tv Keiser Report RT December 6, 2018 5:30am-6:01am EST
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and is about to count it because it came before the last two big recessions and collapses and we also did see the g. twenty we're going to get to that in the next episode it's all about he said i trump she said obviously the head of china so we're going to however look at it a theme that we've been talking about and this is the cantillon effect all the money printing and the inequality rising around the world and the neo liberal economics causing unrest global insurrection against banker occupation this week pamela anderson stunned the world with a series of tweets about what she was observing from the ground in france and she said i despise violence but what is the violence of all of these people and burned luxury cars compared to the structural violence of the french and global. structural violence of the global elites she must be referring to neo liberal
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money printing practices that don't create immediate violent impact but it's more of a deferred violence you know all these bank executives get deferred prosecution as well as deferred bonuses and now we have deferred violence the violence is deferred so they create as the protesters in france are saying their purchasing power has diminished because all this money printing that's going on and you mention the cantillon effect that money printing in rich as the people on abu faucheux in paris and shows little is a in paris and those people who are working doing blue collar jobs they're purchasing power is eroded and so they have according to pamela anderson figured out that this is a structurally violent system that they need to address with the quid pro quo violence for violence yes the violence of the cantillon effect is that all that free my. we've printed and we've printed trillions from the e.c.b.
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the bank of japan the united states federal reserve bank the bank of england they've printed loads and loads and loads of money given it to bankers who then get free money with an income burd by the toxic you know inflation so they get a free their living standard increases at the expense of those further down the chain of the money supply getting down to them laden with all sorts of debts and inflation and interest rates so that's where the violence comes i actually did see that there is somebody tweeted some of the graffiti that was. painted untagged on the arc de triomphe had something along the lines of we have beheaded our leaders for less than this for you know less than just inflation we got all of france and they whether the men was really in body and they had a very robust reaction to monarchy in france and beheaded some kings and then
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engage in the reign of terror then vented the good team as a way to race through thousands of toffs or aristocrats beheadings right there in plastic concord and they have a memory fresh and when leaders need to speak get spoken to in a serious way they know what to do and that's just another important question and we were providing some of the answers so far in these first few minutes here but she asked instead of being hypnotized by the burning images we have to pose the question where did it come from so of course most people are hypnotized by the images by basically the image is of the consequences of the symptoms of something larger donald trump is one of the symptoms of something larger people are mesmerized and hit by him and miss n.b.c. can't stop talking about him. these sort of things these images hypnotizes so we
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that we never ask the questions of why why are people rising up like this what is it about neo liberal economics why did why do why are the voters whether it's in england or france or brazil or mexico or the united states why are they why do they keep rejecting nader after leader why they why is it getting more and more the velocity of rejection of the established political parties what is going on and one thing that has happened over the last thirty years is the introduction of neo liberalism since reagan since that church and where we're seeing that the react the violent reaction that you're seeing is delayed from the cause which is a long you know decades long. economic injustice it is economic injustice a lot of free money and a lot of free assets state assets services like the n.h.s.
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like prison systems like the military industrial complex they're all being handed to you know the elites the friends of the neo liberal elites of the friends of political power and they're getting those contracts to run these services for a population and running away with all that you know the great right pamela anderson addressing the structural economic violence of this deferred. inflation leg that people eventually catch up with and then have a violent reaction to any mention privatization schemes there which of course is another way to transfer the assets that were built and paid for via taxes by the population to iran to a class of friends of the central bankers and unless you're going to allow folks to help build those assets whether it's roads hospitals schools a piece of the action when it's transferred to the private sector then that's
