tv News RT December 11, 2018 4:00pm-4:30pm EST
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message. we negotiate. israeli troops to the palestinians. try to work. coming up much more on those headlines in detail but first to the breaking news that changing over the last big time two people we've heard of being killed and eleven in a shooting just an hour or so ago at a christmas market in the french city. police say the gunman still at large crucially the area is on lockdown including the e.u.
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headquarters in that city of videos emerged first off online apparently posted by witnesses to what happened some of it pretty gruesome but this we can show you these unfortunate scenes. my. or full screen because across the talk to preach last hour our europe correspondent it's so sad to see this in the run up to christmas yet again isn't it charlotte. yes absolutely very famous first christmas market which attracts around two million people to it every year it's beyond going for centuries in the nest go world heritage site of that city in the east of france which borders germany famous also for the european parliament which is there in strasbourg which of course as you mentioned was on lockdown tonight with nobody allowed to enter leave the building
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there are reports of those fatalities coming from the city and the number of people who have been injured and we're being told that the gunman is still at large the interior ministry in france has been on twitter people in the city to stay indoors particularly those people in. and park their twa larry this is in the south of the city just a bit further away from the christmas markets they are describing this as being a serious public security incident but there is no confirmation yet as to what the motives were behind this fatal shooting which is several people in the city of stroudsburg we know that the area has been cordoned off from the trams in the city have also been stopped one local journalist in trials book has been writing dozens of shots were being fired and that there was panic in the center as you can imagine many restaurants closing down immediately as those shots were heard ringing
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out in the streets of strasburg and that's a loot came through from the interior ministry the interior minister here in france . christopher castor is only his way to the eastern city of strasburg and we understand that president michael is being kept abreast of all the developments as they happen in that city just to give you a sense of what strasburg is like at the moment i was there just two weekends ago for the christmas markets and there is actually already high security in the city basically the entire area where those christmas markets are held has been forbidden for an with royce vehicles during the time of the christmas market also there are security checks it every point going into the center of the city where you have your bags checked sometimes your patted down and that's because security is tight just remember it's only two years ago that in another christmas market one in berlin was the scene of an attack and eleven people were killed there after some of
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the hijacked an islamist at that point hijacked a truck and actually rammed into people at the christmas market and there was a result of that there has been high security at christmas markets ever since that france itself is still on high alert and has been since two thousand and fifteen a year when more than around two hundred and forty people lost their lives in attacks but just to be clear no confirmation at the moment what the motive was but we do know is that large parts of strasburg are on lockdown at the moment the interior ministry the local authorities urging people to stay inside the interior minister is on his way that the president is being updated and we understand that there has been a fatal shooting with several people injured in the city of strasburg or to charlotte dubose who thankfully. some thoughts know from full of ingram is a former senior military intelligence
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a security officer all along from birth you're looking on you know back in britain just what last week walking through a provincial town only thinking he would come up to christmas and notice the ball odds you know that they've put no most terms of religion. stop trucks and stuff driving in it maybe bombs of or whatever aboard or most people there and as we saw so graphically so many times in europe last couple of years we're hearing that security in this strasburg market so popular is extremely tight and you know there's more than just the bollards you're actually getting patted down by the guards there but still still looks like someone's got through tragically. world tragically security is very tight across any were were there are crowded places and crowded people are armed but in a free society you can't protect against everything so you know something can slip through it looks as if in this case on forty something house slipped through but it's too early to speculate what it is remember there's been a lot of unrest in france over the last few weeks so we too early to call that this
