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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2018 8:00am-8:30am EST

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a little. bit. and. that's what i'm going to be like. the french president meets politico on union leaders. to break his silence on some of the country's most violent protests in decades with a number of news outlets pinning the blame on social media for fueling me on. the
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role the french foreign minister warns not to interfere with the u.s. president tweets about the yellow protest claiming they were chanting for him we asked people at the rallies if really became trump is rich a billionaire and just why microdyne for me he's not a politician trump represents the very worst of our own president also coming up on the program this hour britain's labor party has left after its emerged thank you can't receive government funds for a smear campaign targeting opposition leader. we meet a young afghan boy whose devotion to his football hero saw him take the trip of a lifetime only to then face threats to his family's lives by.
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just on four pm here in law school this monday the symbol of the tenth wherever you're tuning in from you know me. the french president is meeting with the country's political elites and union chiefs after almost four weeks of nationwide protests bybee yellow vest movement on saturday passed parts of partial left strewn with burned cars shattered glass and rubber bullets in what was the worst rioting seen in the city in over a decade charlotte dubinsky reports now from the french capital the french finance minister who's described these protests that have been going on now for the last four weekends as being an economic catastrophe with france with french economic growth being reduced boy zero point one percent a result of them why we've been describing these protests as being a spontaneous social need when to the last three weeks there is invite something deeper behind it it's social media mainstream media outlets now suggesting that
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facebook algorithms could be to blame for spreading these protests on twitter yes those pesky russian boats they're at it again with some two hundred accounts retreating or tweeting one thousand six hundred times a day to put that in context that's on average eight tweets a retreats per account on saturday i think that tweet it at least twelve times so it's not a huge amount that the french authorities have said that they launching an investigation in to this alleged interfering by you russia once again but they said that they won't speculate as to the results of that until back investigation is ended that's according to the foreign minister who's also taken out to hit out against donald trump after he sent this tweet on saturday the paris agreement isn't working out so well for paris protests and riots all over french people do not want to pay you.
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large sums of money much to third world countries that are questionably run in order to maybe protect the environment chanting we want trump love france i am telling donald trump the president of the republic also told him we do not take part in america's debate leave our nation out of it don't trump say that it's we the people on the streets of france i mean paris which we won't trump well we didn't hear anything such like that but we decided to ask the protesters if they did indeed want trouble you could live with. the french one revolution they don't want mccrone they want him and the french government to resign. no i don't want or micro it's dangerous i'm not sure who is worse trump is rich a billionaire and just like micro for me he's not a politician no one in france would have voted for trump for us trump represents the very worst of our own president we want. you put in france
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some feel. about equality and we have balance system something like that. we have the king and we don't want the king anymore it seems the protesters don't want trump and more until they won't. and many will be waiting with bated breath to see what the president will say to the country this evening the protests continuing today in france yellow vests said they will be out in force this weekend they describing as marked by. some insight to a particular aspect of a charge that was speaking about there we go live to brussels on journalist reveal of course seeing its own yellow face protests at certain stages over the past few weeks doesn't look we see that the media are seizing on claims that russian trolls are no to blame let's listen together quickly to how cnn's putting it. there have
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been suggestions that bad actors are stirring up this part of. the arts scene social media invaders so french intelligence see it's investigating but does it surprise you that russia is getting the finger pointed at it yet again . it's the blame game at its best i mean who is the worst villain on earth moscow again you know it makes me think of nazi germany before the war the jews were responsible of everything while today the populists are the jews of nazi germany it's incredible i mean imagine for instance that moscow would be behind the fact that eighty seven percent of the french population supports the yellow vests that three hundred thousand people were occupying roundabouts everywhere in france because of moscow i mean this is ludicrous but something else
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must you michael geraint be camping at the beginning of the campaign for the presidency you know it was at bill c. at the ministry of finance in a socialist government and to fume at that time got problems that were coming from where from bill c. so isn't he the specialist the fake news of orienting bates of making sure that you lost the debate within that i probably can't so the worst example is now the fact that blaming moscow is ridiculous what we get we should point out i did hear look at as you well the thing about russia denies involvement in french domestic affairs it leads to the question should investigators be looking for causes closer to home for these supposedly bought strolled what or who might they be. well that they take the fact that there are pro kremlin accounts mine for example
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program in accounts who are going to be revealing things that are coming from the sputnik from our team and all those sources in moscow but of course i mean but there is a program when parson all the chancellor chancellor course of austria is also a program in bad guy probably i mean this is a ludicrous this is impossible to to come to these extremes again it's nonsense germany to good example and mr michael moore his minister of interior after the first awful saturday violence in paris said he said he declared a lie in front of everybody on sci on t.v. if one on every channel in france he said that these violent demonstrators were responding to the calls of martin looked in the leader of the us all of them want to say that this is all fake news and everybody admitted afterwards so how can these people pretend that moscow is beyond all this is it's crazy look thanks as
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always for your take brussels based journalist a live on the program. ok news just coming into us now from westminster where it looks like the british prime minister is about to postpone choose these crucial parliamentary vote her brags it plus position leader german corben has joined all named cabinet sources saying that trees may's not going to risk what looked increasing like a humiliating defeat now she has been holding talks we know all day long with aides cabinet members and his jew to address m.p.'s in the commons three thirty pm local time well may her struggle to get backing for a plan. both remain on leave supporters are united really in opposition to that many of them indeed as many as one hundred m.p.'s from her own conservative party