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outright theft that starts that is that is financial violence structural financial violence and you know this is unfortunately. not going to end anytime soon because as we say on the show many times you can't say for a ponzi scheme so if they try to rectify this central bank violence its any in any significant way then that would that would cause. a replay of the global financial crisis which was at that time a reckoning trying to match the the books a little bit there to make the risk and reward but that was not allowed to happen they injected another fifteen or sixteen trillion dollars but they just gapped the balances pal anderson is pointing to their even wider and now it's got to the point where people are saying we don't believe you anymore we're just going to torch the risk. ours are going to riot we're going to act out in this way and in france of course you know it's the mother of all revolutions and leading the way so i also
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want to point out that you know there are things we need to do as a society and part of this the riots in france started with the tax that has now been rolled back on the gasoline in order to deal with climate change but one thing that it happened with that is because the elite because the neo liberal elite out are basically stateless they're they're beyond any nation state the petty little stuff of a nation state and you know it's beyond what leona helmsley here of new york had said about it's just the only the little people pay taxes only the little people are in fact subject to any nation state laws at this point so the burden of many of the things we need whether it's war you know who goes to fight all those wars who's the one who are the who are the americans dying in iraq and afghanistan
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they tend to be from pennsylvania or michigan or for you know working class states . who are the ones that have to pay for the disaster of climate change it's the poor it's the people stuck out in the rural areas and things like that so there is economic injustice that sort of terms as well and the trend is not going to reverse anytime soon so that's why we have talked about the global insurrection against banker occupation for the last ten years or more and it's gathering pace you don't think about cairo and the revolution that happened there was also result of purchasing power collapsing into the food as a percentage of household expenditure went up past that magical sixty percent threshold that almost always throughout history triggers a revolution so then i want to turn to paul mason former economics editor of the b.b.c. and very left wing and now. he's looking at what happened in spain this past weekend and that was in the end a looser reason they basically voters elected to many seats this party called vox
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which is far right and he says spain's far right turn shows the left needs a new strategy to defeat fascism since the one nine hundred eighty s. two generations the left i believe that the main enemy of social justice is the neo liberal elite today we have to accept that is no longer true the main enemy of social justice is people who would drown refugees who are slandering muslims as paedophiles and who would as just for starters and their warren feminism criminalize abortion so he's saying that we need social justice forget about economic justice i said to him that you need economic justice first this is about economic justice fascism he actually says in his article that basically just ten percent of the population is always fascist in their fascism blah blah blah but my . saw on this and i've brought this up before you have to look up a study called monkeys reject unequal pay by sarah brosnan and frans de waal and the fascism in that moment comes with that economic injustice so that the
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study shows you give the monkey a cucumber the cucumber is pleases the monkey the monkey eats it but then the neighboring monkey gets a grape which is much better ok we all agree and when that monkey the first mike you got the cucumber sees that they go ballistic and they resort to violence they start throwing the cucumber is like nothing satisfies them and they get really tough i think that's what we're seeing at this moment is that we're seeing that a certain select group of people are privileged by the politicians and the central banks they're given grapes and we're we keep on being told like aren't you happy with brioche i.e. the cucumber shouldn't isn't this good enough paul mason it's amazing to me because he's saying the left is failing so they need to go toward the center and braced miller and of course we've had the experiment it's called tony blair and bill
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clinton. and it was called the third way and what we're. seeing is that they once you take that step toward neo liberalism you become neo liberal there is no happy medium there is no third way there's only really liberalism and in this market environment and own the penitentiary right those are the two choices for people and the thing about paul mason is that he's saying that the left has no other alternative because a lot have two schools of economics to draw from marxism keynesianism ok what the left needs to embrace if they want to truly restore social justice is to embrace the concept of hard money only through hard money can the left be power pursue with the. right you need to have hard money in the economy a kid that's a problem is a neo liberals have access to infinite debt and everybody else is has unlimited
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credit all the sacks you can borrow money zero percent job back it down it's try to card debt seventeen eighteen percent or higher payday loans two thousand percent right so that interest rate apartheid so lefties need to embrace hard money if they want social justice we'll take a break we'll be back after this break. what holds his hands to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president and you. want to. have to going to be pros this is what will before three of them or can't be good. interested always in the waters of. course.