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is a terrorist incident here boy is appropriate because it's been involved and we heard there were maybe a dozen shots fired so presumably if they'd been i don't know we're just surmising on twitter it's a big metal detectors there that are shown up with people coming in and out. not every going through metal detectors we heard of people being patted on your reporter said being patted down randomly so not everyone is going through this and you can't in these sort of public areas put everyone through the metal detectors and keep the sort of freedoms that you want in the flow that there isn't such a festive season you know people want to enjoy the experience of going out they want to feel secure but they don't want to be oppressed by too much security so. balance is this very difficult or if it's in your face too much it puts you off the whole thing was to go to a christmas market with the summer security there you feel like you're under surveillance i was in a prison i mean it was two years as lot he was saying since that awful truck
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running at the burning christmas market so many deaths there was it twelve killed forty nine injured when the lessons learned or is there just as you just said the simply nothing candy of some of going to bring a gun in randomly somebody might just get through. well there's two things that there's huge jumps the lessons that were learned and a lot of the lessons i've learned are trying to decide the threat four hundred that's getting the intelligence game right first and foremost but again with intelligence you're trying to get twenty twentieth's foresight after an incident it's easy to apportion blame because you've got twenty twenty hindsight you can never protect completely if we're going to maintain the freedoms that we enjoy as part of society there's almost inevitably lety of a level of terrorism that's going to commit their this security forces have to be right one hundred percent of the time and remember in france at the moment they're distracted with the yellow vest protests that are going on the terrorists are we have to be successful once you know we've got no idea what the motive is behind this it could be anything if you say i'm just another one news outlet we have got
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this she had the government been identified as being active in look for i.e. they got an idea on this guy that's interesting to see and they also say the motive unclear but it seems that christmas market has been the object of islamist threats in the past could it be this kind of thing again or was it you know there's no close here at all other there's no close you know there's constant is a mystery it's against crowded places the whole way through but there's constant right wing threats against crowded places there's there's threats from everyone against crowded places on force in the run up to christmas it provides a target rich environment for any any want to be terrorist the important thing is that people remain vigilant wrote drug the time periods but don't remain overly concerned that you know this is a nasty nasty incident and it's terrible the deaths and injuries that have occurred but you put it in the bigger scheme of things there are so many other events that are going on where nothing happens and people are enjoying themselves philip thanks your thoughts there from the u.k. for being former senior military intelligence a security officer thanks governor
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a short notice of a good night. well talking of britain the british prime ministers embarked on a diplomatic whirlwind tour to meet european leaders in a bid to secure assurances on her big deal comes a day after trees a may fear ated her own parliament of disposing of crucial bricks a vote of eleven across police or ali is the latest. now it looks like it's going to be a really tough few days for the prime minister as she kicked off a european wild win toy in the hague in the netherlands today meeting with the dutch mogs ruts and then from there she had to off to meet with i'm going to call in live in and then from that she went on to meet with european leaders in brussels and it would appear that all of those leaders seem to be reading off the same hymn sheet but they are if the prime minister herself is to be believed willing to make some small concessions reassurances for example on whether the backstop on the
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border between northern ireland the republic whether that backstop agreement will run indefinitely or not the prime minister saying of course she wants reassurances that the u.k. will be able to leave that backstop if it wishes to. point and as far as trees a may is concerned she says that there is an understanding between the u.k. and european leaders and what i've been doing here in europe of the past day is actually doing what i promised comments i would do which is to speak to other leaders in europe about the concerns parliament raised about the backstop and most has been shown to me from those meetings is that there is a shared to the nation to deal with this issue and address this problem now as far as the d u p who are of course the party which to reason may's tories are in partnership with in a confidence and supply agreement in government well they don't want reinsure reassurances on the backstop they want the backstop agreement removed all together
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and of course their votes would be crucial if the prime minister's draft withdrawal agreement is to get through the house of commons in the parliament now as far as european leaders are concerned when it comes to the real meat and bones issues of that draft he drawled agreement that there is no room for renegotiation to deal. we have achieved is the best you possibly early. and so we can looks. like you'll be. fully negotiate well if we're to believe mr young cut that out there is no room for renegotiation then it really remains to be seen how exactly to reason is going to come back and face those m.p.'s who let's face it she was very likely according to many commentators to lose that vote and to have her deal rejected and if the e.u.
