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tv   News  RT  December 20, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EST

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just twelve euros fifty. got the presidential question and answer session on twenty eighteen's biggest events. plus. many politicians experts and even ordinary people see if. they even think that you want to rule the world of course i do. worry. that it will take you through it. take over also. fighting for a long time in syria now we've won it's time to come back. to defeating islamic state in syria and blindsides is. nothing
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a surprise troop withdrawal from the country we're going to talk about that as well coming up. thursday evening or moscow nine pm just one welcome to this is art international with me first a little earlier today i was just scuzz russian president vladimir putin next to the stage of his fourteenth annual q. and a with media from all around the globe special coverage of the whole events and reaction to it right here starting right now. spends almost four hours answering questions from both russian and foreign journalists from the economy to pensions to education be the ruler of the world even tongue in cheek of course the russian president was never caught off guard fall. in the q.
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and a our senior correspondent were goes to swim in the ocean not quite the five hours that his record but you know pretty near four hours solid enough but there was so much covered so much from fuel prices to protests to even nuclear war breaks it mentioning those fronts i mentioned relations with various countries chance of conflict but one thing that stood out towards the end was an interesting question of. who can about whether he wants to rule the world and he does. many western politicians experts and even ordinary people see russia as a threat they even think that you want to rule the world of course i do i just want to know if you really want this was the real end of your foreign policy. concerning ruling the world we know where the headquarters are located of those who want to do this and it's not in moscow you can connect this to defense spending the u.s.
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spends over seven hundred billion dollars on it or russia only forty six billion of them in about why do you really think that our aim is to rule the world you know this is just a cliche that's being imposed by the west in order to resolve their own domestic problems but in the blog. also asked about the trouble. now it's meant resident declaration yesterday resident tweet i suppose that he is going to pull out american troops from syria now that the job has been done and isis has been destroyed that hasn't but. says it has blood in there putin was asked what he thought about that intent concerning the u.s. withdrawal from syria i don't really know what that means for example the u.s. has been present in afghanistan for the past seventeen years and almost every year they say that they are withdrawing their troops but they are still there and now is the presence of american troops needed in syria but you can i don't think so. but
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let's not forget that the presence there is illegitimate but it was not agreed with neither with the u.n. security council human along with the syrian regime so if the us plans to withdraw is the right decision ukrainian journalists are also always welcome at this press conference in recent years of the more nationalistic li minded and zealously anti putin ones seem to savor displaying their colors. for everyone to see. flags or banners or indeed provocative questions you ask god to do no good i just wanted to ask you how much money do you spend on gun violence people are starving and they've turned into slaves of russian frankly speaking as a way to shoot three members of the puzzles. just tell me this who set the blockade between on the us and the rest of ukraine that it was russia you know it was done by the ukrainian authorities they haven't forced
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a full economic blockade of the territory they consider their own. consider their own citizens almost every day civilians die though we provide humanitarian support for those living nationally but only not to let those people starve to death another important thing that people have been talking about for some years several years now escalation growing tensions in the world armament an arms race and vladimir putin was asked about potential nuclear war he said that would be catastrophic but the risk is there because the global security order the global security mechanism is unraveling it is failing it is being destroyed nations are pulling out of arms treaties out of arms limitation treaties developing these new weapons capable of defeating all defenses and there is the problem that balance is gone there is no mutually assured destruction there is no. parity and so
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everybody's trying to make new weapons there's a global arms race and it isn't due to end well as the u.s. is now leaving the i.n.f. treaty going to happen it's hard to imagine what is the rockets are located in europe what should we do of course we will have to ensure our security with concrete steps that we will let them not say later we're trying to get an advantage we're not trying to get some advantage with this but merely to secure pilots to ensure our security so what's more covered that we don't have time to pack in now almost four hours the recalled new orleans as well one thousand seven hundred and to a creditable journalist in that it had to do with a lot of questions that was very chaotic with journalists screaming and shouting in jump in to be noticed and to get their question across and switch and leave them with only one putin than many more journalists here more a part of
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a team covering the also the reporter among the assembled journalists was a patrol talked to us through his questions to the president. when you're sitting there when you're trying to hold this little thing actually the size of this was the limit to this year for all the journalists when you're desperate to get this question you can feel every minute of it possibly even second and then when it gets closer to the end it really really puts a lot of pressure on you but i was lucky enough to get a chance to ask my questions about ask questions after about one and a half hours while we were there in that room you know if you get a chance it is still not much because it's only thirty seconds maybe a bit more than that if you don't finish your question within that time other people will start screaming at you you know making noises that that's really something that makes it difficult to do the job but then in these thirty seconds what you're really trying to do is squeeze in some kind of stuff about the most
