tv News RT December 11, 2018 7:00am-7:31am EST
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across this house don't want your deal she told me and i have to take and would make the. french president. moves to appease a nation in revolt promising tax cuts on an increase in the minimum wage. economy i am declaring a state of economic and social emergency. i accept my share of responsibility. we go live to paris shortly also coming up the pentagon blames on a cunning error free us taxpayers' money going to subsidize the saudi campaign in yemen. just three in the afternoon here in moscow this choose date december the eleventh and welcome to r.t. international i mean o'neill. fearing for her future the british prime minister has
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council a crucial vote on her breaks at the highest the commons was set to the side all of this choose the but treason may yesterday admitted that the council vote spurred her a major defeat she's now however facing increasing pressure to step down. this is very carefully to what is being said in this chamber and. from listening to those views it is clear that while there is broad support for many of the key aspects of it to. us this house wants to deliver bricks it. if she doesn't take on board the fundamental changes required then she must make way for those who can pampers across this house don't want your deal does she not realize how chaotic and articulates this make you know you know this isn't
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a government in control failing again. isn't her time wasting to like simply reckless what has been the point of all the pain and uncertainty of the last two years what the heck is going on i t she is for eight true but no prime minister is better than a prime minister way while the chaotic out miss fear in the house of commons was a pit in my eyes by one m.p. getting through and after he picked up a parliament ceremonial mace in protest. every review. i. recalled makes technically must be present for the u.k. parliament to pass laws and also a symbol of the monarchs of. the opposition labor m.p. claimed it was a gesture to pro-trade the chaos in which. since the break that referendum back in the summer of two thousand and sixteen the issue has divided and stirred
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controversy amongst the british public politicians here's the moment the result and confusion so. we can now say the decision taken in one thousand nine hundred seventy five by this country to join the common market has been reversed by this referendum to leave the. we are absolutely clear that there is no way that the remains side can win or can it it's two and a half years since britain voted to leave the euro pm. but the prospect of staying in that club is higher than ever how did it get to this. it how to be rather straightforward that country but instead this is an historic moment from which there can be no turning back and brussels paying. created. that. can be concluded quickly bendish
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the negotiations began and charged away for a year until they hit a couple of major stumbling blocks the thorny issue of the irish border as well as future trade bluster from one side just to train work for economic cooperation. and provide a from the let nobody be in any doubt that as i've always said we are preparing for no deal ministers left may side in the e.u. face. with anti european movements across the continent was it just going to roll over when it deal between london and brussels was finally struck last month john made it clear if this one you. actually. meant to give becomes easy solution back am to reason may's deal any united politicians
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of all stripes against it faced with losing the vote by a landslide to reason may called it off at the eleventh hour and much to the outrage of politicians failed to set a new date somehow when house voted to debate this we wanted to vote to meet the people expected us to vote to meet on the government have a government run away and get in the toilets this is the ultimate humiliation for the leader of the house here and for this prime minister and how we could look at the house of the other night and try to suggest the pain this is business as usual it's quite extraordinary constituents are watching this farce with people in the newsman with no idea how this country is being run because we didn't host comes up with new way forward for all of us the message for many including the hard bags it is in her own policy is that she can't improve a rotten deal which although not exactly in those words also happens to be the
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message from brussels i have decided to call european council meeting on thursday we will not renegotiate the deal including the backstop but we are ready to discuss how to facilitate u.k. ratification as time is running out we will also discuss a preparedness for a no deal scenario so instead of surviving a historic parliamentary vote to raise a maze had to ensure his story accumulation and by failing to reschedule the date of the vote she's been accused of running away from democracy and then says the u.k. . moves ever closer to the twenty ninth of march the official date of britain's departure from the e.u. that means that m.p.'s are going to be under even more pressure to approve what perhaps they consider to be a bad deal just to avoid a disastrous no deal scenario that if to resume a survives as leader and doesn't get ousted by either her own party or through
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a vote of no confidence which incensed opposition parties say they're now planning that could force a general election and considering the current state of disarray a party promising a second referendum to potentially reverse brags it could win popular support. well an emergency debate is still expected to take place later this choose the in the comments but of course without a vote polly was explaining we'll be staying across all the pranks at the vellum and trees and may heads to berlin to meet the dutch and german leaders she's aiming for more concessions on the irish border issue to help her deal through now we spoke to a member of the all ireland shin fein party who can't see any positives to braise it either side of the irish border i think we do want to see on a border certainly not on the island of ireland and not in the r.e.c. either the majority here in the north of ireland thought it to him ian it is absolute democratic discreetness it to force us to accept the european union if we
