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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2018 1:00am-1:31am EST

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an investigative documentary. ghost war on r.t. . people all roughly comes in for just twelve euros fifty per month. paris is on high alert as it braces itself for more months protests this saturday with so-called yellow vests demonstrations expected to bring the french capital to a standstill for a fourth consecutive weekend. it's the end of an era in germany after nearly
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two decades at the helm angle of arkle stepped down as leader of the christian democratic union party she's replaced by other great scrum karrenbauer known as mini merkel. everywhere in london i would see jarvis you know who i met before it was in the old the philippines of ghana stand what were they doing here they were to be there with you because it was so easy for the drop of it hiding in the ranks of notorious terrorists we hear the incredible story of a man who switched from being a trusted al qaeda bomb maker to informing on the feed jihad is as an m i six by. the israeli defense forces apparently changed their official line on the use of tear gas on school starts off the video emerges allegedly showing officers launching a done put an aide into a building in the west bank. a
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very warm welcome to new york watching r.t. international with me great to have you with us and we start this hour with our developing story in italy where six people have reportedly been killed during a stampede at a nightclub in the eastern city of ancona now police say dozens of people of people have been injured some critically reports suggest the stampede was triggered by pepper spray being used in the no official version has been given so far revelers were packed in for a concert at the venue to see a famous italian rapper those injured have been receiving true. the sea while ten people love believed to be in a serious condition. meanwhile a day of rage is expected to sweep paris later this saturday as yellow vest protesters prepare for a fourth round of anti government rallies despite french president emanuel mccraw
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an earlier bowing to pressure on canceling proposed fuel tax hikes the southern city of leone has already been hit by fierce protests with police using tear gas to disperse a student riot. accurate . while protests have been against reforms in general students specifically have been rallying against proposed exam changes according to local media dozens of arrests have been made across multiple cities over the past few days schools have been blockaded forcing many to close meanwhile in the french capital six locations have
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been labeled potential hot spots with paris than during some of the worst rioting in decades last saturday chawla do bensky reports on the preparations to stem the violence with bated breath that many parisians are wondering what will become of this city this saturday three weekends of violence help already rocked the capital some described as the worst in decades. but the government too says it's braced for significant violence is
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a form assume we have information about a great number of individuals who are coming to paris not to protest peacefully but to confront to attack the forces of law. across the country eighty nine thousand security forces all being deployed here in paris eight thousand will stand between protesters and many of the capital's most iconic sites police of shops and restaurants to close these a. many tourist sites including the eiffel tower. all battening down the hatches. not exactly the christmas spirit many were hoping for when they booked their trips bad that we had to keep one day at a wholesale is going to be the interest. i'm not going to be here as if it never
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came like see the damage and stuff as we are trying not to go in the place where. it's going to be danged dangerous to even to be a tourist here to be careful for sure because you know i understand people concerned about their future but also there are people who will abuse that and try to maybe still crush things etc this is actually the people we read about it's not clear how many of us protest is what. saturday but what is clear is that they are unhappy with the peace offering being made by the government so far you turn on an increase in fuel tax is not enough they say made to months or. increasing including that of the resignation of president bush on choice of the verge of no confidence and it is clear from the names that we tell the government you are going in the wrong direction to the three factions that signed this vote of no confidence we would unite in the day. he's become
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a victory all ik symbol for the protesters many saying they want him to speak to them the suggestion is that he will do that but not until next week that possible address is likely to give little solace to those caught up impacted by whatever unfolds all saturday. otty paris. germany's christian democratic union party has a new leader described as a mini merkel and a great scrum karrenbauer was elected during a party vote on friday chancellor angela merkel is stepping down from the role after eighteen years at the helm our europe correspondent peter all of our reports from berlin. and a gret will be the new leader of the christian democratic union party here in germany she. can mess in a runoff vote to take the party leadership picking up five hundred seventeen votes from the one thousand and one delegates that were voting in hamburg she is pretty
