tv Watching the Hawks RT December 11, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EST
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and together against the storm rather than give up so now let's start watching the hocks. one to. get the. real thing is what. a lot of. what the like you that i got. with. the. native american adults of non hispanic descent are at greater risk of psychological distress and poor overall health than any other racial group they are also the most likely to have unmet medical and psychological needs and those needs stem from trauma not only in their current lives but in the lives of those that came before
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them. john today all what often talk about d.n.a. remember all we have to do is remember it's in our d.n.a. remember it's in our d.n.a. . and that's were for anybody was talk about our kind of stuff but in fact it resonates. and people clinically at that. historical trauma in the united states of people from the african-american community and the first nation and business communities of america. and of course you know people who are descendants of holocaust survivors the jewish community and others have as well japanese american a term of survivors but no i was i was aware where he was going with this and i supported it and tire lay and i thought it's about. what is historical traum. the run for freedom as
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a white man i'm on the run and i'm treated like lakota but as soon as i get in the car and leave nobody's looking at me that way anymore but it's every single frickin day of their life age there's no way out of. her good night religion never been to an indian reservation you have you probably saw serious poverty alcoholism drug abuse the history of oppression against indigenous people goes back to money and power in the cradle of civilization virgil black lands minister of indigenous affairs red circle society playing one of. the historical traumas that our people have suffered in the past. the. the abduction of our. spiritual power. if we look at our history as human beings we go back as far as thirty b.c.
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. when egypt became a province overall. the roman empire. adopted and abducted certain powers. and sacred things sacred items from that. and incorporated it into their daily lives. obtaining that power for their own personal use. and so when we look at moving forward in history. we look at. the creation of the valladolid. and they valladolid was a document that was. to discuss whether native americans in this country indeed had souls. and if they did. were they entitled to basic human rights in fifteen forty two
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a bishop in mexico bartholomew cost us stated that europeans had the right to colonize and slave and even exterminate indigenous people because they were in his mind barbaric uninstructed in letters and the art of government and completely ignorant and reasoning and totally incapable of learning anything but the mechanical arts that they are sunk in vice are cruel and are of such character that is neater teaches they are to be governed by the will of others it was also. further in history. affidavit. or contract if you will. that was drafted up by the roman. catholic diocese is referred to as the roman pontiff x. . and the roman pontiff x. was. an issue to the world and all the inhabitants that all things inhabited in concord belong to the church and this led to the
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mercenary disbursements of people like john cabot. and josh cartier. and the person that we speak of most frequently today is christopher columbus and while many believe. the days of colonization is over the remnants of that genocide still acco across the land very long executive producer of the documentary dodging bullets explains how life is still fundamentally different for first nations people we get pulled over in a car like i did a little of my own and. i responded that very different than if you're african-american or if you're in there. because you may get shot. you never know you have you may get shot by this cop you know. that's what that's what historical trauma yes every minute you make it shot you make it let's just.
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that's with the daily existence. and it goes back to your first nation person i mean you think of lynchings. the largest mass hanging in u.s. history by lincoln's decreed right here in minnesota under separate twenty six eight hundred sixty two three hundred three male members of the sioux tribe were found guilty of stealing food that was meant for the reservations back from white settlers who had stolen it in the end president abraham lincoln compromised and instead of hanging all three hundred three he agreed to only have minnesota hanging thirty nine of them so centuries have passed since rome began annihilating native people and cultures we asked antony stately c.e.o. native american community clinic what trauma looks like today for the indigenous and first nations so when you look at the native american population compared proportionately we are more likely to be killed by police that african-americans
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and by a latino is rather of the racial. and those are things that people don't really think about they think of because while there are so few of us that were insignificant. but when you look at the partial impact of things like these conditions on the native people. my people these are my relatives the people that live here. that that sort of is the problem. where we are the first peoples of this country we're the first people of the state of minnesota that the crowd it ought to wake people. we deserve better treatment than we're getting richer. while the opioid at the demick has ravaged the whole country native americans and american indians have been targeted throughout history for extermination by any means necessary and it's see. and many applets that means came at the end of a prescription pad. its chemical warfare people been surviving it's of fourteen
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ninety one the drugs are not the answer as never been the solution they are part of the pharmaceutical companies but bargeman to keep people asleep to keep people sneaky abusing the words conspiracy theory because nothing is a conspiracy as conspiracy theory when your truth my truth his truth is truth everybody's truth is truth we all are experiencing it different ways some people experience in this way some people experience of this way but when they all have similar aspects and they all come together then obviously it's happening just because certain people don't want to accept that this is reality and do something about it doesn't mean it's not but the power that people give away every day by consenting to the process that gets said is fraudulent that is oppressive that is you know the gentrification of this country in a mass scale all the way across the board. in the tent city known as the wall of
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forgotten natives in downtown minneapolis minnesota the issue of opiate addiction is on the front of many minds and despite the fact that less than a third of residents at the encampment are struggling currently with opiate addiction or abuse their struggle is money many understand and are well aware of how it got into their community on the sort of call will call the news. on their doctors of course first course and then after they stop it stop and stop pushing it was being held accountable for wherever there were five people that gave or addictive than heroin those fallen and that became i have never met. the wall of forgotten natives has had help from one group in particular since day one natives against terrible and american indian movement. are supported not. now it's your first trip jumped on us right away. so we're just
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supporting number one what we can one day is against now and started what are really twenty fifteen was having a lot of orders and gas so being in this field of you know. our production we're going to a lot of me and instead of being into i want to do action with action make sure we started talking struggle with. the. curriculum so that we interact with and a and then our way and to the stately c.e.o. native american community clinic had this to say about the heroin epidemic and why it's hitting indigenous populations particularly hard the heroin epidemic of course caught everybody in the entire nation by surprise but the conditions for this situation her were really out were fired by the heroin epidemic because you have a group of individuals and a community that r.t.
