tv Cross Talk RT December 17, 2018 3:30am-4:00am EST
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adversary's also is the western world in crisis and much much more on this edition of crossed. cross talking some real news i'm joined by my guest here in moscow mark sloboda he's an international affairs and security analyst we also have dimitri bobbitt she's a political analyst with international and we have glenn deeds and he is a professor at the higher school of economics as well as author of the decay of western civilization and resurgence of russia right gentlemen cross-like rules in effect that means you can jump in anytime you want and i always appreciate. that you wrote a book about the topic i will go to you first. we all read the article recent article by pat buchanan here what lies behind the melees of the west i thought it was a really fascinating article because he really kind of hit the nail on the head it's really about a crisis of confidence in many ways what your take. well which on this topic in
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previous segments i think it all goes back to the system we put together after the cold war it's been a very liberal format for globalization and over in nineteen ninety s. it was realized that it wouldn't work for everyone and it was flora sation between the leads and the people i think in the european union we were able to. cover some of these problems through two thousand by simply ignoring referendums or making them vote again and keep expanding yeah but then something has happened over the last two or three years in which first we have the brics it. the election of trump there's been some attempts to walk that back as well so brics it's not really going to mean brics it you know the effort to essentially. created the president not really the president but we'll see the same problem in europe you can only hold it back for so long before it comes out in different forms so the only two powers left in to hold iraq together as being france and germany but as we see what could . let's go to very well accepted justice. but only to be replaced with
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michael to essentially if so it's interesting because it's it seems to me that the they've relied more upon ideology than on leadership ok because the ideology is the substitution for leadership you know that i think that's an important part of the e.u. project specifically i mean this is backlash this is a neo liberal pro globalization pro go ballistic if you want to use that elite who have forced. both economic and social. radical reforms on the peoples of europe and also the united states and canada over the heads of the people using you know these repeat referendums and repeat votes in the e.u. who didn't get it right the u.k. u.s. and canada using the distraction of identity politics and this is done with with
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a triangulated center right center left parties and we're finally seeing the backlash and it's coming from the far right and the far left as we've talked about repeatedly on the show and now we've seen outbreaks of it in the united states with the election of trump in germany with with the you know the. chancellor merkel having to stand down in the german elite just not knowing what comes after merkel and you know there her whole political party is being crushed in the polls right now because of her you know mass immigration that she and going and going to france rocked by protests against the and then we're going to go look at the maid raises it and then we have made it easy italy poland hungary romania you know you're going to be interesting this whole ideology is predicated on destroying nations absolutely well and february and writes about all of that he writes that the loyalty to. family tribe neighborhood culture and country appear paramount
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rising above intellectual and political alignments well the problem is we each intellectual lions what is being offered the people you know we have basically the same ultra liberal narrative bought mostly in the united states in the mainstream and in europe and you know what happened in france you know the problem is that there are too liberal state according to its ideology it's not doing anything in industry it allows big companies do it it's not doing anything in science what it is doing is say doing the rules of the game and you have so many bureaucrats and they have to be busy every day so they invent for example if you will vests you know for some reason all of the people need to wear your will mastin their of course and then what's the response from the people are you wanted to see yes you will see us but not only in the car us in the streets so it's a backlash against stupid rules against the states additional do anything except
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sit in rule. is there any learning curve here i mean it seems to me it is the lead singer maintain their idea because their ideology is a new catechism and they can't adjust it. in light of what's happening on the ground to normal people who think the e.u. is extraordinary incapable of doing anything about it because the whole this situation is built up on the idea that nationalism is inherently a bad thing and we have to elevate above it however this contempt for a national ism and it also often refer to tribalism it is strange because there is it's often assumed to be only a negative thing but to keep in mind that the nation state has been the most the strongest vehicle to promote and human freedoms tribalism it's not inherently a bad thing i mean if you care more about their kids run them through this that's a good thing it's like a social fabric it's the local level at the regional level the fact that they do that you would have the same affinity towards you and your neighbors people are like us and some of the other side of the world it's not a human nature work will be great if we were this global village but you know it
