tv News RT December 19, 2018 6:00pm-6:31pm EST
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think of it like a real heart my skin burns and wireless access point and just continues on with our students in the schools. we are just continually our citizens in this microwave radiation it is certainly electro small and it's getting worse. donald trump takes credit for defeating islamic state terrorists in syria and is now considering a total troop withdrawal also ahead. i. talked about you. know. a feisty exchange in
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the british parliament as theresa may faces hostility over her contingency plans for a no deal bragg's it. now for weeks of tackling of violent yellow vests demonstrations french police launching their own protest over working conditions and unpaid overtime at the same time sun media are now blaming russia for the yellow vests on rest we have been out looking for those suspected of infiltrating from the. i you in paris so you make people known that to look needs. look. up when you put it it's interesting. our broadcasting live direct from our studios in moscow this is our international sean thomas certainly glad to have you with us. in the u.s. a president has announced the defeat of islamic state in syria and donald trump
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took to twitter giving the u.s. and himself much of the credit for the victory over the terrorists. we have defeated isis in syria my only reason for being there during the trump presidency we now have official confirmation that u.s. troops will be leaving syria now president trump's tweet contradicts everything that we've been hearing from the state department and the pentagon over the last several months here's what the head of the coalition to defeat isis said just over a week ago we want to see a resolution to the syrian civil war through the un security council resolution process and we also want to see the removal of foreign forces from syria particularly the iranian commander the proxy forces from syria his various americas will remain on the grounds of her them for the physical to be to the caliphate until we have the pieces in place to ensure that that defeat is and are now there are at least two thousand u.s. troops in syria and removing them would be fulfillment of one of president trump's campaign promises white house press secretary sarah huckabee sanders released
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a statement saying the process of returning troops back to the u.s. has actually already begun and the statement also says that this doesn't signal the end of the global coalition to defeat isis or its campaign to isis has been defeated in the sense it holds no territory perhaps president trump is overstating the the u.s. role in that effort isis was largely defeated by the syrian and russian militaries along with the lebanese group hezbollah and the timing here is very curious turkey is threatening an offensive on u.s. backed kurdish forces in northern syria and president air to one has demanded that the u.s. backed forces withdraw and said that the operation to attack them could start any moment so turkey is unlikely to attack u.s. forces and this could very much factor into president trump's decision to remove american forces. earlier my colleague kevin owen was joined in the studio by ego
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has done for a broader look back over the u.s. campaign in syria but it's not the first time that donald trump announces the withdrawal of troops from syria but last time that happened he backtracked pretty quickly you turning and staying in syria for another year or so well now yes indeed and he is taking the credit for it and just to give him the credit that he deserves in really the united states did do a lot to defeat eisel in syria i mean that can really be taken from them they pretty much liberated all of the eastern and northern much of the northern syrian regions of course not their soldiers not their troops but their proxy sort of army as the kurds i mean the self-proclaimed capital of the caliphate rucka was liberated by the united states and their allies the thing is the means that the because they did kick eisel out with the their favorite tool with their favorite approach and that is blunt stupid force so that's what they used on rocket for
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example they pretty much a blitter rated the city with bombings once a flourishing prosperous city now it still lies in ruins i mean we've heard a very very big outcry coming from human rights groups for instance who have been accusing the united states of indiscriminate bombing and even using a term as an annihilation war and saying that this should be considered a war crime with the united states a bombing there just to give you the scale of how bad it is bodies are still being found in rock or complain and did in twenty seventeen. ocilla thirty or we were forced to leave our homes because of ice and when we returned we found everything which used to rubble. but look at all the devastation rocky is a ghost city. where living in the midst of destruction we feel completely abandoned
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everything around has been destroyed. life years horrible this is due to the rubble that we have to be to remove the debris with all money there's no running water so we have to boats in. the u.s. coalition cause the destruction of records and has a responsibility to rebuild the city we need to help with restoring the water supply in clearing the rubble. i found a mine on the streets near my house my friend and i tried to detonate it from a distance but it didn't go off we thought the mine didn't work and work towards it it exploded my friend was killed five. so the white house and confirming u.s. troops as they put it but we heard there were
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a trooper devises along the way but either which way started to come out is it all happened at once what's the plan here what's been said about a timeline for all this well this is this is a very good question i should say because yes indeed right now we're hearing that some of the troops are being withdrawn already but i mean the united states they do kind of send troops in and out of syria regularly this is called military rotation this is this is a thing so they send out a number of troops and send back in another group roughly the same size or so this is what's been happening in iraq for example in the years the good that came after the official and of the military campaign there and this is sort of the question that stands right now with syria whether or not how will they be withdrawing troops what scale will this withdrawal take will it be all of the troops oh wow. will this be again an iraq war in afghanistan sort of situation so we have no details on this
