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tv   News  RT  December 24, 2018 6:00pm-6:30pm EST

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a scottish politician calls for the assets of journalists working for russia's sport news agency to be seized as ation from and soon. sums up the sport that published leaked documents suggesting that u.k.'s funding of time remains opposed to russian sentiment across europe with the think tanks alleged methods. to the south the scandal deepens over an award winning german reporter whose stories were exposed by now alleged donations collected on behalf of people featured in his articles. are just going to end here in moscow watching all things that are still alive i
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mean i don't think in this world he wants and i enjoy this program. has called for drastic action against alleged russian propaganda call hamilton says the assets are russians working for the sputnik newsagency should be seized is across the story it's an internet based radio station whose u.k. headquarters are up in edge him in scotland and this liberal democrat m.s.p. alex quill hamilton has told the sunday times that any russians who live in scotland and engage in what he calls information rule fare against britain or to destabilize britain should have their assets seized take a listen to what he had to say to the sunday times. organizations such as can are to pump propaganda backed by vladimir putin and have been complicit in the cover up of events from human rights breaches to the russian invasion of crimea other
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countries have taken a tougher line on the assets of russian nationals than we have in the ukraine the u.k. government must look again at what can be done that is pretty harsh rhetoric but that would have been a hit if the sunday times hadn't printed it along with the photographs of all the people that work in sputnik up in edinburgh it reads a bit like a wall of shame editorially there doesn't seem any reason for those photographs to be there other than so the newspaper outing these people as sort of being involved in anti british activities almost reads a bit like an incitement to violence in terms of why the spotlight has fallen on the radio station up in edinburgh and sputnik well it appears that some of the reporting that they've been doing has been rubbing politicians up the wrong way in
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particular the radio station just like r.t. has reported on the leaked integrity initiative documents and they have been to reveal that the u.k. foreign office happens to be funding and anti russian public influence campaign through a british think tank and that's been quite a major story both. sputnik and c but the times article has already written off these leaks these documents about integrity initiative because they say that they come from russian hackers. three of the journalists named in the times article gave us their reactions on the story i didn't receive an request from the times to use my name improve foil and naturally i'm annoyed with the fact that they did so overall i would say that the newspaper has been foolish and disrespectful to the staff at sputnik and r.t. and that it forms part of the ongoing and to russia jones of the purchase
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a to buy the government is a deflection tactic from rags and other issues and initially it was it was a bit of a shock on the other hand it's kind of hardly surprising given the anti russian sentiment there is you know travel in all your key newspapers just say we expose this integrity initiative which ruffled a few feathers people were not too happy about it and then we saw this times article carpark and make the claim that somehow this explosion of the integrity initiative by an r.t.c. suggests that it was a russian hack of the anonymous integrity initiative documents so it's i mean it's just ridiculous not nice to see your picture up there with your name except and under the headline of being part of a shaman stooge but never hand we know that we've done nothing wrong and i would say that this very much into keys that we are doing something right here we have sent a request through several international media organizations for their views on the story and whether the times article met ethical standards we're still waiting for
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any response now the russian embassy in london says that in publishing the journalist data the times is following the example of a controversial encroaching website called peacemaker the site posts the personal day three of those it considers enemies of the state some of the people who appeared on the list were later murdered journalist neil clark says the times article as part of a long running campaign they're going through russian media outlets. the sunday times and it says to paper the times have waged a war against russian media which is operating lawfully in this country in the u.k. for a number of years now and the intention or the aim is quite clear they want to get sputnik closed down and they want to get our t. taken off there in the u.k. that's very very clear and they will do anything to try to further that that you know what's been happening is it's i would good for us call it harassment i think putting the pictures the photographs of people who work to support the on a in a newspaper like that i think is tantamount to incitement almost it might put those
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people's lives in danger people who work for russian media british journalist who work i think are in threat of the persecuted and i think that you know we've got to stand up against this years of. mccarthyism or steroids really what we've got at the moment. i mean it's articles on russia other times frequently cite spend memo defense followed atlanta council has posted numerous anti russian tweets and the most most latest article also talks about alleged violations by r.t. and the possibility of sanctions against this channel as that r.t. only emphasizes the kremlin is position or giving little airtime to critics and memos name has already appeared in documents showing his alleged links to the integrity initiative group spreading anti russian sentiment he's not alone though the leaks papers suggest that the u.k. funded charity has been using journalists across europe to stir up russian feelings
