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tv   Going Underground  RT  December 22, 2018 9:30am-10:01am EST

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find that prince mohamed bin solomon ordered the killing is the right candidate. has won brazil's presidential race is playing strong passions i just lay should be present trump threaten to totally destroy north korea he also singled out a rock the u.k. government concluded that it was highly likely that russia was responsible for this reckless and despicable act six months after souls these are the two men who are accused of carrying out the attack the soldiery suspects saying that we can trick was for tourism and not for an assassination attempt. biggest event in the world cup kicks. to old football fans and the greatest football teams on the planet. all the. protests and riots in france the government says these are the most violent protests in the fifty protests over the fuel tax rise in the
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country this organization has received over two million pounds of public money and eighteen months has been engaging in a smear campaign against the legal position on the parts you. special season finale of going on the gravity a team with legendary journalist and filmmaker john pilger joel thanks for coming on so the yeah ending with questions and paloma the u.k. military linked foreign office operation this is a tax call been and this channel what's your take on the integrity initiative i'll just tell you them all to defend democracy against disinformation. well i would say satire but it isn't. but it's been. it's being dug from
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a hole mocked cold war it sounds like the one nine hundred fifty but it's sort of rather more serious than that because it does tell us where so much of journalism has gone has been lost. because journalists unnamed in these documents journalists and named in these documents and they've gone along with it and as far as i understand that it's. a foreign office funded propaganda unit. which os once journalists to. counter russian this information to get on side you know this is this is what i call vishy journalism this is journalism of those who are going along with the state it's having grown up in the cold war i find it quite difficult to believe that journalists some of them distinguished in their own many but willing
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journalists distinguished in their own right. should go alone should allow themselves to be indulged by the british government at a time when there is. a litany of lies about. russia about china about so many issues that in dangerous. the prospect of war with russia the prospect of war with china in danger us that the public have a right to understand and truthfully have a right to know about and that's our job as journalists and for journalists to be going alone to a foreign office. meeting. and it's set up by something cole the institute of state growth which is in
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a. wetsuit in a male lead in scotland run by we think oh no let's wasn't lazy it's subtle but it's not sat. in another sense because why are journalists doing this has journalism got to that point robert fisk said recently that it's become a cannes as he put it a cancer bottom of journalism that so many journalists are now speaking the power going alone with power alp our. al how when i say how i'm talking about british government the u.s. government the west the inventor the super cold war a cold war actually doesn't exist in most of the world most of the world doesn't know what it's about it exists in the enlightened centers of london and washington . and perhaps in berlin and brussels and elsewhere you see obviously
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mainstream media hasn't really been covering the story because they've been favoring breck's it negotiation coverage but that well it has a bit of mainstream media they have been saying that the reporting all of the existence of such alleged to british taxpayer funded conspiracy is itself. shows that most go is trying to undermine the democratic values of britain and this is a you know with this group incident and the b.b.c. has defended its decision to be asking now for information about russian influence over the russians are behind the yellow but they shouldn't frogs. i think it is true they're casually behind the bad weather i think that may be all the rest is a grotesque black joke there is no evidence no real evidence at all of russia gate the scriptural affair produced no evidence that
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would stand up in a court of law. these things may have happened i don't know but no evidence and it is now accepted by journalists as ok i've been a journalist for a long time and i've covered and these situations i've never known i've never known the such a group test. as the the the the elevation. of russia and china and the perceived enemies to. the kind of cold war status they had when i was a child so it's good i mean i know that it's going to charity commission is now investigating the charity angle of this because it's not russia that's just the enemy it's generally cool being the leader of the opposition of course jeremy copeland has is one type of believe the threat to all that we hold dear the
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absurdity of that the man cannot even be what he is a moderate labor leader of the opposition and we'd like to actually turn up the gas a little speak up a little more know he's a threat to wall that's whole held the it is connected with the intelligence services and cool been obviously does one describe trident despite his policy no vision from those who want to scrap trident but he he also. has put in positions of authority those who don't want to scrap try you know he has plenty and he's been paid in these polity you don't want to scrap tried and have said they don't want. but that's a threat is that what's that a threat to why did these people have this power but the question is i suppose that poll always had power it's called the deep state national security state but the real question is why did join was go along with them instead of. at
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best mocking what they do but revealing what they do because that what they do has nothing to do with democracy. and they do it in the name of democracy or would they repeat over and over again it has nothing to do with. and this is suggests that. a labor leader who has made some modest proposals and may well win the next election is a threat it's obscene. well the journalists and we've contacted some of them i should say david are all of age of the times as denied being part of the conspiracy of out but. well carol tell me all of that he said that james milne is somehow connected with russia that i am a subject of the miller inquiry into donald trump's connections she stands by it by saying actually i mean she presume you would say to you being with how she just went to a meeting and she just she's not she didn't know i don't think about it she's at