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and i mean a lot of that stems from the front that the united states. have been changing the rules of this game as game was and go in when it comes to why the syria in the first place because it certainly wasn't an official invitation from the un recognized leader bashar assad and to the country saying they want to fight terrorists i saw so now they've defeated unlike the had already introduced a new reasons a new pretext as why the should stay for example come combating and kind of countering iranian influence in syria where did that come from so now they say that their priorities have shifted again we're not asking for regime change we're not asking for the russians to leave we're asking for is a compromise settlement there's a strong. readiness on the part of western nations not to money for that disaster unless we have some kind of idea that their government is ready
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to compromise a notion are created yet another horror in the years ahead one thing that is obvious is that the united states there are still unhappy with the bashar assad being at the helm of syria so they are bound to keep some influence so they will in a way looks like they will remain there in syria just to what extent still to be seen former u.s. diplomat jim jarvis thinks that trumps decision that will meet with a huge wave of criticism. it's a good thing that helps to lead to what the only thing is that's going to restore stability and syria that is to put the whole country back into the control of the legitimate government no question is is will the so-called experts that he's appointed to run his administration sandbag him and drag their feet and find some way to negate this decision and that's the real question we don't know the answer to a lot of people in fact virtually everybody in this administration except the president
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himself will be opposed to this decision and that's why it's been so long in coming remember he also said he wanted to get out of afghanistan but all the so-called experts told him the reasons why he couldn't do it. with one hundred days left until the u.k. parts ways that with the e.u. teresa mayes government is ramping up no deal brags that preparations the prime minister's divorce plan continues to face serious opposition with m.p.'s due to have a final vote on the deal in mid january may i made her case in parliament on wednesday triggering a heated exchange with opposition leader jeremy corbin until the deal has a date has been massive it is the responsible position of government and it is it would be the responsible position of any government to put in place contingency arrangements for no deal no jail would be a disaster for our country and no responsible government would ever allow it so i know it's christmas i know he's not to be stocking down the chimney and not
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christmas tree he still hasn't found it right now and it's the prime minister who is supposed to be undertaking a negotiation by the prime minister that's trial to bring an acceptable deal but why doesn't the prime minister stop the pretense and stop wasting full billion pounds in a cynical attempt to draw it could be damaging to syria this was. the right honorable gentleman doesn't want to see money being spent on no deal he's got an easy. so this is a way to go the stakes are getting higher and higher in the debate is getting harder and harder it is in fact one hundred days to go before bret's it turns from being this vague concept that everybody in the u.k. seems to be arguing about into something very real and it's been now two years of attempted negotiations and it's absolutely clear at this point that the situation
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is more uncertain than ever and certainly passions are flying high. rise through the i try to bullshit you know. how to get. it appears that the opposition party leader jeremy corbyn apparently had called the british prime minister a stupid woman during prime minister's question time today i referred to those who i believe are seeking to turn the debate about the national crisis facing our country into a pantomime as stupid people. this is because i did not use the words stupid woman about the problem is still or anyone else and i'm completely opposed to the use of sexist or misogynist language in absolutely any form at all so what we can know certainly leave this lip reading to the
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experts in terms of who said what the key is that once again attention has shifted from the substance of bracks it to now the scandal and allegedly namecalling making up the headlines moving forward for at least for today and while it's clear that the problem has gone nowhere and specifically the european commission this wednesday has officially started preparing for a new deal bracks it's contingency action plan so things are getting quite real the de. it is hard but where all of this is going to lead remains a massive question. where more than three thousand troops will be put on standby as part of the no deal contingency plan other measures include securing medical and food supplies over the coming weeks families and businesses will also be receiving official guidance on how to better prepare independent british janice and concerned believes that fears over a chaotic exit from the e.u. may be misplaced they're actually playing up scenario letters going out to
