tv Watching the Hawks RT December 25, 2018 10:30am-11:00am EST
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and has not worked in australia's efforts to never again be faced with the tragedy and heartbreak that occurs when a monster walks into a public place with a gun in his hand and violence in our hearts now let's start watching the hawks here in the land of oz. i mean there's nothing like the united states american cities parts of american
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cities are not safe. the strange in cities generally safe very safe. but still there are. there are gangs but particularly following there was one very infamous massacre at port in tasmania. that really had a shocking effect on the country and it was a conservative government. to actually reinforce the gun laws following that massacre. we've just had the the killing of seven people in western australia apparently suicide murder. a really. cold blooded killing that to me seemed almost out of place here but it's not because there are guns in the country those guns that the
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alleged murderer used were licensed so the licensing laws here there's nothing like the kind of open market and. the the culture of the gun is sacred in the united states it's certainly built into the fabric of the myth ology in the united states that there's no parallel here this is this is generally a gun control society given the similar histories between the united states and australia why do you think that like guns and that kind of you know idea of romanticizing guns and violence and all that why did that take such a hold in the united states but not here in australia it is interesting your question about well what's the difference you know the united states has this has this great outback and a straight a has this great app back in the gun has played a major role in the gun did play
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a major role here. and has and as i say until recently but perhaps because gun laws were strict where most of the population was they were strict. in the cities and i imagine that a strain in gun law will follow to some degree british will. well by a very strict. well tyrrell talk to john pilger i met with two experts on opposite sides of the gun control debate here in australia the founding director of gun policy dot org associate professor philip alpers of the university of sydney australia and diana mellon executive director sporting shooters new south wales in an effort to get the facts figures and debate on a strategy and gun control all the colonies hundred fifty colonies of all the big european
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him pas did much the same in the lights early nine hundred and decided that there would be three pillars of gun control one would be that the gun owner is licensed to on a farm just like with a cop that the object itself the gun is rigid stood just as you do with a cop but most importantly that having a firearm license permission to use a firearm is a conditional privilege i'm not a right and that's exactly the same with cars you do something silly with a car you can get your license taken away the same thing applies to guns in one hundred fifty former european colonies the standout nation of course the one nation that decided not to go that way and to go exactly the opposite direction with the second amendment and no registration the licensing is the united states so in order to get you fired license you have to do farm safety tests and there's theory and practical components to that and we have to slightly different licensing approaches depending on if it's for a long arms license or that's a rifle or shotgun or if it's for handgun a pistol so with
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a long license you have to do a safety test you then have to have a what we call a genuine raise and and there are a number of different genuine reasons for recreational shooting is the three most popular target shooting and if you you have to support that we've membership to a club she meets up there's recreational hunting environment control and you can support that general race and in a number of different ways membership of a club having access. property and then there are some other license which is license that's issued here in new south wales that gives hunters access to estimate forests. to us in public health the gun is to gun violence as the mosquito is to malaria it's the agent of calm and so we treat it just as we do the car in the road toll we treat it as though it is a problem that can be solved and they are really is that america lead the world in developing all these techniques of public health interventions with the road toll
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with the with the hiv toll which also was ideologically very disadvantaged and of course the reduction in tobacco related diseases so america led the world in all three of those huge public health initiatives but doesn't seem prepared to do the same with firearms because of that confusion between freedom and liberty and and public health and saving lives the premise behind our firearms laws is public safety there are a lot of what we term bureaucratic red tape associated with firearms i need sleep so we agree with licensing background checks but our approach epithet approach is that you license the person so the person to know and use firearms and then we don't need to fear the register the firearm when john howard did what he did he outflanked he outpaced he outwitted the gun lobby in twelve days he just what the floor with them and they've been trying to do
