tv News RT December 25, 2018 1:00pm-1:31pm EST
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in a rock and a hard place after weeks of massive yellow vest protests more than one of million people have signed a petition to sue the french government over selegiline failure to act on climate change. jim its rights groups react with indifference to the naming and shaming of russian media workers by british newspapers in connection with allegations of spreading disinformation. russian town becomes a subject of a national scandal after the children of local officials go on a trip to turkey using charity money.
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good evening welcome this is r.t. international. more than one and a half million people have already signed an online petition demanding to sue friends over climate inaction pal's fresh problems on the french president has tried to placate furious yellow vests protesters rallying against fuel tax rises to show that do risky picks up the story seems this was not the president that mcewan was hoping to find under his christmas tree on christmas day this petition is backed by four charities including two charities here in france and it's not just gonna move the one point six million signatures it's also being backed by french celebrities but we are simply going to sue the french state for its inaction regarding climate change we're trying to force the state to drastically reduce emissions another headache perhaps a president who's already been having a difficult few weeks as the yellow vests protest can. they've been going on now
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for more than six weeks some of the weekends here in paris have seen would have been described as the worst roit seen more than half a century. now they all started six weeks ago on nov seventeenth over plans to increase a tax on fuel here in france now that led to president trump in the u.s. to mock president might call over that the paris agreement isn't working out so well for paris protests and riots all over france people do not want to be large sums of money much to third world countries there are questionably run in order to maybe protect the environment chanting we won trump law france four weeks after the
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protest started president mike called turned round and said you know what ok i've heard your cries we're actually going to scrap that field tax increase all admission now the yellow vest protest is haven't been totally appeased by that and it seems that president michael has i'm good environmentalist's by making that decision many people saying you caught sit on the fence when it comes to climate change how can you scrap a fuel tax which is meant to be used for money to improve the environment and say at the same time that you're fighting to protect the environment the international community remains committed to the fight against climate change fronts and your must show the way the fight goes on and this comes amidst a bad pollings for president michel as well a current polling suggests that he's at twenty seven percent far lower than when he came into office when that was around sixty percent. so it seems the festive period
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not so fresh if the president might call in and it seems the french president is on many people's naughty list this year. of the yellow vests protests have echoed around the world most recently in germany where an m.p. from the left parties urging people to rally like the french was is there should be more resistance in germany we need more people to come to the streets that's how we'll achieve our aims let's pressure the government the politicians to bring about social justice the quality issues in germany i even worse than in france because the never new your liberal policy is that a monarch paul is moving forward in france have already been passed in germany. so we are seeing the facts first hand german establishment is scared because they know that their position is untenable they know what they have done to this country and they know that the people are angry one of the problems in france is that the movement is not hoarding nice enough but they are just starting out in forming
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leaderships in germany we already have been understood leader of the movement which is dark next she has incredible political experience and she can provide that leadership to guide us to a change in our country. british newspaper the times has named and shamed staffer to russian media outlets offices in the u.k. after an m.p. accused the organization of spreading misinformation hounding of the atlas journalist i'd be met with indifference by media protection groups. and initially it was it was a bit of a shock on the other hand this kind of hardly surprising given the anti russian sentiment there is you know travel in all your key newspapers just say but it's yes not nice to see your picture up there with your name and under the headline of being part of a shaman stooge and as i see it you know it's very much part of what's going on just stay in you key the sunday times has been so. so thorough in its reporting of
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the threat of so-called russian descent information that its latest story about the russian funded radio station sputnik which has a bureau in edinburgh carries the photographs of the journalists that work there labels them kremlin stooges and quotes a politician who suggests that the assets should be frozen i would good for school harassment i think putting the pictures of photographs of people who work on a newspaper like that i think is tantamount to almost it might put those people's lives in danger i'm a member of the national journalists are we right into my view in the new year to ask what do you need is planning to do about these journalists working for russian media organizations here in the u.k. have had to develop a thick skin over the past few years as tensions between london and moscow have heightened articles calling for outlets like r.t. and sputnik to be banned have become a regular occurrence but recently the big papers have gone
