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tv   News  RT  December 8, 2018 5:00pm-5:31pm EST

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mum. see them. another weekend nother round of trouble. kind of vehicles that is paris this last saturday afternoon on the fourth consecutive weekend of the so-called yellow vest demonstration
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a correspondent is in the thick of it. and here we've also had rubber bullets being deployed each. very. near in germany is under merkel stepped down as leader of her party after eighteen years at the helm she's replaced by under great care and. everywhere in london i would see you know who i met before i was in the all the philippines i'm gonna stand what are they doing here they want to be here because it was so easy for them to hiding in plain sight we hear the incredible story of a man who switched from being a trusted. to begin m i six in full. hello good morning it's what i am here in moscow will. this live news update with me
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kevin owen as you just heard is france is dominating the coverage again this weekend for time now particularly paris which has experienced the fourth weekend of yellow vest protests dubbed the day of rage by the protest movement armored vehicles were seen in the center the french capital while the famous shan's elisei boulevard was filled with tear gas around eight thousand security personnel have been deployed in the french capital to prevent violence but it didn't really work as you're about to see there was a lot of nasty unrest. was . was was. a true.
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more than one hundred twenty five thousand people particularly those protests across the country thousands of it arrested protests are ongoing to spy present across earlier buying to pressure this week in counseling the proposed fuel tax hike that was a catalyst for all this on the face of it in the first place across polish reports now from the french capital. the rancorous just took a look at this this tear gas going everywhere we've also heard reports that christmas trees are being burned across paris we are of course in the last few weeks leading up to that festive season and here we've also had rubber bullets being deployed each. very close to us this is our rubber bullets. but we've also seen people who've been injured in the sean sillies a today in fact there was a pool of blood at one point i for one person who seemed to have had
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a mouth injury where we were really trying to move back to him but. it's in very difficult and it really does get completely inside you t. is streaming down my face again as a result of tear gas i can't tell you how many times that we've been gassed we're in the middle of it it's what we're trying to do i had lots of people commenting to be before you know you should where you go who else but the thing is even when you go where you go girls you still get tear gas everywhere about you there's nothing much you can do other than trying to get out into some fresh air. thousands of people have once again come out to protest full day demands and there are many demands that they will the government to meet a believe more than forty now what started out as a protest movement against our hiking fuel tax that was due to be included in january has now become so so much more people here and it is going to. show you
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here we've got police running down the street we're not exactly sure why but what we do know is that in the street just beyond us the protesters were trying to smash up restaurants and shops there and there was a huge amount of tear gas being deployed there actually just at the street you can look now next to that luxury a good shop louis witold and you can also see just a bit further down the street that huge police presence because that is one of the things we really noticed this week is in the previous weeks i believe last week there are about five thousand six hundred police officers here this weekend eight thousand in paris alone they go more tear gas they're being deployed at those protesters to try and clear them out of that street where they would causing damage in previous protests the police have generally try to hold back from deploying tear gas and even when they've had objects pelted at them by the protesters they've held
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back until they feel it's too much today when one of two things have been thrown at them they have been responding immediately and it's not just tear gas it's what the bullets it's our water cannons and of course we have all made vehicles on the streets in paris the first time since two thousand and five. thank you thank you one of the things we've heard from some of the sunni sure is is that the violence that we've seen over the last few weekends here in paris and elsewhere in front have actually been caused by people from the extreme left and the extreme right and actually this illusion movement is a peaceful movement that's that's what they tell us i mean we have seen a lot of violence in the streets and the idea is that the police had cooled and the smalling stopping people from getting into areas before they'd had check in searches going on if they felt that they had any material any weapons on them than they were taking. the way as
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a preventative measure. many people i've spoken to over the last week said if after the first protests call and turned around and said ok we're going to cancel the fuel tax that might have been enough that this is turned into something much bigger this is a spontaneous social movement in france and now the dumond's are increasing all the time the last say look there were more than forty which includes well they want things such as a minimum pension they want it to be raised they want the minimum working wage to be raised him fronts they want there to be a massive overhaul of the tax system in france those are just some of the demands and that list goes on and on and actually the recent it seems an official list because the jelly the yellow vests themselves are a split movement. say that the yellow vest movement is split it's fractured in fact this week a new group is emerged the yellow vest or the free yellow vests and they say that