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a comeback ever since they've been trying desperately to whittle these laws back down and they've succeeded in every state and territory in some way they have weakened australia's gun laws over the past twenty years and it's that we still got the three pillars of gun control licensing registration and treating gun ownership as a conditional privilege those three pillars are still intact however. what's the gun lobby is trying to do is to constantly reduce the. age at which children can be allowed to fire guns reduce the what they call the the red tape and the inconvenience to gun owners of all these gun a talk about inconvenience talk to the victim of a gun crime i think in australia being a firearms i know that there is a lot of responsibility and require as obligations to adhere to a number of laws so you've got the licensing laws you've got the safe storage laws the background checks that happen when you first get your license firearms owners are constantly monitored so if anything happens usually the first action of the
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place is to go and suspend the farm's license seize the firearms until the charge or whatever it is has been has been investigated and there's an outcome so firearms owners in australia do you take take we take our responsibility very seriously we have. a component of our society that is extremely opposed to firearms and they tend to use scare mongering and fear and misinformation to try and i guess pursue their agenda here at the university of sydney we've built the world's largest database the world's largest knowledge base on everything to do with firearm death and injury and suicide and also the laws of three hundred fifty jurisdictions around the world and that is a tremendously important resource for people who actually want to know the facts
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the issue is criminals and the illegal firearms that they used to commit the gun crime by their very nature they're not going to buy by the law sir further restricting firearms laws is not going to solve that issue and we've got that statistic that shows ninety seven percent of gun crime is committed with the legal firearms and the other issue we have ease we've got very porous borders he you know strata so less than one percent of our containers that come into the country are inspected. so there's a big issue with the ability for a legal firearms and i guess other contraband like drugs to get it to find their way into into our country concentrating on mental health to solve this problem is largely a red herring the great majority of people who kill with firearms are not mentally ill before the event they're perfectly normal average people everybody says oh i'm terribly surprised but this happened and. the far more important indicators of things like previous violence family violence especially alcohol
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involvement drug involvement in australia seventy percent of gun deaths have nothing to do with crime they are suicides and unintentional shootings even in the united states it's about sixty percent. nothing to do with crime and so you have this huge elephant in the room the adolescent. will basically children shooting themselves in a moment of of love disappointment or a bad exam committing suicide with firearms which it certainly it just would not have happened if the gun had not been available as law abiding firearms owners here in australia we operate under some of the strictest firearms laws in the world sporting sheet is as the largest group representing law abiding firearms and is he in new south wales and to abstract we advocate for evidence based firearms laws not laws that are based on emotion and hype we often hear. the the statement that
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our laws have had an impact on reducing gun deaths there's no evidence based research to show that the introduction of f. arms laws in one thousand nine hundred six has had any effect on the number of gun deaths in the years prior to nine hundred ninety six the rate of death by firearm was falling and then after nine hundred ninety six it continued to fall by almost. the same right. words that come to russia no one's ever no one has ever heard of the country never
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the greek riots occupy wall street arab spring these are the beginnings of the. of the protest across europe today it was all connected it's all based on the exact same concept of bankers printing too much money creating this wealth think i'm gap and it's a delayed or deferred riot you know it should be there violence was baked into the cake and now leaders like that are getting their just desserts. my seven years doing drugs my nephews was still in drugs my sister just with doing drugs it was like an epidemic of drug abuse america's public enemy number one in the united states is drug abuse he started going after the users in the prison
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population who are we started treating sick people people who are addicted to these drugs like criminals while i was on the hill. when the war on drugs was a mistake there are numbers of people who are in prison for. sins for owner minor offenders in the drug trade it's a lot watching your children grow up and miss you in waves and say by day as you're walking out of a business it's just it doesn't get easier. to dig even deeper i went to australia's world famous bondi beach to talk with the visiting tourists and locals to discover just what people think of the differences in gun laws culture between australia and the united states it's stronger