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aren't willing to make any significant concessions that could win most people around then it's very difficult to see exactly where the prime minister goes from there and that i get in the house perhaps best summed up by the leader of the opposition jeremy corbyn the european commission size it will not agree negotiate with the prime minister concedes she is not negotiating. so what is she doing traveling from the capital the capital in europe it can't be christmas shopping i'm sure that's not the case so what on earth is she doing in europe but we're still not mr speaker it shows once again she is simply not listening now of course it's not just the opposition parties who theresa may needs to convince there are many m.p.'s within her own party who are deeply unhappy with this deal and it's thought that. forty eight m.p.'s are willing to hand in a letter expressing their lack of confidence in the prime minister now according to
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internal conservative party rules if that number of forty eight is reached that was the spark of votes of no confidence and potentially a leadership challenge within the conservative party and that's another battle that for to reason made to win now we understand that the vote the perspiring vote will take place at some point before january the twenty fast so again it's unclear whether to resume a really truly believe she will get some type of renegotiation that will let her win that vote whether she simply delaying the inevitable and kicking the can down the road. also a bit of a shaky start the child lock was one of the back it seems the problem is car door got stuck there she thought of quite a bit of resistance to open it may also appears to have left empty handed to chancellor merkel is said to have rejected the idea really goes to the british premiers now in brussels where she's met with the president of the european council
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donald tusk among other top u.s. officials political analyst school swimmer us he told us he believes breck's it's cost so much been driven home and abroad now that trees are made unlikely to make any breakthroughs at all burbled we've noticed throughout these last two years that you've been very concrete or very stable in what it's been expected it's what it's expected from the u.k. and what its own expectations are an avenue of the really too much on what they hope to achieve from this britain on the other side has been wavering back and forth trying to find the best you're trying to find the best way forward because internally in parliament there's been such deep divisions where one deal cannot please or so if she does return which she will i don't think we'll see any major changes or any even little changes to the deal as a stance if you look back to what the initial question was did anyone specifically outlined what breaks it actually meant that is the resulting no on all sides so now when she tries to execute something which wasn't for formed in
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a concrete way in the first place very difficult to execute on such weak measures in the first place so this these uncertainties are very natural. after four weeks of civil unrest in france president emmanuel mccrone give a speech monday night making several concessions to the yellow vests protest movement. listen because of this crisis i want to reconcile with you salaries will increase by one hundred euros in twenty nineteen at no extra cost to employers over time will not be taxed and i will ask all employers to pay an end of year bonus this will not be taxed and there will be no social payments for pensioners receiving less than two thousand euros the tax increase will be cancelled as we had planned the total cost of all the measures is likely to be between eight billion and ten billion euros we are in the process of fine tuning to see how to finance that was because it would you know sort of course to book would want micron's words are mostly useless namely the proposal to raise the minimum wage by one hundred
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euros but he did not specify that it would be one hundred gross so it's not that big a deal it's just cramps this is nothing in relation to the rage of the people who simply does not care. secure today only prioritise students have access to universities after mccraw reform is a much more scandalous is that young people have been mobilizing for two weeks and there was no sign that mccrone had accepted any of our demands has not listened to the young and the youth is here today to be heard to mobilize. settle this like it almost in which there have been college student protests return have months and there's been nothing in the media nothing at all we see the yellow vests are violent they break things they burn cars and we're peaceful which is why i didn't create a buzz for the public reaction to present a problem televised speech was mixed seems forty nine percent of you is approved of what he said fifty four what the protestors top forty five percent support the best
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movement and think it should continue now one of the clawback it was just six weeks ago that one man called on protesters to take up the yellow vest as a symbol of that video went viral receiving millions of views. well it was such an issue we all have these yellow vests for the whole week starting from the seventeenth of november put on your yellow vest to show that you are with us with our movement. well that was there this is now we spoke to the maya just so he told us he's not satisfied with macross proposed solutions so it's these measures will affect only a small part of the population not all of the people would benefit from what restaurant announced not all of the people are paid minimum wage there are people with a slightly higher wage it's he targeted a small majority unfortunately this is not the whole population and these measures are really small he could do a lot more he should have reduced the salaries of the rich because they have disproportionate salaries. these are rich in ways benefits this is not fast the
