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tv   News  RT  December 25, 2018 2:00am-2:31am EST

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from. the british newspaper the sunday times has named and shamed. u.k. . media protection groups. initially it was it was a bit of a shock on the other hand it's kind of hardly surprising given the instruction sentiment there is you know travel in all your key newspapers just a bit it's yes not nice to see your picture up there with your name except under the headline of being part of a crime when stooge but as i say you know it's very much part of what's going on just saying you carry the sunday times has been so thorough in its reporting of the
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threat of so-called russian descent from ation that its latest story about the russian funded radio station sputnik which has a bureau in edinburgh carries the photographs of the journalists that work there labels them kremlin stooges and quotes a politician who suggests that their assets should be frozen i would good for school harassment i think putting the pictures the hotel graphs of people who work on a newspaper like that i think is tantamount to almost it might put those people's lives in danger i'm a member of the national journalists and are we right into my unit in the new year to ask what do you need is planning to do about these journalists working for russian media organizations here in the u.k. have had to develop a thick skin over the past few years as tensions between london and moscow have heightened articles calling for outlets like r.t. and sputnik to be banned have become a regular occurrence but recently the big papers have gone
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a step further and they started singling out the journalists working for russian media outlets this is the london bureau chief for russia's channel one more series of last month he did some filming outside the gates of a british military base first story about the british army's cyber warfare unit aimed at fighting so-called russian propaganda he didn't break any laws gave his press credentials to all the security guards he met and left several weeks later the u.k.'s daily mail newspaper printed his. personal details and accused him of being a spy the story was reprinted by a plethora of papers it ratcheted up so much that the u.k.'s defense secretary issued a statement for citizens to stay vigilant. we sent an inquiry to the defense ministry there's a form on their website but we didn't get any response filming near the base is not
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a legal it's a public area public land you don't need permission to film there you need permission to get inside talk to the stuff we didn't record our interaction with the security personnel we didn't try to penetrate the base for the b.b.c. correspondent did the exact same thing as us it was broadcast and no one thinks of punishing him there's nothing illegal and you don't even have to work for the russian media to find yourself in hot water just expressing views that the mainstream is enough to be labelled a kremlin stooge putin's poor or useful idiot in the information war nowadays you have extreme language and if you find someone with an opinion which you object to and you don't agree with you then abused him or her by causing by causing them a stooge or to use the famous explosion about lennon there were useful idiots the sputnik story isn't the first time the sunday times has used the
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naming and shaming tactic back in october the paper took aim at the tongue in cheek i see why in my you tube channel which is funded like r.t. by russian taxpayers and fronted by yours truly the paper didn't shy away from printing my photograph and labeled the project the blue peter of russian propaganda the times didn't request a comment from r.t. or myself it seems that naming and shaming doesn't carry a right of reply. we have several media organizations to comment on what's happened among them the international federation of journalists the international press institute and the o s he we will let you know when we get a response. now the german magazine der spiegel says it's reporting that one of its top journalists to the police about allegations he stole donations made to people who featured in his articles a u.s.
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is already myatt in scandal after he admitted last week to fabricating over a dozen stories spiegel has since the award winning writer and suspects he may have faked more stories than he's currently up to. one man who certainly made a name for himself calling out fake news of course is none other than donald trump is a quick look back at some of the year's biggest things i think you are fake the level of dishonesty is out of control in germany that was for. i realized the. issues and how fake the press can be very. donald trump's famous catchphrase fake news has dominated the headlines ever since he first uttered it why does it drive his detractors so crazy well some would argue that it's true false information and deceptive reporting seems to be everywhere let's review some of the fake news of twenty eighteen. well one of the most outrageous examples was
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the cover of time magazine it depicted a sobbing toddler representing donald trump's policy of separating immigrant children from their parents however it turns out that the girl in the photograph was not separated from her mother. who was not separated from her mother but yeah she's the face of this immigration problem and she has helped create awareness. but let's go through some other examples now folks had a good laugh when it was revealed that the washington post had actually cited the satirical publication known as click call when reporting on the fact that british people were trying to make the song american idiot by green day go through the key . hearts when donald trump was visiting the country and in other instances we've seen journalists just straight up making things up. for example a reporter for the web scene known as mike claimed that maria who to know who's
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just pled guilty to charges of being an unregistered lobbyist for russia was in a meeting at the oval office i thought this was a photo show but it's not this is my review. of the in the russian spy in the oval office with trump turned out that she was wrong the person in the photograph was actually a national security council staffer but in the journalist defense they both do have red hair and we all know that all of us gingers look the same. how about a paper on canine rape culture in dog parks or a feminist rewrite of hitler's my struggle it turns out that this year fake news was used to make a political point people were submitting fake research in order to expose what they believed was a bias in ak and daimio some of the fake research got through. or . go.
