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tv   News  RT  December 13, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EST

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first. family of one of the victims.
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when it happened to christmas morning his wife and children went to the bathroom and he was. president. in the wake of nationwide protests. through. securing. the release of a. child. spreading fake news his wife. that
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is saying that even a biography in. the world news on the hour every hour this is r.t. international welcome to this program. four people have been arrested in français police stepped up their hunt for the gunman behind choose to night's terrorist attack near a christmas market in strassburg two people were killed in that shooting meantime across the border in germany police are also one high alert after it was revealed the suspected attacker has a criminal record that could have all of the reports the german interior ministry has confirmed to r.t. that the main suspect the man who's being sought for cheese days terror attack had been jailed here in germany for known terrorist crimes he was subsequently deported
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back to france following that stint in prison. it can be confirmed that mr seas permission to remain in germany was revoked in the wake of a criminal conviction by the city of fry bank that's depriving him of the right of entry and residence in germany he was deported from gemini to france well as a major operation by the police under way in france there's also a manhunt underway here in germany is well in fact four states are involved in the zala and the rhineland button vote in bergen even as far east as bavaria all involved in police looking out to see if this man has fled across the border into germany there is also roadblocks all not border stretch between france and germany it is stroudsburg of course stars book itself right on the border between france and germany police checking cars there has been delays going back for a while we have heard from the prosecutors who've painted the picture well more of a picture of what happened on tuesday evening due to all these considering the
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target the perpetrators way of his profile and the testimonies of those who how to humor you know. and to terror police have been called into action terrorism has once again struck our country in strasburg reminding us in a dramatic fashion that the threat is still very real well this manhunt is still very much an ongoing situation what police understand what they've released to the press so far into the public is that this is a twenty nine year old man you comes from stroudsburg he's been named in the french press and here in germany as c. they say that they're looking for him as well as his brother sami he has a criminal record it is said here in germany also in france he was on terror watch lists in france for the most important fact about him right now is that he remains at large as well as the two people killed twelve people were injured in the attack of six of them critically one of the victims has been pronounced brain brain dead.
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charlotte has more on what happened. we met relatives outside at the hospital saw some people crying sitting down comforting each other just trying to get to grips of how this could happen yet again now the one family that we spoke to told us about one of the victims who was one of those killed in that attack saying to us that you know he'd gone to the christmas market with his family with his wife his three children and his wife and taken the children for a bathroom break and when they got back he had been short every lee shocking horrible story they describe as being a wonderful father and said that he would be sorely missed. a relative died in an inhumane way it's very difficult tragic when someone close to you dies he was here with his children and his wife on the street. was
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a nice person very nice to everyone he helped everyone commands wife is crying a lot this is very difficult for her and for the children because they're very small there are three of them the children were with kemal when it happened and the christmas market his wife and children went to the bathroom and he was shot the mayor of strasburg who was visiting the hospital gave information about the other individual who is the last attack he said it was. from thailand to come also for the christmas market and we understand that one of those who is lightly injured was an italian journalists there have been small memorials popping up at some of the places where. shooting the twenty nine year old troy tonight some people. lighting candles leaving flowers and just people in complete shock and disbelief that this happened at strasburg and this happened just before christmas at the christmas market we talked to two members of the european parliament from
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opposite ends of the political spectrum they agree though that europe's current policy needs some adjusting. we kept one minute of silence for the victims as we do recently. as you were doing every day more and does good is good and bad because you are doing the work of though this a lot of time this mandate so that means we have to change policies to find the sources of the terrorism and to the sources of their readers are the terrorists we have to stop the wars in the middle east we have to rein degrade their words in the last you through the suburbs of paris and brussels as rosenberg in a week of two who do the world together with the moderate islam to the week of two to establish some long term goals and try to achieve them marial as more as i think this was expected this is proof that this is a must terrorist has committed a crime that was relatively easy to commit i believe it is time to react the