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run against the earth and rest to get. if shady were an organization it would be integrity initiative low and behold an army of propagandists disguised as anti propagandists whose job is to malign the slander be it states ideas people even british politicians our investigation has found wiring evidence the shadowy programs official twitter account has been used to attack or been the labor party and their fresh us one three quoted newspaper article calling corbin a useful idiot that goes on to state he's open visceral anti-press to knees and how the kremlin course as surely as if he had been secretly peddling westminster tattle for money you can imagine the shock mr coburn must have felt when he learned through these leaks that integrity knishes eve had not brazen to defame him well funded by the british government no less but slandering german corben opposition
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politicians isn't their only job the integrity initiative which is working to counter dissin from asian overseas by bringing together groups of experts to analyze and discuss the problem posed by russian this information the government is funding this initiative with daily two million pounds this financial year but funding covers its activity outside the u.k. and it has not found any activity within the u.k. the hacktivist group anonymous has leaked details on the operation integrity initiative functions by setting up independent clusters candidates seem to be hand-picked big plus a few influential charismatic but the chief requirement seems to be you've got to really hate russia the integrity initiative was set up to bring to the attention of
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politicians policy may. opinion leaders and other interested parties the threat posed by russia to democratic institutions in the united kingdom across europe and north america now here is what's been bugging me personally if these white knights and self professed fighters for the truth of what they say they are why are they hiding why are they trying to stay in the shadows anonymity of the team remains paramount as our activity increases we will no doubt attract unwanted attention irregardless here is how their class the system works see you have an article in the french le monde a harsh attack on alleged russian propaganda in france the author the french professor happens to be part of integrity initiative french cluster at least according to the leaked lists and gets paid to trash talk russia they even
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boosted their grand plans when visited by a coup found the institute of statecraft which birth integrity initiative in italy and the atlantic council published a big study with help from an editor of less a very influential italian newspaper surprise more bashing russia it became increasingly evident in twenty sixteen that russian strategic narrative sometimes including dissent from asian and conspiracy theories were systematically spread in italy by the vast network of pro and five s websites and social media accounts not so much of a surprise it's called winnie is also listed as a member of the italian cluster and also gets paid for his work unfortunately according to an internal integrity initiative memo their peers to be a shortage of russian propaganda in italy. it appears that the
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promotional strategy to spread disinformation and to influence the italian political opinions has been limited and came much more from national populist boxes rather than from russia what a foreign country strange isn't it how they choose to keep that part secret we can go on and on about other clusters but you get the point they're gritty initiative even targets are us here at r t according to the leaked documents they have people presumably who they paid to report r.t. to off gone the british media regulator ofcom actually publishes complaints statistics only if over ten complaints didn't make that list it seems like integrity nishi of not audience members convinced of calm to go off to sea we've all noticed how anti russian sentiment in the media has soared over the last
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years and saw as still we now know one of the reasons but above all these leaks and in my view tear the mosques off the bol that fights russian propaganda as they claim and what's underneath is ugly we did ask the u.k. foreign office to comment on the integrity initiative allegations told us that the claims were being spread by kremlin news channels as part of a russian misinformation campaign or tax professor piers robinson told us why he thinks the u.k. government has taken such an interest in the russian media. it seems to be just as much about promoting insuring up official u.k. policy towards russia as it is about actually countering any russian threat the u.k. government and other western governments in the us in recent years have had increasing
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difficulties persuading enough of their populations as to the legitimacy of the foreign policies that they have been pursuing and at the same time western countries have been going through a period of political crisis an economic crisis and i think a lot of this drive is as much about trying to shore up shakey official narratives and trying to shore up political systems in a situation of political crisis as it is actually about countering russian propaganda or i think i would suspect that's a little bit of an excuse here that really what's going on the problems much closer to hard. now the headlines new revelations have emerged on a german award winning reporter who was exposed last week as a fraud placerville osha's who was fired from the spiegel magazine allegedly stole reader's donations for people featured in his articles including often to syrian children shall do with you has more. not just being accused now of being