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significantly franchised and oppressed and excluded from almost practically every opportunity that exists for the rest of the nation right we have the highest rates of poverty we have the highest rates of lack of education we have the highest rates on joblessness we have the highest rates of practically every social and health an academic indicator that you can think of that prevents us from being able to be successful but i think that the heroin epidemic is a lot of people and all that we are or i live of probably have a lot of drug use and that. support nor that comfort chicago or detroit really and all that they can make a profit off of. profiting from the poverty of others is not only found in the drug trade but also in the high rise luxury condos that are popping up in every us metropolitan city while in their shadow the working class and poor are struggling to even find a roof to put over their family's head. as we go to break don't forget to let us
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know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter see our full shows at r.t. dot com coming up the second half of our investigation into the wall of forgotten natives in minneapolis minnesota stay tuned to watching the hawks. play. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy confrontation let it be an arms race in this on all sides spearing dramatic development the only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk.
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you shouldn't. be put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president injury. or somebody want to be. that you'd like to be closer to what the forty three of them or ten people get. interested always in the lawyers at the college. there should be may. be a loser saying. look they're going to be cheap you know busted and then you went through all the countries but the idea is they're right to scold us comfy you said you're going to give them everything for us to discuss.
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it. discomfort. this is what we don't understand how we are in such a country. doesn't listen to the ones at the same time. noticing how. similar. one leg of the last few feet if the minutes of kong or not they got to meet live again in the world without the food without the plane. to come back to the three story you have to see. to move. with make this manufacture come sentenced to the public wells. when the roman closest to protect themselves. with the crime
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larry go around the sun we don't want. to ignore middle of the room sick. i mean real news. shows seem wrong why don't we all just don't all. get to shape our lives just comes to educate and indeed from an equal betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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minneapolis minnesota has a population of approximately four hundred twenty two thousand people with a twenty eighty nine year old budget of over one and a half billion dollars with twenty four million dollars allocated for affordable housing this comes just three years after the completion of the u.s. bank stadium the new home of the vikings football team it can comfortably sit over sixty six thousand football fans it was made possible by about three hundred fifteen million dollars from the state of minnesota and approximately one hundred fifty million dollars from the city of minneapolis for the billion dollar projects the super bowl that was held here just last year netted the city over three hundred seventy million dollars but for the people here at the tent city known as the wall of forgotten natives they wonder where all that money could have gone
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was because just a mile from the billion dollar stadium is an encampment of between one hundred fifty and two hundred tents housing almost exclusively members of the indigenous peoples of minneapolis and their families in calibers came to my attention i was really through the conversations i have of my staff back and probably met arrived when there was maybe like for tents or four or five tents or early august it was really one it started to get more attention with england. both in the community but also within the city and the county because the tent city on the counting grew very rapidly one week on the spartans next week go us no forty johnson writes we it's kind of political my staff has been down here during our bridge and trying to connect people to health care services or a number of things for quite a while and something we've been funders are doing. to the state of minnesota for our the last six or seven months and while many news reports falsely claim that the
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majority of the camp are people with opioid addictions that have been evicted from public housing our investigation found that only about twenty five percent of the residents are there due to opioid addictions or drug arrests frank pair of national information coordinator for the american indian movement explains currently what's going on right here and always will recall of a wall of forgotten need of just got over one hundred sixty five close to two hundred tents up and down there's three or four block area if you're not you're a couple of months bringing attention to homelessness of american indians in our own homeland this land here was look or a flat we've got people out here from from little kids. to grandmothers and droppers in their seventy's remember to use luckily the frankly street corridor that the encampment is in contains most of the organizations that are available to help american indians but even going a few blocks away for that how has prevented challenge which is where people like anthony stately the c.e.o.