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much it certainly was billed as the continuity candidates heading into this election she was given the blessing by angola merkel the outgoing leader of the party after eighteen years when mrs merkel put miss crime karrenbauer in the position of general secretary of the c.d.u. interesting enough the same position angle of merkel held before she went on to lead the party eighteen years ago now mrs merkel did give a very emotional speech in phones to the opening of the party conference in which she said whoever takes over from her is going to have a difficult task of pulling together and uniting the party and the nation in very polarizing times in the fight it's a critical time for our country and for parties like ours the c.d.u. c.s.u. with the f.t. to the right of us and with the polarized societies well certainly one of the reasons why you miss karrenbauer bay well of being voted in by those delegates is
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the relationship she has with angola merkel because although chancellor merkel has stepped down as leader of the c.d.u. she hasn't stepped down as chancellor and the two will have to work together very closely all the opposite side of that of course would have been if through to commit to govern in him mrs merkel do have a history in fact it was chancellor merkel that essentially ousted him from the c.d.u. party leadership way back when when she rose to power but just who is under great power the new leader and what she all about the preferred choice of mrs merkel is understood to be an internet company. known by her initials. it lands assist with a small a pro european and a francophile. the already tight links with france when it comes to russia she is perhaps even more skeptical of the kremlin the chancellor merkel last week she
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called for russian ships coming from the sea to be barred from u.s. and ports seeing blood in your food haven't been squeaks enough is on the valve put in pushes as far as his things he will get away with and if you open the years done given through united response he will continue to push for we have seen this in the recent years and it's those policies that convince the five hundred seventeen delegates out of the one thousand and one casting their ballots that it was a k.k.k. that should be taking the c.d.u. forward maximilian cry for my cd you politician and current alternative for germany nominee for the e.u. parliament thinks the thirty years choice of later eliminates it as a right wing rival to his party. for every conservative in germany it is clear to see the you want to become a push you are left liberal party but it will give water conservative scholars germany for the. probably come over to the european election
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in may two thousand and two to see that you have a continue the same style as merkel and there's the steps to fundamental change that action that brought on the. no one can still have to silent to deceive you comes big conservative party so there is just one remaining conservative party in germany and. at last a competitor to go. from a jihadist mastermind and bomb maker to m i six double agent on the front line ayman dean spent almost a decade campaign with al-qaeda switching sides to become a british intelligence spy r.t. so going underground here's his incredible story of becoming disillusioned with the terrorist cause and having his cover blown you can watch the full interview on r.t. international this morning at nine thirty g.m.t. but for now here's a quick preview. that letter which was sent to bill clinton it was urging him to
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invade iraq and to make it a beacon for democracy and to establish american hegemony they were just a think tank but that letter. mostly beloveds the party seized on it seized on it and he said that the american administration. would not do this unless of there was an event on the magnitude of pearl harbor so he said we should give them a pearl harbor. because then they can invade afghanistan they can invade iraq the can invade somalia or elsewhere that's exactly where we want them to be because we need the bulldozer you know we don't own a bulldozer but they are the bulldozer we need to provoke the bulldozer owner to come in and to smash the old structure out of nationalism communism whatever you want to call it socialism they must smash it in order for us to build an islamic
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structure. which is teenager has been sentenced to three years in prison for making hoax bomb threats and one thousand year old e-mails hundreds of schools and even made a prank call about a hijacked plane and this is the check and i. think prank calls are funny think again a british team is heading to jail for three years after sending out thousands of fake bomb threats to schools in the u.k. and u.s. we have sent a student with a bomb. the bomb is said to go off in three hours time and pulling off a security scare on a transatlantic flight to the states that had to be quarantined upon landing after the prankster pretended to be a concerned father of a child onboard and claiming the plane was hijacked all from his bedroom in hard for church north of london. their part.