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households and businesses in project fear with nuclear. warheads on at the moment so they're ramping up the fear at this. brussels is an option is on the table and under government legislation if we don't have a deal in the next few weeks that we just leave under world trade organization rules and there is no problem with that the problem is in westminster is that we have too many emmy pays and to me pay standing behind cameras going on radio just just arguments and sells not listening to what the voters want we've got to remain prime minister that are in the main opposition and we've got remain m.p.'s in the house of westminster they wish they were given a clear mandate by the people to leave and we knew exactly what we were voting for and that is leaving without a deal if that comes down to it but i mean brussels now broadcasting to you they they really don't get its and understand the brussels brinkmanship that takes place
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here of course it goes to the wire and we should hold their feet to the wire as well oh we've got one hundred days to work this out because this lot will cave in because they need us more than we need them. in spite of the briggs's drama this wednesday one moment from the parliament session is on everyone's lips check this out general corben got himself in a little bit of trouble to sign for yourself was it woman or people that the labor leader martyred. i. i this kind of missile journalistic language must not be tolerated. he did not call or a stupid woman and so i don't think there's any basis for an apology as i understand it he said stupid people. it doesn't look like stupid woman to me i can see stupid but not the woman.
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police officers have started well their own protest against unpaid overtime and dangerous working conditions at least one terminal in the french capital's main airport officers are causing long lines at passport control by staging a slow down protest reporting from parents. well it seems is out with the yellow vests and the blue vest says police are now trying to squeeze concessions out of the government there are unhappy you believe what they see is deteriorating conditions the amount of overtime they've done some twenty three million hours and that includes because some of the work that we've been doing over the last five weeks with the best test is and of course increased security that we seeing around christmas markets and some sites across france in the wake of that strasburg attack and they say it's simply not enough the unions describing the situation for police in france has been absolutely diabolical. they're not getting
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always was too cautious or even considering the social and professional obligations of our colleagues when they are not in uniform they become yellow vests because we are middle class or even lower because of our salaries our origin that's why some colleagues feel that they are yellow vests because of the yellow fasts really resonates with police well those mean cry from some of the police unions who've been in discussions with the interior minister since tuesday those discussions are ongoing but already the government is offering some concessions being put on the table trying to quell the sunnies the last thing they want is for the police to continue a strike which has been described as many as act one giving the suggestion that they prepared to go a little bit further as a yellow vest and be going over the last few weeks the concession on the table so for is a three hundred. to be paid to the officers who've been involved in the deployment of the yellow vests protest but the union say it's just not enough and actually
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what they want is for those twenty three million hours of overtime being paid a huge bill according to the interior minister. the state currently owes almost two hundred seventy five million. to its police officers for overtime not in recent months or years but for decades we cannot have dead that level they're also unhappy the unions about what they see is being moved to enough in the port for the police budget which is due to be discussed as part of the two thousand and nine hundred budget in the national assembly on that day they say it's not enough money to pay for the overtime and it's not enough money to improve the conditions nor is it enough to recruit the extra staff that they need to deal with the continuing protests those talks ongoing between the unions and the interior minister but it seems that already this slowdown of the police this new blue vest protest here in
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france is already having some impact. the original widespread yellow vest demonstrations called for fuel tax level levies to be grabbed and political reform to occur but some have been looking away from the government for the source of the discord and rushed to link the malls the movement to us here in moscow charlotte earlier went on the hunt for suspects and. i don't think i've definitely found one. yes. by you in paris to make people protest known that to live. up to. you know media. in your chest but i see. the russians are they behind the yellow vest protests what is it that you do just like you would push out good to release the loop remove. the crowds use the news in
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your mouth of. the mainstream media say that russia is behind these protests you must be wearing a yellow vest on saturday immediately which is a. very. well this play suspiciously could be said of russian activity in france. france or do you mean you know it is so deep into protesting to just spoon france into chaos. here here that you love the story what's your favorite color. are you sure it's not yellow. the. received good song. most of the
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photos. in staying with france a french parody twitter account has been suspended just a day after it was launched due to its sarcastic tweets about my new micron although the account has now resurfaced under a new name it has lost many of its of followers and the original version remains banned the count is run in the name of a seven year old girl been want to add to do she posts tweets under the hash tag must go mocking the regime and calling for airstrikes but she is not alone a seven year old girl from aleppo bonna has a similar account she tweets about the horrors of war in syria calling on the international community for help and although her post against syrian president assad's regime were written in fairly good anguish in an interview with c.n.n. she appeared to be reading from a script. i once. that is there.