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important invention of the year so why began with my question and when i mentioned the script all case and also the killing of saudi journalist jamal that was the moment i did that and you can a lot of more potent decided to draw the line between these two immediately i'm sure you would be cautious he was assassinated everyone knows that there is evidence script is a low life however there are sanctions against russia and complete silence in the case of saudi arabia that this politicized russia for you because it is just one of the reasons to attack russia if it was not script they would have thought of something else this is obvious to me and the aim is one to hold russia's growth at any cost of speaking of other double standards i went on to talk about more things for example the arrest of russian journalist in fact he is he used to be the head of a russian news agency in ukraine carol this is a city in the ukraine he's been arrested for months the arrests of maria buttin in
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the u.s. and the recent detention. of the wall waves financial director in canada by the way donald trump refers to her house of bargaining chips in the trade war game possibly even openly doing that and i wanted to ask lot of our poll whether this is possible in russia to detain foreigners whether we'll ever see that under some dodgy pretext to then possibly exchange the prisoners that are under arrest in the west and if we take the rules of the game that are being set by america and some other western countries in this case whether that is at all acceptable the answer from the russian president was no he said that russia will never try to use this kind of tactic. or all the questions aside every everybody every year looks at the length of this is well this is a lengthy event but it doesn't always mean it was. ok but it was when you just when
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will you marry whom and who. with a simple as you know these are two different questions are you married. yes so he is married and wants me to suffer the same. i can't. answer she my hunch of the second question because i'm a decent mom i have to do. first of all do they cannot and then they said my flesh was bothering them if that was a big but my question is the smaller let's use you for the russian flag combo there anyway for the time but it's the reason that i want to refer to keep playing who said when everyone is then the great game the spanish the great there will be a meeting whenever i'm with you this is a question about how i think it should be the next one of us and the two of you can see how. you would not see no. massive
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achievement all future lies in ninety and new mexico so we proposed to create a ministry of ideas. to leave. such a good idea a ministry of ideas no less one though some are good ideas and forward thinking that's former u.s. congressman ron paul is live on the line with us tonight we've put ten minutes is sykes's it was time for us we'll do the same with you we want to talk about some of what putin the the say it's not but a serious masses. talking about us russian relations. putin's got big worries america withdrawing from the intermediate range nuclear forces treaty stick with the whole world risk. risk maybe a nuclear armageddon if he overstating the worry here or no as you see it. well there is should be a worry but sometimes all countries seem to overstate their positions to make certain points but it isn't a good idea for the united states to get out of that agreement i think it makes the
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world you know more dangerous but i don't think it means that something horrible is eminent but i think it's a shame that has happened because when we do that as american citizens we see our government doing this and then there's a response from a russian government and i see that going in the wrong direction but i don't think it should be a great alarm that next month there will be a clash but i think it's going in the wrong direction and it was a shame that our government decide to get out of the agreement especially as america you put you so food is a big important country you august superpower leading the way here with the other big countries around the world sees a very strange thing in twenty eighteen got enough to worry about with climate change etc etc etc that we're worrying about you and i lived through the cold war you know the duck and cover take a door of part of yet in case something lets off a nuclear bomb fright me to death in school really did stay with me all my life is
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worried about it we go about that way again and surely not. boy there's hope not you know i think the world is safer then as i remember growing up in grade school and high school at the height of the cold war and out of i was drafted into the military in the sixty's you know and there was a crisis in cuba i hope it is nothing like that but there's a lot of competition but if i had more to say about my own government i think that i could work in a different direction because when i was in government i advocated you know friendship with countries but not antagonism and personal provocative activity so i think that the more we stay at home and mind our own business the better off we'll be treaties that have moved us in the direction of less militancy and less nuclear weapons i think is very very good so i think our position in the our institute is that of nonintervention that we mind our own business and that would be the
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direction to go in and i think if you compare the amount of money we spend. to support our military industrial complex versus what the other countries span the americans should be so and see about oh we're going to be attacked we can't take care of ourselves are going to be on our doorstep and no top i think a bit of that is unrealistic i do believe in national defense it should be strong but i think good diplomacy is a good national defense to that talking to people you know ronald reagan was tough but he was the one they drew up the treaty and and got along or at least had some agreements with russia that i thought were who were very good because we moved away and away from the confrontation or away from the post because it will don't look good and president putin said today let's look at syria trumps knows he's going to pull the troops. the majority of them as it values is but troops being called out of syria is that a good thing lot of people saying oh it's
