tv Watching the Hawks RT December 7, 2018 8:30am-9:01am EST
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yes and we come and say. we've been through this this isn't the way. readings and salutation. between now and december twenty fifth the millions upon millions upon millions of shoppers will hit the brick and mortar stores and online retailers be brutally buying up every last item or good one could possibly need during this year's holiday shopping season in fact the national retail federation is projecting over seven hundred billion in holiday sales just in the u.s. alone seven hundred billion but not all is filled with holiday cheer down and red white and whoville my hawk watchers nuno because while those numbers are glowing
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the actual flow of money and how it's being distributed is not because just below the surface of all our products and services exists a staggering staggering number of monopolies and a new report on america's concentration crisis the open markets institute points out that while it may appear as though there are endless brands to choose from online and on the shelf most are owned by a few large parent companies the array of labels a mere facade creating the illusion of abundant options. and i my friends i'm not talking about just coke or pepsi here no no no no these monopolies exist in everything from social networking sites to mattresses to fumaroles yes even the funeral industry of caskets and casket makers is a monopoly that sees seventy six per cent of the market share baumann aided by just two firms hillenbrand and matthews search engines monopoly beer baby formula cell
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phone providers i.v. solution adult websites yes adult websites are online porn is a monopoly was seventy percent of them are of the market controlled by mind to geek who when you lose the porn options the definition of capitalism according to merriam webster is quote an economic system characterized by private or corporate ownership of capital goods by investments that are determined by private decision and by prices production and the distribution of goods that are determined mainly by competition in a free market. well my friends when a basket bast majority of our goods and services are own by just one or two brands that is not competition by any stretch of the imagination no matter how much you ask santa to make it so it is not competition which means contrary to what we are sold this is not capitalism its market oligarchies and we are just vassals to be
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squeezed which is why we must always be watching the hawks. to. get the. real deal with. the bottom. like you that i got. with that we. would. be. welcome on the watching the hawks i am tyrol been to and on top of all this and joining us today it's a whole bunch of reasons yes there is a disguise the great christmas capitalism caper. best movie of the year. of our t.v. big picture mr holland begs much for joining us now and always love joining the
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hawks oh and his pleasure having you know i got to start this is staggering when you look at this report the amount of industries that i would any of us ever suspected were really controlled by maybe two maybe three businesses that when you go to the store you assume you know a smorgasbord of companies whether small business medium large you don't just think that oh it's just one or two major corporations for this many different types of products i mean when you see this holland is it is it safe to say that the united states you know running on a capitalist system i mean that's kind of a joke when you think about the actual definition of capitalism is it morphed into a caste system the bigger getting bigger and when you're. me earlier about the funeral homes i had to look this up to get a number right service corporation of america on twelve hundred fifty four funeral homes and a minute ago you talked about what's beneath the surface you'll never see that brand out front of the trusted long as it has they kept the name
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brand with it because they want to seem down home and as the big get bigger and we look for new competitors new entrants guess who's horning into that business wal-mart is now selling the nine hundred ninety five dollars steel casket it's called dad remembered wow ok it's not super go. look at the industry i came from the odd casting where you've got this next star tribune deal brewing after the tribune sinclair deal tanked and a handful of companies are going to own most of the local stations radio's local programming has been decimated because you got i heart and cumulus owning all those stations and paying outrageous prices so they have to burn the furniture to keep the lights on caste system caste system is a good way to look at it suppose you were dealing with his corporate entity
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although nine hundred ninety nine dollars for a casket is israeli allow private eye wall more about overhead work in the funeral industry for years i will tell you a thousand dollars for a casket is that great i heard about a guy who wanted to get buried in a cadillac just to save his wife money if they. resist are there so many other cheaper option it sort of amazing because it's all of these things and as a woman i know this because like makeup hair products we tend to be more you know noticeable about those things and what i found out is in the same thing is that almost make up most hair products are all produced by the same companies or the same manufacturers they just slap a different label on a slightly different smell and pretend to compete with each other right which leaves everyone in this. really dangerous spot i want to ask you holly and you know most of us think about monopoly and it's a cute game you know it's this idea of oh something from the past but why are the is so dangerous why does not having that difference in market from caskets to blush why are these the why is that so dangerous i don't think danger overstates it and i