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they are prepared to talk to the government other yellow vests say they're not with us they don't represent us and in fact when the elevates movement actually elected some spokespeople in the last few weeks to try and deal with the government they decided they were going to go and have a check with the french prime minister and they in fact canceled that because they got death threats the idea that they would even negotiate with the government. do burns who the some social media users have been drawing parallels now between the current unrest in paris on the popular uprising in ukraine five years back following a violent crackdown by police you may recall in kiev the protests the snowballed eventually culminating in the toppling of the government so i was joined in the studio a bit earlier by journalist macdonald to discuss some of the perceived similarities maybe between then and now. there are a few similarities in the sense that i mean my down mushroomed into a much different thing but in the beginning it was more or less
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a grassroots movement in the beginning before it got manipulated by external forces and became something completely different so this is i mean the roots of it are quite similar and the roots are basically down to a lack of money now it might seem a bit strange to say that ukrainians and french people could have something in common in terms of lack of money but you have to look at purchasing power and you have to understand that even though ukraine is relatively poor country things are are cheap in ukraine we think france is a very wealthy country but it's not for everyone a lot of french people and very low incomes and i believe the national minimum wage is something around forty thousand euros a year and us might seem like a lot to some people watching but it's not in france where you know a pint of beer is between six and eight euros and another issue in france which is also in ukraine is that in ukraine's provinces it's very very poor but kiev has always been relatively well off and a lot of people in ukraine were very resentful of this kind of elite in kiev who had to say going to car today going to shop are going to gucci to buy their clothes you know and looking in these windows of shops they could never afford to go into and it's quite similar in france and in paris is one of the wealthiest cities in
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the world and if you're on fourteen thousand euros a year with big utility bills down in the provinces somewhere of course you can be resentful towards paris so the roofs itself is not dissimilar let's look at the political reaction back in twenty four to a year it was almost unanimously calling on the government the end of president on a covert course to show restraint in these protests is to i have to say that the purpose immediately must be to see an end to violence because be very shocked by the amount of violence it's being specially based day to force it will be what is needed is to get back to an a peace situation as soon as possible but the people who are responsible for this cannot go on punished we together with the germans are going to look at what we want to do and sanctions taken at a european union level obviously comes to mind immediately we can then in the strongest. use of violence as a way to solve the. political of these to smoke rises or at that was there and this is now no mention of restraint by french police this time no mention of maybe
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sanctions on france but different no very different but don't forget there's a big difference here there's no geopolitical element at the time the whole idea was ukraine was caught between russia and the west supposedly although russia didn't ask for that it was the west that was trying to pull ukraine out of russia's orbit so to speak there was a deal on the table there was a deal of fifteen billion from russia to the young girl which is government it was another deal of an association agreement with the e.u. that's not the case here now nobody's looking for geopolitical advantage like nobody's trying to wrest france out of the european union or out of nato for example at the moment and another element as well that you know. emanuel my qualms relations with russia have actually been very good and if you're based here in russia or watch you from a russian perspective the idea that russia should be interfering here is ridiculous but then you go on twitter there's a guy that contributes regular guest the b.b.c. and c.n.n. has tweeted this channel and the parent organization ria novosti as it got strategically pace placed cameras around paris at the moment to catch everything is
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going on as if this is thought through is if we've got to do with it we're just a broadcast or you're working here in the my den i think and you remember there was a twenty four hour camera on the my done for months and months and months i mean i think of the b.b.c. and c.n.n. is wondering why or it's you've got a camera and they don't you might want to get on to them and i mean one because i mean i mean as larry king said recently c.n.n. doesn't even do journalism anymore a number of us and european officials visited kiev back then to support the protesters in twenty four to talking just now about u.s. assistant secretary of state victoria nuland when she was handing out cookies. do you think we'll see officials handing out treats in paris this time i bet not the only possibility would be if the russian ambassador or the or the chinese ambassador went down and did it and like i said at the end of the day there's no geopolitical play here is there's no reason for them to do it i mean why would the russian ambassador want to destroy relations with. the security person. on the streets of paris such is the degree of the problem that's there you see. crews
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surely pictures back a very heated city shops being looted brussels if this is being taken seriously not very my breath coming up and bear in mind is there a kind of a feeling maybe in france the they want to really kick things up a bit as well as gotten into all this trouble not because of you know the fact they gave the rich a tax raise it is not listening to these people it's a look it's a wake up call not for of course is not i mean mcallen was elected on a change agenda what was the very first thing he did like donald trump when he got into power he brought in a tax reduction for the wealthy and now he's turned around and shown a carbon tax on the poor and middle class who are the ones that kind of for it and there's a huge issue in europe of the squeeze midland's want to say that as we see more and more carbon taxes that would global warming and the kind of pressures upon if those taxes are placed on ordinary people rather than the elites we're going to get much more of that all around the world because people are squeezed like they said wages are not rising and people are squeezed.