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terrorist who carried out this mosque yesterday was a well known to the police so why wasn't he detained in advance who discuss a heron stross book with the e.u. haven't opened its borders this free such relation of people has brought allowed criminals to move about freely every time we have such tragedy we get back to the topic of border control and i think we should take back control of the borders and make the criminals afraid again because now they are not scared yet ordinary people are scared of going to christmas markets with their kids scared to go outside it is not enough to light candles to cry we are france and we want france to live in peace and light has a brief recap of our troops tonight's attack unfolded i should warn you you may find some of the following scenes disturbing. it's all been rid of all workers i saw
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a lot of people running it were terrified children were crying so i realised something terrible was happening and people said there was a shooting right next door so i ran. he said. that he can i mean that if i was on my way to the city center with a friend but the road was blocked and we couldn't go further someone told us there was a gunman shooting at people and we couldn't even get back home so we ended up being stuck here. it is r t international having bowed to the demands of large scale nationwide anti-government protests french president emanuel macron is facing more trouble on yet another front a left wing m.p.'s have tabled a motion of no confidence in his government but the vote to take place later on thursday the minister may have given the impression that it wasn't my concern to be dealt with that i had other priorities. because of this crisis i want to reconcile with you salaries will increase by one hundred euros in twenty nineteen at no extra
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cost to employers france's so-called yellow vests have been out protesting on mass for four consecutive weekends what started as a demo against a now scrapped increase in fuel prices evolved into people airing their grievances against the government in general but after even after micron's concessions though some people are still unhappy they just show us a lot of closure with the speech was addressed to hard workers only the minimum wage has nothing to do with us we're not even talking about working overtime because when you work seventy hours per week you just can't understand what that is you forgot that every other farmer earns less than three hundred sixty five years for a month that our french ins are lower than social security from it's we're great taxes as all others it's ns do and even if you have no income you still have to pay taxes . the yellow first movement has spread beyond the borders of france with protesters in canada whole so now donning high visibility clothing at rallies among them is
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kareena kemo she says the protesters want to remind officials they work for the people not the other way around. we're still in the process of establishing ourselves and organizing everything here so i think what's most important is the combined intention that we have here to create positive change we are against carbon tax because history has shown that we can't possibly taxing the nation into prosperity i think that that only serves to make economic life even more difficult for all of us families and small medium size businesses here already struggling basically what we want to do is just be heard by our government we want to know that our government has our best interests in mind we just want to remind our elected officials that they work for us and we don't work for them. and also you fix has been detained in connection with a documentary my mother told me which is about the fate of girls who end up in
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prostitution authorities accuse him of faking testimony is that something his family denies a correspondent he could have gone off takes a close one. these girls cannot hold back their tears as they recall their lives going from bad to worse and then to a living hell just over a month after the r.t. documentary channel revealed their ordeal the commode ian police said one of the families had later confessed that they'd made up the story for money this story but . they got you on that power. phone number one. but. a lot of. the filmmakers suspect the family's police confession was given under duress. it looks like those children were forced to do it they might have told them that they'll arrest their mothers and offer them some kind of deal of course i cannot
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say for sure i don't know but it was surprising for me that the girls would be pushed like that their sorties now have a warrant out for one of the film's producers mona roth is now awaiting extradition and as his wife put it to me legal persecution they accuse me has been on inciting discrimination helped the crew document the nightmarish life stories of several girls who say they were forced to sell themselves to make ends meet one of them told how she was too young and naive to understand that she was being pimped out by her former boyfriend but on science one of the planes i thought they were in the know to move what part of me in on something coming out of my heart not by the way but to behave. what i believe. in some time before i think today she's a teenager often with no place to call home but dreams of running her own beauty
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salon so that she no longer has to resort to prostitution as a profession it's a dream she shares with her close friend. a victim of sex trafficking forced into it by her own mother because of debts the documentary's director says there are countless stories like these around can both. which we've spent a lot of time with these girls and their families we became a part of their everyday lives they were just living their lives and we were just observing it r.t. documentary is not the only channel exposing the ugly truth about underage prostitution in combat the un is trying to tackle it together with you can body in government it's quite shameful that some people in cambodia are so poor that they would consider selling their daughters to money they're quite desperate there is a very large sex industry commercial sex industry in the country that you know