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can't tell the story like ed schultz used to be able to but radio's biggest stoner event called clear channel was embarrassed and why not north dakota hazardous material do you rail two hundred fifty thousand gallons of stuff losing and nobody was at the radio station the police went there and banged on the door today most am f.m. broadcast towers are robotic silver lining the remaining mom and pops the individual station owners the community guys the small independent groups are all the more conspicuous if they are diligent local programmers look at the way the newspapers are getting whacked and that industry has consolidated and it's only going to get more consolidated and the font is getting larger and the pictures are getting larger because the reporting staff getting smaller and you're seeing that across many companies and the thing that's really scary about monopolies are people after a bird's than a quarter of the market let's say of live there if there's only two companies
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making the product that you're well versed in making but let's say you anymore and then they can also control you you take a look at professional wrestling when you have just one w w e bay control everything everything that who you are the one you wrestle how much you get paid how little you get paid that's the danger of these made up nobody would know that like your dad you know that talent can get frozen out that's you know it's sort of the consumer that's the consumer because then the person trying to earn a living making this thing they want us to blacklist and that's where monopolies are bad because they also it isn't just on one side you're always going to pay the same amount because the big even the low price is always going to be within a certain range that we're going to get lower and things are going to stay high because they can stay high and your job options are different. are are also limited because they're all running under the same corporate model yeah especially when you get to small town america short when they're losing like the mom and pop shops to the wal-mart like yours out of the comes in but what's funny now is the mom and pop shops got pushed out by wal-mart than wal mart's are going out of business and all
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the small towns around where i grocers macy's penney's you know everything seems to be one mall in my in the town next to my hometown that had a j.c. penney's and a series and a wal-mart and now none of them are that right i'm going to read your guys something that's a very interesting quote i want to get your reactions to it so the open market institute who did this report they point out in their in their in their report that a shift in ideology in the late one nine hundred seventy s. allowed increased monopolization across the economy to shield this pro corporate turn from the public the federal trade commission halted the collection and publication of industry concentration data in one nine hundred eighty one so since one thousand nine hundred one until as far as i know this report there's been no actual official data on how industries have been concentrated into one or two major companies given that the publics were completely in the dark i'm sure it was just a clerical error made us you know how it was you hear something like that and.
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you know you've got a lot of wisdom here but you've been here a long time you've seen how the world has operated what does that say to you when they're trying to cover something up like we're not going to give the public this kind of the much time you've got admittedly this is a dated reference that great scene in any hall where he produces marshall mcluhan i'd like to pull ralph nader out to answer that question right now it's like the tax code if i stood on your shoulders small font it would still be taller than both of us and every single word in there was bought and paid for so these laws don't just happen serendipitously that's a great point that's a really good point. why don't tear up one last question was a concentration of monopoly. when you look at the number of good and services that open markets researched it's pretty staggering but a new york times opinion columnist david banner said if anything the charge here under understates consolidation because it doesn't yet cover energy telecommunications some other areas it also doesn't cover local local monopolies
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such as hospitals that are dominant enough to drive up prices is this an even bigger problem that reaches an even more areas of our lives and even think and in places like rural areas which is a very large that's you know that strong voting will i think is a problem and this is one of those things that they say you're not paying attention to so if you're in a role market monopolies a tiny monopoly can just completely hospital one blew my mind another. there is a i mean a lot about that there's only so many people so many hospitals and if you go into those areas it's very concentrated and a postal worker lately because we did a show on this would you can see you tube dot com what's the big picture are to take up with the trumpet ministration is favoring these efforts to privatized post office and i'm sure fed ex and u.p.s. are making congressional contributions apropos that but today the post office will go to every house every day if they have something for that house you know what and
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i live in a very rural area what if they decide what i have coming can wait until tomorrow that i worry about this privatization thing to the privatization of the concentration of businesses and these monopolies are huge issues that i think it's important to pay attention to especially about all other season when we're we're all victims to it whether it's a paycheck or jobs thank you so much of the big picture always a pleasure having you sober thank you for having me. as we go to record watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook twitter and you tube and see our poll shows that are t.v. dot com coming up our own tab wallace for those of just how bad. women and girls creatively creator leave. a bad shoes because. of the growing feud between the united states and opec states much of the cops.
