tv News RT December 10, 2018 10:00am-10:31am EST
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coalition. also ahead on the program the french president meets political on union leaders. break his silence on some of the country's. decades. pinning the blame on social media for fueling. the french foreign minister. to interfere after the us president tweets about the yellow protest claiming they were chanting for him we asked people if that was really the case. for me. trump represents the very worst president. we meet a young boy whose devotion to his football. but a lifetime only. live
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from our international news center in moscow this is our senior warm welcome to the program my name's unilever. we begin this hour with news in from westminster where it looks like the british prime minister is set to postpone choose these crucial parliamentary vote on her much maligned briggs's plan opposition leader jeremy corbyn has joined all name cabinet sources saying treason may is not going to risk what looks increasingly like a humiliating defeat. to london to polly boyko polly we will know for sure of course when the pm addresses parliament later this hour but the rumors have been still bawling happily. and it looks like she's going to be revealing something that everybody knows already thanks to a number of thoughts is saying that the vote is going to be perspire and after an
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emergency cabinet phone call that she had with her closest ministers a bit earlier on today and it is a pretty drastic ministers have been trying to persuade her to call off over other perspire in this vote as early as last week around this time last week but up until this morning the message from downing street had been very much that the vote is one hundred percent on take a listen to one of her ministers talking about it this morning be prepared to leave the european union we want to ensure that we do so in an orderly way and the withdrawal agreement which will be vigilant tomorrow not gives us an opportunity to leave the european union. and yet two hours after that interviewed michael gove did lots of interviews this morning the education sept secretary confirming that the vote was very much on two hours afterwards cancelled a pretty drastic you. and the widely accepted reason for the vote being
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disposed is that the reason may was going to lose it by a landslide a humiliating defeat it would have been for her in parliament and the deal that she brought back from brussels that she was meant to be pushing through parliament is just so controversial it's remarkable in the sense that it's managed to unite politicians of all stripes again. many of whom who say that the current withdrawal agreement the way that it looks now cedes too much power. that leaves the u.k. we can negotiating position and potentially in this sort of so-called for reasons bragg's it which is something to do with the issue of this indefinite irish backstop which has already lost the support of the d u p in northern ireland which is the party that's meant to be propping up to resume a minority government so in a way all this political chaos and uncertainty that we have right now moving the
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vote so late in the day is already a defeat of sorts that's what a lot of people commenting on this online have to say it's not clear how she can improve her position and when more people over and the harder bags it is and how policy of course say well she should just go back to brussels and renegotiate a better deal but it's not that simple the european commission has reiterated today that the deal isn't up for renegotiation take a listen to the message from brussels. we have an agreement on the table which was and tourist by the european council in this article fifty four meant on the twenty fifth of snow there. as president you sense this is the best and only deal possible we will not renegotiate. and yet there room and now that we're hearing from one or two cabinet ministers already is that to resume a might really attempt going back to brussels and renegotiating this very
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contentious issue of the irish backstop now a lot of politicians who are waiting for that vote tomorrow night all very unhappy about this meant many of them were waiting for the vote to kind of get their say on this meandering briggs's to get a bit because. a lot of people very keen to hear the prime minister's explanation and when that vote is going to be rescheduled for it's going to be talking very shortly so we're going to be following it for you top analysis as always the term a rock and a hard place seems very good for today as police seized in iran got twenty five minutes or so we will know more. in westminster. ok moving across the channel there with the french president is meeting with the country's political elites union chiefs after almost four weeks of nationwide
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protests by the yellow vest movement on saturday parts of course were strewn with burned out cars shattered glass rubber bullets all over the streets in what was the worst rioting scene in the city in over a decade i want to do you know takes us through the latest. the french finance minister who described these protests that have been going on now for the last full weekends as being an economic catastrophe with france with french economic growth being reduced boy zero point one percent as a result of them while we've been describing these protests as being a spontaneous social equal to the last three weeks there is invite something deeper behind it media mainstream media outlets now suggesting that facebook algorithms could be to blame for spreading these protests on twitter yes those pesky russian boats they're at it again with some chew hundred accounts retreating or tweeting one thousand six hundred times
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a day to put the income tax that's on average eight tweets per account on saturday i think that tweeted at least twelve times so it's not a huge amount that the french authorities have said that they're launching an investigation in to this alleged interfering by you russia once again but they said that they won't speculate as to the results of that until that investigation is ended that's according to the foreign minister who's also taken out to hit out against dawn will trump after he sent this tweet on saturday. the paris agreement isn't working out so well for paris protests and riots all over france people do not want to pay large sums of money much to third world countries that are questionably run in order to maybe protect the environment chanting we want trump love france i am telling donald trump the president of the republic also told him we do not take part in america's debates leave our nation out of it and don't know
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trump say that it's we the people on the streets of france i mean paris which we won't trump well we didn't hear anything such like that but we decided to ask the protesters if they did indeed want trump even to live even the french one revolution they don't want mccrone they want him and the french government to resign. no i don't want or micro it's dangerous i'm not sure who's worse trump is rich billionaire and just like micro for me he's not a politician no one in france would have voted for trump for us trump represents the very worst of our own president we want. you put we're in france some feel. about equality and we've balanced system something like that. we have a kid and we don't want a king anymore it seems the protesters don't want trump more today he won't not.
