tv News RT December 17, 2018 7:00pm-7:30pm EST
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i. was. thinking a little. girl was very emotional i was immediately at work for her. a. good job. kosovo's move to create its own army sees a session of the u.n. security council called amid fears it could escalate tensions with. russian foreign ministry at the b.b.c. saying its work smacks of cynicism that is after leaked messages from one of their reporters says her editors are out for blood in their attempts to find links
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between the kremlin and movements in france. and greece and may says a vote on her view the forced deal will now take place in the third week of january but it comes amid reports in her own cabinet are planning to force another referendum. broadcasting a lot of direct you know the un security council has been debating kosovo's move to create its own army a step that could escalate tensions with serbia belgrade said it might even respond with its own military here's some of what has been said in the meeting. in a fox in fact i would check on dollar ward have i been there correlate not a mark is a normal decision and misses just a mission and its purpose the circle saw god or god being if causal had made
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a mistake our subsequent preacher bears it is the only way to five years and sadly to establish an army even the mere part of that in their decision or. you go might or may be belated but you know what it was once a particular breed it is belated it will not spare me where that got us. from those just a good one that i never showed in good the world all the words closeable to it was a violation of the security council resolution is open your briefings here as a result i get rational mind of a priest about sampling of laws on the transformation of this only security for louise fully fledged armed forces my question to all of you my dear friends is. from which document from rich article i get off with all. they derive that the right. really is the truth. and i can tell you an advice
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you know the us nowhere. it's just an intrapreneur interpretation a very bad interpretation done by some countries but done by some countries because it is their own political interests because by declaring its independence in two thousand and eight kosovo remains on recognized by almost half of un member states here's a brief look back at how kosovo is conflict with serbia developed. the falling out of the republic. we spoke to serbian a canadian filmmaker boys who says that christina's decision runs the risk of
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igniting another war in the balkans it is illegal not only according to serbia russia the un but is also a legal authority to those who have created it so their own constitution and the so-called republic of kosovo and this is a very dangerous move because you have violations of law on several fronts and that is very dangerous because we've seen many. escalations in the past couple of weeks not only just the formation of the army but you've seen the first stories and cause of all increased taxes to one hundred percent taxes products coming from central serbia and many coastal serves as we speak our rebellion against this are protesting every day against these taxes and now with the formation of the army it is very dangerous because if pristina decides to push that army into the northern
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coast all that is mostly populated by serbs service president has said that they will we will not watch the. passably that serbia will have to act to protect its people and if that happens of course it cost of all the sites to opt for the military solution to gain control over all of kosovo because it does not currently control of course or that could plunge the room into a war. the russian foreign ministry has lashed out at the b.b.c. calling it cynical after messages were leaked from a correspondent looking into possible connections between moscow and the yellow vest movement in france and one of the reporters messages she claimed to her editors were quote out for blood well maybe some russian businesses capitalizing greatly on the protests maybe the protest is eating cutlass so mass may be the far right to ring leaders that i'm looking for angles yes the exit is to months. and i think the messages were published by russia's written notice the news agency it
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comes just a week after a number of media outlets alleged that russian bots or automated accounts were helping to fuel the anger seen on the streets of france the french authorities have launched an investigation into those claims now the b.b.c. has told r.t. it was reasonable for its news team to look into a potential connection in light of the french government's own statement on this possibility as the french foreign ministry had spoken publicly about media reports of a possible russian influence in the protests it was perfectly reasonable for a correspondent to raise the subject however in the end her reports made no mention of a possible connection with russia or its all we stand by our impartial independent journalism we also asked a b.b.c. russia if it is still looking for connections between moscow on the french protests and whether the correspondent was under pressure to pursue that particular angle but it declined to comment russian foreign ministry has criticised the b.b.c. accusing it of acting with cynicism. the cynicism of journalists is