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for it. and one trend we saw throughout the year was fact checkers retracting their fact checks what could be more embarrassing those who claim they are stopping the spreading misinformation actually spreading misinformation themselves and admitting to it based on what we've seen throughout the year it seems pretty clear that fake news will be well alive in twenty nineteen. r.t. new york. for summer spite from the fake news shenanigans is just offered to a christmas morning at the white house now and if trump is not sleeping well playing on twitter perhaps he might even be opening some first. for.
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the most news in his. bed sheets. break down late. you know just a bit of christmas tree here on r.t. international don't go opening your prezzies too quickly when you want a very merry christmas and happy holiday. now as the world does celebrate christmas
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festive songs are in the air though some have a slightly different ring to them with lyrics that carry a less traditional message like this parody remake of carol of the bells which has attracted thousands of hits online. you. have never heard joe before the christmas classics have been having a bit of a tough time lately for example the song baby it's cold outside was banned by some radio stations as sexist the popular jingle bells has been slammed as racist while rudolph the red nosed reindeer is apparently a bully on t.v. host and political commentator steve malzberg things the new remake of the bells we just heard actually makes a pretty valid point. presumed. innocent
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i thought it was brilliantly done it address the problem that we really have to address in this country here in the united states and it did it in a satirical fashion ironically enough maybe some people would be offended that they took that christmas song and chose it for the error of their music and to do their parody none the less it addressed every one of the problems going on on our universities and college campuses today that address the safe spaces that the college students are given because they can't take it they address capitalism being taught as evil gender that you can't assume somebody gender freedom of speech freedom of thought it's all encompassed in this parody and i think it was brilliantly done and speaking of political correctness in
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a moment we discuss whether children hugging relatives could send the wrong message what has the world come to and back in a moment. you know world of big partisan law and conspiracies it's time to wait to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now we're watching closely watching the hawks. the greek riots occupy
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wall street arab spring these are the beginnings of the home of the protest across europe today it was all connected it's all based on the exact same concept of bankers printing too much money creating this wealth and income gap and it's a delayed or deferred riot you know it should be there violence was baked into the fiat's cake and now leaders like that calling are getting their just desserts. after the children of lawmakers travel to turkey using money donated to a charity for children with severe illnesses a correspondent but in a culture of for example story a group of children from the russian town of clint's a five hundred kilometers from moscow went on a trip to turkey the journey was organized by
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a charity foundation which helps children with severe illnesses and those caught up in difficult situations it to be about these go to the. world and i would have with them god at the who continue to conclude or to leave with their form dream a new car out of a well turns out some of those children work kids city officials local media discovered a video where the town's top officials try to explain why this happened went viral but you can double if you got me you've got to be needed to go to the clinic we need to do. it with you. or you could. do it but you might do seem to. be dishing it gets even better or rather wars the mayor's daughter was also among the lucky ones to go to russians were outraged and many of them went on social media to vent their fury these super arrogant officials are fully confident in their impunity they must be fired a government official is a duty not
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a privilege. our officials are the neediest people in our country the poorest scumbags but it's not just ordinary citizens who are up in arms officials have also come out strongly against of the incident calling it a moral and noxious after the scandal erupted they had of the city administration explained that the children of local officials work as volunteers and some of them are gifted members of society. talented children they are volunteers this world and it was the year of volunteers there was a special meeting where the candidates were chosen just as the formed to do they had of the charity foundation says there were no violations during the selection process she now plans an official complaint against the local media but the flames of a scandal have already been lit the governor of the region says he will investigate
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what happened and ask for the local official who loved one being asked about the consequences the willing to put in your book most of which it was weakness and one of your first phone. well we've learnt that you no longer works there. well us stock markets closed on christmas eve at the lowest in decades for that day and that's after donald trump lashed out at the federal reserve system the only problem our economy has is the food they don't have a feel for the market they don't understand this is three trade wars or strong dollars or even democrat shutdowns over borders the fed is like a powerful go for who can't school because he has no touch he copilot. following the statement from donald trump rumors started circulating that he might even sack the head of the federal reserve bank jerome powell despite hand-picking him as the chairman a year ago it would require congressional approval to fire mr powell but the news
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was certainly enough to push down the markets even further and in a bid to reassure investors after one of the worst weeks in a decade the treasury minister made what many are calling emergency phone calls to the head so if the six largest banks we spoke with jeffrey tucker editorial director at the american institute for economic research who thinks in order to avoid a crisis u.s. trade policy among other issues should be significantly changed this is actually a very bearish sign about our economic prospects in the future and that's why people are talking about a coming recession the economy is still strong on paper if you look at the data is strong but the job of the stock market is not to read the existing data which is always about the past the job of the stock market is to anticipate the future that hasn't yet unfolded it hasn't done damage yet but but we're at a very critical moment right now things can change right now and we can reverse