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definitely in the states like growing up in mexico so close to the states. it's just very normalized. but you cood own x. amount of gone's of whatever color. definitely a stroller has more gradations about what i say a lot of us united states and guns and gun culture what's the first thing that comes to mind fear fear yes definitely now when i say australian gun culture what do you feel about what australian gun culture i feel like that's true is a really safe place also when i walk in the street i feel really save we should be living in peace in general like if you don't need a gun in your house to feel safe because they'll tell you i want to gun in my house and it was just a guess sometimes and if no one else has a gun to be cool like just ban them all like it's live in peace well we had a kneejerk reaction from the prime minister to the poor off message the edge of tasmania many years ago and you know there's a lot of things that could be said about what might that happen and why and it was
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we had a very sharp reaction and not many opposing militia groups saw anything you know right wing or you know those who were concerned with arming citizens and citizens arming themselves and at that time we had you know every family had a gun and still many families have guns but it's changed a lot culture changed enormously since i was little kid and i also think this entire conversation is framed in such a way that you are pro or against as opposed to looking at the bridge between bias and saying like personal responsibility and liberties play a fundamental role within this conversation so it's not just like no guns no liberties i mean come on and there's also something that probably should be said about being a collective a specific individual us because not every human being alliance in one particular way in that way and whom i as a collective has decided to be individuals as a bad person you know that's a collapse again into you know what you already and all the opinions on us and australians issues with guns are similar and diverse documentarian impure words are prize winning journalist john pilger brought up
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a very startling truth about the victims of gun violence here in australia it's very different from the united states. except for indigenous people. interesting lee when people talk about guns and gun control they seldom include. the victims of guns and usually police guns or the gun of authority and that is indigenous outback people. so yes there is a wild west but that wild west as i say affected indigenous people but it's where the bloodshed happen and that's where it happened. in plain sight but out of sight and massacres took place right of course this trade up to recently. and the shooting about aboriginal people still goes on black lives not mattering
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is very much an issue here and. it's not as bad perhaps as it was certainly not in the front to the days when people. killed aboriginal people. like prey they were pray they were described in the encyclopedia brittanica reese pray. so that hinterland of violence has always existed here. to dig deeper into the violence pilchard discussed i travel to the redfern district in sydney to meet with lolo for a start and aboriginal rights activists and presenter on corrie radio sydney's only all aboriginal radio station well it's more so the aboriginal culture and they police force. culture here we have had down. so many of our people
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die in custody or die at the hands of police and where the police is when you look at it i have been at fault and no one's been challenge i'll give you an example we had mr ward from western australia and he was picked up on a drink driving touch of a body from a community into perth into the mine city and it was a private a private prison. and what had happened there was no way of conditioning in the truck that they were bringing but atomic up to piss it was fifty degrees in the better the truck and hugh melted into the back of the van so you can imagine what that would have been like we had another woman in western australia back in two thousand and six jane she had to go into prison for unpaid fines aboriginal people you know obviously you're in there for minor offenses and she kept on saying she was in pain she'd been involved in domestic violence before she actually went in there and i took to the hospital they said there's nothing wrong with that they took a back to the hospital again there's nothing wrong with that then they dragged her
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added the cell along the hallway took a bat she died she had pneumonia she had all these other conditions that were wrong with her but no one checked around we had in palm on the two thousand and four we had a young man which is an island community made up of aboriginal people it used to be a kind of like a painted colony full of bad blacks so what had happened he was out one day with a little bit you know intoxicated the police picked him up and never had a charge in his life took him to the play station within an hour he was dead. the police officer wasn't charged and what had happened he had a busted splaying and broken ribs and that and the police officer said that he fell on top of him. so when they got the doctor's report back to the coroner's report back there was a huge protest they bought the swat squad on to the yard and kicked in doors not dive of people and everything like this and. they burned down the play station as well the local community burned down the play station one guy was charged with