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a step further and they started singling out the journalists working for russian media outlets this is the london bureau chief for russia's channel one more series of last month he did some filming outside the gates of a british military base first story about the british army's cyber warfare unit aimed at fighting so-called russian propaganda he didn't break any laws gave his press credentials to all the security guards he met and left several weeks later the u.k.'s daily mail newspaper printed his personal details and accused him of being a spy the story was reprinted by a plethora of papers it ratcheted up so much that the u.k.'s defense secretary issued a statement for citizens to stay vigilant. we sent an inquiry to the defense ministry there's a form on their website but we didn't get any response filming near the base is not a legal it's a public area of public land you don't. need permission to film there you need
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permission to get inside talk to the stuff we didn't record our interaction with the security personnel we didn't try to penetrate the base the b.b.c. correspondent did the exact same thing as us it was broadcast and no one thinks of punishing him there's nothing illegal and you don't even have to work for the russian media to find yourself in hot water just expressing views that the mainstream is enough to be labeled a kremlin stooge putin's poor or useful idiot in the information war nowadays you have extreme language and if you find someone with an opinion which you object to and you don't agree with you then abused him or her by causing by causing them a stooge or to use the famous explosion about lenin there were useful idiots the sputnik story isn't the first time the sunday times has used the naming and shaming tactic back in october the paper to came at the tongue in cheek i see
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why in my you tube channel which is funded like r.t. by russian taxpayers and fronted by yours truly the paper didn't shy away from printing my photograph and labelled the project the blue peter of russian propaganda the times didn't request a comment from r.t. or myself it seems that naming and shaming doesn't carry a right of reply. or to your several media organizations to comment on what's happened among them the international federation of journalists the international press institute and the other c we'll let you know what responses we get when they come. german magazine der spiegel says it's reporting one of its former top journalists to the police are allegations he stole donations that were made to people who featured in his articles class were lotuses already mired in scandal and he admitted last week to fabricating more than
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a dozen stories this beagle has since sacked the award winning writer and suspect that he may have faked more stories than he's owned up to. one man who is popularized the term fake news is donald trump here's a look back at some of the year's biggest fakes. media you are fake the level of dishonesty is out of control for me. i realize this. and how fake the press can be very. common terms famous catchphrase fake news has dominated the headlines ever since he first uttered it why does it drive his detractors so crazy well some would argue that it's true false information and deceptive reporting seems to be everywhere let's review some of the fake news of twenty eighteen. well one of the most outrageous examples was the cover of time magazine it depicted
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a sobbing toddler representing donald trump's policy of separating immigrant children from their parents however it turns out that the girl in the photograph was not separated from her mother. who was not separated from her mother but yeah she's the face of this immigration problem and she has helped to create awareness. but let's go through some other examples now folks had a good laugh when it was revealed that the washington post that actually cited the satirical publication known as click call when reporting on the fact that british people were trying to make the song american idiot by green day go through the charts when donald trump was visiting the country and in other instances we've seen journalists just straight up making things up. for example a reporter for the web scene known as mike claimed that maria know who's just pled guilty to charges of being an unregistered lobbyist for russia was in
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a meeting at the oval office i thought this was a photo show but it's not this is my review. of the in the russian spy on in the oval office with trump turned out that she was wrong the person in the photograph was actually a national security council staffer but in the journalist defense they both do have . red hair and we all know that all of us gingers look the same. how about a paper on canine rape culture in dog parks or a feminist rewrite of hitler's my struggle it turns out that this year fake news was used to make a political point people were submitting fake research in order to expose what they believed was a bias in ak and damian some of the fake research got through. or . go.
