tv News RT December 27, 2018 7:00pm-7:31pm EST
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big co-founder of linked in apologizes for a pro-democrat operation to create a fake russian bot or a slew of them during the alabama state election also this hour. over the earth. washington expresses concern over russia's newly tested hypersonic missile saying there are no effective countermeasures. and french judges drop a long running probe into the downing of former wanton president's plane a key trigger point in the one nine hundred ninety four genocide.
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of red cross and our studios in moscow this is our two international thomas glad to have you with us now the co-founder of the social media giant linked in has apologized for funding a pro-democrat party operation which created more than a thousand a fake russian language twitter accounts designed to look like they backed a republican rival last year the operation was tasked in the us with tracking fake russian accounts but turned out to be the one creating them instead artie's but i have comments. well that was embarrassing to say the least and here i thought you could get away with blaming russia for anything nowadays apparently not but it does set a new low for democrats making think russian bullets to win elections is the irony i find the tactics that have been recently reported highly disturbing for
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that reason i'm embarrassed by my failure to track the organization i did support more diligently as it made its own decisions to perhaps fund projects that i would reject the recap reid hoffman co-founder of linked in contributed wittingly or unwittingly money one hundred thousand dollars to a pro democrat cyber security company called new knowledge which it seems specialized in fraud and fake news lies and this information the company created think facebook pages to confuse republican voters they created fake russian boats who were tweeted and followed rooum all of the republican candidate in alabama's two thousand and seventeen special election they then publicly declared that that was proof he had ties to russia because i think russian bullets
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were retreating him. very very dirty it's no surprise that stuff is supporting more they both have a deep love of country the countries russia but still rather good question is for you it's pretty alarming when it guys lives in a fluent russian or speaks fluent russian russian it's everywhere you're later it's moving closer to the oval office interestingly enough the democrats love to mock roy moore when he accused them of setting him up last year but he isn't interesting . bit new knowledge she jonathan morgan was also seemingly one of the masterminds behind hamilton sixty eight which claimed to track russian online influence operations russian bots real russian bots.
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ironic again that outlets including the new york times washington post c.n.n. all use the hamilton sixty eight its data to accuse russian boughts of sowing discord and conspiracies online wonder how much of that was fake but food for thought there was more by luck than not that we found out about this quote the sea
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of n.y.t. yet how many more incidents like this could there have been that we don't and never will know anything about food for thought. we can now bring in dave lindorff who is the editor of the news website this can't be happening dot com thanks for being with us here on archie international as always. so the republican candidate won more he ended up narrowly losing the alabama state election. there is a lot of other things happening there but do you think this bot operation called hamilton sixty eight could have actually swung the results. it's hard to tell which which way the that would have worked i mean they were making it look like. you know trying to say that he was. behind an operation attacking the democrats that were being done by russians when in fact it was being done by democrats.
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whether that made more people vote for. you know for him because they felt that. he was. you know somehow not being fairly treated or or the other way around you know that they were people went to democrats because of what was being put on line by the fake russian operation it's hard but. you know to me the most important thing here is that the. the people connected to with this who are doing the operation are the same people who did a study that just came out in the senate that was this big new you know scoop showing the perfidious russian role in the two thousand and sixteen election and in the more recent election so. you know if this was a court of law instead of
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a senate hearing the case would probably have been thrown out because of this obvious connection now to fraud and cheating by the same people who are doing studies that are being cited all the time in the media and in the senate hearing right now the bond campaign was revealed a week ago do you think that anyone will be indicted for it i mean is this about as far as it's going to go. that's probably as far as it will go because dirty tricks are not illegal there. you know they're part of our our corrupt electoral system you can you can lie. you can make up stories you can live all people all of these things are are allowed in us the us electoral system and then what what compounds it and makes it so corrupting is the vast
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amount of money that can be poured into these campaigns that allows them to pay for this kind of corruption. you know and then on top of that we've basically destroyed our education system over two generations of underfunding and we have a population that's really not capable of critical thought and so people will buy into the stupidest claims about candidates made not by russians but made by the opponents some of them and we have all these negative campaigns that are run by americans who tell people craziest things about the opposing candidates democrats do it republicans do it and everybody believes it that that you know is basically leaning that way anyway i want to touch on something you said there just kind just caught my ear if you will you mentioned those crazy claims people behind this bot operation claim it was merely an experiment do you find that and
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convincing explanation. not at all but it's a great it's a great alibi to try to claim it was an experiment they've done all the experiments i mean doesn't doesn't require a lot of experimenting to do this kind of operation you just do it so and it's you know it's a longstanding. method of destroying candidates in the united states is to run these fake campaigns that used to be done with television advertising and now we've just moved it into the internet and on line now it's been more than two years since we started hearing allegations of russian meddling in the united states or the election there in two thousand and sixteen specifically to what extent has this story undermined those allegations. well it should undermine them substantially. but you know again it's a mess it's