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was going to be the it was there's a tribe that counts most are these. ideologies that i still try to make out is we it's also a matter of political representation because we have this trans national all true wealthy ultra polluter privileged economic and political elite that associate with and get along with and have far more in common they were the cause more politician peers around the world than they do with their own people in their own countries wanted to make that recreated so back on you know in charles dickens novel the because you have a character who cares about kids in africa kids in the ship he didn't in america and she doesn't care about her old kids who are congregated that same cause so the idea is not that you don't care about us or about other nations they do of national state is if you can if you can't care about your own country about your own kids you won't be able you won't be able to properly care about those of us and this is the right message and the last word on this you know i just said this is what i
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sense is the problem in bricks of no because if you look at the people who want to remain there all the socialists are aligning themselves more with the elites so look at the. for example he's not saying let's respect democracy this is sort of this is a pride of the english instead of saying listen. you have to help us to get out of this this vote and this is this is what is making a lot of people upset even if they're able to overturn an emergency with your help through a survey when she went person here and here we i want to go change the spine meaning here the. reader who didn't get what did she get justice in the united states go well i mean the whole idea that basically you can plead guilty and get a reduced sentence for a crime that you didn't commit is just awful i mean it's got it goes against the constitution of the united states the fifth amendment no one should be forced to testify against oneself but what happened with that is there they offered her this
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deal you know. is a solitary some liner in california they were going to my opponent and violating the foreign agents basically a four poor student for toffs with all your rank republican all n.r.a. . officials all and they're all on facebook and they've called her a spy and for that you know spies do a lot of course they are big just on facebook but i am reading from the guardian you know someone named david smith writes in the headline russian spy. pleads guilty in the u.s. and it's amazing that first the thread this charge that she was how did the board she was getting their hair at. reagan sex will get in ahead in influence separations we get is not we do is no evidence about where they drop it but please note where did all the western fame in years go when the when the woman whom the
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suspect of acting against them it's exactly you know where the bolsheviks bolsheviks talked about proletariat but if brought a tear and stand against them the bolsheviks about hardest on. the same stories here it is a woman who they suspect of an old being disloyal and they will rush her only crime is a cheese russian here glenn if what i find more outrageous not only was she given just this is that how many thousands and thousands of people in washington d.c. well lobby for foreign governments that are not registered with the government and they get away with it are they right he. took my punch line more. well first in terms of the funding to spy you have to first go in the car information and hand it over to your which they did not you know your intelligence services and it is false and actually according the according illegal information and you will select to handing it off to any or having this cult like within the so there's security
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officer so they get this the spy the finish and the tails on both ends of what a spy is supposed to do and spy would be exchanged as far as you would not be willing to deal with when it seems to happen have happened that they wanted her to see an edgy and a becoming posted this is as much a failure is that of the justice it is even more a failure of the media constantly this refrain russian spy russian spy she is not accused of espionage she was not found guilty of espionage they have not accused her of having any contacts with russian intelligence she hasn't acquired any information what she is accused of with this foreign agent register act is being an unregistered lobbyist she supported gun rights she supported gun rights in russia she was actually censored online and live journal her posts were blocked by the russian government which is not
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a fan of the american conception of rights for guns or whatever it is and if anything you know she has her and this patron of her as a banker. they are support gun rights in both countries they lobbied with the n.r.a. they also larger to the e.u. public all in public and. she was as much of a vehicle of trying to force the influence of american gun culture on russia even more than the other way around but you know you have a ten seconds only a few years ago that she would never have been the rest of the this is has to be put in the context of the election of trump because they've been for so long enough trying to come with the smoking gun that trump is this russian agent and now he's funny how this russian coming along ask you man us chin at a press conference all this nonsense gentlemen we're going to a short break and after that short break we'll continue our discussion on some real news state without any.