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accept on the terms that the bracks tiers of the d p s me as allies wish then it will mean a return to a hard border it will mean the diminishing undermining of the good friday agreement which forces the underpins our peace process will mean that jobs will be lost investment will be lost we will jeopardize the progress that we have me in terms of our peace progress on in terms of reconciliation we're twenty years old for all reasons we're against borders and we don't believe that backstop stachel status for the north of ireland which is can t. in the agreement we don't believe will lead to a hard border and the irish see the constitutional issue in a reduced united ireland will be decided on another day. the french president's attempting to quell weeks of violence by offering an olive branch to his on green nation after four weekends of nationwide protests the money will mccraw made
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a dramatic statement on monday evening. economy i am declaring a state of economic and social emergency upon the i accept my share of responsibility and initial attempt to appease the revolt has failed the so-called yellow vest protests continued even when the government scrapped a fuel tax hike and now this week in his first public address since the. two other demands like tax concessions and the minimum wage rise. well political science professor john locke and told us he thinks that the new measures announced by more crowding will not save his presidency france's broke france's not only broke but france is chronically in debt other european countries are in debt as well but france's situation is particularly severe mcconnell came in
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promising to reduce public spending he said he would reduce it by between sixty and seventy billion euro. what we are seeing here is an increase in state spending not a decrease we are seeing a man running for it running scared exactly like mrs may in london this is the end of emmanuel michael's. promises and he is what he did yesterday last night was nothing other than a one hundred eighty degree you'd turn to our correspondent charles dubin ski has been following developments for quite a while now and parse let's cross live to differential capital charlotte bring us more. we've seen a. lot of that here charlotte the protests. yeah just not a great connection there charlie at the moment she's live in the midst of students protesting against present reforms not just the yellow vest protesters are out
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in the french capital table we'll try and get to another connection with charlotte maybe a bit later in the program but for now let's move on to more world news moscow's rounded on the u.s. secretary of state over his remarks about two russian military aircraft sent to venice willing to take part in exercises mike pompei oh i can use the two countries of squandering public funds comments which the kremlin described as completely inappropriate we are for not is in venezuela she brings us more a spokesperson of russia's president seemed indeed a little bit surprised with not very diplomatic comments of america's top diplomat saying the u.s. better mind its own business this is what dimitri this called had to say them since you can use that this is a very undiplomatic step from the u.s. secretary of state it's a serious accusation pointed at the russian government and we believe it is not an
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appropriate statement talking about public spending we do not agree with this moron that this is an inappropriate statement from a country which could feed the whole of africa with half its military budget we continue to seek dialogue with our colleagues and hope for washington's readiness sooner rather than later. this response came off to the u.s. secretary of state mike compare had claimed that sending two russian military aircraft across the atlantic was a waste of money and these are his words russia's government has sent bombers halfway around the world to venezuela the russian and venezuelan people should see this for what it is to corrupt governments squandering public funds and squelch and liberty and freedom while that people suffer the suburban exchange following to deploy mine told to russian strategic bombers here in venice to well what earlier on monday as part of a brokered military cooperation between moscow and caracas and the arrival of two
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russian white swans he's my report here in today's one of the two russian tupolev one is sixty's joint chief capable of ours was yes that. was. the job the company. laughter and. you know. right. from the base and russia has no. cross have covered the distance no more than ten thousand kilometers and they flew over it at plenty before they let it hear it it is well it. was sixty supersonic strategic bomber like. it was
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a vacation no one in russia has. it is designed to deliver nuclear and conventional weapons and strike strategic targets they may carry out wow miss out that ones that keep up with such flights are useful to us within russia we can conduct long distance nonstop flights but not one like this the aircraft crossed an ocean and passed through different attitudes which is useful for training and demonstrating aircraft reliability. this is it is part of a very close military cooperation between the two countries russia is venezuela's army number one provider with its helicopters. located complexes that other
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weaponry being inactive. by the country's armed forces for years already under mao tse billion contracts the country's defense minister has gone to the airfield to her russian on the great the russian pilots. our armed forces have improved the combat readiness we are constantly working to raise our game and show that we have a modern military capable of defending the country russia and venezuela have already conducted numerous joint military drills and later this week on wednesday these two wide warnings are expected to leave to the air as part of yet another russian venezuelan military training. in minutes into the program this is r t international the pentagon sais by a book keeping lead to this campaign in yemen getting free fuel we've been following the paper trail and we've got the story coming up in ninety seconds.