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that's no secret the issue of child sex and child sex prostitution this is one that has been an issue in cambodia for many years and many people believe that cambodia has made progress on this but obviously it's still it's still going on bible says the r t crew travel to combat deal with the goal of showing both the human side of the suffering and how the police are endeavoring to deal with it the authorities were initially helpful but then became distant and less co-operative. our main goal was not only to shed light on the problem but also to show the other side how the government solving it we wanted to film a police special operation to find such children. and you didn't manage to film that no we couldn't do it the governor promised to help us with everything but when we went to the police station twice the human rights department was locked. artsy documentary released the film and it went viral the producer's wife says the
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authorities are trying to smear the filmmakers to cover their own failings to me they can bloody and goutman want to disagree that she and the ladder. feel right and by thousand people around. the gallon one of the people i forget about what that rest. i asked pavol and mrs long if the crew paid the girls for their testimony see how she made any money for that did she want to be paid out of that no no no no no we didn't promise any kind of payments to these girls and they didn't ask for anything no they didn't after we finished filming one of the families we went to buy diapers food and a crib for the baby this is the best help we could provide for them because when you see the conditions in which these people live and he wonders if they have the chance we're trying to help them the family of the girl who went to the police has
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said that we gave them two hundred dollars which was the money that we wanted to spend on a washing machine for we just didn't have the time to buy it for them so we just gave them the money instead so that it would help the laundry business. barbara says he's puzzled and frustrated he'd hoped there were the girls and the authorities not make things worse mrs long told me she wants to compete in government to fight child sex trafficking and persecuting her husband won't help because they still have aids investigation not the way that they try to tell people that may investigating and set this up in the right to address the producer this is not a good way on the appropriation for it but the good thing this is the. dawn of r.t. . still to come here on the program mixed messages. to increase defense spending on. the military budget as quote crazy.
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you know i worked with the school shooters for a period of twelve years and none of the students who we worked with in our
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facility ever went on to commit a school shooting so that gives me hope that if you catch the students early enough and provide the kind of support and mental health treatment that they need that they can come out of the crisis. if they stories here on r.t. for people who are being killed and forty three injured after a high speed train collided with a shunt the crash occurred around six forty am local time on the. route a pictures from the scene show a heavily damaged train cars you can see right here for yourself some of the cars ok at least two of them at least two of them were flipped over emergency teams on the police are right now working at the scene and we now understand that all high
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speed train traffic. has now been suspended. u.s. president. to increase next. hundred fifty billion dollars just last week the. defense budget as quote crazy. the us defense budget is already enormous and it might get bigger which some politicians find to be funny i'm pushing towards seven hundred eighty billion i just now thought of it it's a good high number last week donald trump thought this spending was crazy but now he's pushing for an even bigger figure but hey what's a few billion between the american taxpayers and the president right the pentagon budget is so big that at this point the numbers seem abstract to most americans but what is worse is that at this point we don't even know how they're spending the
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money between one thousand and eight and twenty fifteen there were twenty one trillion dollars worth of unaccounted spending now somehow these discrepancies were actually bigger than the overall budget itself let's make these numbers real twenty one trillion dollars that's roughly three thousand five hundred trips to mars or seven million bugatti's the world's most expensive car. now recently the pentagon tried to pass its first ever audit and it failed but the defense department doesn't seem so worried we never thought we were going to post nor did it right everybody was betting against us that we wouldn't even do the audit now a journalist from the nation magazine recently tried to unreliable how so much money could be unaccounted for here's what he told us it's actually larger than all the u.s. debt in the history of the country it's a huge number if the pentagon was being honest they would tell congress each
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year when they submit the financial statements for the prior for the current year and prior years. accounts that what they're giving them is garbage the money that they don't spend each year gets stashed away in secret places within the pentagon and gets used without any accountability at all so this means that they're able to do black parishioners that get no. oversight that fund. could be as large as one hundred billion dollars which i would note is larger than russia's entire. military spending and close to china's entire in you all military spending since two thousand and eight the montra in the western world has been austerity tighten our belts cut spending well those are seriously want to cut spending ought to look at the pentagon if one kept the books that way in the private sector they'd be locked up but it seems pretty clear that the us military plays by a different set of rules a little mop and r.t.