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a purveyor of fake and fictitious news he's actually now being accused of embezzling money as a result of his stories the story but it clear that this relates to is one from two thousand and sixteen he told a heart wrenching tale about two syrian all phones a brother and a sister they were living hundreds of miles apart in different cities into after escaping syria and they were dreaming of a life together a life together in germany and he urged his readers to donate money to try and help these two siblings his brother and his sister make their dreams come true and to get them to germany where the money was funneled into his private account and while it's not known how much actually went in there this spiegel is now investigating the claims that he actually embezzled that money because it turns out according to a turkish photographer who was working with him on this story that one of the
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children didn't even exist and the second one the brother who did exist was actually living with his mother in turkey and wasnt an orphan so now dispy go as far as a criminal complaint looking into that embezzle mint possibly of money. as a reaction to that story now to speak also used its front page this week to say its sorry to its readers for the fake news that it's been publishing for many many years this house is shattered the worst thing that can happen to a print media outlet has happened to us for years we allowed fake reports to go to print for us it's particularly horrifying that managed to deceive us for so long without being uncovered well in the fallout of this scandal dispy girl is now facing other accusations notably one from the u.s. ambassador to germany who's accused the magazine of having anti american boy yes.
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you. his policies and certain segments of the american people it's clear that we were targeted by institutional bias the anti american bias that the magazine has exploded since the election of president trump it's all worked out just beagle for a number of years and he was considered to be such an excellent journalist that the magazine decided to make him stuff in two thousand and seventeen he's won many accolades both in germany early internationally for his work including just this december he was given through german reporters association prize and back in two thousand and fourteen he even was named by c.n.n. as being journalist of the year we just spiegel is admitting that at least fourteen of his articles were fictitious they were fake it's now looking deeper into his other articles and it could be that the scale of to his deceit is far far deeper than we already know following those accusations from the us ambassador on
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spiegel's perceived anti americanism which shot at the scribe in her report that the magazine has apologized to all american citizens who might have been insulted and slaughtered by reports spiegel however says that it does not have an overall and to us bias but i think our commentator and publisher harman told us washington is focusing only on the fake stories that don't fit its narrative so in a blind eye to the rest. they take those stories that make america look bad and take those john list who are most critical and do not care on those people and those journalist who did fake stories about syria and most of the stories about syria and this war there were fake and were lies and america is of course just taking those who don't distort their their present politics policy they do with the politics of america first america only america great and whatever
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. they don't they just don't care anymore whether it is very obvious or whether it is not obvious gunman has fired shots from a restaurant in brussels as security chiefs warn of potential terror attacks across europe we'll bring you the details are just after this short break. so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. spearing dramatic probably the only move. i don't see. very critical. in. the greek riots wall street arab spring these are the beginnings.
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of the protests across europe today it was all connected it's all based on the exact same concept of bankers printing too much money creating this wealth and income gap and it's delayed or deferred sure that the violence was baked into the cake and now leaders like a black hole are getting their just desserts. and much of the program fears are growing a fresh terror attacks in europe after a gunman wielding a k forty seven five shots the restaurant in a wealthy area of brussels but he's found three bullet holes in the window of the
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restaurant but no injuries there have been reported the restaurant has been closed while police investigate the incident authorities have not identified the suspect as of yet. so after the u.s. state department issued a statement warning citizens of a terror threat washington says the tourist hot spots. and public areas are of particular concern the confusion also remains over last week's incident at gatwick in the u.k. reports of a drone shut down the country's second largest airport police and are saying there may not have been a drone in the area at all and two suspects arrested for that offense have been released just after the incident britain security minister ben wallace warned that one terror group al qaida is resurgence and planning spectacular air attacks. and the head of interpol is also warning of a new wave of terrorism in europe as radical islamists are released from prison the consonance has been targeted for attacks in the christmas period for years now and
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most recently a gunman opened fire on a christmas market in france that was just that two weeks ago. we spoke to a former british intelligence officer i mean she thinks that western military interventions have contributed to the current fears of a terrorist attack. whereas you look at the warning at barcelona from the u.s.