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a mason talking about a company that has propagated all its life an unbiased and then dependent approach and its professionalism is the epitome of the media world i have a question for this very british regulators of the media space and the public how to the value that this kind of compilation of facts that in pleas of their television and radio companies are doing. we went on to the streets of paris to ask people if they thought russians were somehow interfering everything's possible nowadays. you. know of course they're not behind the man they say the russians are behind the us presidency as well so you know. of course about but we also asked a number of journalism groups for comment and we'll bring you any response if we get them in we discussed the issue also earlier with the journalist neil clark and former british politician george galloway. the truth is our media class has allowed
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itself to become trapped in russell for b.-a when everything about us is falling around our ears luckily the british people are on to the the big revelation over the last couple of weeks is that the british government is using public money to pay for all to pay for the c.e.o. of this information misinformation hostile attacks on the loyal opposition in parliament the british broadcasting corporation is no acme of journalistic impartiality quite to the contrary what i think really it is not so much i don't think just about the b.b.c. it's about the climate under which the b.b.c. is currently operating which is this crime of aggression phobia here in britain in america and in other countries in the west of what we base eagle angriest establishment in these countries anything that really threatens the status quo or as a possibility of a change in direction of the economy. well the political system. he's playing on
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russia i think the cards are being overplayed and right i think it's like the boy who cried wolf just shouting the russians the russians the russians so i go back to this is not really and i don't think the public are really buying it and he france people know that there is widespread anger against michael and i think this trying to link it with russia or it exposing people could be a conspiracy theorist actually what they are staying with in the yellow vest protests in france the country's prime minister has admitted in an interview that the government made mistakes in tackling the movement you accepted the authorities had not listened enough to the french people meanwhile the t.v. channel france three found itself caught up in a scandal for doctoring the image of a poster belonging to a yellow vest protester the sign called for president resignation the word out which is seen in the original image had disappeared from the channels late evening news broadcast france three blamed human error and said there had been no intent to hide the sign but people did not believe that excuse on social media open the photo
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fodder shot by mistake user is a two by mistake they leave out by mistake say the modified photo by overwriting their original by mistake projected onto the plaque card by mistake watching france three by mistake that would happen again human error what i think to say they're really taken off for hall's. a human error journalists editors the editor in chief the chief information officer all these people have therefore indorsed the sly with our calm well done this public service . on saturday yellow vest protesters flooded the streets of cities across france for a fifth consecutive weekend the number of demonstrators was it down compared to previous weeks no big questions with police continued as massive forces were again
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deployed including officers on horseback and armored vehicles going back to the france and three. of the buckle the publisher and writer america really believes that france and three's coverage of the events was a clear case of self-censorship. of course it is possible with the government to lax leeway as it is entangled in such a quagmire but i suppose it's small self censorship a kind of go into objection of censorship and then censorship from above so what the mainstream media entrance try to to conceal is that though that yellow vests wants to resign last saturday they were all carrying that kind of card it's true that micro-credit cannot make you turn on that very topic it would be ridiculous he was compelled to to make talk and reforms but people want him to go away because they cannot live anymore in such despair. british prime minister theresa may has
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said the much anticipated vote on her breaks a deal will now take place in the third week of january just weeks before the country is due to walk through the e.u.'s exit door but the opposition leader jeremy corbyn is still slamming her deal as an acceptable and accusing the pm of leading the country international crisis another vote which would do irreparable damage to the integrity of our politics because it would say to millions who trust it into my pussy that our democracy does not do this. right i am not the first which would likely leave us nose further forward to the north and another vote which would further divide our country at the very moment we should be working to unite mr speaker we face an unprecedented situation the prime minister has led us into a national crisis standing out the dispatch box last week the prime minister said i have made some progress mr speaker she has not made any progress at all i have to
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ask what is the leadership the phrase which is often used i was told the prime minister has reached rock bottom but she is still digging it was thursday it will be one hundred days until quitting leaves the european union at the moment with. no deal and no plan b. . this is the constitutional crisis the prime minister may be aware of but the bookmakers he has been offering sixty six to warn against passing parliament could be good we cabinet ministers that would know and preparing for a referendum are not being disloyal to her but simply better at math yes the. liberal democrat leader vince cable who you just saw there was referring to reports that cabinet members are plotting moves towards a second referendum this comes after a report former leaders john major and tony blair have also backed calls for another vote or hizbollah boyko as more. talk of