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publicly come of it against her plan. well let's say stay with things you kate because there's anger among british opposition labor politicians following revelations that they give a government funded think tank led an online smear campaign against their party we go live to westminster our correspondent alison see a church going to see i was just glancing through the story huge sums of cash involved here what exactly is the thing accused. well you know these revelations that a scotland based organization dubbed the integrity of an initiative that is actually aimed at tackling russian descent from a nation has been using its official twitter account to attack opposition party leader jeremy corbyn as well as other labor party members to the tune of no less than over two million pounds of foreign office cash and these revelations have certainly created quite a scandal here in westminster and have sent the labor party fuming this comes
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following reports featuring quote explosive leaked documents passed on to the sunday mail now some of those tweets include language such as calling jeremy corbyn quote a useful idiot with open visceral anti western news and that helped the kremlin cause plus unlike galloway corben does not scream can conspiracy he implies it as well as really other statements that have basically have seen members of the labor party now say we're not going to have any of this it is simply outrageous that they clearly misnamed integrity initiative funded by the foreign office to the tune of two point twenty five million pounds over the past two years has routinely been using twitter feed to disseminate personal attacks and smear against a leader of the opposition the labor party and labor officials what the hell is
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going on it's a bit of parliamentary question recently and discovered the foreign office has given two million pounds of public money to a shady organization that's indulging in black propaganda against jeremy coburn and the labor party if it is true that there is a deep state funded to operation against party it is totally unacceptable and to next one nation plus an inquiry must be conducted to mediately. well look previously the foreign office had confirmed funding the integrity initiative with over one million and nine hundred thousand pounds in this financial year as well as two hundred ninety six thousand pounds in the previous financial year and we know that now the foreign office have launched an investigation following these latest revelations saying any kind of domestic involvement in politics would be condemned this is what the foreign office minister alan duncan had
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a very recent appointment i don't know the facts but if there is any kind of organization for which we are paying which is involved in domestic politics in that way i would totally condemn it well we've also reached out to the foreign office for any further detail statements and we'll certainly update this report if those come in certainly not a slow news there own westminster today artie's on the situation in london thank you. the killing of a mentally disabled palestinian man during a raid in the west bank is once again focusing criticism on the israeli military is among our stories coming up after a short break. i max keiser one more of my guide to financial survival this is
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a device used by professional scallywags to earn money. that's right these hedge funds are simply not accountable and we're just. totally destabilize the global economy you need to protect yourself and get informed.
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you're back with our international let's start in fact back in with news. just a few moments ago from westminster where it looks like the british prime minister is set to postpone choose these crucial parliamentary vote on her brags it plumb opposition leader germy corben has joined all name cabinet sources saying theresa may is not going to risk what looks increasingly like a humiliating defeat we know that all day long this monday she's been holding talks with aides cabinet members perhaps with a few to getting that vote across. it does not look to be happening she will address m.p.'s in the commons of three thirty pm local time that's just over two hours from now we'll be covering that extensively of course to try and get backing for her plan from both remain and leave supporters i suppose that's what will be in that speech as many as one hundred m.p.'s from her own conservative party have
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publicly come out against her. more and when we get it on the program. a run is warning us sanctions against it may lead to a deluge of drugs asylum seekers by terrorists in the west to seize the economic pressure it's facing could affect the fight against drugs on its lengthy border with afghanistan the world's leading opiate supplier iran says that it spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year to curb the illegal drug trade and he says seti has been following the story. trump iran sanctions three words all a little too familiar to the world although washington aimed sanctions at terror on its european companies who have felt the impact. sanctions may have closed the door to hear a pin business says they could apparently open another to the flow of drugs.
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i warn those who impose sanctions that if iran's ability to fight drugs and terrorism are affected you will not be safe from a daily use of drugs asylum seekers' bombs and terrorism in case you didn't know iran has been a barrier to a deluge of drugs coming from afghanistan feels it is. iran has a lengthy pause that with afghanistan the world's largest producer of opium destined for markets in europe and elsewhere in twenty sixteen the u.n. estimates that iran seized the hof a million kilos have. iranian officials say they spent a hefty amounts on enforcement measures by areas canals fences around eight hundred million dollars annually it says on sealing its borders to prevent the transit of narcotics and if iran contra is stopped because of sanctions well you get the picture. you don't weaken iran by sanctions many will not be safe
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washington claims to have the problem under control since two thousand and two has been engaged in the council narcotics program in afghanistan but get this back in two thousand and one before the u.s. intervention poppy field stretched to around seven thousand six hundred and six has fast forward to twenty seventeen and the number grows to three hundred twenty eight thousand hex says no contradict program undertaken by the united states its coalition partners or the afghan government resulted in lasting reductions in poppy cultivation were opium production so drug trafficking is primarily aimed at protecting its own citizens drugs affect. million iranians nevertheless it's also bringing benefits for other countries such as the europeans as well i think with the wrong honey government is trying to do is it is trying to tell the europeans that if the. nuclear deal dies in unfortunately it seems that
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that is the. they cannot expect or ration on other issues such as fighting drugs in fighting terrorism and while drugs and terrorism empower iran primarily but we have to remember that they also in the region as well the trans regional actors are just europe. speaking of afghanistan a young boy from the country i'm a devoted fan of football star leo messi has been forced to flee his home for the second time after threats from the taliban the group initially confronted the seven year old after a picture of him in a homemade messy jersey made from a plus the bug went viral you might remember the little boy's family their fear for their lives once more.