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like. the nineteen year old lived with his mother and sister and had no previous convictions the plain prank calls george juco in two years in prison for the schools allegedly being planted with bombs and other twelve months inside thousands of kids had to be evacuated from four hundred locations across the u.k. then the hoaxer sent out another fake warning to schools both in the u.s. and u.k. even after being arrested he pled guilty to three counts of big bomb threats while accepting he had autism spectrum disorder the judge said he knew exactly what he was doing you were playing a game for your own perverted sense of fun in full knowledge of the consequences the scale of what you did was enormous the national crime agency made a point that the three year sentence was a warning to others this investigation proves start operating online does not offer offenders. juco the now has
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a criminal record which will harm his future career prospects and this should act as a deterrent the series of pranks gone too far with irreversible consequences for the trickster and as they say r.t. wanted. an alleged chemical attack in syria as aleppo last month has put moscow and washington at loggerheads once again the u.s. state department says it has credible evidence that the syrian army used tear gas on civilians then falsely claimed it was a rebel chlorine gas attack russia has lambasted the accusation. the russian military considers that hysterical claims by the us state department that the gas attack on civilians by terror groups in aleppo or november the twenty fourth was fate as an attempt to pressure the o.p.c. w. and prevent an objective investigation the statement is nothing more than an attempt to whitewash the international terrorists operating in the lip along with the white helmet pseudo rescuers who with their provocative behavior reflect badly
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on the western backers around one hundred people were reportedly injured in the alleged chemical attack on government controlled aleppo which syrian officials claim was carried out by terrorists from neighboring italy a province russia says it has evidence that chlorine gas was used damascus has formally requested that the un's chemical watchdog send investigators to the site. well the u.k. has also weighed in on the dispute lent it support to washington saying it believes it's highly unlikely that terrorists used chlorine against civilians in aleppo but a journalist who's covered the conflict in syria say is the use of chemical weapons has long been a part of a narrative to discredit the syrian government's. this political isolation and the use of chemical weapons inside syria has been an ongoing theme of the conflict with the u.s. coalition of calls weaponized thing they straying against the syrian government and
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its allies particularly russia we've saying the failed attempt to do so in tomorrow which was the entire narrative produced by the u.k. for an all face propaganda construct the white house and that was discredited by the eventual p.t.w. report that found none of the chemicals described by much of the mainstream media following that alleged chemical attack i p c w you have always been given free access they have an agreement with the syrian government to be able to crumble into territory that is secured by the syrian government of course they're on the able to when terrorists hold power three because of the risk to their lives but as in tomorrow when they were given free access to the duma a chemical weapon attack site they would be given free access to the aleppo site. so scum this hour video chains to show a school being targeted with take gas in the west bank we look at that sound the reaction from israel off the short break stay with us.
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remember before a trade war leaves a hot war there's currency war plays a trade war where in the current you are going on already with the china peg artificially low to get their exports to the u.s. in a way to build their economy and then the u.s. it worker was losing their job but they were paying a lot for chinese made stuff and so there was this symbiotic relationship going on so if the question is who's going to be twenty first century empire and who's going to lose it it's going to be the u.s. or china my thought is going to be coterminous and that both the u.s. and china are going to fall apart. place hard border accentuation dr vision between northern ireland.
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economic consequences it has a lot of consequences for people particularly those who live along the border there's a lot of free movement at the moment people move back and forward there's a lot of economic activity there's a lot of social social activity and nobody wants to see just. welcome back now the search and rescue ship the aquarius which is save thousands of migrants from the mediterranean has announced it ceasing operations doctors without borders which runs the mission blamed pressure from european countries initiated by the city the charity said that rome has sabotaged its efforts to save lives for the last two months the ship has been confined to a port in france following allegations the organization broke the law the italian government accuses those behind the mission of running
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a taxi service to autonomy and spy carrying people on the ship here's a recap of what happened. it's a strategic missile its response to the situation with aquarius is proof of a form of cynicism and a lack of responsibility on behalf of the italian government when faced with this dramatic humanitarian disaster. my duty is to defend the borders of this country which cannot become a refugee camp only those have the right to enter it's legal and it's in their other posts they can go sit in spain france malta and the netherlands according to the international organization for migration already this year more than two thousand people have died or gone missing trying to reach europe by way of the mediterranean well your my colleague there was here to discuss the issue with the
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aquarius project coordinator dr tom macaque. in the last three months we've had our flag stripped twice. once expressed lee from italian pressure to the panamanian maritime authority most recently we've had a trumped. waste profiteering legal process started in catania sicily and it's part of a longer two year smear campaign not just of ourselves but of the whole search and rescue. community if you'd like to refer to it as such all of it attempting to switch the focus onto os away from all noble who are at present drowning at sea european union has something called chaos which is a comprehensive european asylum system. at present there is something called the dublin regulation that dictates that every order nation is responsible for
