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tv   Watching the Hawks  RT  December 14, 2018 2:30pm-3:01pm EST

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that's geysers financial advice in the case a little girl exists close to it is it is essential plugs for dying of good news going to cover my nose i stopped. when i was told small seems wrong. but old quotes just don't hold. any old belief yet to shape out these days to come to educate and in gains from it equals betrayal. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground.
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greetings and salutations you know ark watchers the f.b.i. quietly investigating environmentalists and climate change activists is really really nothing new in fact they even have they even have a special name for it special interest terrorism yes the f.b.i. site states quote special interests terrorism dippers from traditional right wing and left wing terrorism in that extremist special interest group seek to resolve specific issues rather than a fact of widespread political change these specific issues are preventing our precious water and land resources from being poisoned by the oil and gas industries and those specific issues and now a freedom of vibration act request by the guardian has revealed that the f.b.i. field office in omaha has opened up files on three iowa residents after they attended and participated in a peaceful legal protest at a british petroleum refinery in lincoln nebraska the protractor the protesters
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jonas mcgraw and tom cruise the po yak and fred who are all in their mid to late sixty's by the way were not arrested at the event and while the report makes a claim about protesters blocking traffic according to organizers the permanent protest had law enforcement present and they blocked off traffic for about three miles and reported no disruptions whatsoever three fifty dot org founder bill mckibben mckibben who organized much of the climate action is tracked by the f.b.i. told the guardian trying to deal with the greatest crisis humans have stumbled into shouldn't require being subjected to the government surveillance but when much of our government acts as a subsidiary of the fossil fuel industry it may be par for the course and that my friends is why we need to be. watching the whole. you. want to. treat the bank like my real that this would be
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a lie as you get to the bottom if you like what they like you like nothing i got. with it we. would. be. welcome or on the watch of the ark sorry i'm tyrrell winter and i'm top of the la list. you know what's really scary or you know sixty year olds standing in a circle singing kumbaya on front of being paid for that's terrorism that is deep terrorism to iran terrified every day are you sure you're going to be ok you know nuns did this too there are none to go out and protest oil companies and stuff but nuclear weapon or weapons i'm a special interest terrorism which they called it that by the way for at least
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about the last twenty years it's kind of interesting it's just. i can't we were still here and right you know peta annoys me but they're not a terrorist group greenpeace maybe some questionable tactics sometime but not one hundred terrorist organization no not in the least i mean what's amazing to me is that took before you were quite you know what they had to go to for you to get this right so it's like the f.b.i. released seven pages but get this they withheld twenty five grand so what are the other twenty five pages of these three sixty something iowans to some of never been arrested have nothing they just care about their environment. why of twenty five pages which just goes to show you are just a little tip for those at home you can fire request yourself you can literally for your request the f.b.i. and say what do you have on me you know and this is kind of what they did and so they end up with this finding out that they're on a list they are on a list i don't know what i don't understand. so the terrorists of three fifty dog
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or according to their site wait for three to use online campaigns and various grassroots organ or guys and mass public actions to oppose new coal oil and gas projects take that they want to take money out of the companies that are heating up the planet and build one hundred percent clean energy solutions that work for all three fifties network extends to actually one hundred eighty eight countries why haven't these monsters been stopped i don't know this is horrible this is good lord you know you do you think you know i and we laugh about this but understand that the f.b.i. has people lots of people literally tracking this and making this twenty five page reports etc etc they're wasting taxpayer dollars going after people at a permanent protest that law enforcement was already at and they felt they had to be there i mean this is this isn't new though this is exactly what we saw about twenty years ago in the ninety's we saw a lot of our in the early two thousand there is there's
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a you know we have the new the good new green new deal. you know this is the new green scare so what they did back then was that all of these eco terrorists were going to blow things up there was an incident in about two thousand and eight in which one of these sort of make mansions big mansions outside a city in washington state had been burned down and they tried to save it this was a big you know eco terrorism but you have to ask yourself it's two thousand and eight the housing bubble is about to crash. and do you think about eco terrorist care about your stupid mcmansion now they try to blame a lot of stuff so organizations like i said that i've been accused of eco terrorism by the u.s. government include the animal liberation front so you remember them altho the earth liberation front greenpeace sea shepherd conservation society which goes to help whales we've had them on people for the ethical treatment of animals and earth first monsters trying to save the earth will do anything they'll stand in front of
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b.p.'s gates for hours and still haven't called themselves the big look like you said earlier it's not that there's not individuals in the organization who haven't you know done something broken the law or put people in danger of course that happens but to label all of that a terrorist group when really you know let's be honest it's terrorism because it's going against the corporate money to interests of big oil and the fossil fuel industry that's why they're calling to resume. well in the united states fifty percent of all adults have photos of themselves being stored on databases that law enforcement agencies like the f.b.i. have access to for the other half it's only a matter of time before they end up having their face bagged and tagged at the fast food restaurant airport or a taylor swift concert or maybe you already have santa may eighteenth concert taking place in the rose bowl arena in california tiller's with security team and stalled a kiosk through the entrances that would play behind the scenes videos and messages but what none of the fans knew was that the kiosk has also taken pictures there of
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their faces sending to a database. and nashville to be compared to known taylor swift stockers this comes as a reason stadiums around the world been turning to facial recognition software to ensure the safety of artists and concert goers but will scanning faces without permission really be the answer or will making the scanning of your face for convenience make giving up more of our privacy more palatable. there's a well there's a lot to think about there. so yes see you go to taylor swift odds are you take all these picture is it's. it's kind of amazing. one of the things that just in early ticketmaster's chief product product officer claims that the technique would be used in an arena as that can be used for everything for sort of like selling beer you could just do your face they'd check your idea to check your age all the tickets so you could keep from having.