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when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murderer i would prefer it be with the death penalty just because i think that's an apparent thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying. present and that we're even many victims' families want the death penalty to be abolished. the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families what that's going to give them peace it's going to give them justice and we come in saying. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. prosecution will need to become almost in question the fault is all in court where
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you push us off the threat of fines somebody numb on purpose you do i mean yeah i mean i mean did our political pressure on that god you've. told enough to secure a genocide knows what the kind of business models he was my american corporations jadhav wasn't going to please sold them could matilda's it as an m.p. use the controls yemen was not on the scene. the solution. lies up an association between. newton he saw as it is just simply deleting to an investigative documentary. ghost war on obscene. welcome back to the kaiser for imax keyser it's time now to turn to katie long twenty two year veteran of wall street who's now leading
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a leading voice in the world except the currency we're going to do two cycles of tape the first is about what's happening in wyoming but first cable how did you get into this whole crazy big going thing as a wall street person i discovered a quote in two thousand and twelve grew up in wyoming born and raised undergraduate there then ended up on wall street and discovered through libertarian circles austrian school economics circles in two thousand and twelve so loose i mean there's a lot of different pieces to that they call a you know incentive model if you will what was it that really drew your attention to it that the penny dropped like a ha well this is money with no counterparty risk and all currencies have counterparty risk so i immediately understood that but it wasn't until a little bit later that i understood that this is a superior settlement system for settling financial transactions and actually would solve a lot of problems that plague the existing financial system that make it frankly unfair to mom and pop investors and unstable early so sonce a lot of wall street problems like on wall street so that's why it's jamie diamond
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so of the separately against it i mean to solve problems well that's a good question and in fact actually if you look under the hood they're not really against it at least at least certain certain folks are wall street's not not unified in its view clearly you've got fidelity and backed which is part of a sister company to the new york stock exchange that are getting into it and number of hedge funds got into a pretty early and it's the old traditional investment banks with the exception of goldman sachs that are that are generally not moving very quickly on it ok well all get to back in a moment but let's talk about wyoming because you're a big part of who helped pass the bill but clean bills and legislation in wyoming what exactly has passed twenty eighteen what could pass into law very soon there were five bills that passed and were. or signed by the governor in march of this year and we've got six more that are officially so called committee bills they just made it through the committee last week and essentially it's designed to make
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wyoming a haven for blocked change technology we've we've clarified the money transmission laws we clarify there's no tax on cryptocurrency in fact actually why only has no income tax anyway and very very low taxes sales taxes property taxes etc. but we clarified that there is no tax on cryptocurrency in terms of property tax so that was one of the bills we had we also were the first elected body in the world that i had identified that utility tokens were not necessarily securities as long as they meet specified criteria in wyoming those bills are already law and now we're aiming to solidify the lead that wyoming has by solving some real problems a couple of the big ones are people in this industry are considered a hybrid this whole industry is considered a high risk industry by the f.d.a. i see and so the banks in general are shunning the whole industry and that's our signature bill for this year we we actually have a lot of opposition to the to the bank bill from the banking industry last week and
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had a surprisingly strong result it's not law yet we've still got a ways to go but this was an important hurdle to cross so you know from wyoming yes and new warnings from wall street and so you kind of like patients zero they're going to get this whole thing going and it's an interesting match because looming it is a very independent minded state and you know because as you point out it's came out of the libertarian movement etc so it seems like a good match in a certain way to capture the guise of a certain. individual is islam in america etc is that a fair statement it is a fair statement there is a legislator there named tyler lindholm who should be on your radar screen someone donated bitcoin to him. i think it was in two thousand and twelve to a campaign and he's been a big supporter it wasn't difficult to put these pieces together i certainly don't take credit for this there were a lot of people for whom this touched
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a nerve at the right time and it was interesting when we got the money transmitter bill passed last last year that allowed the coin bases and the circles of the world who had pulled out of wyoming in twenty fifteen it allowed them to come back into the state it was i believe the son of the president of the senate or nephew and then also one of the majority leaders in the house had a son or a daughter it was it was the next generation that was pushing the legislators to fix this problem because as you know this is this is a there is a general generational aspect to two blocks in technology and you know once the ball got rolling it wasn't difficult to put the pieces together now there's a bit of a competition globally to be the quote bitcoin switzerland you know that people want to put rico's make it put a stake in the ground in malta different countries different territories it sounds like wyoming. in that race absolutely so ok so it could become the destination for
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this industry and how much of the industry now i mean what are they you getting a lot of folks from california for example now moving into wyoming is that is there a culture clash well it's a good question so far no there haven't been a flood gate of people moving into wyoming i think a lot of wyoming i dislike that just find they don't like the traffic and the crime and the politics of folks coming from california or colorado necessarily but but yes there have been some people moving there there's been a couple of pretty high for profile folks charles hoskins and just announced last week he's moving his company from hong kong to wyoming so done oh yeah yeah. let's talk about these banks for a second so you mentioned there was a little bit of resistance on the banking but you know. so you want to do a big bank so what is a big going bank tell the audience well this is a plain old base not actually a big quake we're calling it a block chain friendly. it's a plain old bank except it's one hundred percent reserve bank and it's therefore because it's one hundred percent reserve bank it won't be able to lend but it will specifically serve this industry this is been
