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tv   News  RT  December 10, 2018 2:00pm-2:30pm EST

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i need him on call told an earthquake security jenison knows where the phone bundled up business models used by american corporations jadhav what he's sold on could be mental disease has a new album use. the i know was mark on the scene and the solution. lies up in association with the potato. i noted when he saw small dogs it is just simply his ability to maintain an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. tonight the big brick sink showdown to resume a bood in parliament. choose days plan and a crucial commons vote admitting she'd face a major defeat as m.p.'s lined up to condemn both the delay and her plan this government and the prime minister feel it's time because of the greek prime
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minister members across this house don't want your deal she not realize how can one take and articulates this make the. head to the front physical and union leaders as they propose to break his silence. on some of the country's most violent protests in decades with a number of news outlets putting the blame on social media for fueling the unrest and other developments in france to the french foreign minister wanting donald trump not to interfere after the u.s. president tweeted about the yellow vest protest saying they were chanting for him we asked people at those rallies have really was the case trump is rich billionaire and just like macro for me he's not a politician for us trump represents the very worst of our own president. temp here monday night here in moscow welcome when i was kevin zero in this is r.t.
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international i'm here with the next hour latest update for you on this bricks at the top in the bill making all the news again tonight and the fighting around it the british prime minister put chooses crucial parliamentary vote on a much maligned plan on ice few hours ago truism i was confronted by anger on all sides in a packed house of commons she admitted that m.p.'s had too many concerns for divorce deal to get enough backing just this house wants to deliver bricks it i if she doesn't take on board the fundamental changes required then. she must make way for those who can the biggest on certainty for british business lies not in this field but on the front bench of the labor. prime minister members across this house don't want your deal does she not realize how chaotic and when articulates this make you know you hear what she's doing today.
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i mean she is for eight. years so it's a reason may that addressing a very fractious house of commons confirming that vote has been delayed it must of been humiliating for have to concede that her deal that she'd been talking up she said it would be voted down and that she will now go to brussels in an attempt to renegotiate certain elements of the deal if she actually calls it to seek assurances over the contentious issue of the irish backstop in the future of the irish or they take a listen to what she had to say this is very carefully to what has been said in this chamber and. i. from listening to those views it is clear that while there is broad support for many of the key aspects of the deal i. yes on one issue on one issue than all the
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backstop that remains widespread and deep concern we will therefore defer the coach or for tomorrow. and not to proceed to divide the house at this time the challenge . it's almost the result of the referendum it's pretty dos this house wants to deliver bricks it. a clear message from the s.n.p. but in the house. does it want to do so through reaching an agreement with the e.u. be honest that this risk dividing the country again. time wise to reason may says that she wants to go and visit e.u. leaders in the european commission before this week's e.u.
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summit but still not clear specifically when that's going to be but she wants to discuss changes and address m.p.'s concerns but we don't have a date for every new devote to when this vote will now take place and that is a great source of anger among politicians in the chamber many of them with desperate to finally have that say on this rather chaotic gregg's that process make claims that she's listened to her critics into the concern that people have and that she's going to do everything she can to seek assurances from the e.u. over the issue of the irish stop well a lot of people would say that she didn't listen that she should have those in her own party will say she should have. on the say that this wasn't a deal that they wanted a tall and that's what the leader of the labor opposition party jeremy corbyn had to say the government is in disarray. is building for business people are in despair at this stage of these failed negotiations the prime minister
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is trying to solve one last chance to save this deal if she doesn't take on board the fundamental changes required then she must make way for those who can m.p. after m.p. after to resign my statement lined up desperate to get in that ostensibly that questions to the prime minister but really indignant criticisms of how she has handled this negotiation process as yet no date for the vote the prime minister planning to tweak or not renegotiate but seek a surety says on some elements of the deal which calls the m.p.'s in the chamber of already dismissed as not good enough and a deal that brussels has already said that it's going to refuse to renegotiate. yeah spoke supro castro former m.p. george galloway he said trees amaze daises premier couldn't be very numb but now.