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many will be waiting with bated breath to see what the president will say to the country this evening the protests continuing today in france and yellow vests said they will be out again in force this weekend they describing as marked by. some news outlets are in fact suggesting social media is the driving force the main force behind the riots and not those rising fuel costs there's been suggestions that bad actors are stirring up this part. but. he is so sure media invade is a. well i got the thoughts of geo political commentator peer money. on this and more he believes shifting blame to moscow is a way of covering up western governments failures. of
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western foreign policies to blame russia on their own internal problems on their own fate or in foreign policy but told us all we are in a new job political a world of. communication war between major power us and russia is used us as a scapegoat invest wall in every event involve west's beats does not trump election bragg's e mode in french politics. they use they use a rush you're. a scapegoat to blame for your own problems. a busy news day today in a developing story japan has effectively by chinese telly come equipped men joined while away on a number of other chinese companies from obtaining government contracts japanese
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ministries the armed forces they've all been given guidelines prohibiting them from buying any equipment produced by those firms tokio ses it's to prevent sensitive information from being leaked the decision comes hard on the heels of the arrest of while ways a chief financial officer is also the daughter of the telecom giants finder that happened in canada at the request of the u.s. last week washington accuses her via leaving american sanctions imposed on iran six or extradition making one jews arrest those putting crease strain on u.s. china relations just as there was hope of a thaw with donald trump and she jinping agreeing a trade war truce stuff that you twenty china's foreign ministry has warned canada on. u.s. consequences if it's not ready. to go to war over the weekend the vice foreign minister someone both the canadians and the u.s. ambassadors make up position over the issue we hope that the governments of the two
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states take this seriously as for what the severe consequences will be but the voice foreign minister warned off when we see the canadian ambassador i can tell you that it depends on the canadian side itself or hong kong based political scientists is of the view that japan's move seems in line with washington's efforts to limit wild ways presence in. the american government has been warning. age in the united states. where you put men and beasts that the british. had also proud to is the praise. in the coming years and now. and also. trying to avoid losing. so this apparently is the concept that you need and promoted by the united states to exert pressure on the military
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and. we keep the news rolling here in our to international in ninety seconds time time for short break. you know world's big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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make this manufactured consensus public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. room the real news is. just coming up to a quarter of an hour into the program welcome back the e.u.'s foreign policy chief say's a mechanism for maintaining trade with iran despite u.s. sanctions could be ready in the coming weeks or make a moderate made out statement on a news conference. commitment we have to make sure that the iranians
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benefit okeydokey and people benefit from the lifting of sanctions even after the us decision to reimpose some of the sanctions i would expect this is true meant to be established in the coming weeks before the handover here as a way to protect and promote a legitimate business. or earlier warned that u.s. sanctions against it may lead to quote a deluge of drugs asylum seekers bombs on terrorists in the west tehran the economic pressure it's facing could affect the fight against drugs on its lengthy border with afghanistan which is the world's leading opiate supplier around sees it spends hundreds of millions of dollars each and every year to curb the illegal drug trade and the society example story trump iran sanctions three words all a little too familiar to the world although washington aimed sanctions at terror on its european companies who have felt the impact although sanctions may have closed
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the door to european businesses they could apparently open another to the flow of drugs. i warn those who impose sanctions that if iran's ability to fight drugs and terrorism are affected you will not be safe from a daily use of drugs asylum seekers bombs and terrorism in case you didn't know iran has been a barrier to a deluge of drugs coming from afghanistan feel he is. iran has a lengthy border with afghanistan the world's largest producer of opium destined for markets in europe and elsewhere in twenty sixteen alone the u.n. estimates that iran seized a hof a million kilos of opium iranian officials say they spent a hefty amounts on enforcement measures barriers canals fences around it. eight hundred million dollars annually it says on sealing its borders to prevent the
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transit of narcotics and if iran contra is stopped because of sanctions well you get the picture. you don't weaken iran by sanctions many will not be safe washington claims to have the problem under control since two thousand and two has been engaged in the council narcotics program in afghanistan but get this back in two thousand and one before the us intervention poppy field stretched to around seven thousand six hundred and six has fast forward to twenty seventeen and the number grows to three hundred twenty eight thousand hex says no contradict programme undertaken by the united states its coalition partners or the afghan government resulted in lasting reductions and poppy cultivation were opium production so if iran can no longer protect its borders with afghanistan a wave of drugs threatens to engulf europe and beyond another tragic consequence of trumps foreign policy hitting allies instead the effort iran is putting in fighting
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drug trafficking is primarily aimed at protecting its own citizens drugs effect for two million iranians nevertheless it's also bringing benefits for other countries such as the europeans as well i think with the wrong honey government is trying to do is it is trying to tell the europeans that if the. nuclear deal dies in unfortunately it seems that that is the. nordic space even for creation on other issues such as fighting drugs in fighting terrorism and while drugs and terrorism empower iran primarily but we have to remember that they also in the region as well the trans regional actors are just you're a. busy day at the palace of westminster we return to london where there is unger. among british opposition labor politicians following revelations that a u.k.