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to go right to be close this is what the three of the people. interested always in the waters of. the pentacle has acknowledged that millions of dollars of u.s. taxpayers money has been lost to the saudi led campaign in yemen and plain refusing the u.s. defense department the huge loss down to basic accounting errors it came to light after the atlantic magazine obtained information from the defense department brings us more. what comes to dealing with america's allies the troubling ministration has one great fear paying too much money you want to say maybe they'll have to pay many nations ovett sums of money from past years and it is very unfair to
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the united states they're not. paying their bills well there's one war in which the united states has been paying well beyond its fair share according to the department of defense saudi airplanes and airplanes from the united arab emirates have been refueling themselves at the expense of the american taxpayers apparently it's all due to an accounting error u.s. central command recently reviewed its records and found errors in accounting where the department of defense for to charge this sort. adequately for fuel and refueling services now it's quite an expensive mistake the costs are still being added up but apparently it's in the millions of dollars u.s. aerial refueling assistance was provided to the saudi led coalition for more than three point five use activities that likely cost tens of millions of dollars we must ensure that u.s. taxpayers a fully reimbursed for that support the united states uses k c one thirty five
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strato tankers and k.c. ten extenders to refuel planes mid air a mere hour of work with these aircraft cost over ten thousand dollars now these refueling were stopped in mid november but that was after over two thousand operations had been carried out in which the united states was helping the saudis to wage their war against yemen and that is not a popular war seventy five percent of the u.s. public according to the latest polling doesn't want the country to be involved but u.s. government officials seem to think differently we do believe that the support for the coalition is necessary it sends a wrong message if we discontinue all support but what the u.s. public wants doesn't seem to be of concern to the united states remains highly involved with the saudi coalition as it wages its widely condemned war against its neighbor caleb mopp and r.t. new york we spoke to investigative journalist dave lindorff who claims that the
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pentagon is wasteful and constantly risking for. the pentagon's accounting is so crazy and so incompetent and also corrupt that the numbers are actually frequently being just made up year after year the pentagon has been on the list of high risk of fraud waste and abuse and then his this huge amount of money being spent on fueling these saudi jets bombing yemen and they aren't even i mean spend enough that they're doing it but then they're not charging saudis who have endless money for the us doing all of that air tanker refueling you know in it but it's it's not necessary spending so they've been able to keep jacking their budgets. through these accounting gimmicks. ok to another story we're following today moscow has expressed its regrets over the
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u.s. dropping efforts to cooperate on cyber security saying the deputy head of russia's center for cyber security and cooperation says it's vital the two countries continue to work to get there i spoke to igor sit down offer earlier on this. the deputy director for russia's center of cyber security and corporation the of has said that more school is ready to reveal all correspondence between russia and the united states that took place before the inauguration of then president elect donald trump most call facing the allegations of meddling in that vote did pass on all the technical information and data to washington to assure that well whatever happened they had nothing to do with it so this is the sort of the documentation that moscow is ready to make public of course is washington agrees to it you cologne rush of also did express his regrets that while all the political mechanisms for the russia you worse corporation in the realm of cyberspace are
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there washington simply does not want to utilize those mechanisms that is harmful to global cybersecurity while staying on that subject were assured did show how russia wants to cooperate with as many countries as possible to achieve the best result possible when it comes to cyber security because russia is a major target for hackers for example. did say that the infrastructure that the cyber infrastructure of the fee for world cup in twenty teen was targeted some twenty five million times the olympic infrastructure was targeted as well in sochi in twenty fourteen the surveillance infrastructure at this year's presidential elections in russia were targeted by international how could groups to according to . so the message here is russia is ready to both teach and to learn from global
