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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  December 12, 2018 2:30am-3:01am EST

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a neo liberal policies of the emanuel mccrone led government as a whole and over all of them twelve hundred yellow bus were arrested in the demonstrations which included everything from burning tires and cars to dumping manure on government buildings president mccrone took to the airwaves in a prerecorded speech promising minimum wage hikes canceled planned pension taxes and a delay to the controversial gas tax the list to say the protests will continue but it wasn't just the friend sure smelling the sweet air of revolts as here across the pond in the halls of the united states supreme court the much vaunted conservative majority on the bench is starting to show cracks in a surprising move chief justice john roberts and the newest justice to join the fray bret i like beer kavanagh jump ship on their fellow conservative judges and join forces with the court's four liberal leaning justices to decline a pair of cases that would have served as the first major abortion test for the court's new conservative majority yes i'm not making this up you heard me right two
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conservative justices roberts and cavanaugh just passed on a chance to chip away at roe v wade. i mean first i'm on bundy now cabin on roberts what is this world coming to was rush limbaugh suddenly going to be headlining the women's march how wow keeps on like this we might no longer need to be watching the honks. that's. what it's like. to get out of. the day like that i got. was that we. would. get sick. welcome aboard the watch of the
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i robot and on top of the mountain joining us today to. discuss the political protests still happening in france and the recent unexpected decisions by justice roberts and cavanaugh is our favorite conservative commentator stephen a three i don't favor good goodbye i don't think those hats would fit rush that well you know dan i don't think i'm going to collar for em. so steve you know say what we will about the actions of the protesters some will say they're terrible some will protest whatever but isn't this kind of the rest of the country like france a long time coming especially after the implementation of you know a real hardcore liberal policy on the mccrone economically i mean look he's only been a presence since twenty seventeen but let's not forget he was also the minister of the economy and finance from twenty four to twenty sixteen i mean this is really is his his road to hoe was they say. yeah well look i don't doubt that there are
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people suffering and i don't doubt that there were legitimate protesters out there that weren't throwing everything including spraying aerosol cans in the faces of police and looting and tearing down their city i believe there were legitimate concerns however they were riots and they were rioters and for mccrone to do what he has done which is basically get on his hands and knees and say oh employers please give these people bonuses and by the way rioters we won't tax you like we said we wouldn't we're going to discontinue the pension tax and and postpone another tax what else can we do for you you are opening up a pandora's box and by the way that's still not good enough they're still going to the riot again on saturday so mccrone is in big big trouble and the sooner he gets out of there the better or he doesn't. about face it declares
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a state of emergency institutes a curfew and rioters will be treated as rioters. it's interesting i just yeah i can't it's weird to hear you kind of back up neo liberal policies very strange ideas and anyway. really really is it's like the way kids just literally microns policies are like the a penny of what we would have gotten with hillary clinton and so i'm sort of like i don't even let me know that a baby that is rush limbaugh come in here you know the right now if you know you're standing by what's going on and i'm not i don't know to you know what to do and i'm backing up civility war whether it's against a liberal or a conservative can't have riots in the streets otherwise you've got to anarchy well there is the there is that argument that like you know you always as much as you know i did kind of secretly enjoy watching them pour manure on to a government building you know in the as we saw those pictures but you know there is a certain thing that you know what you project as an image it's hard to sell but let's
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not forget it was like sixty five percent i think seventy percent of the public still back what these protesters are protesting over so they haven't lost about public image battle you. know yeah and you know i heard students interviewed today and they were marching and they're saying that you know that's not good enough we need more money towards education i mean everybody wants it appears free stuff even with the like i said the concessions mccrone has made in the wake of violence in the face of violence it's not good enough they want more and more and more everything free there's nothing free in this world there's nothing free in france and somebody has got to pay for it and i know who they want to pay for the wealthy and all i know is that in the united states you could tax the wealthy every penny they make you could take every cent from the wealthy in this country and it wouldn't be enough to make a dent in what it costs us to provide stuff for people so good luck in france with that well i mean you know over taxing the middle and. working class people giving