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what you see there well as you see on the screen that's brussels now france is the low in europe are facing discontent on the streets in belgium police arrested around seventy trying to start their own yellow vest protest across as police spokesperson said the demonstrators did not have permission for the rally we'll keep you posted. more to brief you about in europe germany's ruling party the christian democratic union got a new leader described as a mini merkel and a gret cramp karrenbauer was elected during a party vote on friday replacing chancellor angela merkel is stepping down from the role of promise two decades at the helm of europe correspondent peter all of reports for you from berlin. and a gret will be the new leader of the christian democratic union party here in germany. fredricka mess in a runoff vote to take the party leadership picking up five hundred seventeen votes
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from the one thousand and one delegates that were voting in hamburg she is pretty much it certainly was billed as the continuity conduit heading into this election she was given the blessing by angola merkel the outgoing leader of the party after eighteen years when mrs merkel put miss crime karrenbauer in the position of general secretary of the c.d.u. interesting enough the same position angela merkel held before she went on to lead the party eighteen years ago now mrs merkel did give a very emotional speech and for the opening of the party conference in which she said whoever takes over from her is going to have a difficult task of pulling together and uniting a party and a nation in very polarizing times in the fight it's a critical time for our country and for parties like ours the c.d.u. c.s.u. with the f.t. to the right of us and to the polarized societies well certainly one of the reasons
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why you miss karrenbauer bay well of being voted in by those delegates is the relationship she has with angola merkel because although chancellor merkel has stepped down as leader of the c.d.u. she hasn't stepped down as chancellor and the two will have to work together very closely opposite side of that of course would have been if through to commit to get near. him mrs merkel do have a history in fact it was chancellor merkel that essentially ousted him from the c.d.u. party leadership way back when she rose to power but just who is. our the new leader and what she all about the preferred choice of mrs merkel is understood to be an internet. known by her initials. it lands assist with a small a pro european and a francophile she certainty for the already tight links with france when it comes to russia she is perhaps even more skeptical of the kremlin the chancellor merkel
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last week she called for russian ships coming from the sea to be barred from u.s. and ports saying to me a putin hadn't been squeaks enough. of a protein pushes as far as he thinks he will get to play with and if you're up in the years time given through united's response she will continue to push president we have seen this in the recent years and it's those policies that convents the five hundred seventeen delegates out of the one thousand and one casting their ballots that it was a k.k. that should be taking the c.d.u. forward for the c.d.u. politician makes money and cries no parliament nominee for will turn to for germany party thinks the christian democrats choice of leader eliminates it now there's a writer's center rival to his party. for every conservative in germany it is clear to see the u. wants to become a. liberal party but it will give what
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a conservative cause germany means you have to be evil. probably come over twenty percent in the european election in may two thousand and thirteen to see that you will continue the same style as merkel did the steps to fundamentally change the direction that brought. no one. to silent to deceive you comes conservative party so there is just one remaining conservative party in germany and. at last a competitor today. from a jihadist mastermind and bomb maker to double agent on the front line ayman doing spend almost a decade come to him with al qaida then switching sides become a british intelligence spy and he's going underground shows got his incredible story of becoming disillusioned with the terrorist cause and then having his cover blow is some of the interview you can watch the full thing if you want to on our main site dot com that letter which was sent to bill clinton it was urging him to
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invade iraq and to make it a beacon for democracy and to establish american hegemony they were just a think tank they put that letter and i will have the muscly billard his deputy seized on it seized on it and he said that their american administration. would not do this unless if there was an event on the magnitude of pearl harbor so he said we should give them a pearl harbor. because then they can invade afghanistan they can invade iraq they can invade somalia or elsewhere that's exactly where we want them to be because we need the bulldozer you know we don't own a bulldozer but they are the bull dogs that we need to provoke the bulldozer owner to come in and to smash the old structure out of nationalism communism whatever you want to call it socialism they must smash it in order for us to build an islamic
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structure. russia's double down about clash between russian and ukrainian ships and crimea two weeks ago was the result of a deliberate provocation by. ninety seconds from now.