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experience when it comes to cyber security. a photo of ukrainian president petro poroshenko standing alongside his country's elite troops has caused outrage. highlighted was one man standing to the raw. so if the president if we take a closer look you can see the insignia of a nazi s.s. death division is just photos were posted on the president's official pages and are still there we asked the presidential administration of ukraine to comment on the photo so far they've chosen not to respond. we know the division made up of part of nazi germany's military during the second world war it was initially formed from a concentration camp guards and was believed to be involved in the mosque murder of polish citizens on the massacre of british soldiers during the battle of fronts it's not the first time nazi imagery has appeared either among the ranks of ukrainian forces he has all but tell you which is the crimean national guard
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regiment uses a local very similar to another nazi german military symbol who are very official in kiev have denied there is any connection. to. the. head of the media company you're a voice america things do you crimean leader maybe pun bring to far right movements to gain their support of next year's election. what those trying to do is curry favor with the folks that he believes are going to support him in his reelection coming in january he's not polling very strongly he's also looking potentially to
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gain access to our moment to defend his position and maintain martial law by reaching out across into nato and while nato allies might think that they are protecting a sovereign nation when in fact they're doing is they're going to eventually fund and arm a nazi coalition that will again repeat history from what we saw in nazi germany if they need to to take a page out of what we do in this country which is we are constantly monitoring for far right activity in our own military forces ukrainians need to do the same thing particularly in this instance is maintain vigilance for that far right movement because we do not want to see a repeat of what happened in world war two the amount of far right movement you're seeing in ukraine is so minuscule that it's not going to necessarily create problems today but the problem with that is there's no such thing as a little bit of cancer a little bit of cancer if it's ignored it gets to be a bigger piece of cancer and we saw that back in nazi germany and this is the beginning of what can potentially be another history repeating itself story. always
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an interesting time in the markets also we approach the end of the year join markson stacy for the kaiser reports and most of all take on the state of play next . week. love. to do the same but i think they're going to be cheap. and then we went through all that come through so let's ideas they're right to scold us companies he said to me give them everything to do to pass. the.
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discount because this is what we don't understand how we are in such a country. let us into the minds of the us in terms of your saying i'm going to. assume to run up a similar symbol. because. if the minutes of on board not that god can we believe again with the phone about the couple that with the plane. would come up to the place story you'd have to see . it at least in the best. mood for. max kaiser this is the kaiser report going to be talking about predatory us oh yeah
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they're out there she. they said they were going to look at predatory lending in this first segment here and you know you could kind of look at china as a predatory lender to america because once again our trade deficit with china has soared and our trade deficit in general is up fifty five point five billion last month so it's. people continue to predatory lending america. you know i don't know if pay them back but i want to look at this headline because deval patrick has dropped out of the running he was in the running to be the nominee for you know the democrats he was going to run to be the democratic nominee for two thousand and twenty and obama was pushing him so i want to look at the story of. just what you know the likes of obama what they think is acceptable in this day and age for
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a candidate deval patrick foreclosure mogul how the twenty twenty democratic presidential contender helped a republican billionaire rip off the middle class basically they talk about the fact that deval patrick who you know was governor for massachusetts for a while and beloved there despite his entire record he had to help rolan are now who had at one point been under investigation when he ran a long beach mortgage company. for basically predatory practices towards african-american population and then he went on to found after that a company called america so ameriquest was one of the biggest subprime mortgage lenders they basically ran and tire predatory operation of driving a lot of middle class especially african-americans into bankruptcy into foreclosure losing their homes and this guy deval patrick who is a democrat friend of obama a very good friend of obama he also went to harvard law.
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