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a bad thing because it's it's weakening america's position that it can make russia run stronger is that the case good old. no i think it's very good because i don't think that we have a moral or constitutional justification to declare that our national security depends on us having troops in interfering in how this problem in syria you know is settled all i know is i was in the congress in two thousand and eleven when our president announced that assad had to go and if you look at these past seven years things have gotten much worse now there's an opportunity for it's moving in the right direction and tromp although he has his ups and downs i think that he has taken a good position he said he wanted to get out of out of syria he said in the campaign he said that isis is not a threat there and that it's time to come home and i just wanted to be complete yes
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move the troops out our couple thousand troops but i want to make sure that you know the cia's out in the special forces are out and that we don't use sanctions and that we move in that direction where we just have hands off and deal with diplomacy and getting along with people but in that philosophy that i just spoke it also means though for in a way our problem is if we dominate and militarized a country then we will that if we converted into friendship then we send them millions of dollars because we still own you so our position as libertarians is no foreign aid either is still a bit open ended isn't it ok with that he's pulling it out of a. moral dilemma here as you say because it's the right thing to do with it he's trying to get votes by could because it's part of his campaign pledge maybe we'll never know but they have said they're not going to rebuild syria put he will money toward syria as long as. the regime as they describe it stays in damascus is not the right way forward or shouldn't be putting some money into repair some of the
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damage being done in. you know that's always a tough question because morally it seems like we've had some responsibility we've damaged so many countries with our bombs but i've taken the position that the people who dropped those bombs and made those issues. and the ones who didn't want to wipe punish them i didn't have any involvement so why should i had more taxes on me to go rebuild what a bunch of hoodlums did by bombing all these countries but it's terrible because you could make the case say look you've damaged these guys and we're going to rebuild those countries but quite frankly i don't accept that because that's persistent you just say bad policy we're getting out and and and has established a new relationship and i think that doesn't really want you to make good but little is some sense of the need to really building it up just by just from britain literally ever on the television. she would get this charity. walks of life. come and help these guys in syria these people in syria they're in big big problems
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that that's a world away from america though isn't it what do americans think about the trouble is the left behind yeah if you want to if you want to help people voluntarily obviously some pictures of aleppo and some other places that have been retrieved under the control of assad and these got back to normal much faster anybody predicted they said well if you leave it and. then the radicals take over an o.b. it will be much worse so some of those cities can recover and that's why i say get foreign governments i love the way you get our troops out of the way and and the people just leave the people along and return the liberty to the people and they have an incentive to take care of themselves that they don't have to worry about foreign powers and they don't have to worry about their own government interfering in their affairs the human person beings are very capable of working in their self-interest and taking care of themselves and that's what we're libertarians because we believe that people have an incentive to take care of themselves and
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they want don't want. dependency but they don't want ownership of other people you are in the way it says so this say this policy that say these troops are the center is not the end of the plan and there is more to come is not scrapping the whole campaign against terror the what does that mean is it going to physically mean anything in practice for a serious concern or is it just political will. i don't think i think you still should be concerned it's great to do troops are leaving and as i mentioned as we began that i wanted to be more inclusive you know i'm not saying we're going to remove two thousand troops because we've been in a many many country and we continue to be in countries where we start off with our cia agents and we start off with special forces we start off with interfering with sanctions and we just. we don't need any of that if we're noninterventionist and we just want friendship and trade you don't spend that money because it gets us
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into trouble you know they say we have to go there because the terrorists are coming back but the real reason why terrorism exists and people become radicalized is when foreign powers occupy a different country and that goes for all countries if a government goes in and occupies it will radicalize the people so this idea we have to stay to take care of the radicals is ironic because staying there and militarizing is the cause of so much terrorism in the nest and we say look the united states is big enough going to. talk about it for seventeen years. is it he's worried. trump is saying he's going to pull these troops the same things been said about afghanistan and so there's still a big presence there is it really going to happen at the end of the day going to see troops go into syria as they have an afghanistan. that's hard to say but we need to build up public pressure for but it shouldn't worry all that much just
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remember there was an empire are located over there that was in afghanistan and finally had to leave it was a financial reason so in one way when i speak here in this country i talk about you know i'm not going to get my way and get the troops to go home but they're coming home because we can't afford it anymore and we're reaching that point and the dollar is you know threatened and our markets are shaky right now and our president and the current congress and republicans and democrats have no concern about deficits so we're we're self limited and we will come home because we'll go broke a quick thirty seconds lost we'll put you could put sanctions against russia over the script. schiphol case to an auction of the. the arabia america why this disparity seems to be. well i think it's totally foolish i don't even believe in sanctions i think that sanctions are