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that. slash that. i'm going to be. one of them and of going to be superman because i forgot a bunch of us some of them. at.
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that time yes but. gosh i was. just in the slot machine should. pass. that. troubles are brewing between belgium and the democratic republic of congo with the reopening of a museum dedicated to central africa it was supposed to be a new chapter in relations between the two countries but for some it's backfired given belgium's brutal colonial history. well congo president joseph kabila is the month in the return of items seized during the era which are on display in the museum near brussels when first established in the late nineteenth century the
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museum to shine a light on the imperial belgium showcasing the greatest artifacts from the african continent seven congolese actually died in the building in eighty ninety seven after being put on show living exhibits the museum stays its focus is on the works of our frickin artists but it still has thousands of items looted from congo including the skulls of tribal chiefs the spite sixty years of independence the horrors of belgian rule are still remembered there a warning the following clip contains some disturbing content.
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well in a statement the museum acknowledged the mistakes of the past while visitors on opening day appeared divided on the controversy. because that is really interesting to see our cultural history i think because of the fact that the music is still managed by white people who are still in. that it is still a wide vision. but on the verge of it it's a new vision of africa it's different to the one that existed when i was a child i'm going to discover it just didn't think i used to come here as a child so i'm curious to see the end of a museum i don't feel concern by the controversy which i think it's ok that these artifacts are here in belgium a museum is a museum it allows us to see what happened to the friends of the congo are the same
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group they're very much on one side of this argument they believe that in order for a new chapter to open all the looted artifacts should be returned. have a situation where through belgian colonialism european colonialism. they. destroyed african societies and now we've gone to point where africans are making the demand they come and say well you don't have the infrastructure to accommodate the materials that we deluded in order for a new chapter to be opened the thousands of artifacts in the museum need to be returned to the congo that's fine and they can advance expand the museum and. other artifacts however the primary concern is the return of the cultural legacy of the africans. debate sure to
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continue you'd like to know more we've got a special report running throughout the day here on r.t. international about how colonial rule impacted upon the congo you can also watch online by searching congo my precious thoughts on r.t. dot com. the death of a mentally ill palestinian man in the west bank at the hands of the israeli defense forces has once again brought the army's tactics into question a video has emerged are partly showing the man being shot in the head twenty two year old mohamed ali is seen walking in the street before then lying face down and bleeding he was pronounced dead later in hospital it's attended his funeral in the west bank we spoke to mohammed spurred. he was on the way home from work and happened to come across some israeli soldiers he was then shot and the bullet hit between his eye and his nose you could see that his eye was swollen it
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said that he was shot from far away but we saw on the t.v. that the three israeli soldiers shot him at close range. he got a call saying that had been shot and is now in hospital his father rushed the er only to find he was already dead. my son was not related to any political faction he was a very simple person jew to his mental disability. the i.d.f. for its part sees its soldiers were responding to dozens of rioting palestinians who were throwing rocks. at first use right the special methods before firing live shots an investigation into the incident is on the way well israel for israeli forces regularly raid the west bank searching suspects who are wanted for terror attacks or possessing illegal weapons last year twenty eight palestinians were killed and over a thousand arrested. well
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muhammad's father has understandably been left devastated by the killing of his son opened up to us about his loss and who he believes is to blame. the israelis claim that they have been investigating the three soldiers who shot him but i have no idea if the investigation will continue he's a big loss to everyone he was special and different to all his brothers he was my right arm and held me with everything i want to repeat that the israeli army has
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full responsibility for the death of my son. all right a selection of programs next depending on where you are in the world but each is a good and see you in thirty for the latest news updates this is. one else seem wrong. just don't. get to shape out just the opposite. and in detroit equals betrayal. when something find themselves worlds apart. she says to look for common ground. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s.
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has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crime tamping each did. eighty five percent of global wealth you want to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. putting back in place hard order. dr vision between northern ireland and on darling has economic consequences it has a lot of consequences for people particularly those who live along the border there's a lot of free movement at the moment people move back going forward there's
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a lot of economic activity there's a lot of social and social activity and nobody wants to see got to stop the. prosecution will need to become almost. a full design. where you push off the threat of fines somebody known to seem to i mean jani i mean did our political pressure on that bill do i need him close to security jenison knows when to pull your hand out of business models used by american girl for a chanst. he's sold on coup.


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