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new york. series or may will continue in her role as british prime minister off to surviving a no confidence vote in hud leadership the vote was triggered by conservative party rebels over what they consider mishandling of the stick negotiations. parliamentary party those of confidence. following this but we now need to get on with the job of delivering for the british people and building a better future for this country a make or break vote for the british prime minister has taken place in westminster three hundred seventeen tory m.p.'s have cast their ballots in a secret to vote and the result allows theresa may to breathe out a sigh of relief at least for the moment two hundred votes in her favor and one hundred seventeen against the british prime minister so she leaves this won't vote with a majority of eighty three she was expected to be able to win if she gains one hundred
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fifty nine so with the results that we have seen on ravel on wednesday two thirds of her party does in fact still support the prime minister despite all the political turmoil that has been unraveling in the u.k. over some analysts have been saying that despite being able to keep the confidence of her own party that does not seem to be the case within the house of commons where of course. heart breaks the tears remain remain ors remain and those people are not being expected to shift their opinions anytime soon and of course we have to keep in mind that theresa may has been having an extremely hard time trying to convince them to get the deal that she has been able to negotiate on bracks it with the european union where she has also travelled to try to resuscitate that deal following having to cancel the vote back home so where all of this is going to be
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headed after this vote of no confidence remains unclear for the moment it's safe to assume that theresa me is sticking around because for the next twelve months there can be no such similar vote taking place but. nobody is expecting times to be easier ahead when it comes to the next developments on blacks it one of mays' fears his critics labor party leader jeremy colvin reacted strongly to the news in a tweet he said that the vote was ever eloquent and she was still failing to deliver an acceptable breck's it deal also demanded that she bring her draft deal forward for a vote in parliament something that was supposed to happen earlier this week before it was postponed by may amid fears that it might be rejected. well we spoke with the former mayor of london ken livingstone who says that though to reason may might have won the confidence vote there are still great uncertainty in westminster he's
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won enough to hang on but if hasn't resolved the crisis in the tory party the three miners will continue to undermine a deal and quite frankly i mean i know he's off to try and get a better deal tomorrow but europe isn't going to give a different deal they've made it absolutely clear that he every european leader and the leaders of the european. community like john paul jones get it absolutely clear the deal that they've spent the last two years negotiating is a take it or leave it and the problem is there isn't a majority in parliament for her deal there isn't a majority to leave and my might just fear georgie remain winning chaos and i think it makes it much more likely now that we will have the howard brett say we will leave without a deal all there might even be a triggering of a general election where loftiness to perhaps announce the ear in decision and just
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for an decisiveness and that is the program for this hour here on r.t. international though this thursday quickly turning into a busy one for your worldwide headlines we are back with. russians today it's not the summit your. arguments against the soviet union that was on. it was they absence of the liberty of. in the speech freedom those three rights have been restored so much has been accomplished and it was coming just russia that only. idiots can believe that it's away but no one wants.
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what politicians do something. they put themselves on the line they get accepted or rejected. so when you want to express an interest or some want to be rich. but you'd like to be disliked in the. people. i'm interested always in the long. welcome to the alex salmond show and what has been a momentous week for you keep politics with the prime minister's bricks it
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proposition forming in the coalmines own job under assault from the tory by benches to reason is one last hope has been to appeal to the rest of europe to qatar more slack on her brakes deal and so and this week show alex test attitude of other europeans towards brics that he visits denmark. a country which has joined the european community on the same day as the u.k. and when she shared many of the same unit skeptics tendencies he interviewed a top social democratic politician and former defense minister nick cowdery to test had the danish political winds are blowing with regard to britain's brics it and alex also speaks to the arche represents a fair two islands in the danish problem and i'm combines european skepticism whether wish for independence for his own islands for the first few treats mess just and emails and another great response to our show on pricks at last week first
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of all from sunday sunday says if the break up happens it will be two reasons incompetence that will make it happen len says beshear yet on bricks and keep up the good work cyril but thank you len and sovereign will swear she is for a government of national unity think chance will be a fine thing with caroline lucas as pm the begging says thank you alex salmond for keeping us informed you wouldn't it is absolutely vital for folk like me to be able to recognise what is going on and what it might mean for us and finally stacy he too has a view on what george kevin said on the show last week and she says i'm the s.n.p. alienating the people of scotland with the prove european stance regardless of that was a new vote in the u.k. referendum on breaks that if we were part of the e.u. and the u.k. then we still would be independent a total. i don't know britain's brecht debates some of the more enthusiastic big city years i get that many other countries were swiveling on their own membership of the european union while you hold even the least odds on which countries might
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accompany britain at the exit.


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