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one else seems wrong. at all just don't call. me. yet to say proud just be active. and engaged because the trail. when so many find themselves worlds apart we choose to look for common ground. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten leichhardt timestamping he did . eighty five percent of the global wealth he longs to be ultra rich eight point
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six percent market saw thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trade per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom bust. you know world of big partisan new things and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bats and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the
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the news where the u.s. weaponized the law what's the what's the second well the second would be. with the executive from hawaii and from china. well she was also arrested in kind of in this no way to extradition to the united states and again this is also. you can argue that there's also weaponized the law to similar extent that's what shows done against money it would seem. to the extent that it was she would never been the rest of the details usually arrested for the the alleged crimes of their own company personal crimes. but if your company has done they argue that they've broken some laws which which is controversial in its own you would go after companies started to rest. this is something new though the charge sort of it is absurd and it's obviously a political it's a kidnap for ransom she's accused of providing misleading information in your
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presentation to h.s.b.c. u.s. u.k. bank that facilitated a subsidiary companies no longer connected with the wise wealth transfer money transfers over the head of unilateral illegal us sanctions which were all raised by a u.n. security council resolution which the u.s. also signed up to and this is is being presented no it's clear that this was planned months in advance we know this it was worked out with the canadian prime minister any protestations of innocence all we had to do it because of of you know the extradition request no it was planned they were looking at other ways to get her they were. looking specifically at other things tech transfer and other things this is a shot across the bow at china at chinese companies and they picked one person that they could reach out and grab it and trump could not have made it more obvious when
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he tweeted out that this is political by saying look we could arrange your release as part of of leverage with a trade deal so much for us you know if you're michelin to penetrate the communist era that was called telephone justice was it with meaning well i think the most alarming thing is when i want to live the rules of war the people stop questions because the wall of all the board jeffrey sext all the people you know and the lies that the rest of these chinese woman and he told in his article the war on why wait in two thousand do we haven't j.p. morgan chase paid eighty eight million dollars and eleven for violating u.s. sanctions against cuba yet jamie diamond wasn't grabbed off a plane and we stand to castigate and appalled but two canadians at least as we speak were arrested by the chinese. good china
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stands up and defends their national interests unfortunately we don't see the russian government doing the same over the case of maria kudos to china with that with a vote you know there is another pretty brutal down on bloomberg good who notices you know they're there and the final aim of all their separation please before you explain the political persuasions of the author well he is the more style true liberal of all of the russian ultra liberal authors who went to europe in the two thousand in one thousand nine thousand i. want their apartment buildings in which hundreds of people died you know that changed interest then exploded several apartment buildings in was going he refused to put it on the front page because he . just some soviet people dead you know so these kind of person is concerned you know you should go to any writer for bloomberg and he writes want to go he writes there it seems to be there the case is there they want to clear the bin old after
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what the u.s. intelligence community considers massive interference in their presidential election no unofficial back channel story russia will be directed and of course well this is really dangerous because unofficial back channel saved us from several real threats of nuclear war including is the cuban missile crisis including the cuban music on a bigger choir than a bad can channel here the verge of the cuban missile. and then nine hundred sixty seven war you know when the israeli troops were engaged in calls to syria it was the backed channel that saved the situation you know so that you know was ready to react it's interesting they want to make it you're just like the next it seems like the trumpet ministration it's a shot over everyone's bow simultaneously this is a very interesting of the end i don't think i've ever seen anything quite like it in the united states wants to be america first i understand that but it means at the expense of everyone else that is something a little bit different than what we're we've had before you know about to we are
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entering the choppy waters that in times i mean if you look at the broad spectrum of what's really happened over the last few centuries has been that the west was really put in the driver's seat after the first industrial revolution and. eighteenth century and since then you have the second was combustion engine the third with the computer chip a superconductor of the west as old has been in the drivers you know forget the fire. learn something different or suddenly we have this dance revolution with with artificial intelligence robotics ultimately it's not going to you were just going to take a lot only look at the worst but the chinese are actually. have leadership in all this is suddenly after the first industrial revolution which is one hundred years later on killed off child. and opium or slow ascension they're coming back into the driver seat so this is a huge shift in history and also for the first time in almost five hundred years the western loose with losing its privacy so all of this happening at once as we