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of the native american community clinic comment i formed a partnership with the red lake nation and also arden ization called the out group . the three of us went into a partnership together to deliver onsite medical services because it became. fairly evident to me and to a number of the folks that i work on my own with that is that miley there's a saying that there are a number of people here who had on that made up medical and chronic medical conditions like. open with the solar arrays and that several people didn't like use metaphors and several of other people had either the conditions so really my my desire to kind of get medicals onsite medical services were recognizing that they were not going to go even five hundred feet to the big clinic that is right at the corner or two blocks to michael. to get medical care because. all kinds of issues right away. they're homeless and all the things like that all
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the things that are important to them that mean everything to them or the world or their belongings and their temple and when they would leave to go and do things like seek services you that mcclintock are across the street at the outside edge and services ten people and sometimes two other things which is a traumatic event to somebody who's a mess currently it's mid october the temperature during the day is around in the fifty's but it does get down into the thirty's at night which is why the plan right now is to move the people that are currently living out of all forgotten natives across the street to a location behind me which is owned by the red lake nation now eventually there's going to be affordable housing for these people on that list many on the ground feel that the city's goal of getting everyone at the encampment into permanent housing by december is lofty at best james alan cross the founder of natives against heroin who've been overseeing the camp when explains why i think it's going to go well in the over a year i think that the first process of is get them over to their the center over
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there their role like purchase of all help people that don't want to be in war the rules for curfew or so we've all continue to talk with this city called the mayor and everybody else in the hierarchy of all five at a place where we're going to have these relatives who i know they don't want to see or take for many coming here to be with their people instead of sleeping in cars or under bridges is a step up and gives them a sense of community that isn't always possible when suffering from homelessness especially when you're a member of an oppressed people but as thomas anderson told me it's not about us and them the wall of forgotten natives is all of us i think that. the police brutality of the sleeve the lack of understanding of what people need help and healing they look at people as less when it comes to you know nonviolent drug offenses that are policies and statutes that are not law. people are just dismissed they use the word crazy the use the word mentally ill they use the words of
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labeling to where they can dismiss things that are all that's their problem that's you know our problem it's not our children that's their children when there were no like us at all for those directions all directions all nations all conscious of you being. you know it's the home of dark us that means we're all related we're all relatives. currently the tent city known as the wall of forgotten natives in minneapolis minnesota holds over two hundred homeless members of the american indian community and according to a little coverage it is gone you would think the driving force behind this homelessness is the opioid epidemic but there is much more to the minneapolis tent city and those like it around the country while indigenous american indians constitute only about one percent of minnesota's population twenty percent of homeless youth aged twelve to twenty seventeen in the state are american indian according to the northeast regional project near the half of all american indian
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homeless adults reported having been physically abused as a child a rate thirteen percent higher than the national average the report also showed that american indians experience homelessness are more likely to experience major depression and post-traumatic stress disorder more than their counterparts with fifty six percent reporting a serious or persistent mental health condition now ever mental illness and of the use of fact all demographics so what is taking an already oppressed and marginalized group american indians and shoving them off the cliff well. in a twenty seven thousand u.s. department of housing and urban development surveyed by ramsey county minnesota which included st paul the twin city of minneapolis it was found that quote stagnant wages guy rocketing rents and a lack of affordable housing were the biggest contributors to a rising rate of homeless people in cities across the united states for the residents of a wall of forgotten natives their ability to found
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a follower of fordable housing has become much harder in the last decade see in twenty ten the average rental price in minneapolis was about twelve hundred and ninety dollars a month by twenty fifteen that price of risen to fourteen hundred fifty thousand dollars a month and by twenty eighteen the average rental price now in minneapolis has jumped to over sixteen hundred dollars a month clyde bell in court one of the founders of the american indian movement told the guardian. it's unfortunate that they have to occupy these urban lands to demonstrate the fact that we don't have access to affordable housing anymore and while racism is what is pushing the american indians of minneapolis to the brink it didn't happen by accident see a whole new way of making a profit from the struggles of others as emerged from the ashes of the twenty eight mortgage crisis it turns out the banks are packaging and selling portfolios of one
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family rental properties and urban and suburban areas even better the federal government is subsidizing loans for those investors to buy into those portfolios one investment group just did fifty one point three million dollars and financing for eight hundred twenty four unit portfolio with locations in jacksonville florida memphis tennessee atlanta georgia birmingham alabama and histon texas all under the freddie mac's single family rental pilots while these portfolios cash in most of the new housing being developed in cities like minneapolis is not for young people it's not for extended families like those of the wall of forgotten natives the baby boomers flush with cash from selling their homes and downsizing to lecture apartments in the city centers in fact data from the u.s. census bureau indicates that from two thousand and nine to twenty fifteen the
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percentage of the renting population over fifty five years of age surged twenty eight percent in comparison rentals in the thirty four and under a chaotic category only increased by three percent and finally according to a report this summer from the lincoln institute of land policy vacant homes have increased by more than fifty percent from three point seven million in two thousand and five to five point eight million in two thousand and sixteen so there seems to be. public funds available for private individuals and corporations process to. all set from homelessness yet city is like many out there as have to struggle to find homes for a couple of hundred people which begs the question why aren't we helping the working class like those living at the wall of forgotten natives instead of subsidizing luxury rentals for baby boomers be good to each other out there and in this world we are not told we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you this is
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watching knox have a great day and night everyone. i've been saying the numbers mean something they've mater the u.s. has over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar ai industrial park but don't let the numbers
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overwhelm. the only numbers you need remember one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy going foundation let it be an arms race in. spearing dramatic development only personally i'm going to resist i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical time to sit down and talk. what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or some want to be rich.
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