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scalp tickets as one of the things burley the chief product ever says olds a lot of promise we're just being very careful about where and how we implemented so there it's the question is are you willing to give up your privacy of having your face in this database and get sold or for the convenience of not having to carry a ticket you know i would not rather have them have my face in the database i mean i know we're getting to the point. words like. you know all of our information is online and all of our privacy is kind of being pulled away from was usually when we were starting to do that you know whatever we signed him for war to a concert of will be but i mean if you give me a choice and we give most people choice they'd rather not have their face scanned into something especially without them knowing it like oh come look at this cute kiosk. well the thing that they said about it was if you've already been there they don't have to try that hard they literally it looks like a t.v.
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screen with bad behind the screens and you know one of i mean that's how it worked essentially you know you just walk in and they were playing behind the scenes videos of there were her souls and people would as they were coming in turn and it would scan their face the thing that bothers me about it is that you know look back at twenty seventeen stanford university did a study and it was about figuring out if they could scan and figure out an algorithm to scan and tell whether someone was gay or story. and their algorithm actually was able to accurately distinguish between gay and straight men eighty one percent of the time and. one of the things that that's bothersome about that is as we start to look at different ways that these things are used scanning to find health issues scanning to how do you know do you have mental health issues do you have personality traits that can be seen through the scan of faces and that's kind of nick rule who's an associate professor of psychology at the university of
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toronto actually said it's certainly unsettling like any new tool if it gets into the wrong hands it can. purposes if you can start profiling people based on their appearance but identifying them and doing horrible things to them that's really bad so the idea is the thing that bothers me about this is when you don't consent to it though you're in a big public place so there's some things there but you didn't give them permission to keep that picture is also what happens when you start using this to say ok. you can't go in because. you went somewhere and we tracked oh you went to an abortion clinic so we want to hire you you want to win a game. we can or should we can you have anger management issues or personality types we won't let you in this concert that's a really good point that's a really good point that i'll think a lot of people i mean everyone kind of initially says surveillance but that you laid it out perfectly taboo in terms of like look these are the things that can be used against us in this kind of thing and look you know i get it in taylor's the but she has a lot of stalkers yes i mean earlier this year they had
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a thirty eight year old guy was arrested and convicted of driving a thousand miles to her house broke in and was by with rope in the mission and a knife and gloves in his car at the time i get it like if you're a celebrity and you're that you i don't blame you want i really don't i understand that but there's got to be a better way to protect yourself as a celebrity or whatever you are the president or whatever then you know basically everybody you have destroyed everyone's sense of privacy in the process got to be a balance it's why we can't have nice things right there it is there to protect our quaters don't forget the one of the youth of the topics that govern a base for twitter so your poll shows that are deep dot com coming up we're going to talk all things russia gate and the potential war with russia with all for stephen home you don't want to miss this stay tune from the.
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some a survives a no confidence vote but now is a lame duck hard blooms angle of merkel has announced her impending political retirement and regrown small legitimacy as president of france is in the balance the three pillars of the e.u. are on shaky ground is the euro project suffering a crisis of competence. prosecution will need to. dissolve. where you. just read the findings. by the number one place you do i mean me political pressure on the. security industry knows what kind of business models used by american corporations . to use.