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what does the rise. in france tell us about the state of the neoliberal order in europe are the protests in france the largest since one thousand nine hundred eighty eight just about a hike in prices and is. the right person to be president to address the problems so many in france. remember before a trade war leaves a hot war there's currency war plays a trade war war in the current you are going on already with the china paying artificially low to get their exports of the u.s. in a way to build their economy and then the u.s. it worker was losing their job but they were paying less for chinese made stuff and so there was a symbiotic relationship going on so if the question is who's going to be twenty
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first century empire who's going to lose it is going to be the u.s. or china my thought is going to be coterminous and that both the u.s. and china are going to fall apart. this week lena dunham creator and star of the h.b.o. show girls was brought on to be guest editor of the twenty eight team women and entertainment power one hundred issue of the hollywood reporter magazine and she used it as a platform from which to win back her seat at the table of power after a year of failed websites failed t.v. shows failed business partnerships and more seen twenty seventeen actress of war a port au police report alleging that girls writer marie miller had raped her in two thousand and twelve when she was seventeen years old soon after girls creator
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and star lena dunham came to murray's defense stating in a public statement with her coach showrunner jenny cone are that quote while our first instinct is to listen to every woman's story our insider knowledge of maria's situation makes us confident that sadly this accusation is one of the three percent of assault cases that are misreported every year it is a true shave to add to that number as outside of hollywood women still struggle to be believed we stand by maria and this is all will be saying about this issue guess what she had more to say and what she said in her op ed was that insider information she claimed she had. it was a lie a bold say deep dish why in our hollywood reporter guest editor a letter she admits i didn't have the insider information i claimed but rather blind faith in a story that kept slipping and changing and revealed itself to mean nothing at all she lied to help cover up the rape of a seventeen year old girl kucing the victim of lying about
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a rape and yet she still gets to stand on the stage and be the hive princess of white feminism apparently lena dunham gets to fail up she gets to live because powerful white women in hollywood think it's better to throw women of color under the speeding bus of gross white feminism rather than take responsibility for their own heinous action and then the process actually make it much harder for all of us to have a reasonable productive and honest discussion about sexual harassment and assault while putting even more women at risk when you go lena. and i this story well. when you showed it to be. because i was assuming you're going look i've never seen anyone go to apologize. but the first thought is i want to make my apology public first as far as we know and make it all about me in the process of course i mean she mentions aurora maybe her name maybe twice and mentions her mom one more time
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she used the word me in the piece something like sixteen times thirteen to sixteen times because it was all about her and her experiences amounts of bothers me there's also this thing where there's sort of like team leno where whenever she does something bad there seem to be a whole string of our of of as white feminists it's almost like please don't do this it makes all of us look bad this literally is why we can't have a normal conversation this is where division between conservatives and liberals happen because this is the kind of the stuff that they're seeing and heard psych wrote a piece a couple of weeks ago entitled hating lena dunham is less about her and more about us in which she posits that. we love to hate lena dunham because we can bond over it saying well nina dunham is certainly flawed the reason we hate her isn't that she's particularly monstrous now of course after leno's hollywood reporter not apology apology came out hurts are treated this ok i just read this and i take it all back we hate her because the stuff she does so she does stuff like this instead
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of just calling the person. so that's what it is you had to make it public you had to like traipse up her mother and i just. find it disgusting and for her to have made that whole thing about false rape accusations and this is where i and she lied she flat out lied and the problem is is that we do a lot of this thing we excuse bad behavior people say well why would you talk about this is just one person but this one person represents a lot of bad behavior that we see over and over and over again from rich and powerful and privileged people share them filtered out and says it's ok to behave like this to everybody else you know and one of the interesting things is that it's part of a but problematic support system you know we're the gill wrote in a guardian opinion piece recently that lena dunham is a hugely original writer so who cares if she's not a good person good person or not a good person. brought in laurel wrote in where your voice magazine quote all things considered it looks a lot like dunham or someone close to her list of white women writers to do
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proactive damage control ahead of her latest apology a long long string of apologies for terrible behavior people who excuse her behavior exactly and they say well she was raised this way she was raised this way it's ok she doesn't realize maturity but if her speech at the hollywood reporter derek dinner for the for the edition i think it always this idea of you hate her because she's rich congress is rich there's plenty of people out there was talk about their religion isn't about having money you know i grew up with privilege i didn't grow up with money you can have both but sometimes you have one or the other . or i don't like it's the idea that she's rich isn't the reason it's her brand of feminism and her calling herself a feminist while ignoring every woman of color anything that's outside of her purview until admit if it doesn't happen to me i don't really understand it and that's fine but i want to make the point that it's not just about being rich many many actresses are go out and say things or do things that it's no big deal julia
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louis dreyfus dreyfus is the daughter of a billionaire i don't have a problem with that. drew barrymore of hollywood royalty nobody is telling her the you know we don't because of her big dicks so yeah just make sure it's not about the money it's about it's about your person who you are it matters if you're a good person. so you have a matter. well the world may be screaming at us to get off of the fossil fuel burning roller coaster that doesn't mean humanity will be doing that any time soon so so while we are still stuck on the oil spigot ticket we'd better keep paying attention to the latest new surrounding the global oil trade starting with our good friends in opec who have been in the crosshairs of u.s. president donald trump in recent days in the effort to keep oil production high and prices low joining us now is our two correspondents ceremony as the oco who has been following the latest on all things oil opec and one donald trump thank you for
