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tv   News  RT  December 27, 2018 6:00am-6:27am EST

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it's a lot watching your children grow and the issue in. washington expresses concern over russia's new hypersonic weapons saying there are no active countermeasures missiles that will successfully carry out on wednesday. a wave of protests spread across the death of a journalist who sat himself on fire protesting the difficulties of being a report of the country's economic problems. french and judges drop a two decade long probe into the deadly attack on the rwandan president's plane
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a case that's a long one in relation to. pays a surprise visit to iraq to meet with the country's leadership but ends up holding the meeting by phone. is two o'clock and you're watching all t international live from our moscow studio with me. welcome to the program russia has successfully tested a new hypersonic strategic missile named god president vladimir putin called it a big event for the armed forces and the country as a whole a bit earlier in the program my colleague spoke to our correspondent don off to find out more. tell us about the media reaction to this. launch did certainly become a top news story all over the world those analytical pieces that have. it's to come
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out there were more along the lines of why the united states should fear this missile and i should say it kind of does carry the same message that we've been that we've been seeing for months really because this evan god missile was one out of five vance to weapons unveiled by vladimir putin back this march and that's when just everybody went bonkers and everybody should feel scared even though it has been since the message of the russian government that it is purely defensive that these weapons they are meant to defend russia not to attack any other country obviously a very important launch certainly for the security of russia or and as is said by the russian president vladimir putin he was talking about this system back in march the first of this year but what exactly is wrong well first i would like to stop as to why exactly this new inch is important it is important because it is the final test before this missile goes into service and now let's just have a look let's enjoy how it unveiled.
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as for what exactly happened god is well it's just one of the most advanced weapons and missiles in the world is a quick preview of what it's capable of really. so it's incredibly it's incredibly precise and also it is classified as sort of a glider missile what it means is that it doesn't go beyond the. atmosphere it
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travels through it and this is what allows it to go really low like a prone sort of thing and to maneuver very unpredictably that's why everybody is so concerned that's why even the united states is saying that it apparently doesn't have any means of intercepting it because of its unpredictability and maneuverability but as putin has been saying since day one with the other god system this is to act as a deterrent this is a defensive system was was he involved in any way with the outs will final test while he is the commander in chief so he watched this final launch and also it was a bladder putin who announced that this mess the russian military will get the first units of this missile as soon as next year that's why russia kind of made an emphasis this year to world roll out as many new and advanced weapons as possible keeping the country safe you know you've got to talk to me about the balance of power here how does this new apple guard missile system affect global security well
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sure it's a missile so by definition it is designed to destroy things to obliterate them to do damage but so does pose a threat but there are two different sorts of how you can pose a threat one thing is saying look we have this new fancy missiles so we're just going to attack you all now and destroy your countries and then another thing is saying look we have this new advanced weapon so we are ready to defend ourselves but only if we're faced with any aggression and this has really been the case with this message and as put by the russian president vladimir putin have a listen to shows the u.s. is now leaving the iron if treaty was going to happen it's hard to imagine what is the rockets are located in europe what should we do which is of course we will have to ensure our security with some concrete steps not say later that we are trying to get an advantage we're not trying to get an advantage but merely to seek your balance to ensure our security and this really applies not just. to this particular
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message or as a matter of fact to any other for weapons unveiled by the russian president in march this is about the russian military as a whole because the country has been pushing forward its military capability all year it has been sort of the flavor of the twenty teens so to speak but it hasn't been in the offensive sort of way russia has been maintaining that it is a measure of deterrence and not of aggression. we discussed the new weapons implications for global security with a number of experts. well i think the u.s. is also working on these types of thanks in the first one to launch one doesn't always get to win the contest as the as we saw in the aged and also in the space race but certainly. a existing u.s. defenses can't deal with them by the existing u.s. and defenses aren't that good against regular missiles so it is so far just. doing
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away with the a.b.m. treaty is start the new arms race but i think you know we're just building more and more nuclear weapons when we should be trying to limit government and the new start treaty is coming which is the arms limitation for the longer range missiles is coming up in twenty twenty one so you know that would be a good time to cool or to you know cool off the arms race and you know loggins and limits on these types of weapons as well i think that is a motive i think it's in the interests of the russian people the american people in the whole world to not see an increase in a new arms race the danger here is that the u.s. military establishment is going to react to this by saying well we need to poorer ever more money into developing our own hypersonic missile systems and we have a new new escalated arms race of course right now the united states is spending seven hundred billion dollars
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a year on its military which is more than the next nine countries combined so we know who's leading the way in the in the military arms race but i think russia i would assume they're hoping that this can be a reality check and bring and promote more negotiations and less military development. buying clashes have. after the death of a porter who set himself on fire he was protesting growing economic problems and difficulties of living as a journalist the incident is joined comparisons to the events that led to tunisia's revolution in twenty eleven which also started with a man burning himself and eventually led to the arab spring.