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their solutions. as it is just simply deleting. an investigative documentary. ghost war on oxy. buttin of limb spies connections mueller cone cloak of olympic weightlifting maddog propaganda papadopoulos putin the russian bots leaves mention for de chess clinton e-mails dossiers by steele russian bot scoop goose supporters treasons traitors man affords ukraine's area nuclear treaties nato trump and i'm sorry but boom goes the
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dynamite yes. we are at roughly the halfway point in the trump presidency and what feels like a lifetime of russia gave investigations and hysteria for most of us everything is still a very confusing fever dream of russian names and wild allegations and half cocked theories official lies you know media business fights bumbling and oily political swamp hostlers brought before a man but through all the media circus and concerns of trees it treason and collusion there is with a keen observer a growing undercurrent of xena phobia and hatred towards russia not seen since the nineteen fifties and sixties did during the heady days of joseph mccarthy communism in the cold war with the united states now ending new nuclear treaties and congressman like democrat steve cohen calling for a cyber attack that made russian society value list to cripple everything declare that if they all fell underneath the kremlin and got buried together it would be
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too soon one has to wonder if we could survive a twenty first century version of the cuban missile crisis because today instead of j.f.k. bobby kennedy and ted sorenson and others helping guide us away from the war hawks and nuclear armageddon we are stuck with the great political minds of donald trump like pump a zero and congressman adam schiff. well joining us to discuss all this and more is professor author and historian stephen cohen welcome so much sir thank you very very much for coming on the day. i was wondering if you could do that list you rattled off in reverse alphabetical order i don't know if i can is there the man. you know stephen with the barrage of speculation and conjecture surrounding russia gate in this new cold war chemist's new cold war almost it's almost impossible to keep track of of everything without going insane you like that list as someone who spent the last three years trying to separate the lucid from the crazy in all this
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what do you believe is the most important thing to keep in mind when we're trying to navigate all things russia gate today that we are in a relationship with russia more dangerous than we have ever been with the possible exception of the cuban missile crisis which i think you mentioned i have a new book out called war with russia question mark. i began working on it five years ago and i would not have given it that title then but the events of the last five years or roughly since the outburst of the ukrainian crisis into thirteen to fourteen through trump selection and above all the rise of this thing called russia which to be clear because we lose sight of it sometimes is a set of allegations that the president of the united states is a kind of puppet or other the influence a putin's kremlin we've never been here before so you cited in example that's
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always on my mind the cuban missile crisis. this new cold war has several fronts fraught with war syria ukraine the north of ball the the north baltic what is often it's not a hypothetical with what if because there are dangerous things unfolding all the time something like the cuban missile crisis emerge where you're facing the accidental possibility of a nuclear war the country trusted kennedy to negotiate with the kremlin away from that dangerous trump has no such trust principle in this country these allegations and they seem false to me that he somehow under the sway of the kremlin means he cannot negotiate in a way to avoid war so bear in my mind is the most dangerous unprecedented. circumstance we face today and in a way this new book of mine a war with russia question mark which covers the last five years explain how we
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guard here and what's at stake. let me ask mainstream news outlets the c.n.n. is the new york times you don't a lot of politicians have painted this picture of the hostilities with russia being instigated and driven by by russia by vladimir putin and the kremlin's actions in places like ukraine and syria and not the united states we're just reacting to these attacks were reacting in your research is this really the case and what are we missing about our role in the u.s. in part of as part of this new cold war well i mean this thesis that russia alone has provoked the new cold war and remind you it's a post communist russia it's a russia that says it's capitalist the old cold war was peoples explained by ideology i'm not so sure about that that's a separate discussion but how do we explain
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a cold war more dangerous than the last war with iraq. it says it shares our capitalist beliefs and even our religious beliefs how do you explain that something happened back in the one nine hundred ninety s. on bill clinton's watch and it was called nato expansion that's a kind of cliche we've lived with it for more than twenty years but it is the geo political original sense the decision to move us led western military power all the way to russia's borders and it's on russia's borders now in the baltic states in ukraine what did they think russia's reaction was going to be well ok fine put all your weapons on our border or we'll forget about the german invasion in one hundred forty one we don't have any memory of russia didn't move any power anywhere so much of what's happened has been a reaction of russia and of europe to the expansion of nato that's the original
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sense now there have been other of its and you could say well russia reacted on watchfully maybe so but i would argue. in response to all this talk that putin is an aggressive foreign policy leader that on the contrary he's a reactive leader and in fact i was in moscow two weeks ago i get there a couple three times a year and everywhere i would say in the serious policy class in moscow putin is criticized for being too reactive not anticipating what the west was going to do i think that's you know historians will write this what these last fourteen or fifteen years you know that's interesting when you mention you know how we're going to look back on these you know last fourteen or fifteen years and to me what what or what is the biggest misconception that's either under reported or just not being