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everybody who arrives there the preamble to creating math with the border states take their. migration very seriously consequently it is left room for populist and right wing politicians to create and still fear and use what is arguably not of migration crisis european commission as admitted it's as much. to create fear. the one hundred thousand people crossing the mediterranean is a drop of very very small drop in the bucket. of population and with the the ultimate point here is that what what. italian and other european politicians are seeking is of creating this into a discussion about migration and it is most certainly not a discussion about migration is
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a discussion about risk you would see. new details have emerged on donald trump's alleged. luzhin with russia during the twenty sixteen u.s. presidential election the long lasting miller investigation claims trump's former lawyer michael cohen has given details on how the russians tried to influence the vote the u.s. president continues to deny and criticize those involved in the probe but the u.s. media is now convinced washington can no longer cover up his campaign ties to moscow this argument makes clear that don't trump why don't you use that term lightly when he said of his first news conference as president the had no contact with any russians during the campaign dealings with russia the overtures from the russians or you know sort of more wide ranging that we had originally thought to seem to be you know. pretty forceful yes i think that's fair koen told. about more contacts between trump's orbit and it's it appears trump himself in
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russia and that's why we're here that's why we care about michael cohen that's why we care about robert robert mahler according to the latest memo cohen claims the russian government made efforts to interfere in the election he also said he tried to set up a meeting between trump and putin in twenty fifteen federal prosecutors are now recommending that cohen be sentenced to more than four years in prison legal analyst jennifer breeden told is it strange that people who previously said they hadn't lied have not dramatically changed that testimony. i think the timing is actually very important in this you know we've heard reports that mueller is going to pass down his findings soon the trump administration his attorneys also have lawyers preparing a report to rebut this but the miller report is supposed to be coming out soon and with that happening you see this desperation on mueller and his team here to try to
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find any evidence to link this i mean we're talking billions of dollars in taxpayer money billions of dollars that have funded this investigation mueller special prosecutors and so many other things even closely are not even tied to mueller but trying to investigate the trump administration the trump campaign and the kind of ties here and so to come out with a final conclusion or report that says nothing is not going to be very good for that you're going to have a lot of really angry americans it seems to be a bit convenient that two of the leave witnesses specifically michael collins and paul nana ford would come out right before days before this report is supposed to be coming out in that you know they did lie and they wanted to extend the investigation pain them more in a bad light in the investigation and good light and makes me wonder what kind of deal they may have could be offered at some point down the road for stating this just days after paul mann ford and his attorneys said we didn't lie there's nothing like that and then suddenly the to his change so i finalized this very curious i
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think in any u.s. court of law a judge would question such a flip flop in answers and the timing of all of this coming out. the israeli military says it's opened an investigation into soldiers using tear gas on schools in the occupied west bank now soft a video obtained by the israel's haaretz newspaper apparently shows an i.d.f. soldier targeting a school building. there have been numerous complaints from palestinians over the use of tear gas and stun grenades on schools and in an earlier interview with the haaretz newspaper and the i.d.f. spokesperson denied to be incidents of never had never happened and the weather conditions were to blame. as a rule no gas is used against schools however the changes in weather must be taken into account and some of the tear gas smoke might dispersed with the wind in
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different directions when asked about this latest video the i.d.f. said they act accordingly to operational needs and regulations and that the incident is under investigation my colleague andre farmer spoke to sars nima a cultural studies professor from the university who says the israeli military deliberately target the facilities israeli troops as well as the settlers are always. having this kind of atrocities against the schools. and specially the schools which is within the perimeter of controlled by the israelis and the settlers are targeting schools in particular so the parents will take their children out of the schools back to the food we. could grow the sport because they are in the area which is very close to the. and that was the aim to take over these areas they also say that soldiers have to experience
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a lot of provocation and children throw rocks at the soldiers is that the case i don't think that all the sickness accuses of standing in front of the reality especially in this particular case when there was some someone or you know like reviewed what happened that they were not actually lying about the reasons and also the executions are because there were some footage showing exactly what happened. inside the school. there are only ten states in the us where being a legislator is considered a full time job you know there's nothing prevents you from pursuing a business career while having a say on the rules that regulate industry that's led some to worry about a possible conflicts of interest.
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everyone is sort of shaped by who they are and they do i'm someone who represents business and that shapes my views sometimes. it's not a conflict of interest and we know it's not because the house rules make it clear and so does louisiana state. i'm sponsoring the bill for all return pharmacists in the state of alabama i'm just one little person i'm one little spoken that we.
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have let state government and federal governments get so big that it has the ability to give out special favors in the first place when you have a government that can give out special favors you're going to attract this type of behaviors what we're seeing happening at higher levels is basically a reflection of that culture we need to change that culture that says it's ok and instead say listen the government should not be giving money or special favors to anyone it is corruption at the when the worst way and we need to stop it the people who benefit from the special favors also write the laws so of course they don't change the laws the laws continue as long as the law makers can get special favors from the law. thanks for joining us nazi international they're all the latest will be back in about thirty minutes.


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