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least one of the leading investigative journalists but then there was a document wasn't there i think in two thousand and ten. leaked by wiki leaks and it was from the ministry of defense how to deal with leaks and of course we keep a leak that. but the three threats to democracy. were russian spies of course terrorists but the greatest threat were investigative journalists. i really a threat as big as i see still head hole themselves investigative journalists should investigate the names in this. we're only getting leaks and leaks are being destroyed pablo miller was with chris was dealing with fire and he'd talked to a script. that the conference was at the front anglo one one element of this is that. julius was fingered by the god in newspaper and they
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crops up in elements of this it was due diligence figured by the guardian newspaper as meeting trump's campaign yes schieffer let was a fabrication a complete fabrication and which the guardian stands by in terms of its only evidence and by whatever it was a fabrication it didn't happen i've been in that embassy many times it was impossible for man a foreign russians to be on that evidence it's denied totally leaks has released something like eight hundred thousand documents about russia about the russian state the vladimir putin would love to be in about the kremlin some of these documents have been used in court cases by the russia and outside of russia. it's an extraordinary. library of of documents reveal that he's russian
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front revealing much about this in the almost never mention the idea that julian assange was some kind of front for the russians again is absurd i can only say that over and over again it's absurd it's untrue. it it's foals why the guardian of done this. we should be able to watch them but they won't tell us because it is approaching a kind of on state. it's it's. it's a vendetta and question serious questions have been put to the editor in chief of the guardian by jonathan cook before my guardian journalist. and for some reason she hasn't replied to them why not isn't this a newspaper isn't this about revealing. but this is happened before hasn't it it's happened before going back to nine hundred eighty one when the guardian
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release the documents that allowed the whistleblower separatist to be prosecuted and finally to go to prison. it's happened a number of times it happened two years ago when a full the full front page of the guardian and a page inside was given to a public relations story featuring the new head of m i five previously they'd been a public relations story featuring the new head of a mine six who told us there that m i six would be much more a multi-ethnic than that spain now. what is going on the newspapers. fully in bed with these people of a hof in bed are they sitting on the end of the bed. or are they journalists john
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let's just stop them for a second we'll have more from john pilger after this break. i certainly don't expect that very many people will choose to be biologically for obeying biologically means your body isn't working for a while it also means your mind isn't working so well i believe that indeed we will have pretty much no biologically old people even though of course we will have a much greater number of call of the queer old people. my seven doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just been doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison
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population who are we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill i increasingly became convinced that the war on drugs was a mistake there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. sins for minor minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up in issue in waves and say by day as you're walking out of the business it's just it doesn't get easier. welcome back i'm still here with award winning journalist and filmmaker john pilger for the special edition of going underground we were talking about journalism being co-opted ironically day killing of a washington post writer saudi insider shoji should wake the world
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up or at least mainstream media up to the world's worst humanitarian crisis this year yes i mean it was a particularly hideous episode and if if you like it captured. the rather bleak imagination many people. killing of concert but you're right to say that and. there are so many distractions so many diversion for journalists and to journalists allow themselves to and which. i wonder how many have gone to yemen and seen. or have. tried to go. to saudi arabia and to us a. to see the british role in what is being told by u.n.
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agencies and others is in effect a genocide against the yemeni people. that he's in britain deny it's a genocide as you say they they can deny of course a denial is sort of. is the nature. but the fact. that. saudi arabia who's a croft supplied by whose load logistics supplied by. the united states and britain targeting courtesy of britain. has wreaked the most hideous havoc on one of the poorest countries in the world why isn't the suffering of the people of yemen absolutely burnt into the consciousness of the readers viewers and listeners of western media that's
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a question that's a question to be honest of journalists who call themselves going to call themselves investigative journalists and the journalists for example the forty children in the bus the school bus. were killed by a lucky bomb supplied by the united states the united states admitted it there's no question the aircraft as i say and the that the backing. for saudi arabia your way and its assault on the people of yemen comes from our governments in the god makes of breaks the drazen may even took time out to address the conservative friends of israel we know leadership exploding more than ever to israel trade secretary liam fox met with netanyahu discussing closely bush breaks a trade deal is more weaponry yes perhaps more weaponry britain doesn't sell
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a huge amount of its two to israel but it does so important very important to israel but the importance of his row in the whole. nexus the arms market is clear. israel is the watch tell the watchdog if you like of all of us british. and western so cold interests in the middle east keeping the middle east permanently unstable. and ensuring that markets. are now are all the time such is the almost insatiable. it's a market in the in saudi arabia so so israel is extremely important for a number of reasons good as israel and britain and the united states last there are
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a war with the backing for al-qaeda linked dices link people in syria this this yeah there's been reports of a chemical attack though b. c w maybe going by the rebels not by the syrian government. do you think do you think that will have taught these nato countries a lesson that they couldn't overthrow the government of bashar last and they'll keep trying to go there's no question about that. even though that is just isis day as you know you would be back. there would they will be. trying they'll do it through the kurds and they will keep trying because. syria is unfinished business. the overthrow syria is unfinished business israel wants it they want it for israel. and syria. incredibly has survived. the regime and.