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this is not bricks she's proposing and therefore a good one hundred of our own m.p.'s will never vote for whatever reassurances she brings back it's a bit it's a bit like waving his piece of paper promising peace in our time the leaders clearly smell blood this meld blood in the form of a second referendum which they hope would lead to a reversal of the last referendum result whether or not they're right about that it would still leave millions of people very bitter and angry it would risk social peace in britain if the first referendum is somehow an old i think the most likely outcome is treason may being overthrown by her own army her own party and the new prime minister returning to square one there are plenty of people in the wings waiting boris johnson even gore is here for the occasion just to look prime ministerial and he's churchill's biographer. of the connections well
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tonight in europe the french president has met with the country's political elite and union bosses after almost four weeks of nationwide protests by the yellow verse movement they say mccrone gave no details about his upcoming address to the nation that should be happening at eight pm local time what time is that let's now well on saturday parts of paris will have strewn with burned cars shattered glass and rubber bullets as we reported to you it was the worst rioting seen in the city in over a decade he takes his to the latest french finance minister who's described these protests that have been going on now for the last four weekends as being an economic catastrophe with france with french economic growth being reduced boy zero point one percent a result of that why we've been describing these protests as being a spontaneous social movement over the last three weeks there is in fact something . behind it it's social media. media outlets now suggesting that facebook
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algorithms could be to blame for spreading these protests on twitter yes those pesky russian ports they're at it again with some two hundred occurrence retreating or tweeting one thousand six hundred times a day to put in context it's all a bridge eight tweet story tweets per account to say i think that tweet it at least twelve times so it's not a huge amount but the french authorities have said that they are launching an investigation in to this alleged interfering russia once again but they said that they won't speculate as to the results of that until that investigation is ended that's according to the foreign minister who's also taken out to hit out against donald trump after he sent this tweet all saturday the paris agreement isn't working out so well for paris protests and riots all over france people do not want to pay large sums of money much to third world countries that are questionably run
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in order to maybe protect the environment chanting we want trump love france i am telling donald trump the president of the republic also told him we do not take part in america's debate leave our nation out of the donald trump say that it's we the people on the streets of france and in paris which own thing we want trump well we didn't hear anything such like that but we decided to ask the protesters if they did indeed want trump even to live with. the french one revolution they don't want mccrone they want him and the french government to resign. no i don't want all my crew and it's dangerous i'm not sure who is worse trump is rich a billionaire and just like macro for me he's not a politician no one in france would have voted for trump for us trump represents the very worst of our own president we want. in france
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some feel. about equality and we balance system something like that. we have a king and we don't want the king anymore it seems the protesters don't want trump more today he won't go on and many would be waiting with bated breath to see what the president will say to the country this evening the protests are continuing today in france and yellow vests are said they will be out in force this weekend who are they describing as marked by well as i said just now president across address actually underway right now listen across it will let you know what is going to safely really comes up meantime some news outlets abroad are suggesting social media is the driving force behind the riots and know the rising fuel costs which was we were told the initial catalyst there's been suggestions that
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bad actors are stirring up this part. of. the social media invaders a political commentator appear manual told police shifting blame to moscow is a work covering up western governments failures. actually visit with part of the western foreign policies to blame russia on their own internal problems on vo orn fate or in foreign policy but all saw we are in a new political world of. communication war between major power us and russia our is used us as a scapegoat invest war in every event involved west's beats donald trump election briggs's the turmoil in french politics. the user rush you're. a scapegoat to blame for your own problems.
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well actually stay with that story said we bring you anything personal that happens i can tell you the same mr mccullough speaking at the moment seems already has declared a state of economic and social emergency in france quite the ramifications of that not quite sure but that's the headline has come out we're going to put some meat on the bones of the hopefully the corresponding very shortly but as we say at the moment we're among them across the clearing a state of economic and social emergency in france overall the riots over the fuel tax increases eccentrics said that has gone back on our course where other news tonight russian citizenry aboot in a charge to the united states of being a russian agent has filed a request for a change of plea lawyers are prepared a motion with a hearing likely to be held sometime this week to define annmarie ability now breaking down saw and a government by him through its attorney respectfully found this joint motion to set a change of plea hearing in the above caption matter and request
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a hearing at the court's earliest convenience or if someone has a change of the change of pleading kellam opens across this in new york city in simple terms caleb what does this motion mean it is it means she's going to plead guilty or there could be any number of things she could say. well when bettina was a recently a rang. she pled not guilty she said she was not guilty of any of the charges at that point then she has been held she was denied bail and she's been awaiting trial now we understand that this has been filed and they are requesting a hearing in which she can then change the police now people are jumping to some pretty strong conclusions the press has been speculating that she may be ready to plead guilty however that's just that's a pretty strong conclusion to jump to now at the moment it would be possible for her to perhaps change her plead to no contest she may also change her plea to to
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a lesser charge it's possible the prosecution is prepared to drop some of the have your charges against her and she would plead guilty to a lesser charge as is commonly done you know plea deals are reached in the united states now let's review tina she was charged she was arrested they allege that she was trying to infiltrate the national rifle association which is a prominent lobby that works on behalf of firearms manufacturers and corporations and gun owners in the united states it's alleged that she was working within the national rifle association trying to push the agenda of the russian government now initially when she was charged they allege that she was in touch with intelligence officers that she was trading favors for sex the prosecution has backed down from a lot of those statements said that they were inaccurate at this point they're simply charging her with being an unregistered lobbyist saying that she failed to register as a foreign agent of the russian government she was denied bail she's been held in federal custody ever since arrest and at this point we're seeing that there is
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a motion for a change of plea now we don't know exactly what that means about a change of plea but we do understand that this hearing in which she would be able to change her plea could take place as early as tuesday tuesday is the earliest that the parties that are necessary to be involved will be of. salable so at any point from tuesday onward we could be seeing bettina in a federal courtroom changing her police so we'll be waiting to see what happens next we really don't have the answers here it's possible this could be you know i could be a plea of no contest it could be a plea of guilty on all charges or radek can be a plea of guilty to lesser charges after a deal is reached with the prosecution we just have to see we don't know what's going to happen but we will know after it takes place in the courtroom ok well what i think you're going to be across it at least figure into more you'll be following will become than kellam open in new york city which is for. the is for policy chief says a mechanism for maintaining trade with a random spite those u.s.