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tax cut after tax cut to the super rich of corporations is super america and we've been doing that america for the last thirty years that's why my entire generation is not i don't i'm not in debt because i have a house i'm a debt cause i'm still paying off my bachelor's degree i'm in debt because i'm still having to help my parents because their retirement isn't going to be enough so do you think that considering we're seeing the same problems it's always on the backs of the working class on the people who have two blocks and this is the government's asking them to give one of them away so do you think we could see something like this here considering we're kind of in that same neo liberal glow let the rich have whatever they want just have the middle class and working class favorite well no i don't trump was elected because people are sick of living like that. well and i mean look i think the tax code if you're not super rich and you take a standard deduction your deduction is doubled and if you're a couple that will to twenty four thousand dollars which. ain't nothing and i get
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you only make thirty grand a year that's right i did nothing but no but but then you get tax credits and you're really not paying income tax if you make it thirty grand a year look i'm not saying the system is perfect by any means and i'm not saying that people don't have problems but the to villainize the wealthy and corporations that's why we have the lowest unemployment rate in history because the people that provide jobs are now able to hire people and pay them wages are going up three point one percent year over year because the corporations got a tax break well you know got a lot of stock buybacks to. move on to another to another little pocket of interesting things that people feel is very real in this monday this week the supreme court refused to hear two appeals involving the state of louisiana in the state and the state of kansas where there are plans to ban planned parenthood and other abortion providers from state medicaid programs blocked by lower courts now what's surprising about this is chief justice roberts and justice kavanagh sided against. it's their conservative brothers in arms on the bench now what about this
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case steve do you believe made them shy away from saying hey we should decide this like let's bring it up with what the judges decide and argue this right i think clarence thomas in his dissent joined by. and and alito the three all you needed was for by the way all you need is for of the nine justices for a case of come to be heard that's what they would decide it should we hear this case and they couldn't get one of them roberts i'm not surprised anymore cavanaugh thought would have signed on but here's the thing it's not really about abortion it's about whether or not patients on medicaid have a right to sue when a service is removed and as thomas pointed out in his dissent i guess this means they could sue if you take a doctor away from their program now so that's what this was about it really had nothing to do with abortion per se just whether individual patients have a right to sue if they lose
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a benefit from medicaid or whatever now having said that i believe clarence thomas i said he hit it on the head and here's what he said planned parenthood because planned parenthood was mentioned in there even though it had nothing to do in this case with abortion it scared the heck i believe add of roberts and it scared the heck for whatever reason had a kavanagh and they wanted nothing to do with that it's a lightning rod a political lightning rod and i think that that's what turned them off and it's very troublesome and worrisome for someone like me who is hoping that you know these guys at least have the guts to hear a case let alone you know decide on it the right way i mean it's just going to keep going through the system you realize that and you know it wasn't about a person but it does have to do with the fact that there is then this idea that because planned parenthood does due to pregnancy terminate a sense that they said and get any funding and that's not grants when they provide women's health care when they're providing birth control when they're providing family plan. when they're charging that's what they're talking about is can you can
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you legally can medicaid under the constitution under our government take away your right to health care because they don't like the politics of a particular place and i think it was their chance to stand up and give us a good reason why we shouldn't think that's nonsense and i think it's weird and i think this is why i think cavanagh is a bad choice because i think it's weak his problem isn't beer it's because he has no spine lou well i mean he's given the fair you did in the lower courts but i know you're right it was about abortion because the two states passed laws saying if you're abortion provider including planned parenthood you can't participate in the state's medicaid so to that extent it was you know the case itself that was about the right to sue over that over but yeah i'm disappointed and i think clarence thomas said it right on the head and i'm hoping going forward this was an aberration and they'll they'll find a spine both here you and someone else though you know will spin roberts around a little bit not violently not tonight i'm via i mean you know just say hey wake up
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and he'll come to his senses away from both sides where all wanting more spines on capitol hill we all agree we were never really conservative i'll just give next time to be nice to see it but yeah i mean it was it was passing see this and like i mentioned earlier the you know him on bundy kind of like suddenly you know shocking his is more conservative it's an interesting time that's what i got to say and that's why it's always fun talking to you steve because it's always an interesting conversation something to very much for coming out of the bank you guys appreciate it very much. as we go to break card watchers don't forget to let us know what you think of the topics we've covered on facebook and twitter and see our poll shows at our t.v. dot com coming up top of the wallace brings us the newest helping of ridiculousness in our school systems and are teaching the tosh a sweet as the latest on google's testimony on capitol hill the place to stay tuned to watching the hawks.
