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tv   News  RT  December 28, 2018 12:00pm-12:30pm EST

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u.s. state of alabama looks into whether or not a pro democratic party operation involving thousands of fake russian bought some violated campaign laws and if it cost the republican candidate his seat it's coming up also the headlines to the syrian forces now saying the event of the northern city of. the move comes at the request of civilians and kurds in the area. troops for an offensive coming up. for its riot control despite a number of serious injuries among the protesters caused by rubber bullets.
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internationals news h.q. here in moscow it's kevin going with you for the next thirty minutes you're very welcome first the u.s. state of alabama is looking into a discredited pro democratic party operation and whether it is legally impacted on the senate race there back in twenty seventeen the operation involving more than a thousand fake russian language twitter accounts designed to appear as if they were backing a republican rival the information is concerning the impact it had on the election is something that's significant for us to explore and we'll go from there. seems those behind the alabama scheme were meant to be tracking fake russian accounts but it's kind of motion reports next may have created their own some of the activity pointed to as alleged russian meddling in the united states was actually being carried out by the cyber security form new knowledge that this new knowledge outfit was carrying out activity designed to look like russian meddling in order to hurt
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roy moore the republican candidate democrat jones who won the race against roy moore he has come forward and said he supports a federal investigation into these new revelations i'd like to see the federal election commission and the justice department look at these to see if there were any laws being violated and if they would prosecute those responsible linked in's co-founder reid hoffman has come forward and actually apologized to the republican candidate roy moore for the fact that he contributed money to an outfit that apparently worked to discredit roy moore during the election hofmann contributed seven hundred fifty thousand dollars to american engagement technologies of which one hundred thousand dollars went to a cyber security firm known as new knowledge and now new knowledge during the election created over a thousand russian language accounts on twitter and then had those accounts follow roy moore this created then the impression that roy moore was getting russian support it's no surprise that choppa supporting more they both have
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a deep love of country the countries russia but still run through to push united has forward you know it's pretty alarming when a guy's sent a fluent russian or speaks fluent russian and his russian is everywhere year later it's moving closer to the oval office new knowledge is tied to hamilton sixty eight which is a web site that apparently purports to be tracking the activity of russian bots and trolls on the internet and apparently new knowledge this entity tied with hamilton sixty eight which is widely quoted in u.s. mainstream media the new york times the washington post c.n.n. and other outlets. sixty eight which works with new knowledge in order to report on the activity of russian trolls and bots.
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d n n apparently has not chosen to run with this story the revelations were revealed they came out they became public on december nineteenth but it was only on december twenty seventh that c.n.n. chose to report on this this information and they only did so after there had been some outcry the daily caller and others had written articles about cnn's ignoring of this story and their reporting on it was very short now we've reached out to c.n.n. to see why they haven't jumped on this story and we are waiting for a response now at this point the twenty seventeen senate scheme just surfaced last week so we're waiting to see what else will surface. now the story which truck it
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could get potentially big the syrian military says government forces of into the northern city of mum but at the request of civilians and kurdish fighters in the area it comes as the kurds try to strengthen the city's defense amid what they fear could be an upcoming to each offensive the background considers kodesh fighters to be terrorists with the middle east correspondent paula sleep. what we see happening is that the conflict in the northern syrian city of monday's continues to escalate now we are receiving reports from the syrian military that they soldiers have entered the city at the request of the kurdish fighters and civilians who live there and the concern from locals is that they need assistance against a possible upcoming offensive from the turkish side we invited the syrian government which we belong to to send its armed forces to take over these positions and protect month beach and the freeze of turkish threats. yeah i mean in response to the request of the population of man beach the syrian government and its armed
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forces announce it is sending in troops to man page however right now we are receiving reaction from the turkish side and they say that the claims from the syrian military that they have taken control of the city of members are nothing more than psychological warfare and that the situation at this point in time remains fall some definite now all of this comes as the american president donald trump made the surprise announcement that he was withdrawing american troops from syria of course the americans have been giving a lot of support in the form of weapons and the like to the y.p. who are the syrian kurdish fighters and what we now hear happening is that what this possible upcoming turkish offensive those on the ground many locals fear and feel that they have been betrayed by the americans the man who was always the prost couple of years america's best safety and stability for the north of syria this region and north syria entirely are going to be testable once people shall flee and