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a matter of you know it showed up in the new york times which is good because they're the ones that have been basically peddling the story along with the post of rather russian influence in the elections and now this kind of undermines you know kudos to the times for running this story some papers wouldn't have even run it but how much mileage it gets after this they've done it sort of they've done their due diligence if you will and they may feel like now they can drop it and continue with the business of maligning russia and claim and defending democrats for having lost the election in two thousand and sixteen and you bring up a good point about the business of maligning russia it seems like there a lot of people who are intent business if you will dave lindorff at of the news web site this can't be happening dot com dot net thank you for being with us here on r.t. international. writes russia has successfully tested
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a new hypersonic strategic missile named of unguarded president vladimir putin called it a big event for the armed forces and the country as a whole hour later my colleague works you say spoke to our he goes down off to find out more. this launch did certainly become a top news story all over the world those analytical pieces that have had a chance to come out there were more along the lines of why the united states should fear this missile and i should say it kind of does carry the same message that we've been well that we've been seeing for months really because this evan god missile was one out of five vans to weapons unveiled by vladimir putin back this march and that's when just everybody went bonkers and everybody should feel scared even though it has been since the message of the russian government that it is purely defensive that these weapons they are meant to defend russia not to attack any other country obviously
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a very important launch certainly for the security of russia or and as i said by the russian president vladimir putin he was talking about this system back in march the first of this year but what exactly is well first i would like to stop as to why exactly this new inch is important it is important because it is the final test before this missile goes into service and now let's just have a look let's enjoy how it unveiled. as for what exactly happened god is well it's just one of the most advanced weapons and missiles in the world here's a quick preview of what it's capable of. so
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it's incredibly incredibly precise and all. so it is classified as sort of a glider missile what it means is that it doesn't go beyond the earth's atmosphere it travels through it and this is what allows it to go really low like a prone sort of thing and to maneuver very unpredictably that's why everybody is so concerned that's why even the united states is saying that it apparently doesn't have any means of intercepting it but as putin has been saying since day one with the other god system this is to act as a deterrent this is a defensive system was was he involved in any way with the outs will final test while he is the commander in chief so he watched this final launch and also it was a bladder putin who announced that this message the russian military will get the
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first units of this missile as soon as next year talk to me about the balance of power here how does this new guard missile system affect global security well sure it's a missile so by definition it is designed to destroy things to obliterate them to do damage but so does pose a threat but there are two different sorts of how you can pose a threat one thing is saying look we have this new found seem so we're just going to attack you all now and destroy your countries and another thing is saying look we have this new advanced weapon so we are ready to defend ourselves but only if we're faced with any aggression and this has really been the case with this. us is now leaving the i.n.f. treaty what's going to happen it's hard to imagine what is the rockets are located in europe what should we do which is of course we will have to ensure our security with some concrete steps not say later that we are trying to get some advantage we're not trying to get an advantage but merely to seek your balance to ensure our
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security and this is about the russian military as a whole because the country has been pushing forward its military capability all year it has been sort of the flavor of the twenty teens so to speak but it hasn't been in the offensive sort of way russia has been maintaining that it is a measure of deterrence and not of aggression. or we discussed how the new weapon could affect the balance of power with investigative journalist or externally it's in the interests of the russian people the american people in the whole world to not see an increase in a new arms race the danger here is that the u.s. military establishment is going to react to this by saying well we need to poorer ever more money into developing our own hypersonic missile systems and we have a new new escalated arms race of course right now the united states is spending seven hundred billion dollars a year on its military which is more than the next nine countries combined so we
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know who is leading the way in the in the military arms race but i think russia i would assume they're hoping that this can be a reality check and bring and promote more negotiations and less military development. president trump has been accused of revealing classified troop movements during his visit to iraq that's right much more still to come on our two international. people feed the economy because they buy scratch tickets scratch off lottery tickets you know when i was living in the ghetto in new york you know the red apple grocery store uptown had the highest prices in town right in the liquor stores are open and you buy you know more expensive in the ghetto and that's how you build an economy it's always built on the backs of the poor america was built on the slave market america was built on prison labor. day the good times of america the ne'er
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do wells it's all very well that's over we got to go back to basics. welcome to unique edition of cross talk we answer questions from you the viewers some of you sent to me very interesting question. when our mind when the comb tempo or mine. changed there are. the level of the physiology that is at the level of the brain the brain as a form of plasticity can rewire itself and not just the brain but also the rest of the body responsible. all right welcome back to international and french judges have called off
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a two decade long probe into the deadly attack on the former rwandan president's plane which ultimately led to the genocide in one thousand nine hundred four investigation was a stumbling block between the two countries it was looking into several wrongdoing officials close to the current president in connection with the death of the country's former leader of this decision comes after reports that france also rejected a bid by human rights groups to reopen a separate probe into whether the french military shared any of the blame for the deaths of hundreds of people they had promised to rescue.