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for all people who have no means of subsistence today i started a revolution to set myself on fire eight years after the arab spring and tunisia is still in turmoil with protests over the economic situation and the high unemployment rate in january of two thousand and eleven the old school dictator ben ali was forced to step down the democratic transition gave way to a new constitution and for free elections that paved the way for pro western secular forces to dominate the new government back then u.s. president barack obama hailed the progress toward democracy and called it an amazing transformation was the first country to undergo the transformation we know as the arab spring and given it is now the first to have elections we thought it
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was appropriate that tunisia would be the first to visit the white house that's what progress that's been. going to be this transformation to be inclusive and for . there were very high hopes as well but the recent round of protests sparked by the journalist suicide show that many feel that things haven't really improved and that stability is. fragile. the reasons for these young men suicide a poll that sea isolation and the difficult circumstances journalists face in tunisia and been a fan of this tragedy sums up the status of journalists in tunisia he was driven to do it because of the impossible living costs journalists work with no contract and earn poverty wages. in fact a large number of journalists live in a fragile situation both financially and legally i see that with a large number of journalists and she needs you since the arab spring to nisha has
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followed the path of liberal reforms advocated by western leaders and poverty is still widespread the overall living situation hasn't improved the teachers among other public employees have been pretty badly affected there have been calls for mass protest and when it comes to the european union back then the e.u. demonstrated its support for the transition to democracy by implementing the three m's money mobility and markets however the high hopes have been widely disappointed and now it seems that the clout of the european union has declined in the countries that had revolutions many people have lost hope. probably some of them have had high expectations. uprisings in two thousand and eleven but their government has been able to deliver. high hopes on the economic situation has deteriorated. unemployment is really.
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sky high and in some areas while there have been some improvements we've had elections in tunisia you know. more freedoms enjoyed by the population more freedom of expression freedom but i had to protest but at the same time social and economic problems the basic. sure problems that existed. are still there whether we will see similar. results this time i think it's truly. there are many similarities but also many differences at the same time we're seeing as tunisia streets once again fill up with protesters in response to another public suicide it seems that western style free markets and free elections haven't solved the country's walls the amazing transformation seems to have left many on
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satisfied kaleb up and r.t. new york. times judges have called off a two decade long probe into the deadly attack on the former rwandan president's plane which ultimately led to the genocide in one thousand nine hundred ninety four investigation it was a stumbling block between the two countries it was looking into several rwandan officials close to the current president in connection with the death of the country's former leader the decision comes after reports that france also rejected a bid by human rights groups to reopen a separate probe into whether the french military should any of the blame for the deaths of hundreds of people that promise to rescue. the.
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desire you were being asked to leave with the people who killed her family we're told they're sorry they will do together some people believe that i'm not want to. the fighting was triggered by the downing of a plane carrying the french backed president in. nineteen ninety four hutu extremists blamed the rebels and the rebels denied involvement for the past twenty years paris has pursued those responsible for the assassination but not anymore the inquiry has reportedly been dropped over insufficient evidence. we have to interpret this decision by friend judges as a form of resignation faced with a political context which prosecutors did not know how to fight over the years france suggested the tutsi rebels headed by the current president paul kagame they were behind the attack they even charged seven people close to the leader for pul
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could be the physical elimination of rwanda's then president was seen as the only means to achieve his political ends a total victory this process of the massacre of the. so-called interior the rwandan government flatly denied the allegations and cut diplomatic ties with france fast forward and roh want to has some nice words for the french i think the president. has. put it takes. different people. but. i think. that has an open mind to. how times have changed the world bank considers rwanda to be more business friendly than much of the developed world and france seems to have an interest macron even back to rwanda's pick for the head of francophonie group of
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french speaking countries. if there were to be an african candidate to head the francophonie that would make a lot of sense i think that the rwandan foreign minister has all the expertise for that role but sure france and rwanda have had their differences and twenty five years since the genocide justice has never been fully served but for the present it looks like that doesn't have to stand in the way of a little money making donald quarter r.t. . coming up next the times newspaper interviews a member of an isolated chechen battalion from here you see a twenty two in twenty four hours but i was thinking stand as they are they don't seem to be any intentions of the americans. from iraq also you have to bear in mind that the rocky that this saw is american troops in iraq is a lot more a lot bigger than the size of all american troops in syria. but it is the times newspaper has printed a highly controversial interview with