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and one trend we saw throughout the year was fact checkers retracting their fact checks what could be more embarrassing those who claim they are stopping the spreading misinformation actually spreading misinformation themselves and admitting to it based on what we've seen throughout the year it seems pretty clear that fake news will be well alive in twenty nineteen cable mopp and r.t. new york. on christmas day maybe hoping for at least some respite from what he sees as the fake news on salutes the president has already tweeted me christmas and probably already opened his presence. for.
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so what we've got to do is identify the threats that we have it's crazy. let it be an arms race. and spearing dramatic development only. i don't see how that strategy will be successful very critical. to sit down in. the greek riots occupy wall street arab spring these are the beginnings. of the protests across europe today it was all connected it's all based on the exact same concept of bankers printing too much money creating this wealth and income gap and it's delayed or deferred sure that the violence was baked into the
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cake and now leaders like black hole are getting their just desserts. christmas festive songs with. some have a slightly different ring to them this time around with lyrics that carry a less traditional message such as this parody remake of carol of the bells which is attracting thousands of views online. you. are not. going to do for her her her job or for christmas classics or found a hard time of late for example the song baby it's cold outside that was done by somebody a stations because it's considered sexist the popular jingle bells was slammed as
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racist by some and rudolph the red nosed reindeer apparently is a bully t.v. host and political come to the most book things that the new remake of carol the bells that you just heard makes a valid point. i thought it was brilliantly done it addressed the problem. that we really have to address in this country here in the united states and it did it in a satirical fashion ironically enough maybe some people will be offended that they took that christmas song and chose it for the era of their music and to do their parody none the less it addressed every one of the problems going on on our universities or college campuses today it addressed the safe spaces that the college students are given because they can't take it they addressed capitalism
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being taught is evil gender that you can't assume somebody is gender freedom of speech freedom of thought it's all encompassed in this parody and i think it was brilliantly done. scandal has had a russian town after the children and city officials travel to turkey using money donated to a children's charity in a coach and has a story. a group of children from the russian town of clinton say five hundred kilometers from moscow went on a trip to turkey the journey was organized by a charity foundation which helps children with severe illnesses and those caught up in difficult situations it does go to the consumer. who are in the mood with them good at the who contributes computer to work with their form dream a new car out of a well turns out some of those children work kids city officials local media
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discovered a video where the town's top officials try to explain why this happened went viral but you get what you got mean you've got to be needed to go to the clinic we need to do. it with you. or you could. do it but you might do seem to. be dishing it gets even better or rather wars the mayor's daughter was also among the lucky ones to go to russians were outraged and many of them went on social media to vent their fury these super arrogance officials are fully confident in their impunity they must be fired a government official is a duty not a privilege. all refuse shows are the neediest people in our country the poorest scumbags but it's not just ordinary citizens who are up in arms officials have also come out strongly against of the incidents calling it a moral and noxious after this scandal erupted so they had of the city
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administration explained that the children of local officials work as volunteers and some of them are gifted members of society. talented children they are volunteers this world and it was the year of volunteers there was a special meeting with the kind it is with chosen just as the fund owes to do they had of the charity foundation says there were no violations you ring the selection process she now plans an official complaint against the local media but the flames of a scandal have already been lit the governor of the regions as he will investigate what happened and ask for the local official who loved one being asked about the consequences the willing to put you in. this you know one of the first phone. well we have learnt that you no longer works there. the amount of the town and the fire is now reimbursed the cost of sending the children of officials of troop.