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government funded think tank let an online smear campaign against third party parties i was to see a church brings us more these revelations that a scotland based organization dubbed the integrity of initiative that is actually aimed at tackling russian descent from a nation has been using its official twitter account to attack opposition party leader jeremy corbyn as well as other labor party members to the tune of no less than over two million pounds of foreign office cash and these revelations have certainly created quite a scandal here in westminster and have sent the labor party fuming this comes following reports featuring quote explosives week documents passed on to the sunday mail now some of those tweets include language such as calling jeremy corbyn quote a useful idiots with open visceral anti western isn't that helped the kremlin cause plus unlike galloway corbin does not scream conspiracy he implies it as well as
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really other statements that have basically have seen members of the labor party now say we're not going to have any of this it is simply outrageous that the clearly misnamed integrity initiative funded by the foreign office to the tune of two point two twenty five million pounds over the past two years has routinely been using its twitter feed to disseminate personal attacks and smear against the leader of the opposition the labor party and labor officials. what the hell is going on a parliamentary question recently and discovered the foreign office has given two million pounds of public money to a shady organization that's indulging in black propaganda against jeremy coburn and the labor party if it is true that there is a deep state funded to operation against party it is totally unacceptable and to next one nation plus an inquiry must be conducted to mediately previously the
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foreign office had confirmed funding the integrity initiative with over one million and nine hundred thousand pounds in this financial year as well as two hundred ninety six thousand pounds in the previous financial year and we know that now the foreign office has launched an investigation following these latest revelations saying that any kind of domestic involvement in politics would be condemned this is what the foreign office minister alan duncan had to say i don't know the facts but if there is any kind of organization for which we are paying which is involved in domestic politics in that way i would totally condemn it well we've also reached out to the foreign office for any further detail statements and we'll certainly update this report if those come in. ok i'll update on a story you may remember from not very long ago a young afghan boy devoted fan of football star leo messi has been forced to flee
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his home for the second time after threats from the telephone the group initially confronted the seven year old after a picture of him in a homemade messi jersey made from a plastic bag went viral and the little boy's family no fear for their lives once more. that. last. one of them and i'm going to miss you but. i thought of.
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a new chapter in relations between the two countries but for some it's backfired given belgium's brutal colonial history or congolese president joseph kabila is the mending the return of vitamin c. . during the era which are on the splay in the museum which is located near brussels when first this stop in the late nineteenth century the museum aimed to shine a light on the imperial lights of belgium showcasing the greatest artifacts from the african continent seven congolese actually died in the building and eight hundred ninety seven after being put on the show as a living exhibits the museum says its focus is on the works of african artists but it's the last of items looted from congo including the skulls of tribal chiefs the spite sixty years of independence the horrors of belgian rule are still remembered vividly there a warning the following clip contains some disturbing called. there
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has been a response from the museum saying that it knowledge the mistakes of the past while visitors on opening day appear divided over the controversy because that is really interesting to see our cultural history i think because of the fact that the regime is still managed to by whites people who are still in. that it is still a wide vision. on the books because it's
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a new vision of africa it's different to the one that existed when i was a child i'm going to discover it just when you see i used to come here as a child so i'm curious to see the. i don't feel concern by the controversy i think it's ok that this art. actually here in belgium a museum is a museum it allows us to see what happened well the friends of the congo advocacy group they believe very much on one side of this argument that for a new chapter to open all the looted artifacts should be returned. to have a situation where through. european colonialism. they. destroyed african societies and now we've gone to a point where africans are making the demand they come and say well you don't have the infrastructure to accommodate the materials that we deluded in order for a new chapter to be opened the thousands of artifacts in the museum
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need to be returned to the congo that's fine and they can advance expand the museum in. other artifacts however the primary concern is the return of the cultural legacy of the africans you can watch a special report on how colonial rule impacted upon the african country throughout the day here in r.t. international or indeed watch any time online on r.t. dot com it's called congo my precious. right that is our lot for not but we are expecting trees in may to read a statement on whether choose this crucial parliament vote on breaks it will now go ahead or not that will become up in a few minutes if not we're going to go to some more programs which start in just a moment but i might be seeing you very shortly this is our t.
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i am delighted to give my best wishes as a summer break the seventy seven first city is one of the most exceptional documents ever conceived universal declaration of human rights i've seen on the seventieth anniversary of the un declaration of human rights were going underground for british as chile to the saudi war on yemen on the ever growing history of britain. secret human rights abuses for this going underground special i'm joined now by one of the world's great chroniclers of anglo-american secrecy and lies the author of secret affairs britain's collusion with radical islam and the great deception anglo-american power and world order and many other works mark thanks so much for coming on just before we get to the seventieth anniversary of the un declaration predictable that there was.
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