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the state has survived unlike say libya which was crushed so a modern state has survived in syria a modern state was crushed in in libya. it's it's . it's a time of i mean i think john bolton who was trump's national security adviser said well it's not on her face implied not to march when he said that we alway mean in the middle east is not to support regimes it is to divide it is to keep it unstable so that when we want to move we can. and that's the situation at the moment in the middle east george w. bush famously said iraq was unfinished business from his father what did you make of the unit g.'s to the death of julie h. w.
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bush when he it's very difficult to get satire going because these a terribly serious subject and george bush was one of the leading undoubtably one of the leading great criminals of the time he was going right back to the one nine hundred sixty s. he opposed the civil rights act. he. he he was when he was director of the cia he was in charge of operation will which was a continent wide assassination program that caused an enormous amount of death and mayhem. he he conducted borders known wrote the euphemistically is the first gulf war there was no war in fact there was no most assault by. overwhelming forces. at led by general
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schwarzkopf. and of course president bush on iraq. later on saw the shelter where four hundred and eight women and children burn incinerated. by george h.w. bush was bowman's as they the missiles as they targeted the snowing as now and knowing that civilians were seeking shelter there the bearing alive of iraqi troops. the many atrocities but alone forgotten long forgotten not far as they families are concerned but known forgotten as far as the media. is concerned the civilians. who were denied water and schools what george h.w.
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bush did was destroy. a modern state affectively he produced it and deliberately the plans to destroy sanitation and and and basic facilities are now well known so his canonize ation. at this funeral or tribute whatever it was. at a particular bleak irony but there was virtually no coverage here in britain of a author william bluhm who i know you've read but against all the coverage of george bush. why would him bum was cool and bill bloom is one of the great american running ads. and the united states does produce great renegades people who were once in the system as as bill brown was he was once worked for the
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state department he then became a story in and he became as an a story in in fine for inzaghi tile of rapacious washington the number of bones that fell on countries the number of leaders they tried to assassinate. the number of war those that they that the washington implemented against defenseless countries and so on in his books. the secret history the cia rogue state and many of those bill bluhm documented these and i was terribly sorry to hear that he died because we've lost a very rare. historian the the silence of historians is one of the problems that we have these days the people who know about what is done to
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other countries bill braun was one of those who spoke up i was reading the other day. he quoted khadafi bill was capable of finding out he was actually particularly good investigative journalist finding out what people said. that we knew almost nothing about and khadafi had had warned that if he was attacked in two thousand and eleven that if his if his if libya was destroyed as adventure he was of course then. then then a stampede of people through libya to europe would happen. now could happen. relationship with africa was interesting because he he tried to.
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he had certain ambitions to create african banks to create an african currency and so on but he was also a gate keeper. and what he was saying. bill blom quota was he was he was for costing what has now happened that all these poor people have sort some kind of refuge in countries greece italy now who are turning them back or leaving them in potential camps. the present migration crisis in europe is a direct result of the u.s. sold on libya now. as one of the few who did use that and gave us the evidence for ahead of anything in the twenty nine hundred dollars i think he said the bill below also if you read his work in see the
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chome business at the. outlier bad apple in the way to look trumps no to but apple and trump trumps an embarrassment the problem with trump. he doesn't see himself as a problem but. for the so cool resistance that sees american public takes as anti trump isn't. that trump is is a character true of the whole system whereas hillary clinton embodies the system trump is a caricature of. it and and. the very presence of trump strips the mosque. all those things that bill wrote about the z. is it if it strips away the the the mosque of of this great repay should rogue state as bill brown called it that's very embarrassing to those
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who have been giving us nonsense such as the democratic party the clinton and the bush's the obama is as obama said america is the only exceptional nation. from this as this is a fabulous show i won't really say what it comes down to optional. it's. true try trump trump's very presence and what he does he's grotesqueness if you like he's tweeting his odious ness that's that's the system to build your thank you. that's in the show and for this season will be back on wednesday to the ninth of january with a brand new series but will be showing your favorite shows all through the yuletide period until then to be judged by social media as you see.
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i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat some where i would sleep. i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. well you look to. the glory like you only. believe you know the snow is still give out food for the harvest. which you don't really feel like a human being you know. and then. the guy just came over to me saw me and gave me this book.
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this hour's headlines stories yellow vests sweep through park again in another round of government protests while police used tear gas to disperse crowds in a six consecutive weekend itself injuries reported also ahead. of. pro catalan independence riots flare in barcelona leaving dozens injured in protest after a government meeting in the city which coincided with the anniversary of a heavy police crackdown. socks for refusing to sign.


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