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terrorism will prevail the american withdrawal will destabilize the security we have had for a couple of years in this region. the american withdrawal from unleashed by donald trump was disappointing for him to see to as i said allman because residents are afraid that others might come to loot just as it happened during the. we want to say situation meanwhile the russian foreign minister sergei lavrov on saturday will be meeting with his turkish counterparts to discuss the situation in the region and specifically in syria lavrov has already commented on the growing tensions and he has said that he feels that the allied forces will need to bear the brunt of the american withdrawal from syria so it seems like washington wants to shift responsibility to its coalition partners in syria and put additional financial burden on its allies in the region now as the situation continues to escalate on the ground. placing full potential showdown between the united states and amongst
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others. let's try and get a. security and political analysts with a big interest in this area hey. we've got. the syrians aren't there you got syria saying yeah they are there really happening on the ground at the moment. well first one should say that now it is very clear and adequate to say that the american us led plans for the g.m. change in syria have failed completely and the americans announce that they're going to withdraw and they with they are withdrawing currently from syria abandoning their allies point number one is that the american policy and this is not the first time this is a trend in american foreign policy that abandons its allies in the in the in the field here are the kurds they were armed they were supported fully by the americans there and they're left there left in the field turkey feels the threat from these kurds it calls them a terrorist groups and. completely you know paranoid about you know
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a turkey turkish attack however of the syrian government and the syrian army supported by the russian army. its sovereignty over its territory and this is what it's doing right now entering members whether by call from the civilians or by the kurds or not it is the duty of the syrian army to control the territory the syrians let me remind the viewers perhaps maybe it would be a good idea to remind the viewers that this issue of kurdish tension with turkey has been all along the case since more than twenty or thirty years and you know when the syrian regime was in full control in syria the situation was under control and it is not until the kurds made some miscalculations by you know going for this plan for change in syria that they created this tension in the north in their southern borders and on the borders between syria and turkey so now what is happening is that the russians are playing major part in. creating a certain step below. in the region trying to see if these these kurds can be
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controlled so that they don't pose a. security threat the syrian army yes or if we are to take in the story now. syria's been invited in by the kurds i guess the flip side of that is they know that by russia they know they're rather hoping that's going to deter any potential . attack being launched really what this comes down to titillate not. yes yes and no well you see the syrian army is you know can be flexible and inflexible at the same time it can be flexible if there is a situation that can create stability there is an agreement to morrow is the decisive day foreign minister lavrov will meet with his counterpart from from turkey as your report just said it is important to see if agreement can be reached to control the situation if the syrian army is capable i think it is capable but with the backing of the russian army and the iranians to actually control the situation in full and create you know
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a certain dialogue. that turkey the kurdish problem the kurdish problem in the north part of syria and in the north part of iraq and its affecting the security in turkey and this matter will have to be resolved it can only be resolved politically that is the position of the foreign minister of russia however you know the turks would have to pay a proper price for their miscalculations by delving into syria. catalyst to write to this other catalyst to recently in the nineteenth december when president. drawing american troops in their spot their shop as well that's the other riot in the fire if you like isn't it maybe kept a little bit stable but now we see this stretch of turkey. yes well he abandoned the kurds and now what's going to happen with the kurds now they need they need a certain settlement to see how these you know they're fully they were very strong arsenault they were armed by the americans the the americans actually supported them fully in the past now it completely abandoned them for there for somebody has
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to take over and control the situation and i think this is an opportunity and it's an important opportunity to create a certain situation where stability can be preserved and russia has a major part to play here we've got literally ten seconds for a very quick yes or no answer is going to be some huge flash point there within the next week or so if you think or not using it with. well the situation very tense you know there are troops massing on both sides or is it possible that we will have a you know some violence but i hope that tomorrow an agreement will be the case of watch this space or at the evolution of the security political analyst thank you for your time or best. the french interior ministry is planning to boost its riot control arsenal purchasing more weapons that fire those rubber bullets that we've seen so many of lately is despite a number of serious injuries among the yellow vests protesters caused by the non-lethal ammunition and numerous warnings too from human rights groups over their use is a reporter on this live from paris early. the dangers from these l.b.