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you react. and go to school i. guess at this issue further let's across life to james carey who is co-founder of the band twitter account so. tell us how you got the idea to create the ben what i would do account and why do you think it was banned and what was the purpose basically i mean but no it is not a real person is so-to speak. before well the motivation behind it obviously i mean it's fairly clear it was to do with some of bonna was a piece of regime change propaganda during the syrian civil war and these are this is a joke really made every time something happens in a country that isn't serious where is the venezuelan on our or whatever so we just decided to run with it this time as france was you know blowing up the news and. as for getting banned we got reported a lot right away immediately the folks proper not came after us priest syrian army
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supporters if you can believe that there still are some came after us kurdish supporters just everyone who spits out probably end up in syria came after us and twitter kind of shut us down because you can't say things like that about nato i guess so you've been accused of being a russian bot and a troll. talking to right now i mean i lived over here for ten years you don't sound like you have a russian. if you will do you have anything to do with russia i mean let's get that on the table right now absolutely not i mean i made make them appearances on sputnik radio here and there but it's for my own writing on the side of nothing and you know i'm not paid by any russian howard i live in the middle of the suburbs of detroit nowhere near moscow nowhere even near a russian news network so you mentioned that it's interesting that the syrian folks came after you a little bit. what about the original inspiration for this bonus account what you
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think of her inspiration there what is its purpose and who could be behind it i mean it's pretty obvious that the girl isn't posting her own tweets are her own. anybody was behind it made like the mit in turkey with the cooperation of the cia i think it was a pure work of propaganda like you said before i came in she spoke perfect english on line but she couldn't tell what she was saying when she finally spoke english she went to meet with their don't want and things like that you saw our town mimicking that they're the one meeting and things like that because that was it was clearly an operation by like nato she was a propaganda she met all these famous celebrities you know l.a. here and she went to turkey like are such men to turkey she's met all of the stars it's clearly a propaganda effort because it was reporting the same thing that the supposed free syrian army forces were reporting inside the city is reporting the same thing as al
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qaida telegrams at that point. all right james carey co-founder of the band twitter account there which it's going to be interesting to see how this plays out but good on you for having this type of an initiative thanks for being with us here on r.t. international right thank you. i watch much international be back with more news of the hour stay with. us. thank you very much was.
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joining me everything. and i'll be speaking to yes. i'm showbusiness i'll see if that. was the principal emotions recovering. is this a. medical doctor i want him to do his would. like. to attach any party can the personal feelings maybe something had to be objections i would have but in politics history is a judge and history will judge presidency. and if you're going to do you go to nation and. it was not.
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china much bigger economic power lunch or wall inter. i think. you have to live with that. and there's lots of advantages of the europeans jethro as well as america. a lot of people want to use were to let go a small very good analogy but when we have soul towers on every to every big building when we are going to put these five g.
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generators on every light pole on every street it is certainly electro small and it's getting worse. my world became smaller and smaller and smaller until i ended up living it in a box and then in a shielded room we the same person that was helping us to shield found the right material to hold back that particular frequency that was coming in and burning my skin and we dealt a room it looks like a little foil but it's not it's three layers thickens like a very very fine chicken wire in the middle of it there were days that i didn't know it the sun came up the sun went down and christmas came around we had christmas inside the silver room as we like to call it. you know pending on how you look at it could've been really sad but we made the best of it. having christmas in here meant a lot to all the.
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