn't need them and i think that that is part of the reason why we've seen the progress that we've seen and we will see more there's also his work on the opioids he's addressing this head on as you've seen and so there are a lot of things that i've discussed with him that i don't discuss publicly that i know he is very tuned in and he very well understands what's happening in this country and plans to address all of it dr jean allowed thank you and that's it for the show will be back on saturday with new revelations about the death of saudi u.s. journalist. in istanbul because this week when al qaeda operative recruited by a sex until then people that's why social media they said yesterday f.b.i. wanted to dive the imperialists told john lennon was shot dead in new york city.
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join me every thursday on the alex simon show and i'll be speaking to us of the world of politics or business i'm show business i'll see you then. who. who who.
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russia won't see the survival of a key cold war on the streets he says trying security adviser says america's top diplomat issues a sixty day old from a time to moscow. friends protest as well as that anger over what they call problems often.


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