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spread political allegation that it's all meaning if any politician regardless of their beliefs can be labeled a populist isn't all politics populism of some sort or. the bright russian security services have been speaking about the quote provocative nature of the ukrainian ships involved in clashes in the current strike two weeks ago they gave more details on the instant that almost bought the conflict between the two nations on the crimean peninsula as we did
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a coach never explains. russia's f.s.b. coast guard hold a briefing here in moscow where the course of events that took place in november the twenty fifth was outlined in details of the f.s.b. you called this incident a clear provocation and a very dangerous one however it added that incidents of such sort happened before on a numerous occasion in the past two years now russia's f.s.b. coast guard assad proper procedures and rules for passage haven't changed and before there's been no misunderstanding. it's necessary to stress that the rules of passage through the current strait have been effective for more than twenty years and they have always been observed by both russian and ukrainian ships the apis bigos guard said that there were ammunition and weapons found on board of the rest of ukrainian vessels that exceeded the standard load and also documents that said that that should have been a call for an op when you put it in the first note of during the inspection of
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ukrainian ships a document was found which orders and this is a quote to make passage through the coach straight out of the russian navy and f.s.b. supervision the main goal is to covertly pass through the cut straight end of quote you can make your own conclusion. russian court issued a decision ordering that all of the twenty four ukrainian servicemen arrested and the incident be held in custody for two months while the investigation is underway all of the men who were accused of trust passing ukraine calls this an act of aggression russia's f.s.b. says that the country is trying to picture servicemen as prisoners of war as they do immigrants just on up in recent times the ukrainian side has attempted to present its officers as war prisoners to those detained ukrainian sailors are charged with criminal offenses and according to the geneva convention neither can hold war prisoners while russia and ukraine are not in
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a state of war. some new information was also revealed at the briefing regarding zones on board of the arrested ukrainian vassals russia's f.s.b. said that the residents of the ukrainian city of dining at scott produce them saying that he had recognized one of the ukrainian security service man who was on board of the vasella as a person who allegedly tortured him all the now this whole operation was called to be an outrageous provocation that endangered over eight hundred civil ships stationed at the port just to remind you the respective sides here were it sounds ukraine says it ships were intercepted while there outside of russian territorial waters further they claim that they notified russia of the ship's passage but on the other side of this moscow denies receiving any notification from ukraine and says those ships intentionally ignored orders to stop russia also says the ships were following direct orders from the ukrainian government. middle east next the
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israeli military says it's opened an investigation into soldiers firing tear gas at schools in the contested west bank it comes after a video obtained by israel's arrests newspaper apparently shows an idea of soldiers targeting a school building. i have been numerous complaints from palestinian authorities over tear gas and stun grenades being fired into school property in an earlier interview with her rhett's an i.d.f. spokesperson denied the instance never happened he said weather conditions would have blamed for the chemical smoke drifting into ray i as a rule no tear gas is used against schools however the changes in weather must be taken into account and some of the tear gas smoke might dispersed with the wind in different directions when asked why this latest video the i.d.f. said they act in accordance with operational needs and regulations in that instance
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under investigation and who farmer spoke to cultural studies professor sad nima is based in the west bank he says the israeli military deliberately target this kind of facility. this really troops as well as the settlers are all who is. having these kind of atrocities against the schools. and specially the schools which is within the perimeter of the area controlled by the israelis and the settlers are targeting these schools in particular so the parents will take their children out of this is schools and by crime the school will be empty and by the time then they can control this is because they are in the area which is very close to the. and that was the aim to take over these areas and they also say that the soldiers have to experience a lot of provocation and children for their soldiers is that the case i don't think that all these acoustic uses are standing in front of the reality especially in
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this particular case when there was some someone or you know like videoed what happened and proven that they were not actually lying about the reasons and also the excuses are lame because there were some footage showing exactly what happened and they were throwing this grenades inside the school. well that's it for me tonight it's twenty six minutes past one of the morning keep up to date with all the troubles. of the times maybe trouble tomorrow's will go into sunday things come with. cruise and you can get it all without. saying for a good night. but all right.
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we're. going to. be. right on the bank. base walker. and this is going to that he would be. there internationally know that these industries polluting simply ignored the money and. the mother of the. day into this. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy to. let it
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be an arms race. here in dramatic development only. i don't see how that strategy will be successful. to sit down and talk. join me every week on the alex salmond chill and i'll be speaking to the world of politics sport i'm sure. i'll see you then.
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you know what you get a special edition of going underground coming up on the show i have zero question the. order of the killing monitor detailing exactly what was happening planted in france if he was in front of a jury you would be convicted in thirty minutes but did saudi crown prince who has been bombing yemen this week with a weapons really hold of the killing of a washington post journalist we have an interview with revelations that appeared to contradict what u.s. senators heard of a closed door briefing by cia director. was a chemical weapons expert. by plus we hear about his recruitment and the origins of the war on terror and defacto british backing of islam from yugoslavia to afghanistan to iraq to syria well with me now is a man who is allegedly one of the most seen.


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