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china has highlighted what it calls apocryphally of u.s. claims of spying by beijing using washington of using its embassies around the world for covert surveillance planes the u.s. accuses china of attacking cyber security but the latest wiki leaks release shows the u.s. is guilty of throwing stones in glass houses but the statement came after wiki leaks published a list of u.s. embassies purchases the report highlighted spy gear reportedly made for cia and national security agency global operations beijing claims u.s. embassies are being used to spy on foreign nations right around the world including washington's own allies divide it compounds are said to have bought various spy equipment including cameras described as ties shirt buttons and caps and this is also purchased microphones night vision gear and secret g.p.s. locators the u.s. has yet to respond to those claims there were security expert benjamin chowed told us that this would not just be
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a violation of international law but also of agreements with beijing. the now infamous u.s. eavesdropping of its alleys is already common knowledge of the world president's office ellie's openly criticized the u.s. on the use of similar equipment before a sudden spike in behavior are right oh right by allegiance to international laws and agreements not to mention mention trust for example the u.s. and china have signed agreements a few years ago or on stopping spying activities for commercial purposes the more than china is a peaceful country and we believe in women's situation through trade but at the same time china is becoming very well equipped in modern warfare expression effendi the country in electronic warts. and this legend martina navratilova is in the spotlight after getting embroiled in a twitter spat over transgender people taking part in the sport as women. clearly that can't be right you can't just be claim herself
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a female and be able to compete against women there must be some standards and have a competing as a woman would not feed the standard that tweet provoked a mixed reaction online including from a cyclist rachel mckinnon it last year became the first transgender athlete to win a world title. that's transforming genitals do not play sports what part of is related to tennis i hope you see your way to regret and how you tremble this never to have us through it is just another variation on someone saying that if you have a piece you're not a woman let's get real and stop pretending she isn't transfer big just because she's rage and famous and effect woke like pretensions you're the real hero hero martina the truth is painful to some but that doesn't mean it shouldn't be spoken it's incredibly disappointing that you've been intimidated into backing down from telling the truth on the battle over since it is one of the greatest tennis players of all time she's also widely known l.g.b. t.v.
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rights activist but following the state of criticism she apologized and deleted her tweet. issue of transgender athletes in sport is generating huge debate you can check out more views on the issue by heading to our web site that's r.t. dot com that wraps it up for this news hour join me at the top of the hour for the latest here that. you know world of big partisan movies lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the bath and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the
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hawks. what politicians do something. to put themselves on the line to get accepted or rejected. so when you want to be president bush or. more somehow want to be rich. but you'd like to be prosperous like the forty three in the morning can't be good. i'm interested always in the waters of our. fair city. when the old make its manufacture consent to step into public wealth. when the ruling classes protect themselves. with the financial merry go round me the one percent.
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i. this is a poem bus broadcast around the world from washington d.c. i'm part thanks for joining us we appreciate you hanging out with us coming up today we focus on any policy around the planet we'll be joined by professor richard wolfe and artie correspondent on your part and bill looks at a recent united nations report on poverty in the united states and some reactions at home and abroad plus the c.e.o. of strong market we're word which looks at the wealthiest and poorest nations around the world and r.t. correspondent trinny charges goes to fisher island florida of the wealthiest zip
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code in the u.s. for a special report part of it from. last r.t. correspondent dan cohen looks at the more on work at the poorer areas in the nation including right here in the nation's capital the belly the beast washington d.c. all that straight ahead but first let's get to a few has what we seek to bring a global perspective to the issues we cover here boom bust so to get a real grasp on the problem of inequality we begin with a report from the library of the british house of commons which is analogous to the library of congress here in the u.s. on what our world will look like in twenty thirty if trends continue the report finds that the richest one percent of humanity is on track to control sixty four percent of the planet's capital and wealth by twenty thirty up from the current fifty percent and measured in dollars that one percent will increase their huge holdings from the current hundred forty trillion dollars to three hundred five trillion dollars the labor party's m.p. lam byrne who requested the survey told the u.k.
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guardian that absent major reforms global policy makers are quote risking a new explosion in. the belittle corruption and poverty on the other side of the proverbial coin a nov twenty seventh report from credit suisse found that people on the bottom fifty percent of the income scale on less than one percent of global wealth got that fifty percent of lower income folks on less than one percent o.-m. g. . turning back to the u.s. for more granular view of the problem the pew research center noted late last year that the so-called great recession of two thousand and seven to two thousand and nine further exacerbated inequality by race gender and income as one of most trusted analyst of demographics polling and policy in the united states using figures from the federal reserve they found that among americans poor and middle class the gap between white households wealth and black and hispanic households.
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