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course so there's still time tom can reverse this today if he gets rid of his steel tariffs and there's a limit on terrorists that makes peace with china and and starts believing the real free trade. believe it or not a girl scouts in the united states are warning parents not to encourage their children to hug guests this christmas the organization says this could pressure girls into showing other types of physical affection instead the child herself should decide whether to give a hug a psychologist to andrea. says learning about consent early is key. sadly we know that some adults prey on children and teaching to daughter about consent early on can help her understand her rights know when lines have been crossed and when to go to you for help the u.s. girl scouts were founded in one thousand nine hundred twelve the group calls itself
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a leadership development organization promoting confidence courage and character well to discuss this latest advice we spoke with conservative media personality gina luden and women's rights advocate resurfacing. if you don't teach a child early on that they are in control of their bodies and that they are in control of their boundaries then there are subject to later on not be able to set healthy boundaries i think that this is all about communication and that's the key if parents are having the age appropriate conversations with their children that are well documented and data driven then they shouldn't have to have any sorts of concerns for thirty percent of the sexual abuse that happens to a child happens by a family member so here's the fact of the matter children are often not the around people that we would like to think are healthy people unfortunately we don't always know as adults what the appetite a person may have for a child in a sexual situation these conversations need to be taking long before any gifts are
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exchanged and any expectation is made i'm not saying that anyone should be lackadaisical about the cues that children are taking but it is a balance and it is something that is really important and we're not going to solve it by telling our arts little girl on christmas day that she doesn't have to say thank you to grandma for her gift i just don't think that that's that's when we presume it that as a solution we're missing out on what is really happening here in my opinion or putting children at greater danger fortunately most times when a person is being molested the parents have no idea if the grandfather uncle is molesting them and so it the onus is on the parents to be aware cognizant of what the child is communicating to you as a parent have determined that these people are safe for your child to be around that the child this taught respect and manners and respect of elders and whatever whatever the appropriate response is for that child in that moment because some children have a natural bent toward inward and we need to teach our children to be. parents don't
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always know when a person is a safe person or not and we can't teach girls to put grace before being able to protect instead healthy boundaries no one saying that we should respect for elders . for protecting our children but again if you decide only to protect your child on a holiday when they're already exposed to this relative that there are uncomfortable around the mistake is already made or there are just some of your stories here for the monday program on this christmas day at the international hope you can join us in about twenty five minutes we return with more of your worldwide store.
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the greek riots occupy wall street arab spring these are the beginnings. of the protests across europe today it was all connected it's all based on the exact same concept of bankers printing too much money creating this wealth and income gap and it's a delayed or deferred riot you know it's true that the violence was baked into the cake and now leaders like back home are getting their just desserts.
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my son doing drugs my nephew was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse sort of the users in the prison population. we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill. the war on drugs. there are a number of people who are in prison for. for. minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow and miss you in wave and say by day as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. when moldmaking manufacture consent to step into public wells. when the ruling
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class isn't protect themselves. when the final merry go round lifts only the one percent. we can all middle of the room sick. delete million more you'll need to really follow. i've been saying the numbers mean something they matter to us as over twenty trillion dollars in debt more than ten white collar crimes happen each dish. eighty five percent of global wealth you long to be all for rich eight point six percent market saw a thirty percent rise last year some with four hundred to five hundred trades per second per second and that corn rose to twenty thousand dollars. china is building a two point one billion dollar a i industrial park but don't let the numbers overwhelm. the only number you need
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to remember is one one business show you can't afford to miss the one and only boom but. where does that come to russia no one has ever no one has ever heard of a country never even had about most school. bill.
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greetings and salutations before stoneman douglas before the march for our lives before newtown beggar's sandy hook or even columbine there was poured are for the events of april twenty eighth one thousand nine hundred six in the historic town of port arthur tasmania for ever to changed the course of history here in australia both politically and culturally because it was on that day at the tourist attraction in historical site that thirty five souls lost their lives to a gunman's madness and while the tragedy itself shook the world it was also
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australia's response to the violence that brought not only many nods of approval but a few raised eyebrows and concern you see the port arthur massacre was the catalyst for the australian government to enact a massive and sweeping changes to their laws regarding the ownership buying and selling of firearms forever changing the culture of guns here in the land down under since that tragic day many around the world now point to australia as a shining example of how a society and government should respond to gun violence and mass shootings with the united states currently under an epidemic of mass shootings and gun related violence and split between two internal political ideologies at war over a solution maybe it's time for the united states to start looking outward. for help so today hawk watchers we take you want to journey to sydney australia to talk with their experts their gun owners and their citizens to discover what has and has not
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worked in australia's efforts to never again be faced with the tragedy and heartbreak that occurs when a monster walks into a public place with a gun in his hand and violence in our hearts now let's start watching the hawks here in the land of oz. let's. call. her. i mean there's nothing like. american.


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