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an act of war in that they are only imposed in war and blockade people but when if anybody did put sanctions on i like us how we carelessly put it on others and also have control of financial transactions around the world we wouldn't be very happy and it is my personal spiritual belief that you should treat other people like he want to be treated yourself and i think we forget that little admonition so i think that we need a change in philosophy that is the philosophy of nonintervention been around for a long time and it's not unique only to an american period of time it's been known and everybody knows a little bit about it but too often they have exceptions yeah iran and sounds ok but not for syria we have to be there you know they always use these exceptions but no i think there should be concerned that this is not a clean break like i would like to see but i think there is a clean change in attitude because those who want the troops they are hysterical about trump and they're just using that to build up the hatred toward trump because
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he thought he was bold enough to say i'm bringing those troops out of syria. let's take a breath for a second it's a funny world is that we're heading into christmas time a pace show going to be talking about all the same stuff just wanted to say thank you for your time froze coming on out international former congressman on the line for america a little christmas. now we've been discussing that major development coming out of syria. donald trump's announced the defeat of islamic state that he took credit for the rapid withdrawal of all two thousand u.s. troops from syria the american president took to twitter giving his nation and himself much of the credit for the victory over the terrorists although it would seem to perplex his ministration allies and some advisors to. we have won against isis we've beaten them and we've beaten a badly now we've won it's time to come back. on the ground
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after the physical defeat of the caliphate until we have the pieces in place to ensure that the defeat of. the knock of the hell out of isis will become another syria like very soon. to us officials tell n.b.c. news the president reluctantly agreeing to keep troops in syria. well on this point other the u.s. but kurdish fighters will now be left abandoned and vulnerable threaten the offensive in northern syria against the kurds who they view as terrorists a fear of a clash the with the u.s. . onslaught is the thought here now earlier you know neal discussed the latest decision of the u.s. president with a member of the turkish patriotic party who believes the treat of washington from syria is a huge step towards a new multi-polar world. we here in turkey think that this is a very important very historic decision taken by the u.s. president donald trump because to begin with the and of the twenty seven years war that started in one thousand nine hundred ninety one with the first invasion of
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europe this decision of retreat from syria is not just a matter of defeated us or not it is a basic decision to end this twenty seven year old war by led by the united states and its allies so it's a historic decision. maybe not easy to understand here today with all the opposition within the united states by the long term we will face that this is the end of a period of u.s. interventions in the middle east and in asia but in terms of the country itself syria what does the withdrawal of u.s. troops mean for it. exactly that's the second point that's the second aspect of this historical decision means that the period. of u.s. controlled and u.s. led regime change is over as well the old politics of american while imperialism
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as it is called as it was called to establish. regimes and governments the only. constitution. is also over that's the second aspect in fact. this historical decision and connected to that is the transition to a multi-polar world why because the united states is not able this is acknowledged by their president he's not able to really change on its own so who leads the probe the political process here in syria and in the middle east right now it's a trio of russia iran and turkey and of course the main weight in this trio. for actors actually is the syrian government and the syrian people so that is a political process that is led by different actors and the united states is not
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one of them anymore so this is a transition therefore to a multi-polar world where other countries in the united states and hmong themselves corporate entertainment their future so definitely the united states will. and this is the beginning of a new age. well as i say as we head into the new year let's see how it all pans out we'll continue to cover all those stories in twenty nineteen here on r.t. international but now thursday night sits nine twenty seven at night carol and say thanks for watching if you enjoyed that ron paul interview we're going to stream i'm sure a full on our website r.t. dot com some point throughout the night later i'll let you know when that happens but after the break start for the ehrlich salmon show on air on this channel when we come back. i.
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beat you with three. but politicians do. put themselves on the line they get accepted over. so if you want to express. something that's. actually doing. this is likely to. keep them. interested as a. welcome
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to the. site the house of commons where the but game is being played out. the night before christmas and all through the house was studying not even a mouse but in this house it hasn't been quiet over the last few weeks it's been chaos with motions kinds of motions coups come to lose votes of confidence tabled they have defeated the so-called of those not really table death toll. motions tabled on them with the law and it's been total chaos for weeks today we'll be asking some of the key players across the parties is the end game going to end the
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stalemate and asking them why things all look up from their point of view and truth is the nineteen the first go up to those mean in the studio with the point surely males and their messages. thank you alex another great response to our show last week from copenhagen mexico as with all due respect to denmark and might and power and reach she is new u.k. market says interesting to see breaks it from a danish view certainly to a think any country would wish to follow our example of george says as a scotsman with fairly recent ancestors i'm proud to see the pharaohs being examined as a working example of how we human scotland could go it alone kenny says do you think all of europe needs to have a look at the immigration policy there seems to be a lot of disquiet all over europe regarding immigration leading to the rise of the far right and finally we hear from critique he says people saying they're fed.


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