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creating the riot so he got four years. and other men got moved around quite inside another other prisons that they wouldn't connect with each other then when lex wotton the guy that they said was they when later when he came at that put a gag order on him not to be able to speak for a period of time just raise that my own last year hayes put a case up against the place he won the case for two hundred twenty thousand dollars and then they get a class action case for the whole lot and for four hundred forty seven people not that's not the whole population of four hundred forty seven people they were awarded steady million dollars but that has to be recognized by the federal government to have to approve that so you've got why destroying people going why you're giving black people thirty million dollars. the pain and suffering that i had you know young people were kicked to the floor when mothers were not dive or when you run a and m. and a mission else we call them hey you call them resave that they have. why would you bring in the swat squad in our military with rifles that we see either there
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into a community quins that has always had that problem with the police and there's not one place officer has actually been charged by killing them you know if there's a knife in a reparation a person. learning at the start of when violence being perpetrated on the aboriginal and first nations peoples of australia by the guns of authority exposed some striking similarities between australia and the united states in topics the mainstream media is too afraid to touch in the debate over gun control this is of course leaves one last topic in the gun debate to explore the ultimate culture of gun violence roam the globe the military industrial complex it's interesting because you're part of the gun control debate the doesn't get talked about a lot is about you know how it ties into the military industrial complex when you grow real robins makers of the old and the lobbyist and the influence over
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government. is australia dealing with that so. i think they influenced by the military industrial complex the way the united states is when you arrive in sydney and certainly in canberra when you walk past in canberra as you walk away from your plane there are these abba ties in for the great arms country companies british aerospace reiki and at lockheed martin it's just taken over a great chunk of the university of melbourne. the national university in canberra has arms company all over it. the u.s. influence in the strait is massive it's very important to the u.s. especially now in its confrontation with china its its perception of china as threatening installment so all of that are necessary if none of it should involve
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us trade but this trade has allowed it and the history of us in clones and us bases in this trade is a deeply sinister one us right really from the end of the the second world war nineteen forty five. the us mapped straight for its minerals for its potential as a bases. and since that there has been a very powerful u.s. presence in this country and usually the ambassador has been an extremely outspoken. not a diplomat but an outspoken protagonist of u.s. war policies the u.s. treats a stranger just treated as a fifty five state. i'm quite serious
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a fifty five state there's no question he's straight a military straight in politics is trade the media is completely integrated into the united states the straightest possibly the only country where generals and admirals can come and give all sorts of scare warnings and they'll be given front page treatment we've had here recently hillary clinton warning us about the perils of china china is going to take a side of absolute nonsense nonsense but it gets media attention and because america's agenda or in the pacific is to confront china hillary clinton started that with her pivot to asia or in two thousand and eleven in fact barack obama came and announced it before the australian parliament in two thousand and eleven and that was hillary clinton's policy and you now have
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bases that go all the way from one of the most important u.s. spy bases set up designed and set up by the cia at pine gap right next in iraq springs all the way now darwin there's a marine base in darwin there are other u.s. bases around the country a straight a has no. quarrel with china and in fact the strait has no enemies. no one once we invade a stranger a stranger is probably one of the most secure places in the world and yet. the present government of malcolm turnbull is building one of the biggest war machines and creating a new strain in weapons industry. spending billions on it all of it
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unnecessary. and that is our show for you today remember everyone in this world we are not told that we are loved enough so i tell you all i love you i am i robin tara and i. keep on watching those hawks and have a great day and night everybody. i had a great education a good job and a family that loved me. i never had to worry about how i would eat somewhere i would speak. i'm facing christmas alone out on the streets of london. for a life. you know to slowly still give out food for the harvest. but you don't really feel like the big you know. and then. the guy just
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between a rock and a hard place after weeks of massive protests more than one and a half million people signed a petition to sue the french government over its alleged. climate change which. react with indifference to the naming and shaming of russian media workers by a british newspaper in connection with allegations of spreading disinformation. and a russian town becomes the subject of a national scandal after the children of local officials go on a trip to turkey using charity money.
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