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sanctions could be ready in the coming weeks frederica morgan really made that statement in a news conference in brussels earlier. from it and we have to make sure that iranians benefit that italian people benefit from the lifting of sanctions even after the u.s. this intervene for some of the sections i would expect this instrument to be established in the coming weeks before the hand of the here as a way to protect promote a legitimate business. let's get some thoughts on this a little from the former deputy speaker the belgian parliament hey there thanks for your time tonight so frederica moderately saying the new mechanism of trading with iran will be ready soon but the negotiations already but i'm going to cause for several months is the really going to come up with something in the near future or just all of a bit more time where they work and what did not beristain us too much. well actually i think it's a bit of both and there is a lot of stolen but at the scene it will go on to a concrete
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a decision in the coming weeks or months or whatever now and the fact itself that the e.u. is taking this step and there's already made some symbolic expressions of support for the deal to maintain a deal is really important in itself you know you know the e.u. european countries i mean the bastards in the endangered haven't already our trade my winter trade wars matric issues with the united states but do trade issues themselves but the subject of the disputes now is this is a political issue which as far as i can tell is the first time in the really deep boost world war two history between the e.u. and the united states it's going to be not it's going to be tough to do this and so that upset her boat rocking relations too much more with the u.s. so apparently this plan are not quite you probably know better it's going to work the main is going to involve creating an umbrella the my feeling is that all e.u.
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countries agree on the on the decision in principle but not on the condition wanted that. mechanism has to have a base somewhere and all the countries want to have that base in their country in their capital now the most obvious choice of course is brussels you have brussels which is also the city where nato headquarters is situated and brussels belgium and canada has a habit an excuse well beyond the seat of the e.u. institutions now we should not over africa it's going to come this mechanism but we should not overestimate its possible consequences of big companies in our car companies or others are going to take they're going to choose the best and not stop dealing three with iran anyway because they're going to maintain their biggest trade barn but for some smaller you can't police rule for example only have three dealings britain near asia or with iran specifically they will benefit from this
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deal indeed they will now whether that in the long run once this starts running how this will pan out was the united states or as i say at the wrath of the united states already the u.s. treasury secretary said that measures would be taken he said to counter the e.u. plan could this come to some say the kind of tit for tat like we're already seeing with with china. and not as much not in the same not in the same way but indeed that is something that could happen in in the coming weeks and months i will see that the e.u. on this issue we should not forget that the stone age allies within the e.u. the conservatives of falseness are also in favor of maintaining this deal with iran so even their best allies within the political spectrum in you are in fear are against the reasoning that the united states uses to describe the other two so there's going to be something like what you said did put that in the future yes i
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think it's really behind this is it is it the fact that really the really wants to keep this nuclear deal alive it thinks is a good thing really does think is a good thing or despite what could happen at all with the u.s. these these relations that could really be salad by this they would be prepared to put the u.s. relations or second rather. well that does said that that's a tough one to answer i do believe that the will of the e.u. to maintain this deal and there really sincerely believe that this deal is a good deal and they're totally disagree on this issue with united states government is about trade or what safety nuclear world safety was coming first here . are you now putting it into really great terms we're not there yet and i'm not going to go into some do musician marry or we'll never know what the i did the whole thing is not real the e.u. do this they will do it and bridge will do it but how will the united states in
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what way will they react they also have interests to protect themselves within europe so i am not sure it's going to be immediately i mean it's all going to depend they're going to see what congolese are going to start keep dealing with iran and what the world will not and then some measure might become and then there are there might be scenarios like you said it would get a lot of face it turns out repression thanks for putting the meat on the bones of a bit more former deputy speaker the belgian parliament was nice to see yourself as it was a glance. around all the u.s. sanctions against it may lead to a deluge of quote drugs asylum seekers bombs and terrorists in the west duran says the economic pressure it's facing could affect the fight on drugs practically because going to relax the border with afghanistan and afghanistan is the world's leading opiate supplier around further says it spends hundreds of millions of dollars every year to curb the illegal drug trade warm up tonight and isha sesay now. trump iran sanctions three words all