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a second referendum appears to be getting more serious and because it's not just coming from the opposition parties apparently it's coming from to reason may's own team over the weekend reports have emerged that her cabinet has split into two opposing camps one which along with her chief of staff is now reportedly mullings the idea of letting harlem and decide on whether there should be a second referendum to potentially reverse brags that and the other camp of pro relievers who are adamantly against this plan now the prime minister herself has been attempting to the brochure for these various rumors and especially talk of a second referendum in fact a spokesperson has just denied just rules but then again her spokesperson did deny the cancellation of the parliamentary vote on her brags that deal last week immediately before it was cancelled so make of that denials what you will now one of the people dead keen to reverse bragg's and to have a second referendum is
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a strong tony blair the former labor prime minister and he's been getting much more vocal about say on friday he did a whole load of interviews advocating for a second vote and criticising to reason may's bragg's it deal but the prime minister isn't very happy about it take a listen to the levels of animosity between the former labor prime minister and the current conservative one dismissing to be done and having this conversation a year or two they would say to me it's never going to happen another referendum now people are saying you know will could it really happen i need to get the european leaders to the next stage which is to realise the probability is it's going to happen and they've got to prepare for it there are too many people who want to subvert the process for their own political interest rather than acting in the national interest for tony blair to go to brussels and seek to undermine our negotiations by advocating for a second reference. and insulted your office he once held and the people he once
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served are remain determined to see that happen i will not lead to british people down now that type of rhetoric is rather unusual for to resume a it's not normally her style to be that confrontational but tony blair's behavior has evidently rubbed terror up the wrong way but in a way that plants with tony blair has provided for her a bit of a distraction from the chaos seemingly taking place in her own cabinet team right now in terms of where we all would have read that deal when it looks dead in the mortaring again after her renegotiation late last week in brussels totally failed and unless she pulls a greggs a rabbit out of her santas hats it looks like parliament is still expected to vote down the deal that she brings back to parliament after christmas which leaves the u.k. perilously close to a no deal bragg's it which is why we've got this rumor mill in overdrive talking
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about what potential options there could be once parliament rejects to resume may's deal and yet on the surface all that talk of potentially there being a second referendum or parliament getting to choose what the next options are that's being played down officially but behind the scenes the rumor is that all the options on now on the table i have to say the festive period is normally pretty quiet when it comes to news hacks but the media is having a field day with everything that's taking place right now in the political uncertainty all the rumors all the plotting behind ministers backs that's very good for the media they're having a jolly good time writing about all the various options taking place and really as you make your way through westminster you see all the leaves side the remains side everybody's got a few protesters out in front of parliament waving their flags advocating their positions. and there is a sense that right now the situation is very much up in me
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a. senior politics lecturer at lancaster university mark garnett believes most arguments being made against another referendum like substance of those arguments that mrs may. not having a second referendum the only one i think that really makes any kind of sense is that while the party says that if we have this referendum that will solve a problem because it will again be. close all the other argument she's been using against a referendum it desperately thin she seems to be saying it would somehow be a betrayal of democracy which suggests that using the democratic process is somehow anti democratic the idea that the people have spoken once and shouldn't be allowed to speak again is rather strange so she's really on very very thin ice when she's talking on this subject but in the end the no dramatic movement in the polls and that might be if there were to be such
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a movement i really think that it would be impossible to stop a second referendum on tear gas and water cannons are deployed by police in brussels as thousands protest against a new migration deal bring you that story much more after a short break as our attention national. if we have a new trade or arrangements with china i may build a new foundation for more stable relations i think broadly the if there is a us has a problem in accepting the rise of china no matter what they do. is yell asia all movement is going. bankers are. rightfully seen.
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the enemy full stop. what politicians do something to. put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president. or somehow want to. have to go right to be precise as it was about forty three of them or can't be good . i'm interested always in the waters about how. this should. be international and more than five thousand people took to the streets of the belgian capital on sunday to protest against migration. thanks. thanks.