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a chechen fighting against anti-government forces in eastern ukraine the head of his battalion early admitted that his fighters wage jihad in syria and that the leader was even part of a terror group committing atrocities in russia or china has more. so a big piece in the times on chechens on east ukraine front lines from a few dozens to more than one hundred there shoulder to shoulder with kiev's army but technically aren't part of it they're absolutely frank and open about their background saying we've been to syria and iraq we've been taught to kill budget hardass there here's an extract from the times some of the potential ians gunman admit to having home combat skills and islamic state training camps in iraq and syria this horrific background does get a mention what the times journalists don't mention is other elements of the commander's biography like being part of an underground movement behind past
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terrorist attacks in russia which took hundreds of lives. earlier another british newspaper reported that the very same commander was against murdering civilians however he said those bloodbaths were understandable and were the only way to make moscow hear something as to why he and his fighters are an donbass now here's what it says in the times report be it a church and have a simple explanation for fighting for ukraine against kremlin backed separatists putin is our enemy he said he brings a really evil we did hear about ethnic chechen groups fighting on both sides of the front line a long time ago so why would the times bring it up now the peace follows plenty of
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articles on ukraine vs russia that came out lately here are some of the headlines moscow's always been described as an aggressor think the current straight naval classes first. yet when it comes to this report on chechen militias ukraine's deputy minister of information policy is thinking putin's propaganda on purpose or maybe not the real people who home the ukrainian media space and play along to putin's propaganda recruitment agents some are just useful idiots when i asked russian diplomats about ice a linked fighters siding with kiev's forces i was told after years of various external attempts to radicalize ukraine there isn't really much of a surprise complete long military conflict especially supported by arms and money from outside have always attracted people different groovy it is the same happen in
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syria reveal who support religious fundamentalism is coming from far away and who ows will they find in ukraine these jihadi fighters how pure crain realize its agenda of suppressing dissent think it's intentional try to whitewash the connection of the ukrainian government to these groups while knowing that they are their core cooperating with the ukrainian government supposedly the jihad as are the biggest threat to the western world for the last how many a couple decades now but the government of britain and for that matter the deep state in the united states they surely don't look at it that way they look at these groups as useful i don't know how many readers when they see a story like this really know what the background is for example let's take of the look at the relationship that m i six the british intelligence agency has with the white helmets who are essentially a public relations group for al qaida and it'll province and elsewhere in syria does anybody how many people put two and two together and say wait
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a minute this doesn't smell right why is our government why is the british government which is a close ally of the united states working with these terrorist groups i thought we were against terrorism and it is i think very hard for a lot of people to look at this and say wait a minute maybe we're not as against the terrorists as we pretend to be. we have also the government and military to comment on the times report about them working with terror linked chechen fighters and we'll let you know if we get a response. now and from a bird's on cocaine to operas about prince harry and newly published waste report by senator rand paul has revealed some of the oddest things the u.s. government's been spending tax dollars on here's a look. at
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the research is used. for america i'm a professional daydream. the news and this hour i'll be back around thirty minutes time but do stay tuned for our documentary incarcerating you asked which is.
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where does that come to call russia no one's ever no one has ever had a mode of control never even heard about most school.
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you know world a big part of the lot and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smarter we need to stop slamming the door on the back and shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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who. by the way thank a president or bother to think of them at all that is there is about them save to save them as institutions completely divorced from human so. the justice department said today the inmate population of federal and state. prisons in this country is at an all time high. the public sees a need for more prisons because crime is the number one concern of the people in this thing. too many inmates in not enough space. crime another. one hundred already have and i'm with the start of a. combination if somebody in america with dollars is going to. prison time going or just want to. die. right or is it our time to die.
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a shocking new number was released today and it deserves our undivided attention one out of every one hundred americans is now behind bars walk the prison or jail. the most important thing. is to talk from your heart if you have more than one child give a like an overall message but then do an individual one to each child throw them a kiss talk to them about what you do daily the rest should be just you if you've written a poor we've had people pray we've had people saying one guy showed his little boy how to shoot a basket the creative. these are gifts to your children. the families of
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punished right along with. the people don't think so but the collateral consequences of somebodies incarceration affects not just that whole family but it affects the whole community and affects you as an individual or the you know whether or not and whether you know that person or not that's incarcerated. get pay informed. you should care. i have a background in film and video as a producer and i thought there's got to be something i can do so why not combine my career and my experience with the prison system and come up with something for these kids. in that camera.


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