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a little too familiar to the world although washington aimed sanctions at iran and its european companies who have felt the impact although sanctions may have closed the door to european businesses they could apparently open another to the flow of drugs. i warn those who impose sanctions that if iran's ability to fight drugs and terrorism are affected you will not be safe from a daily use of drugs asylum seekers bombs and terrorism in case you didn't know iran has been a barrier to a deluge of drugs coming from afghanistan fiji is. iran has a lengthy border with afghanistan the world's largest producer of opium destined for markets in europe and elsewhere in twenty sixteen alone the u.n. estimates that iran seized a hof a million kilos of opium iranian officials say they spent
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a hefty amounts on enforcement measures barriers canals fences around eight hundred million dollars annually it says on sealing its borders to prevent the transit of narcotics and if iran contra was stopped because of sanctions well you get the picture. you don't weaken iran by sanctions many will not be safe washington claims to have the problem under control since two thousand and two has been engaged in the council narcotics program in afghanistan but get this back in two thousand and one before the u.s. intervention poppy field stretched to around seven thousand six hundred and six has fast forward to twenty seventeen and the number grows to three hundred twenty eight thousand hex has. program undertaken by the united states its coalition partners or the afghan government resulted in lasting reductions in poppy cultivation were opium production so this. iran can no longer protect its borders with afghanistan
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a wave of drugs threatens to engulf europe and beyond another tragic consequence of trance foreign policy hitting allies and stat. also in the headline larger plan those effectively banned chinese telecom equipment giants well way and a number of other chinese companies too for obtaining government contracts japanese ministries in the armed forces have been given guidelines prohibiting them from buying any equipment produced by those firms turco says it's to prevent sensitive information from being leaked the decision comes hard on the heels of the arrest of the chief financial officer huge high profile person also the daughter of the telecom giants found in canada at the request of the u.s. watching to the accusers are violating american sanctions imposed on iran and wants their extradition all that was being rattle that day in court the rest is put increased strain on the u.s. china relations just as there was a hope of a bit of a crack of the thaw with donald trump and she jinping agreeing a trade war truce at the g twenty just turned in argentina last month or china's
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foreign ministry now was born to canada and the u.s. of consequences as it put it and it always talks a mild terms if marrying isn't released. do it all more over the weekend the vice foreign minister summon both the canadian and the u.s. ambassadors and make clear opposition over the issue we hope that the governments of the two states take this seriously as for what the severe consequences will be but the voice foreign minister warned off when meeting with a canadian ambassador i can tell you that it's totally depends on the canadian side itself if you need to recur point where many people don't go but i did from an after the chinese telecommunications equipment and consumer electronics producer founded ninety seven the company is now the world's largest telecom equipment maker it ranks as the second largest smartphone brand globally dunnett's american competitor apple on kong based political scientist joseph chang told us she perms recent move to shut way seems in line with washington's efforts than to limit the
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telecom giants presence generally. since twenty fourteen the american government has been warning. agents see if the united states. has also to its prey's quitman in the coming two years and now. and also a new seed in trying to avoid using equipment so disappearance really is a consulate that you need and promoted by the united states to exert pressure on human trait. twenty seven minutes past ten o'clock moscow time thanks ever so much watching some of the main news stories of the main one if you just joined us all of british pm to reason dramatically canceling tomorrow's planned parliament vote on the package we got more reaction and more thoughts about that story coming up
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tonight in the coming hours. from now kevin owen saying thank you for watching. international. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race. spanning dramatic development it only really exists i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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i am delighted to my best wishes as celebrate the seventy seven first one of the most exceptional documents ever conceived universal declaration of human rights. in all the seventieth anniversary of the un declaration of human rights we're going underground for british based chile to the saudi war on yemen on the ever growing history of britain's secret human rights abuses for this going underground special i'm joined now by one of the world's great chroniclers of anglo-american secrecy and lies the author of secret affairs britain's collusion with radical islam and the great deception anglo-american power and world order and many other works well thanks so much for coming on just before we get to the seventieth anniversary of the un declaration predictable that there was almost universal media derision and
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political derision and jeremy corbyn for raising poverty instead of the important issues like breaks it only important tourism live a little surprised me have called and received a lot of criticism for that because he's raising an important issue and it has to be said much of the british media and lot of british parliament don't seem to like important issues actually being raised in public. they seem to be much more content often with debating fairly marginal issues rather than issues of real public importance i mean for example where is the real outrage and accountability for the prime minister over war crimes in yemen at the moment for example why is there not very much attention on that in the political scene or in the media scene i would have thought.


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