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de forty's or more commonly known as flash for weapons that they use to launch things such as tear gas grenades sound grenades and even these rubber bullets and those can all do significant damage if they hit people in those protests people with broken bones fractured teeth bruising internal injuries we even saw a number of our crew being injured over the last few weeks by some of the items that are being shot out of those flash balls but the injuries can be even more serious and not and for some people they can be. life changing how the mighty were going to. come or. why would the french government want to pull states off still all these flash wars they can as i say launch things such as this the rubber bullets well that's largely due to the
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protests that we've seen in france over the last few weeks the country has been the gulf by these violent protests for some people describing them as being the host royals in half a century. and they've actually been some specifically into the injuries caused as a result of rubber bullets with many civil liberties groups just saying that they shouldn't be used now a group of u.s. academics published a study in december of last year saying that fifteen percent of people who were injured by rubber bullets specifically actually ended up with permanent injuries with the majority of people losing sight they said three percent of those injured
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specifically by rubber bullets actually went on to lose their lives so the question is why is the french government still deciding to go with using the flash tools which have been proven in some cases to can be deadly and still wanting to spend more than two million euros on its version of protecting the state. is some food for thought she was a common stereotype that we have sometimes hold of terrorists as big challenge by a study this is not now in the united states that we're going to tell you about after nine eleven the so-called average terrorist if you like was often portrayed as being of a muslim or from. arab descent with arabic the language of choice and they're also commonly thought to have beards but a study by the global think tank the rand corporation has found that the reality actually may be all too different they claim the majority of terrorist recruited in the u.s. come from a caucasian or african-american background the study also indicates the terror
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selected to be young radicalized males while also not highlighting any particular attributes the findings come as a contrast to the stereotype with familiar with the dimension of the top there sociology professors save done i believe this is led to some dangerous assumptions crucially. attributing any. any any issue to race basically is intended primarily to result and blanket condemnation and blanket condemnation of the people of the middle east are up some muslims and all the people of the middle east was actually necessary for the for the u.s. policy in the region although it was from day one understood by most social scientists to be based on a false premise but obviously it was setting up political strategy and the political strategy required a blanket condemnation and a mass generalization or the notion after to apply to any person coming from the region or the middle east region north africa and southeast asia and the study that
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uses race as a primary viable to explain or to just default to. find out facts about crime or about terrorism is actually highly misleading let alone actually is a very racist level to come up with r.t. tonight the so-called golden era in british chinese relations is being put to the test big time again over a smartphone joined we'll tell you about that and more when the back.
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most people think in this business you need to be the first one on top of the story or the person with the loudest voice of the biggest race in truth to stand up distance is just the right questions to the right answer. question. you know a lot of crazy things going up a lot of people. twitter rising and occasionally somebody pops up with something really really interesting. i get this question before the break that the british french minister has voiced
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his deep concerns now about a possible spying threat from the chinese tech giant huawei it comes amid a confrontation between the company and the u.k.'s close ally the united states as reports. they seemed like the best of friends one side with cash to flash the other keen to court chinese investment you have a golden era of u.k. china relations and what about the relations between britain and china of very good issues in the past i think we've come to an understanding over. this should be an indispensable partnership. we have cemented britain's position as china's best partner in the west with the u.k. playing bragg's it really with brussels trade ties with china seem as important as ever but there's a bone of contention coming between london and beijing or rather a phone of contention we've got to look at what partners such as australia in the
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us doing in order to ensure that they have the maximum security of that five g. network and we've got to recognise the fact there's been recently exposed the chinese state does sometimes aren't in the maligned way while our way is one of china's most important tech companies that the world's second largest mobile phone producer and it makes the laptops and tablets gadgets that rival apple and samsung but crucially weiwei also sells some of the communications hardware that allows mobile phone and wireless networks to operate and when the u.s. currently embroiled in a tip for attack trade war with beijing the chinese tech giant has come into the spotlight washington says it's concerned that using weiwei hardware will give beijing the ability to spy on foreign countries and exert too much control over western infrastructure by the way has raised serious concerns among u.s.
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officials for a potential role in cyber espionage given their reported links to china's state security services and wire way threaten the security of our networks. due to their close ties to the chinese government and now the u.s. is pursuing well ways chief financial officer who was arrested in vancouver at washington's request to now faces extradition to the u.s. over possible violations of sanctions against iran but the case appears more than a little politicised the u.s. president suggested he might use china's tech princess as a bargaining chip with beijing if i think it's good for the country if i think it's good for what will be certainly the largest trade deal ever made which is a very important thing which is good for national security i would certainly intervene if i thought it was necessary australia or new zealand have followed the u.s. is lead and banned huawei from providing tech for its five g.