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told to the american public or just the west in general about russia and vladimir putin you know what do you feel is the biggest misconception that we're not hearing . i mean it's a puzzle in a way it's like one day it will be a trivia question but today it's an accidental question how did it happen that a man like putin becomes leader of russia and quickly he demonized in ways that no soviet leaders were i mean stop and think all of our presidents since eisenhower negotiated with whomever sat in the kremlin. the people who sat in the kremlin had blood on their hands but there wasn't the argument of the united states where we should not have nuclear weapons with agreements or they should not have some of those who comes to power a man with a fairly he was in the k.g.b. but with a pretty clean past with a lot of margin in the west and within two or three years he emerges as a demonize figure and even more so since the russia gate thing behind this i think
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is in the more than one factor that the policy elite the bipartisan washington policy only expected after the end of the soviet union that russia that america would be number one in the world in every sense economically politically diplomatically as it seemed briefly in the one nine hundred ninety s. and then came a different kind of leader russia got back on its feet and in a way you can hear and what they say about a resentment that he was unexpected one new york times columnist wrote nicholas kristoff that he expected after yeltsin the previous russian leader a sober yeltsin because yeltsin was a bad drinker imputing he got something very different something much more than a sober yeltsin the reaction to that the disappointment the expectation the sense
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that russia is awarding america's mission in the world is behind this this this is substantially this demonization of russia itself now and it's very dangerous. can i ask why you know one of these things you want to eat when you have a cold war you want to make sure it doesn't turn on you know it's all fun and games until it suddenly turns into an actual war why is the dates hans with russia so scary to our politicians to everybody it seems like you know that's. that's the point we want to sit down and talk we want to keep things from war from happening so why are they so against it. well if you look back on the twentieth century and you write the history the diplomatic history of american soviet relations you have a forty year cold war during which these episodes of what you call detente rightly which means technically introducing cooperation in place of conflict you have major
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episodes now i think for a second because nobody mentions it every major episode was led by a republican president eisenhower nixon and finally the great detente reagan and gorbachev then years later along comes trump not very articulate not clear what he's talking about but during the campaign he says he believes in cooperation with russia that stay tied and he's assailed so you're right this is an assault on the very idea of detente with its wall tradition of keeping it's a pretty safe from the twentieth century so i would argue in his own strange monocular idiosyncratic way trump has struggled to be a date on president but he's been prevented from being one so remember what happened in july he goes to helsinki to have a quote summit this ritualized top meeting with the russian leader every american
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president since roosevelt and certainly since eisenhower that had these summits trump comes home and he's accused of committing treason for appearing at a joint press conference with putin even though joint press conferences after summits are absolutely part of the game ritualistic they told last the situation you're in the situation room and i want to thank you for writing this book war with russia question mark and thank you for being a voice of reason out there in the wilderness stephen of com thank you so much for coming on the birds and beat a pleasure. good to see you. aside from pesticides disease is the greatest threat to the honeybee populations now scientists at the university of helsinki have created up kind of vaccine to protect us from dangerous infectious diseases like one called american fowl brut american fall bird is widespread and it's actually one of the most destructive diseases to be broods the vaccine would allow. them to notice the disease early in its life cycle and in
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a way that mimics how come you human bodies create antibodies and if taken by the queen bee is the vaccine is then passed on are eggs meaning they will create an immunity in the egg to the american fallow period as well the edible vaccine is not ready for commercial use just yet but as the testing continues let's celebrate a little hole through the bees and if you don't want to save the world you can just buzz off. to go where you live every day for that last line which i do i live every day but on my last book on this make everything fit just because i love the very desperate one step of the thank you for her but others are so poor that they remember everyone in this world we are told that love develops or told well i love to do items i wrote and calico all the parts one hundred dogs dogs that were great there but everybody.
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got to. since. the losses. impressed me with. thanks. to bush i. spoke with watts joy when you discovered what. you know you know such as the kid is that you know.
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the snow. will do you good fortune just preachin. christia first played it for. the customer because. i've been saying the numbers mean something a matter of us is over one trillion dollars and. more than ten white collar crimes happen each day. eighty five percent of the global wealth you loan to the ulster rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent minus minus two years some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to
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remember is one one business show you can afford to miss the one and only. you know i work with potential school shooters for a period of twelve years and none of the students who we work with in our facility the syllabi ever went on to commit a school shooting so that gives me hope that if you catch the students early enough and provide the kind of support and mental health treatment that they. need they can come out of the crisis. a palestinian teenagers killed while dozens of other protesters are reportedly injured in a day of rage clashes with israeli soldiers in the west bank and gaza.


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