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when the whole make this manufacture come sentenced him to public wells. when they're running plus a summer project themselves. with the financial merry go round lifts only the one percent of. the time we can all middle of the room sick. doing the rounds being real news. poll. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the us has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you longs to be ultra rich eight point six percent market saw
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a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business shows you can't afford to miss the one and only. the ball up a little bit there's a saying. i think they're going to be chief justice and then when through all that country's going to let the ideas really they're right it's home to us come to that he said if we give them everything gets left in the basket.
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this is america this is what we don't understand how we are in such a come. closer to the lens of the us in terms of forcing myself into. the local and similar sillies john a good one. if the majority of kong or not they've got a good mood believe they get in the world without the computer without the plane to . come back to the three story you have to see. your. little. the city of cranston rhode island was named one of america's fifty best cities to
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live by twenty four seven wall street twenty fourteen and one of the one hundred best places to live in the united states by money magazine in two thousand and six but if you're a parent struggling to pay your kids' lunch bill it's not a very nice place to live that's because the cranston public schools decided that collection agencies would be utilized to recover unpaid lunch balances and while they contend that no child will go without a proper lunch their own site states that if a child does not have money for lunch they can put it on credit for five lunches and must quote no payment has been received that student will receive a lunch consisting of a sunny butter sandwich fruit and milk and place of a hot lunch this meal maintains the u.s.d.a. standards surrounding reimbursable meals and will be charged at full price students account so once a school district with an annual budget of over one hundred fifty million dollars paying the collection agency to recover ninety five thousand dollars it allows the point zero six percent of the all year only cost of operations well it seems they
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want to make their lunch program are profitable yeah profitable princeton school's chief operating officer raymond l. of otoh jr told the province journal quote the district lunch program cannot continue to lose revenue. funny the last time i checked public schools were not there to make a profit for the school or to have the pockets of six figured salary employees like . wow so you don't pay your school lunch bill and we're going to call the collection agency on your parents and mess with their credit corrects because we want you to be sure to pay for the you know i don't know what school lunch prices are today but you know my beer was like maybe five bucks five ninety nine is probably up to age ninety nine today but like you see. where this comes what i read this is ridiculous to me and you notice the very wording on there of saying like we'll give you the sunny butter sandwich which is the butter sandwich like maybe something about butter if you're lucky now but literally these
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two say well they're us reimbursable standards meaning they can actually get reimbursed by the u.s.d.a. for giving them a butter sandwich not that it's us they do not that it's enough food for your child not that it's any of these things now it's just reimbursable to us that is that is incredible and what kind of a sick human being. if you're the owner of the collection agency what kind of a sick you would be in pics of the photos oh you want me to collect them kids and their parents because they're not paying for the lunch they eat a public school oh yeah i'm down like let's do that i'm sure they do and. i mean you know and i guess i want these things about you know the first thing that's so scary about this is what you're doing is taking kids who are at risk parents are probably already struggling. down to that last are living paycheck to paycheck and you know somebody is going to literally double that. make your kid be lunch shamed and then they try to say no to be lunch ok you're somebody who sandwich ok let's just go back to something better sam i know but what this does is that when you have a hit like that on your credit card it can seriously affect
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a credit rating which means now you know billy's mom is going to have trouble finding an apartment getting a car doing all these things sometimes getting a job with bad credit so you've ruined their credit then you turn around a new employee. as you said what kind of collection agency would have us well a collection agency because they're horrible but one of them was this hoth are in recovery services and what's really scary is they're not accredited by the by the better business bureau every single place that they're rated either from the customer and or from debtors and it is like a one or a two star minimum they have many complaints there's a lot about them being dishonest about how my accounts were doubling tripling quadrupling the amount and then charging a bunch of fees back to the people who owed say twenty thirty dollars and what's worse voto who by the way doesn't make six figures it's public record you should check so he's worried about ninety six thousand dollars while he got a raise last year but now they're changing because apparently hawthorne collection