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thanks. thanks. chris all the two protesters excuse me i don't know i came up with two but the protesters tried to enter the new buildings police responded with water cannons and tear gas to push them back in demonstration comes in the same week belgium signed up to a un migration deal that document was agreed to by more than one hundred sixty un member states last monday and it aims to find a common global approach to migration but critics say it will limit the ability of countries to shape their own migration policies chairman of the youth wing of the flemish vlaams belang party bardic clase believes the protests have sent an important signal to the belgian government. and specially slums is
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a nation that has a lot of protests for what we saw on this weekend thousands of people flocking to the streets of brussels to group just just migration but a lot of those people are young people to be. sure going to grow just for the first time in their lives that's rude is something that's really new and now we can already see and we have seen the end of a party to long just as we draw the government is very very. stressed out by this and how voters are going to react in the next election so yet but things are finally starting to move eighteen million as well because he didn't look into the future of the one thousand sorties are starting to real eyes to teach immigrant issue. on the entity called jukes is very very big issue that will have to be. rule. in the u.k. a judge has blocked an illegal immigrants
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a deportation due to his conversion to christianity the british government says it considers the man a threat to society as he has already served a jail term for sexually assaulting a seventeen year old girl after looking through his eight hundred fifty twitter posts quoting the bible and christian theology the court decided that he was out risk of persecution if sent back to iran although the judge admitted he thought the man's religious conversion was an attempt to avoid deportation he still found it likely the man's human rights would be breached were earlier joined by keith best former chief executive of the immigration advisory service and david coburn member of the european parliament for scotland to discuss the issue involving isn't i say this is a lawyer the law has to be disinterested the law has to be blind it applies to everybody and at the end of the day this person is subjects the european convention on human rights since it was drafted by a british home secretary so david maxwell five and three is very very clear it is
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an absolute prohibition on sending anybody whatever they've done back to a situation in which they may face inhuman or degrading treatment or torture this man has put himself in harm's way by pretending to be a christian which she partly according to the reports seems not to be for what they have said it will be although it wasn't by the the say he wasn't. he was just pretending to be a christian or to state so he said things that puts them in harm's way as regards iraq. but quite frankly even so i do i do not think we should be keeping rapists this country whatever you know just because they're the come to some harm home i don't see why we should. we should keep them in this country i think that law needs to be changed if we start discriminating against people for reasons of their faith
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or their sexual propensity or whatever then we are on very serious britain should be setting an example around the world well actually maintaining the rights of individuals and once we start slipping from that we fall into the era of many other countries which are far less liberal and that's a very serious decline in civilization i thought people like you longer and believe in empires or all whatever when where and when you countries like that or under our control then they work their way around in a more reasonable way but now those countries that was so over nations beat their own decisions i don't think it's for you to tell them what to do i deplore what they're very but it's their decision now as regards a criminal who comes here and commits a heinous crime of rape quite frankly he has no right to stay in this country and should be removed and we should make it very clear and i would move us from that
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particular act so that we can make our own decisions about keeping people in the country or having them removed as i am concerned once he served his sentence which you didn't serve by the way it was a part of it is feet would touch the ground. let's go back to the u.n. general assembly they have adopted it ukraine's proposed resolution on the so-called military resistance of crimea and the as our then black sees it condemns russia for increasing its military presence in the region and also for building the crimean bridge that is despite the peninsula holding a referendum in two thousand and fourteen in which the population voted to join russia and we can now cross live to our to give them up and who is your following the story for us caleb what can you tell us about this resolution put forward by. well sixty six countries voted in favor of the resolution nineteen were against it
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and seventy two countries abstained the resolution passed and in the lead up to it we heard a number of speakers essential calling out russia husing out of somehow violating the sovereignty of ukraine let's take a listen it is yet another violation by the russian federation of the u.n. charter and deliberate attack by the russian military forces against ukraine in the neutral waters of the black sea the essence of this issue is a common belief that states must not use force in their international relations including to acquire territory or change border is inconsistent with the u.n. charter the united states is pleased to co-sponsor the resolution highlighting serious concerns with the militarization of crimea and russia's recent unprovoked attack on ukrainian naval vessels in the current strait russia's attack is a dangerous excavation and its ongoing aggressive activities towards ukraine now
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russia came forward and they said that in many ways it appeared that this resolution was a blatant provocation let's take a listen to what was said by russia and us alone we mean in a word we are facing a carefully thought out and well planned provocation that is continuing here in this assembly before our eyes the u.s. in some e.u. countries are playing along with the ukrainian authorities confrontational course most of those countries are co-sponsors of this resolution as we can see because. now this follows an incident in which we had ukrainian ships attempting to pass through the current strait we had ukrainian navy boats ignoring instructions maritime traffic control so russian border guards did intervene and detain those violators now many of the remarks that we heard at the general assembly that were hostile to russia reference the curch bridge that connects crimea to other parts of
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russia now we had heard previously the washington post a columnist for it in the united states actually call for that bridge to be blown up now we also heard the united states of promising to send more weapons to kiev now at this point we also heard in the general assembly russia put forward a resolution opposing any glorification of naziism or add all for hitler and that resolution passed with only two countries voting against it ukraine and the united states so it was another day in which we could see some pretty clear divisions in the international community that were pretty pretty clearly and well voiced at the u.n. general assembly as resolutions were passed and debate took place all right artie's killed mopping force there in new york following the u.n. general assembly for us and the recent developments in kiev thanks for being with us here in our international all right we'll be back with more news at the top of the hour stay with us.
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when lawmakers manufactured him sentenced him to public wealth. when the ruling classes to protect themselves. when the crime and merry go round lifts only the one percent. to ignore middle of the room sick. real news is the world. you know world of big partisan movie lot and conspiracy it's time to where.
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