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rollout citing security risks the u.k. has yet to follow although there are murmurs in that direction what we're witnessing is more kayne of security hope something it can. russia for we have other work in the issues itself and a vulnerable position where it doesn't have secure access to this particular market over the margin or having talks in the back room between the american state department and the british foreign office trying to pressure raise or put leverage on the british government to come out and support the years sanctions tyrus of the haven't shown but i don't think for one second that britain. america's foreign policy to dictate to the policy that britain needs for true true to world after approach that there's little hard evidence of why our way ever having engaged in any spying or handing over of data the company denies any ties to the chinese government beyond paying its taxes for the u.k.
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following washington's lead and banning way risk souring up until now fruitful friendship as well as slowing down the rollout of vital new technology for london it'll be a tough choice between wa way and the us way. twenty eighty was a tough year for cryptocurrency big cohen experts called it the year its bubble burst to predict its complete demise ninety times no less. was was . a week
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. to week. course was the first masti centralized digital currency created more comfortable conditions and trade sofa trading transactions and gained popularity really quickly because of theseus told us that he expects only a cryptocurrency of its rocky ride this year. if you look at the big coin you know price bubble as you would say yeah you could say that maybe as has happened but the user adoption merchant adoption advances in the technology of the box in itself had twenty thousand is actually been a really good year for before and maybe again not so much for the price but if
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you're looking at the technological aspect of the blace you know underlining because great year. i think that was more like mainstream media's portrayal of big going as like you know the get rich quick aspect of it during the boron of twenty team but i think that's kind of segue to into the mainstream more so moving into the the interest in the technology like how to block chain work where does the price come from other than speculation the actual technological advancements so i guess for that i could think that mainstream media. i don't think it's much more of a risk than it was when they incorporated the internet into their business model what i think is it provides in credibility it may overpower any kind of security falls there's a lot of things that happened behind the scenes in banks i think that you know a lot of end users and customers of banks would benefit from banks using open
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ledgers and giving that you know trust listeners specht of a try when it comes to banking. just don't put more in than you're willing to lose and you won't have to worry too much about trading with emotional money. or a bit of breaking news committed to a bus full of tourists nagy's or egypt's reported exploded local media sources saying some people have been killed there seems authorities are on the scene with obviously keep you updates as we get more of that the instant of the capital city of cairo but news from that and like you can stay tuned with all the stories as they happen if you don't know and settlers had lost a mobile device from outside our home now that's why it's looking for moscow this thanks for watching i'm kevin zero in back with more for you then in thirty minutes .
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welcome to unique edition of crossfire we answer questions from you the viewers some of the sentiment very interesting question. you know world is a big part of. life and conspiracy it's time to wake up to dig deeper to hit the stories that mainstream media refuses to tell more than ever we need to be smart we need to stop slamming the door on the bad shouting past each other it's time for critical thinking it's time to fight for the middle for the truth the time is now for watching closely watching the hawks.
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i'm bart chilton and this is bone boss broadcasting around the world right here in the u.s. capitol in washington d.c. this is the second installment of our infrastructure. deficit special infrastructure isn't just a nice thing to have isn't only about having less bumps on a rider about convenience it's much more including national security we asked the former director of the national transportation safety board jamie finch about that and more. to sort through for is a national security issue. goes about going all the way back to president eisenhower having him be the germans autobahn he brought the concept to the united states as a as a system to build across america so you can actually travel from the us from from the east coast us to the west coast us in a sort of about time versus the several months that it took him when he was a private when he first made it into the army.
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the world has become more connected with people and places that ever before and we can now reach just about any city on the planet in a single day and none of it would be possible without airplanes and airports in fact the national air traffic controllers association says there are over eighty seven thousand flights in the united states every single day at the same time u.s. airports are decomposing before our eyes for an aerial view on the current state of airport infrastructure we handed over to our correspondent nicholas o'donnell. most people coming into the u.s. the first thing they see is one of these and then pulls an old out and there considers itself to be the leader of the developed well the truth is that it's
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a upholds only ways passengers from the middle east asia or europe would expect president trump didn't hesitate in saying that america's airports a third. well facilities when i look at airports in china when i look at airports and abu dhabi and qatar and the different places like a third world country you land in new york and la guardia airport a kennedy airport it's like a third world airport system and its latest report the american society of civil engineers graded the country's aviation infrastructure with a very unimpressive score of d. you know the united states has had. in an aging and. in aging infrastructure for about a generation so we sort of look back and the united states really built out our infrastructure in the fifty's and sixty's and early seventy's and then in some.


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