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joining us sarah i want to know first when people hear opec they don't know they don't know what i'm referring to it tells a little bit about who opec is what it is they control and how much do they rule kind of over the global oil price so opec is the organization of the petroleum exporting countries so this was a builder done made back founded in one nine hundred sixty by five of the world's top largest producers back then so it's made up of fifteen countries now which are still the world's largest producers in reality opec is one of the most powerful players in the global oil market in the first place and they produce about thirty two million barrels per day but opec argues that it's better for the oil production to be in the hands of an organization and not private companies now over the years opec has been regularly criticized for having control of the global oil market and it is important to note that the opec meeting happened today comes after a drastic crush of oil prices that went down about thirty percent in just the last
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two months wow that's so great about trump isn't alone and demanding that the group keep i mean the idea is keep oil production high so the prices stay allow and he's not the only a person saying that actually right and president trump ran on this campaign and is happy as long as the prices are low to save consumers. at the pump to you know save us some money because we did see gas prices on the rise a few years ago and now that they're low he's really voicing his concern and wanting support and slamming opec for this meeting in the first place but trump isn't the only person actually prime minister narendra modi has also backed up trump and slammed opec for this and by the way india is the third largest oil consumer in the world and that countries like saudi arabia it seems like they're pretty much open to what they're saying it is interesting because like when you look at the oil you know the oil person countries have been pretty much kind of
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running the table throughout foreign policy for a while you know and i want to play a sound bite from the saudi arabia where he's talking about iran as well and considering some of their their take on the on the start work. so he has every right to wish for the affordability if it is good. for the citizens of the united states and he was very vocal. music disfavor going to give some clues to the some of the people who are true that we hear them and we think it's good for them seriously. but we also do give news of prime minister mori who's equally vocal. well and we know iran also is complaining and thing that they don't want to cut oil production even further trump and the trumpet ministration imposed these sanctions on their oil and that's a huge arena run as a hotbed of oil was a. major part of their economy at the end of the day you know one of the
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interesting things they're going to have to is is how also you know russia plays into those because they're not part of opec but they're a huge oil producer as well and they're at the meetings and. so they aren't part of opec they are attending the meetings but they are one of the top world's oil producers why they're not a part of opec i'm not sure but opec does keep in mind really russia and because of its in their you know oil production in order to make big decisions like these which is why they haven't come to a decision today and they're waiting to after they meet with russian producers tomorrow and that's to decide whether or not they're going to pull back from production potentially her drive to plus russia has been a vocal about that as well and said that they are in support of cutting back boiler production so that slamming the white house right there. all right and going to be you could be that the zero nine oil minister did say that they're going to they're
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starting to look at the numbers from september and october and use those as a baseline figure so we could see these results from january to june of next year of them cutting back on the oil production thank you very much for educating the style of opec and what's happening right now it's of the still good thank you so much for coming on always a pleasure. when something goes viral it often doesn't matter where fi item is correct. or just plain out of date that was the case this week when twitter lit up like a christmas tree over a story claiming that mars missions may be all female to avoid. exact. paulo's. problem is that the story was first published an english language newspaper based in pakistan and the story is well over a year old see it all comes from a speech given by helen sherman a british astronaut and the first british person ever make it in the space in which she said that nasa has a super secret report that claims men and women could get back around on the one
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and a half year mission to mars she also claims that the report states that quote women work better as a team and are less likely about men to fight over who is leader. they've never got a cheerleading squad and then nasa has another study going on looking into the impure faults of astronauts in space i want to read about what here's the thing that neither of these studies have ever been released no one can even confirm if they ever exists as most of us know having it all female doesn't ensure that if there were going to be any thank you panky on the way and finally i was going to make a funny joke here but the story is just too out of this world in this world. wow that's an awful lot of brilliant minds thinking about sex and space and they have actually i mean something they never talk of you do as there is like gravity but also there's a lot of radiation that you would pick up and along the way on the concern obviously is that if someone were to get pregnant if they could get pregnant and
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that environment what would happen to baby being that there was all this radiation but deep deep deep space thoughts yes all right those are so for remember everyone lives world we are told we love them so it's all you all i love the space i am tyrone a tap on the wall of her heart she goes on to the drugs that everybody. when a loved one is murder it's natural to seek the death penalty for the murder i would burn it be. the death penalty just because i think that's the fair thing the right thing research shows that for every nine executions one convict is found innocent the idea that we were executing innocent people was terrifying news just knew it hasn't and that we're even many of the dems families want the death penalty
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to be abolished the reason we have to keep the death penalty here is because that's what murder victims' families want to that's going to give them peace it's going to give them justice and we come in and say. not quite enough we've been through this this isn't the way. the maternity town the slums go in and you may never get out so it's all good people this is. my teenage gang rules here. no one on the move they're not going to be my dream of those who were through with me but. the navy will. kill. you. minus seeing her the spirit of. the
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band now it was in for the yeah we're on the news that has to be done and melanie right now wouldn't. you do one you know mccain. communes all i see. we've got the economic diplomacy complement of normal for you to go diplomacy and as i said we did not consider that the shelf will be something some mind suggests is that i had to wait to get the difference was between the would be a huge. step down.
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