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poor pay more debts and the rich with zero taxes this is disproportionate this is the beginning of chaos we should for measures to resolve it we are on the streets in the wind in the cold not for pleasure. for the french of come because they could not stand it this is lasted for years not only mark wrong all those here course did nothing to save the situations people are on the streets not giving in because they are determined. french political analysts union or russia today believes that mccrone latest economic maneuvering isn't in fact quite what it seems at all. mannion mccaughan say yesterday that he didn't want to do to make the rich pay more so he says this anyway we are afraid of ferns because apparently i mean michael doesn't want to make the rich pay more you say that he wanted to do to improve between crees. look less people salary. about one hundred
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rule but so at the beginning that that announcement was very grateful as a look that's people but a journalist did their work then they ne that one and where was planed you know. economic you know so people are not so a p. because many light to them again and the ears definitively lowest murder rates use of population. of rich activists have been convicted for stunt at london stansted airport in which they blocked an aircraft from taking off that was carrying failed immigration applicants for deportation and since the charges are considered terrorism related the circumstance in fifteen could technically now face life imprisonment. along with fourteen other people twenty eight last year cut through a fence and. gain access to
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a very remote part of the tigris i was around a plane it was due to pour around sixty people to nigeria and ghana later that night we were there for about ten hours and we have actually come out and then arrested we don't know what's going to happen but what we do know is this charge should never have been brought against us it should never been us should have been the home office it should be in that building just over there this is simply an anti terror piece of legislation that's what it was in for and the fact that it's been used against peaceful protesters is remarkable it's nonsensical we need to continue the fight against a brutal secretive barbaric barely legal charter flights the ones that we. that we targeted and. i guess that's the thing that's me that's enough right now that's that's what's at the forefront of i might. damage i say well that was it that video shows the protesters in march last year lying on the ground tied to one another on the plane on the wheels their aim was to block the
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charter below which was to take undocumented immigrants. today following a nine week trial the jury found the protesters guilty of intentionally disrupting flight sims is. technically termed this people praise themselves the flight crew airport personnel and police at serious risk of injury or even death due to the actions on the airfield the c.b.i. has worked with the police to build a strong case which reflected the criminality of the defendant's actions regardless of the motivation. well the protesters found themselves in the wrong side of the law many people see their campaign that was justified to get both sides of the story spoke a bit earlier with political commentator david vance and george barda who's a social justice campaigner here we heard of one bunch of lawbreakers because another bunch of lawbreakers are being deported i'm not sure what the problem is here it's not a question of taking a sledgehammer to break and not as
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a question of in forcing the law something which this group of so called are as is the intensified making lvalue things known they'll say and they're worried about these guys they're being taken back ok they didn't legally get through into britain being sent back home again with their worries will they get back home again they'll be badly treated even killed the fact is that they set out to break the law of which they were fully aware in this country if you break the law you pay the consequences thirteen of the people on that flight are still in this country and the number of already being given indefinite right to remain we have a crazy system in this country where so-called hostile environment was intentionally created by the previous home secretary theresa may who is now the prime minister and that has been you know these barely legal flights that are clearly brutal and uncompassionate and many of the people on them still have opened up here these people are acting to prevent people illegally being taken out of the country it's a horrible situations it's quite clear given the countries from which they come
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from but if they were seeking asylum which of course they're not there because they've been defined as on documented immigrants i.e. illegal immigrants are simply not a lot of why our society is a hell of a country if i can finish my point i'd like to finish my point place so so they these people are quite clearly and i'm sure george understands this they are illegal immigrants and i agree with george in one regard they wrote a description that this country takes so long to remove these people who should not be. in this country in the first instance they did they should have been arrested i was asked if i could be charged with aggravated trespass and then they have their day in court to make their case as to why they were acting to prevent further harm and the problem in this case is that the judge effectively prevented the jury from considering their motivation and so these people are being charged with an ira or that was joint into deal with terrorism and whatever your view of these what these people have done it was clearly not