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agency didn't do a good enough job search engine to a new one called trans world by the way and twenty thirteen transworld had to pay three point two million dollars to the federal trade commission because they were lying to people and violation of fair debt occurred correction fair debt collection so they were harassing people on the phone they were illegally threatening them like saying i'm going to take your house because you were forty dollars to launch to cranston yeah you know i just it really just really boggles my mind that we live in a world where kids i'm sorry you can't get a good education on an empty stomach or a poor daughter's going to slaughter so what you're not going to do that we're asking kids oh you know pass these tests learn more be intelligent get good grades go to college bubble but you can't do that and do stomach or having like crap food service you know why why why do we even have to make kids pay for lunch why does the school lunches have to be profitable for the school this is the worst part the
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u.s.d.a. federal government covers the cost of the food those meals are covered by federal funds what they're paying for our staff workers the equipment that kind of step. they are literally funded for every dime the idea that it doesn't make a revenue is not your problem stop trying to feed kids to read ows and freakin get out candy bars to make a profit grow up you're disgusting if you're out trying to. climb a few dollars out of a poor kid's parents call and get a much better sandwich and call it they want much bigger problem to call up their collection agencies so you know most of the rocco can threaten to break their legs right on pay on time or. it was silicone valley versus congress once again as the c.e.o. of google was grilled on capitol hill debate everything from censorship privacy concerns to competition but are these hearings even holding the big tech companies like google accountable artesian the sweet has more from wall central's
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three and a half hours of back and forth testimony between members of the house judiciary committee and google c.e.o. . and now even more questions remain over this widely used search engine privacy or lack thereof was a huge concern for many members of the committee but china confirmed the collection of a user's g.p.s. location bluetooth and recorded conversations if one's microphone was left on the tie also confirm the content of e-mails a google documents were also stored but says the contents are not read by google employees all throughout the testimony mr child was asked about his company's left leaning political bias despite the video that circulated after the twenty six thousand election of some employees that morning president trump when pretty upset pretty sad because of the election but she says he's not aware of any resists group within the company have you ever looked into the conversation into the resister
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group is it does it strike is that a surprise to you that there is a resist group i am not a variant of such a group exists you know that the resist movement is a movement built to resist the agenda of president there's a resistor group within your company a lot of the. seeing the video we saw how upset the top people in google were and for you to come in here and say there is no political bias in google tells as you either are being dishonest i don't want to think that or you don't have a clue how politically biased google is but china was then pressed about another specific instance of possible political bias from his employees beating now from the discussion that occurred over breitbart and google ads and i'm quoting from one of your employees who purportedly posted anyone want to hold their nose and look through breitbart dot com for hate speech why would someone you to hold their nose to do that work congressman today we have ninety thousand employees and they communicate in forums as a company we have
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a lot of freedom of expression and other heated topic was the source of google's trust flag or the southern poverty law center which gomer insisted was also biased the southern poverty law center really has started up more hate than about any other group i know the house majority leader kevin mccarthy question if google was an instrument of freedom or an instrument of control and manipulation it put the child on the spot at the very beginning in terms of google being used to strengthen china's surveillance but time maintains the company has no plans right now to launch a censored search engine in china and even though many agree there were various issues within google most maintained that government regulation was not the solution in los angeles in hospice suites. where to begin to begin how do you google versus congress. man you talk about a rock and a hard place about on all sides you know google's