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today we're being asked to leave with the people who killed our families where it's all there sorry they will do it again some people believe that i'm not one of. the fighting was triggered by the downing of a plane carrying the french back president in one thousand nine hundred ninety four hutu extremists blamed the rebels and the rebels denied involvement for the past twenty years paris has pursued those responsible for the assassination but not anymore the inquiry has reportedly been dropped over insufficient evidence. we have to interpret this decision by french judges as a form of resignation faced with a political context which prosecutors did not know how to fight over the years france suggested the tutsi rebels headed by the current president paul kagame they were behind the attack they even charged seven people close to the leader pull could be the physical elimination of rwanda's then president was seen as the only
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means to achieve his political ends a total victory this at the price of the massacre of the. so-called interior the rwandan government flatly denied the allegations and cut diplomatic ties with france fast forward and roh want to has some nice words for the french. president. put it. different. i think. how times have changed the world bank considers rwanda to be more business friendly than much of the developed world and france seems to have an interest macron even back to rwanda's pick for the head of francophonie group of french speaking countries. he said if there were to be an african candidate to head the francophonie that would make
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a lot of senates i think that the rwandan foreign minister has all the expertise for that role but sure france and rwanda have had their differences in twenty five years since the genocide justice has never been. there but for the present it looks like that doesn't have to stand in the way of a little money making. colonel guard was a commander of the french foreign legion in rwanda at the time he says micron's choice of adviser on this issue is revealing. but we should look at it but a freak is no no africa or it's history he was a teenager during the tragic events in rwanda in nineteen ninety four he learned because these stones to befriend rwanda and now sarkozy is michael's advisor then. donald trump and his wife have paid a surprise visit to u.s. troops in iraq a trump signed autographs and soldiers took selfies with the president.
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during his trip did not meet any iraqi officials and one of the main political parties issued a statement condemning drums unannounced visit a violation of iraqi sovereignty in his speech to troops trump suggested that countries should pay for the presence of u.s. forces. america shouldn't be doing the fighting. for every nation on earth not being reimbursed in many cases at all. if they
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want us to do the fighting they also have to pay a price and sometimes that's also a monetary price. the pentagon has active military personnel in thirty eight countries the biggest contingent is at german base ramstein where more than nine thousand people are reported to be stationed oberg director of the transnational foundation for peace and future research explains how the u.s. might use those bases to stay involved in syria. look at syria where everybody the whole process now thinks that he's going to or the u.s. is going to leave syria just as an example now what about the ten to twenty base facilities big and small in syria northern syria are they going to be dismantled the special operation forces those who trained the rebels slash terrorists still in our countdown are they going to be withdrawn too or is just a few soldiers you see again one day he says we're going to withdraw from syria and
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everybody said all that's terrible even the left somewhere says this is terrible i mean i don't understand anything anymore but then he goes on the helter skelter totally unplanned surprise visit to a u.s. base in iraq where the americans should never have gone and not never set up bases and then he says that we're not going to leave iraq because it's still useful from the space we could do things in syria now you know what does that mean to withdraw from syria if you actually think that you can just for a laboring country your country you can do whatever you please and do thing was in that country where you would have lost our dollar trump has been accused of revealing classified maybe seal deployment strength his visit to iraq several mainstream media outlets are claiming and that the president may have put special ops forces in danger by posting the following video to twitter.
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or had former marine sniper sergio contrarian thanks the media is overreacting to that video. for me the conversation needs to start with why are we sending our troops there in the first place and that's the primary thing that we're putting them into danger here now the second thing is i would also say i don't know like it's first of who's assuming that it's a seal team five they look like regular soldiers so that's just the media hyping things up now we know that the special forces are present in those areas and those are the mainly operating units so and so i don't really see this as this big big deal i see it more as a distraction from what's actually the president has announced last few days and i
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think they just basically trying to reinforce the fact that his understanding or analysis of foreign policy is not in the place where do the big boys or grown ups consider themselves to be. twenty that does it for me up next more news at the top the hour you're watching our two international sort of. well i think it certainly makes sense for for moscow to think posts trump and its contacts with the united states i just fear that the dominant view in this city is that it isn't nearly impossible until the united states kind of settle these domestic divide about the environment in d.c. these you know i hate to say these laws work toxic but that's exactly what it is
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and then i think it's in a way. you know you're damned if you do and you don't think you know. what politicians do you should. they put themselves on the line. to get accepted or rejected. so we want to express interest for some who want to be rich. and should like to be us that's what the feel free to get. into st paul's in the water. there should be a. words
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modern i want to target. but. i understand she really is not going to implicate somebody and i could promote one she did me but just to savor all the scam not as that's not my daughter so she wouldn't do this. and nasser result they were. under. i could not plead guilty everything that they accuse me at is now i said not guilty. mccoy i was convicted for conspiracy and i received twenty four year sentence there's a way in which you have to see the conspiracy law as a very important tool of law enforcement if the crime is selling drugs and some men in miami cells twenty kilos of cocaine to an undercover agent you want to ask who is the seller working where does the money go if the money
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goes back to a drug lord in colombia who's going to keep the proceeds he's in the conspiracy even though he actually wasn't there when that sale took place he's a conspirator and so part of the goal of the conspiracy law is to make sure that the most senior level all of those in the criminal organization are justly punished the problem is when you flip it around and the lowest level people in the criminal organization get punished just like the. and that's the big problem in the way in which the conspiracy laws are being applied. i know that the federal prison in dublin california i realized that i would need to spend a lot of time in the law library and i needed to film from a arise may sound like a.
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