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a terrorist act it was and i know you know many of these people are friends of mine and they are among the nicest most dedicated all oiling let's say for you know we had a particular terrorism we were going to tell to you do you think they wanted attention these people are deeply concerned about what is going to be a larger and larger problem going forward in communities in my heart i have seventy million refugees now george might four hundred leads for your heart should a million hours you argue like otherwise we're in big trouble i can have my say they were quite clearly a word of what they were doing annoyed they have been fined guilty george comes on to cry and whine about it here's a bit of advice george obey the law and they won't be any problems just like those who came here illegally and of not been rightly fighting to have been here illegally should also have obeyed the law the fact that david seems to ignore is a the fact that these people it has been proven since were not all. should not all of been detained and deported because they've been allowed to stay sense and what
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else i think is incredibly important is that all the decent things that we have in this country did not come out of the generosity of power the reason the law has changed over and over to become a more moral and decent and democratic thing is because people have broken it in pace for principled ways in the past what i'm saying is not that they should people no one doesn't deming allowed to go home they broke the law and they knew it but they should have been charged with aggravated jasper's which is what they did they cut through a fence that's not justice process aggravated trespass and they were prepared to face the charges for that instead they were charged with anti terror charges and and if that be the case that might stop other such. people breaking into airports shuttling themselves and to terror craft and endangering human life so quite frankly regardless of how you want to call it that the penalty that pay is there right now on. this war defense forces raided the office of the palestinian youth for in the west bank according to the agency soldiers fired tear gas and seize c.c.t.v. footage while searching a building. with
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a. journalist look at the. number one image. now we're going to show you next of these pictures released by the radio news agency it appears to show some people praying while israeli soldiers search the building israel officially gave no reason for the raid but it is believed the actions connected to the i.d.f. search for the perpetrator of an attack on sunday which left seven israelis wounded that raid now prompted clashes between the i.d.f. and palestinians in the air there's a pictures of that palestinian red crescent reports that dozens were wounded including two new people struck by live in militia we did ask the i.d.f. to comment on the raid what was behind their still no update i'm afraid to update
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you on only we did though speak to a journalist from the agency who was there at the time of the raid he described to us how it unfolded as he saw it. the army entered the northern part of from alone in that and in the morning actually and they were searching buildings along the way sort of saw us looking and taking pictures because we are a news agency we have for the gentlest air and so they decided to come up also to our building i was there myself and i did live through that ordeal i do you guys was in the building where we work and it was really difficult to stay inside. at one point even as you were taking some pictures from the balcony of the our floor they fired stun grenade at us which exploded right in the balcony and then they looked for footage of security cameras that were in the building
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of the streets and they took. tapes recording recordings of these security cameras they could have asked. us that they want to put it could have done that and the footage would have been delivered to them i think not in a problem there was no need at all for what happened there was no need to enter the building and to take them by force they used intimidation and force and and scared the jitters there and forced him to open the doors and enter the rooms where the servers were and took the footage without any. approval from from that from the administration of the fourth of july minutes past midnight most of them going to leave you for now with an update on the breaking news story from france the french public prosecutor this is new and has now declared that shooting at the strasberg christmas market now or so ago was an act of terrorism two people have been confirmed dead eleven injured videos emerged apparently posted by
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witnesses what happened there. i. i. go more notified just outside the market just before eight pm local time but two enough hours ago leading to scenes of panic police and gates the attacker who is believed to have been injured in the shootout ease managed to flee the scene he is still at large as we speak france's interior minister says the government has been identified and was known to police a lot of questions could be asked about that the areas under lockdown including the nearby european parliament this base there the stars were christmas market is a major tourist attraction of course when these busy nights come into christmas shopping draw in thousands of visitors every year it's unesco world heritage site make any more.
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