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a monopoly or at the end of the day have never really went over me you know there's plenty of things we can do about a google about but one of these things of what good old boy your employees might be politically active will most companies employees i would assume have political beliefs things about me i'm not really sure about ester and i mean i think maybe they should find people on the s. committees that actually understand how the internet works and what's what that is you had one as steve king asked google's the google c.e.o. to explain why it's daughter's i phone is acting strangely just here's breaking news google doesn't make i phones that would be our fault. but you know far be it from me to tell a congressman i want to know that he's not alone because that louie gohmert or rather you saw through the rather quick but he actually complained at one point that his wiki pedia page was being edited by a liberal editors but google does not control what the p.d.f. they're doing revive a company which appears in
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a company you consider really anybody here this is when you talk about what you know there's a certain age limit congress to a certain point that you've got to wonder about because there's like there's a level of work and competency there of what how the real world works like you said google has a lot of imams and i don't doubt that there's certain things about it but there you know i think there's a saw a lot going on there and a lot of really upsetting to see the same politicians who are screaming that every young progressive of any shape where size every young liberal every you know from ocasio cortez on that you know everyone under forty is not even works like you can't figure out a work i phone it's literally the easiest piece of equipment to work in the whole world you practically tell it what to do i'm sorry but. as siri how were you but anyway. you know somewhere between. somewhere between robotics and humanity is a space that inhabits both worlds while serving us all and that space can be seen
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in a pop up cafe called dawn in tokyo that has a staff of robots but before you cry foul over robots taking human jobs these robots are actually working for the people who are working with robots see the waiter's consists of ten people with spinal cord injuries a last or other paralyzing diseases that have left them bedridden they control the robots with eye movements taking orders delivering food and drinks even traffic with customers and taking pictures from their back and with projects like this the research agency behind the robots and the cafe or laboratories hopes to find ways to allow people with disabilities to hold jobs be able to experience the world outside of their bedrooms and ultimately feel more productive independent and loved as they interact in ways never thought possible here's who the dreamers who take science fiction and use it to give everyone a chance to be part of the world there's all of those beautiful stories in the world to you for your show because i was just like wow how brilliant like you're
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these people bugs are that i had a close family member of a oh it was so sad in those last months when you couldn't move and it struck you it was confined to but this gives them the opportunity they were had and this was a small pop up so it only lasted a few months but they're hoping to raise the money to have it all year long and one of the best part was they got paid i mean these are people never thought you'd have a job and you'd be amazed how much that means a lot of people it means a lot and that interaction with a great great stuff love em and know that our daughters are so great as they remember ability of bliss world we are told we are loved and so i tell you all i love you i am tired rover and i'm top of the law and keep watching those hawks never great day and night everybody. prosecution will need to become almost. a softball design. where you
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push off the threat of fines. by the number one perceived to i mean yeah i mean i mean political pressure on the only men controlled you know through security jenison knows what opponents bundled up business models he was my american corporations jadhav was incomplete police sold them couldn't matilda's it as an m.p. use some control scheme i know was on the scene and the solution. lies up in association with people. i know who can he saw as it is just really really came to an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. u.s. secretary of state mike pompei always declared a lot of international affairs a failure what is needed according to him is a new liberal order led by the united states such an order calls into question some
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important issues does this mean the universe was ation of american law and limited sovereignty to the rest of the world. when it comes to what. you know you doesn't. know. your good fortune just reached. chrystia personally to. the customer.
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he didn't hit a woman. he sat. up . all those nights he didn't don't believe that he thinks. that some of the best stuff. because i'm. a manhunt is underway in france off to a gunman killed three people and in just twelve christmas market in strongs but officials are treating it as an act of terrorism.


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