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state department that would indicate potentially that they have specific information specific intelligence that there might be some sort of operation turns there although warning tourist where going on buses and going to major tourist transport hubs i fail to see how that's going to potentially stop some sort of attack and it would probably just potentially frighten the tourists i think the support and encouragement that was tacitly given by certain western countries to the terrorists in syria allow them to build a base and sony isis had a foothold in the benghazi region and if al qaeda is resurgent then they are going to have the same so the whole of north africa now is a mess and that was created by nato intervention and this is what led partly to the migrant crisis across europe and this is leading again to terrorist bases that could then strike out against europe. the u.s. girl scouts are warning parents not to encourage children to hug guests this christmas the organization says the hugs could lead to other types of physical
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affection and that the child herself should decide whether to give a hug or not a girl scout psychologist and the army says it teaches an important life lesson sadly we know that some adults bring children into your door to avoid constant early on can help parent just and her rights know when lines have been crossed and when to go to you for help now the u.s. girl scouts were funded founded back in one nine hundred twelve the group calls itself a leadership development organization promoting confidence courage and character to discuss the loaves advice from the girl scouts we spoke with psychology expert gina lauder and women's rights advocates resurfacing. the child decide on their own that they want to participate in the embrace yes it's a hug yes it's the holiday season we're all feeling very festive however children have to learn self determination self autonomy and they have to realize that they
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are in control of their bodies if you don't teach a child early on that they are in control of their bodies and that they are in control of their boundaries then there are subject to later on not be able to set healthy boundaries this is all about communication and that's the key if parents are having the age appropriate conversations with their children that are well documented and data driven then they shouldn't have to have any sorts of concerns first of all i wouldn't put my child in the presence of anyone who i was concerned might be doing something to harm them thirty percent of the sexual abuse that happens to a child happens by a family member so here's the fact of the matter children are often not the around people that we would like to think are healthy people unfortunately we don't always know as adults what the appetite a person may have for a child in a sexual situations these conversations need to be taking long before any gifts are exchanged and any expectation is made i think it is important because you as
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a parent have determined that these people are safe for your child to be around that the child this taught respect and manners and respect of elders and whatever whatever the appropriate response is for that child in that moment because some children have a natural bit toward inward and we need to teach our children to be. parents don't always know when a person is a safe person or not and more importantly we can't teach girls to put grace before being able to protect and set healthy boundaries no one saying that we should respect for elders before protecting our children but again if you decide only to protect your child on a holiday when they're already exposed to this relative that there are uncomfortable around the mistake has already made. but set from a team of myself all of us our up next that's the look i'm a true channel with my home this christmas and for all you can on of us it's renegade inc we'll see you again in thirty minutes.
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i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter the u.s. has over one trillion dollars in debt more than ten dollars timestamping each day. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to the ultra rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred three per second per second and bitcoin rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only numbers you need to remember is one one doesn't show you can't afford to miss the one and only.
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my son doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just been doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison population sewer we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill i became convinced that the war on drugs was on the stink there are countless numbers of people who are in prison for. certain sins for boren or minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say bye daddy as you're walking out of a busy. it's just it doesn't get easier. what politicians do something good. to put themselves on the laws. to get accepted or
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rejected. so when you want to be president i'm sure more so more want to be. the to the right to be crossing the slug of the flag tree in the morning can't beat the bible understood all those in the waters of the gulf. the be . the big. song seemed wrong when all the all just all. the bold yet
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to say proud just a consequence of. engagement because of the trail along with. when so many find themselves worlds apart. just to look for common ground the. who says it's. always been lucky had a great education a good job and enough money to live on. i know it's more about where i sleep i
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could eat but now i'm facing christmas alone the streets among. other things come to this. but it is so awful to hold up my bottom you know disappointed in the food still give up food for the hope of. her. life. because you don't really feel like you have the big you know. and then. the guy this came over smithsonian gave me this.


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