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a problem. just basic bank accounts for block ten companies have been a problem just not even touching cryptocurrency plano cash i want to make that very clear this is a plain old cash bank it's just one hundred percent reserve bank that's designed to specialize in serving this industry and as you know this industry of course has higher now your customer and anti money laundering standards that it has to comply with i've written in forbes dot com i think the bank secrecy act is unconstitutional but right now it's the law of the land and so everybody has to comply with it and so this industry i think has been shunned by the banking industry for basic cash only bank accounts precisely because it's a higher risk industry and there was some powerful testimony from the trade association the digital asset trade association that even they lost their bank account even though they weren't going to be handling cryptocurrency so just a bank as a utility just a plain vanilla bank plain vanilla panel and so it will bank this industry and it has a shall issue clause in the bill
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a shall issue yes we're borrowing that from the from from firearms legislation there is a shall issue explain this clause in the bill that is long as the customer meets the know your customer and anti money laundering requirements and as long as the bank has capital that it shall get a bank account from this bank oh ok so i mean it sounds like it could be an economic boom for awhile and so they would be like you know the chamber of commerce or be like yeah bring it on we want the business is there some. reserve bank of north dakota as well not that i'm aware of there might be but yet the four reserve banks there are there are not very many of them there was one that's getting started in connecticut that's that's just trying to arbitrage to the feds monetary policy and that's not what our bank is doing but we've been watching that one pretty closely because the fed has shunned. and that particular bank there's been litigation over whether they can get their master account we've had great conversations through the state of wyoming where the kansas city fed which is which is what banks wyoming banks and they've been open to this idea they recognize this
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is an issue the block chain industry is a legal industry and yet it's been shunned on mass by by pretty much every bank out there in the united states and of course in the world as well you know well i mean is it fair to say that this is a legacy industry and they don't like the the upstart they like this competition they don't they are protecting their turf but it is kind of a turf battle sure in is that true and also what is it about i mean you're a veteran of wall street twenty year veteran of wall street you see plainly the the attributes of the benefits of this technology and yet you've got another group of legacy economists like the nouriel roubini of the paul krugman i will walk by nuria oh your blood ok so many people what are they getting wrong about this what were they missing i think they they're they're keynesians at bottom and they and they believe that that deficits have no consequences and that we can continue to borrow
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and as long as we're borrowing from ourselves it doesn't matter though that's essentially the basic keynesian argument and of course we all know that that's not true at some point there will be limits to the amount of debt that we can continue to pile on to the economy and this is what's making the financial systems unstable at bottom so sound money it's described as the hardest money ever invented in safe dana looses book the coin standard and asked a book decentralised and global central banking so you would fall into that camp that this is hard money and this is an economy needs to run on a sound money basis and you can't run an economy on a debt basis and this is going to china but but the whole growth of the globe is based on debt creation g.d.p. is based on debt creation so if we go back to sound money if the top. the wrong measure gold going there's going to be winners and losers and a lot of losers and how do you prepare folks for that day of reckoning
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what's the how do you soften that message up because it's going to be a harsh day of reckoning when it comes to the safety and i've had long conversations about will it really be harsh or will it really just be that something so much better comes along and people naturally shift to it we don't know the answer we can't predict the future and and i do fear that there is going to be . such instability in the financial industry that it's going to be a wild ride that's why personally i understood from almost the moment that i dug into big quine really dug into it that this has a storable significance it's it's right up there with gold as inflate as a hedge against that instability in the financial system because it's it has no counterparty there is no one issuing it who can default on it or who has the ability to to just inflate its value away by issuing more of it so you make well
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once again to just turn referred to your experience because it's expensive and it's very high level i mean you ran morgan stanley's pension business and now you're trying to i guess to extend to build a big coin related business can you talk a little bit about that well right now i'm purely working on volunteer projects in my beloved native state of wyoming so i'm helping to bridge this new industry which needed a home and like you said wyoming you know if it like a glove philosophically they needed economic diversification the coal industry of course is is on its back unfortunately and also why only had great building blocks there the university of wyoming was already teaching about and very importantly wyoming invented the limited liability company in one thousand nine hundred seven so it was already. one of the top three states for new business formation anyway lot of a lot of businesses form in wyoming it's got tremendous property laws for limited liability company r.l.l.
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where it gets the most of that as delegates most of it they stole wyoming lead and frankly wyoming would like it back and that's what that is this is part of the strategy of getting it back you know it's interesting i looked up delaware they are charging two hundred fifty thousand dollars to almost two thousand of their largest registrants just for the privilege of registering in delaware frick that example. but just open a second segment if we can i'm going to sign off now and we'll pick this up in another segment and thank you for being on this segment my pleasure thank you and that's going to do it for this edition of the kaiser report with me max kaiser station i would like to thank our guest came along bitcoin us to new or visionary if you want to catch us on twitter is khan's report and so next time.
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right on the bank. bayswater chemical lies and this is going to that he would treat them and their international mafia know that these industries out of polluting you had to simply ignore your money and mother. and the mother of the means we all stay in this. go in and you may never get out. of. my teenage gang rules here. i don't want to. be my.
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