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discussed last week who is one of the companies leading this technological but if we mark if we just take. the said there the u.s. and its behavior is accelerating yes this year well they're not alleviated excel arabia you know the process is somewhat irreversible and with this global neoliberal capitalist architecture that they assemble that you know globalization runs on they created it they don't have a really way of stop it they're desperate they're trying everything they can and this extra territorial extension of us laws laws which are recognized anywhere else like these unilateral sanctions not illegal in canada but canada acting as a as a pliant puppet state trudeau went ahead all he had to do. if he really wanted to avert it was make a call to china and say hey don't drop by my country and a maritime because i don't really want an international incident and now he's bitten off more than nice to you because china is is by many measures now the
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world's largest economy and which canada is extremely you know you know dependent on as as most countries are becoming and as we speak about you know that this is not the trade deal that trump wants to make with the chinese the trade deficit only gets larger and it's not a levy it's getting larger this is after trying to browbeat trudeau with tariffs and the new new nafta and i want to shift gears something very important what's going on with the orthodox church in ukraine where all of the so-called conventional all day you will agree and also the church took place in kiev it was presided for some reason by president poroshenko talk to me about separation of i'll show you how to configure. yes a political figure official the real ukrainian author of the church please don't listen to western media when they call with russian orthodox church it's the ukrainian orthodox church
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a doner most from russia financially you know the boy their own bishops their image reported and sits on the council of russian orthodox church no russian reporters are seated or they are signing up so these official ukrainian orthodox church protested these conventions they did that them all to thirty eight bishops only two were forced to read them even though there were such as by there you're green in security agency you know there was several people were arrested steele they didn't go forward to this convention they said it was not economical about the political event and what's the reaction in the western media i'm called in france twenty four you know how did they report about it this morning they said that ukraine is finally coming out of russia although russia's influence although some ukrainians are still loyal to the long. march. i'm going to quote that sums up the import of this you know what is actually happening behind the scenes here this
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patriarch of this separatist splinter ukrainian church filler and we stop until you know the last few hours when he was replaced he had a an awards ceremony this week where he gave in award specifically the order of st andrew to jack divine who is jack divine jack divine is the a former associate director of the sea i am a and in giving him the award this this ukrainian patriarch quote unquote said thank you for our independence thank you for the creation of our unified autocephalous. ukrainian orthodox church now he's previously also given an award to . over you know the porch and his support provided them there so i think that pretty much sums up what is actually
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going to be reacting to this well i mean people are dismayed by that they are also they're also tell you fight because you have all their facebook you have photos of these ukrainian priests you know there was even a flash mob for you know priests and their supporters put their inscription i am radio for a surge by ukrainian security service and and talking about the us you know just a few months ago there was a similar to the areas event for a shame for the ukrainian president gave the order. of the wise to general breedlove all the people of the need for supporting ukrainian independence the problem is that the y. started as their brains not good at that which is in russia so if you are a slow divine voice told you no reception from his grave one thousand years later then he is a symbol of ukrainian independence and that he is all that was given to an american
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general. it's also clear the last forty seconds here what's going on here is also an asset grab i mean churches are being c c's. and property being taken by. mr aries well i think it's to make the split more permanent because we have in the ukraine the american so supported the orange revolution and i can two thousand and four and again after they got stuck with a real us was horrible and they decided to go back to this idea that they should harmonize relations between the up with the west and russia now pushing through just happens that the vast majority of cream is now believe more than seventy percent believe that the country's going the wrong direction so there is this something that they could change their mind again and realized the mistake of this us it was during the. he's trying to engineer this nation that we still have a nationalism without a nation were brought out of time here gentlemen many thanks to my guest here in moscow this is the end of our broadcast segment stay with us for the extended version on our you tube channel see you next time and remember.
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day. eighty five percent of global wealth to be rich eight point six percent market saw thirty percent from last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per circuit per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building two point one billion dollars. but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need to remember is one show you can't afford to miss the one and only. the.
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